Hi Warbler,
Let me make this very clear - as posted on Sunday to you - I gave you a couple of days off.
As I have also made clear on more than one occasion in communications to you this was a cooling-off temp-ban.
As before, I apologise as I was unaware that temp-banned posters could not read a PM sent from a moderator.
The reason behind the PM was to let you know when the cooling-off temp-ban would end, to let you know the decision was not taken lightly; that it was with both reluctance and a heavy heart, that I truly believe you are a good and valued forum member, along with that if you had any questions or problems please let me know via PM (upon you return - when you could). This information in the PM was then relayed to you via email.
The reason why I did not respond your lengthy email reply was, as already asked of you, to relay any questions or problems you had to me via PM upon your return to the site after the cooling-off temp-ban had lapsed.
After another reply from you I then let you know it was around midnight UK time - and that I was off then to bed soon.
After another reply from you minutes later I decided the best thing to do was let you cool off - which was meant to be the point of the cooling-off temp-ban.
Earlier today, as promised, I lifted your cooling-off temp-ban, and sent you a PM asking you to read it before posting again, asking that we start afresh after your couple of days off, and also this post (http://originaltrilogy.com/post/id/1111064) in case you had missed it:-
"For the quality, accuracy and help ensure the smooth running of this occasionally polarising thread, it is asked that posters please adopt a ‘read, think, breathe, and then reply’ policy to posts they may find strong disagreement with.
Posting inflammatory picture-only responses - or inflammatory pictures without explanation or context is not cool.
Everybody be cool - it may well help you get your point across and be better received.
Thank you."
and I was also expecting to answer any questions or problems you may have.
I then receive a PM from you stating you have no desire to start afresh, that anything I say to you can be said publicly, to everyone, and a link to this statement by you.
Before I say anything more, the reasons for your ban was not only posting the inflammatory BS picture only response to a poster here of which the linked content you had not read, nor was it only for posting an inflammatory Westboro Baptist Church picture without explanation or context in the same post… it was also partly for your reply at being asked to provide explanation or context in the same post was ‘that it would be a waste of time and no-one would listen’. It was also partly for your response ‘I’m done caring what anyone here thinks’, and partly at your whole range of inflammatory answers to many posters that evening - to the point where it was obvious you were indeed not listening or engaging with posters in a manner deemed anywhere near reasonable and were also becoming abusive - so I stepped in from the thread deteriorating any further - and hence the decision taken by myself, somewhat reluctantly, to give you a couple of days-off to cool off - and also to try and diffuse the thread.
As said to you before your opinion carries weight here, and it is valued - even if disagreed with. Yet you can - and do - make far better points and posts than you did during Sunday night without the inflammatory nature of those posts.
Now, I appreciate, and take you at your word, that you were unaware that I was recently made a moderator (though why this should make a difference from how you talk to a fellow poster or a moderator, I don’t know?)
But, before saying anything else right now, it is nearly 1.30am UK time - it is late. I’ve read your statement once (I haven’t had time to read any replies to it as yet as I’ve been writing this up) - and am going to read your statement again after work tomorrow - before posting anything else on it.