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A statement from Warbler — Page 2

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one can also make the argument that there is a huge difference between telling a normal forum member to go sit on a tack (which is what I thought I was doing) and telling the same to a mod(which I didn’t know I was doing.

btw, I have had alot worse said to me in this forum without the person getting so much as a warning.


dahmage said:

We should treat everyone as politely as we would treat a moderator.

That has clearly not been the rule in this forum.


Warbler said:
I have had alot worse said to me in this forum without the person getting so much as a warning.

That’s very true.

I guess my shock comes from how long it took to ban people like Id or frevious after dozens of warnings compared to yours.

The Person in Question


Warbler don’t sweat the small stuff.

I can understand the embarrassment of being banned but come on, it was very short, and this statement is very long.


The statement is only a paragraph short of being even longer than Stephen King’s It.

The Person in Question


dahmage said:

We should treat everyone as politely as we would treat a moderator.



moviefreakedmind said:

The statement is only a paragraph short of being even longer than Stephen King’s It.

You can’t compare the length of a forum post to a movie…they’re different mediums entirely!


TV’s Frink said:

moviefreakedmind said:

The statement is only a paragraph short of being even longer than Stephen King’s It.

You can’t compare the length of a forum post to a movie…they’re different mediums entirely!

You sound like a true millennial.

The Person in Question


Here is my statement/open letter defending Warbler here:

When in the course of forum events, it may sometimes become necessary for forum members to be banned, temporarily or not, by the moderation of the forum. It is my opinion that a miscarriage of justice was committed when Warbler was banned on Sunday.

While Warbler’s posts regarding the issue of the National Anthem may have been inflammatory, such is the nature of an argumentative discussion. A certain level of leeway must be allowed, as long as all people feel comfortable in the discussion. As I did not see any complaints of legitimate offense during the course of our previous discussion, I feel that it is safe to say that all people felt comfortable in that discussion. Angry, yes, but comfortable. If certain people did not feel at ease because of Warbler’s presence, my opinion may have been different.

Next, I feel that there is an amount of contradiction of actions by the entirety of the moderation on this board. While many other, more inflammatory members have continued to roam free on this forum for many months, and in some cases, even years, Warbler got punished simply, in my opinion, on a first offense. This also leaves open the door to the question of if this action has belied prevailing political opinions that some may have.

Interesting discussion requires a reasonable variety of viewpoints. Some viewpoints, such as white supremacism, are unacceptable, and I am not saying that those viewpoints are within that reasonable variety. However, I do believe that Warbler’s viewpoint, at this moment, was in that reasonable variety.

I do respect the right that the moderation have to discipline any member however they see fit, for any reason, or for no reason at all. I 100% believe in that right, and would fight for it. However, I do also believe in the right to voice grievances of the leadership of any organization. These are my grievances, and I hope they are considered by the leadership here.


This thread has at least two too many statements/open letters.


moviefreakedmind said:

Warbler said:
I have had alot worse said to me in this forum without the person getting so much as a warning.

That’s very true.

I guess my shock comes from how long it took to ban people like Id or frevious after dozens of warnings compared to yours.

exactly and that is what pisses me off the most.


yhwx said:

Here is my statement/open letter defending Warbler here:

When in the course of forum events, it may sometimes become necessary for forum members to be banned, temporarily or not, by the moderation of the forum. It is my opinion that a miscarriage of justice was committed when Warbler was banned on Sunday.

While Warbler’s posts regarding the issue of the National Anthem may have been inflammatory, such is the nature of an argumentative discussion. A certain level of leeway must be allowed, as long as all people feel comfortable in the discussion. As I did not see any complaints of legitimate offense during the course of our previous discussion, I feel that it is safe to say that all people felt comfortable in that discussion. Angry, yes, but comfortable. If certain people did not feel at ease because of Warbler’s presence, my opinion may have been different.

Next, I feel that there is an amount of contradiction of actions by the entirety of the moderation on this board. While many other, more inflammatory members have continued to roam free on this forum for many months, and in some cases, even years, Warbler got punished simply, in my opinion, on a first offense. This also leaves open the door to the question of if this action has belied prevailing political opinions that some may have.

Interesting discussion requires a reasonable variety of viewpoints. Some viewpoints, such as white supremacism, are unacceptable, and I am not saying that those viewpoints are within that reasonable variety. However, I do believe that Warbler’s viewpoint, at this moment, was in that reasonable variety.

I do respect the right that the moderation have to discipline any member however they see fit, for any reason, or for no reason at all. I 100% believe in that right, and would fight for it. However, I do also believe in the right to voice grievances of the leadership of any organization. These are my grievances, and I hope they are considered by the leadership here.

Thankyou. This is greatly appreciated.


TV’s Frink said:

This thread has at least two too many statements/open letters.

But, Sir, I spent a lot of time on my science project open letter!

Just kidding, I never spent a lot of time on my science projects.


TV’s Frink said:

This thread has at least two too many statements/open letters.

Charles Bronson sock confirmed.

VIZ TOP TIPS! - PARENTS. Impress your children by showing them a floppy disk and telling them it’s a 3D model of a save icon.


TV’s Frink said:

Warbler said:

If I had know oojason was mod, I would never had told him to sit on tack.

One could make the argument that we should treat everyone as politely as we would treat a moderator. Now, I’ll grant that it’s hypocritical of me to say so, but someone more qualified to make that argument could surely make it.

Up ur!


Hi Warbler,

Let me make this very clear - as posted on Sunday to you - I gave you a couple of days off.

As I have also made clear on more than one occasion in communications to you this was a cooling-off temp-ban.

As before, I apologise as I was unaware that temp-banned posters could not read a PM sent from a moderator.

The reason behind the PM was to let you know when the cooling-off temp-ban would end, to let you know the decision was not taken lightly; that it was with both reluctance and a heavy heart, that I truly believe you are a good and valued forum member, along with that if you had any questions or problems please let me know via PM (upon you return - when you could). This information in the PM was then relayed to you via email.


The reason why I did not respond your lengthy email reply was, as already asked of you, to relay any questions or problems you had to me via PM upon your return to the site after the cooling-off temp-ban had lapsed.

After another reply from you I then let you know it was around midnight UK time - and that I was off then to bed soon.

After another reply from you minutes later I decided the best thing to do was let you cool off - which was meant to be the point of the cooling-off temp-ban.


Earlier today, as promised, I lifted your cooling-off temp-ban, and sent you a PM asking you to read it before posting again, asking that we start afresh after your couple of days off, and also this post (http://originaltrilogy.com/post/id/1111064) in case you had missed it:-

"For the quality, accuracy and help ensure the smooth running of this occasionally polarising thread, it is asked that posters please adopt a ‘read, think, breathe, and then reply’ policy to posts they may find strong disagreement with.

Posting inflammatory picture-only responses - or inflammatory pictures without explanation or context is not cool.

Everybody be cool - it may well help you get your point across and be better received.

Thank you."


and I was also expecting to answer any questions or problems you may have.


I then receive a PM from you stating you have no desire to start afresh, that anything I say to you can be said publicly, to everyone, and a link to this statement by you.


Before I say anything more, the reasons for your ban was not only posting the inflammatory BS picture only response to a poster here of which the linked content you had not read, nor was it only for posting an inflammatory Westboro Baptist Church picture without explanation or context in the same post… it was also partly for your reply at being asked to provide explanation or context in the same post was ‘that it would be a waste of time and no-one would listen’. It was also partly for your response ‘I’m done caring what anyone here thinks’, and partly at your whole range of inflammatory answers to many posters that evening - to the point where it was obvious you were indeed not listening or engaging with posters in a manner deemed anywhere near reasonable and were also becoming abusive - so I stepped in from the thread deteriorating any further - and hence the decision taken by myself, somewhat reluctantly, to give you a couple of days-off to cool off - and also to try and diffuse the thread.

As said to you before your opinion carries weight here, and it is valued - even if disagreed with. Yet you can - and do - make far better points and posts than you did during Sunday night without the inflammatory nature of those posts.


Now, I appreciate, and take you at your word, that you were unaware that I was recently made a moderator (though why this should make a difference from how you talk to a fellow poster or a moderator, I don’t know?)

But, before saying anything else right now, it is nearly 1.30am UK time - it is late. I’ve read your statement once (I haven’t had time to read any replies to it as yet as I’ve been writing this up) - and am going to read your statement again after work tomorrow - before posting anything else on it.



A little patience goes a long way on this old-school Rebel base. If you are having issues finding what you are looking for, these will be of some help…

Welcome to the OriginalTrilogy.com | Introduce yourself in here | Useful info within : About : Help : Site Rules : Fan Project Rules : Announcements
How do I do this?’ on the OriginalTrilogy.com; some info & answers + FAQs - includes info on how to search for projects and threads on the OT•com

A Project Index for Star Wars Preservations (Harmy’s Despecialized & 4K77/80/83 etc) : A Project Index for Star Wars Fan Edits (adywan & Hal 9000 etc)

… and take your time to look around this site before posting - to get a feel for this place. Don’t just lazily make yet another thread asking for projects.


Warbler said:

I call out Jay(where is he? when was the last time anyone here anything from him? How come he did not make the annoucenment of oojason becoming a mod? as he gone awol?),

He was last active today, though he hasn’t posted anything since August.

Silverwook(who said nothing about my posts at the time and then seemed to support oojason after I was banned)

I never saw any explicit support of the ban by any other moderator, actually. I suppose even if they disagreed with it, they would not go against the actions of another moderator in the interest of preventing more conflict.


Warb is back!
& That’s Good!

I’m glad to see you back so quickly, Warb and I hope you’ll stay.
This place wouldn’t be the same without you. As Jason said, you’re a valuable member of our community here.
I realize that your feelings have been hurt, but I really believe that everybody involved is truly sorry for the way things ended up.

I’m sure we can all move on from this.

And now…



Ray’s Lounge
Biggs in ANH edit idea
ROTJ opening edit idea


Jay has a life and a job. That’s why we have moderators. I’m sorry you didn’t get the memo on our new employee, but the announcement was visible at the top of every sub forum.

Nobody can ban a member except Jay or a mod. Therefore, if someone tells you why they banned you, they’re probably a mod.

Where were you in '77?


Warb, if it helps you feel better, you might want to go back and peruse a few of the threads you were active in. You’ll see that a number of people who disagreed with you also took the time to post their disagreement with your temp ban. It’s not all bad, just sayin’.

"Close the blast doors!"
Puggo’s website | Rescuing Star Wars


oojason said:

Hi Warbler,

Let me make this very clear - as posted on Sunday to you - I gave you a couple of days off.

As I have also made clear on more than one occasion in communications to you this was a cooling-off temp-ban.

As before, I apologise as I was unaware that temp-banned posters could not read a PM sent from a moderator.

The reason behind the PM was to let you know when the cooling-off temp-ban would end, to let you know the decision was not taken lightly; that it was with both reluctance and a heavy heart, that I truly believe you are a good and valued forum member, along with that if you had any questions or problems please let me know via PM (upon you return - when you could). This information in the PM was then relayed to you via email.


The reason why I did not respond your lengthy email reply was, as already asked of you, to relay any questions or problems you had to me via PM upon your return to the site after the cooling-off temp-ban had lapsed.

After another reply from you I then let you know it was around midnight UK time - and that I was off then to bed soon.

After another reply from you minutes later I decided the best thing to do was let you cool off - which was meant to be the point of the cooling-off temp-ban.


Earlier today, as promised, I lifted your cooling-off temp-ban, and sent you a PM asking you to read it before posting again, asking that we start afresh after your couple of days off, and also this post (http://originaltrilogy.com/post/id/1111064) in case you had missed it:-

"For the quality, accuracy and help ensure the smooth running of this occasionally polarising thread, it is asked that posters please adopt a ‘read, think, breathe, and then reply’ policy to posts they may find strong disagreement with.

Posting inflammatory picture-only responses - or inflammatory pictures without explanation or context is not cool.

Everybody be cool - it may well help you get your point across and be better received.

Thank you."


and I was also expecting to answer any questions or problems you may have.


I then receive a PM from you stating you have no desire to start afresh, that anything I say to you can be said publicly, to everyone, and a link to this statement by you.


Before I say anything more, the reasons for your ban was not only posting the inflammatory BS picture only response to a poster here of which the linked content you had not read,

How many times do I have to say I read the tweet, the whole tweet? Frink posted the whole tweet right below the link. I read it before I posted the bs flag. STOP SAYING I DIDN’T READ IT!

nor was it only for posting an inflammatory Westboro Baptist Church picture without explanation

  1. when I originally posted it, I thought it was explained enough by quoted the post I was responding to and by what I said or context in the same post…under it.

  2. I gave more of an explanation 4 posts after it and gave a more detailed explanation after that.

it was also partly for your reply at being asked to provide explanation or context in the same post was ‘that it would be a waste of time and no-one would listen’.

I said that because it was true and because I was depressed. We had previously gone around and around on the issue. No explanation from me was going to work, so I gave up. To really explain my side of the anthem argument will take someone smarter than me, with more patience than me, and with elocution than I have.

It was also partly for your response ‘I’m done caring what anyone here thinks’,

like I said, I was having sleep problems and it made me irritable and depressed. But yes, I don’t care what anyone thinks, I will never go against my country’s flag or its anthem.

and partly at your whole range of inflammatory answers to many posters that evening - to the point where it was obvious you were indeed not listening or engaging with posters in a manner deemed anywhere near reasonable and were also becoming abusive

like I said I regret some of what I said on Sunday and how I somethings.

  • so I stepped in from the thread deteriorating any further - and hence the decision taken by myself, somewhat reluctantly, to give you a couple of days-off to cool off - and also to try and diffuse the thread.

why didn’t mods step in when ABC and Darth ID came after me? Why did it take so little for me to get temp ban when nothing was done about a whole plethora of badly behaving forum for a long, long, long, time?

As said to you before your opinion carries weight here, and it is valued - even if disagreed with. Yet you can - and do - make far better points and posts than you did during Sunday night without the inflammatory nature of those posts.


Now, I appreciate, and take you at your word, that you were unaware that I was recently made a moderator (though why this should make a difference from how you talk to a fellow poster or a moderator, I don’t know?)

I should have shown you more respect. But still there is a big difference between mouthing off to a regular forum and mouthing off to a moderator. Also, You were giving me warning and orders and I didn’t know it. Had I known I was being given warnings and orders, I would have of course reacted differently.

But, before saying anything else right now, it is nearly 1.30am UK time - it is late. I’ve read your statement once (I haven’t had time to read any replies to it as yet as I’ve been writing this up) - and am going to read your statement again after work tomorrow - before posting anything else on it.



fair enough, good night to you. May you sleep better tonight than I did Sunday evening.


SilverWook said:

Jay has a life and a job. That’s why we have moderators. I’m sorry you didn’t get the memo on our new employee, but the announcement was visible at the top of every sub forum.

Well I still missed it. Keep in mind, it only happened 2 days before the events on Sunday. I suggest that something be displayed below the avatars of all mods(which used to me done here, if I am not mistaken). I mean, what about new people? How are they suppose to know who the mods are?

Nobody can ban a member except Jay or a mod. Therefore, if someone tells you why they banned you, they’re probably a mod.

Well, but that is irrelevant. We are not talking about whether I knew after the ban, we are talking about the fact that I did not know before the ban, when he was talking to me. I did not know it was disciplinary thing. I did not know I was being given warnings and orders.


Puggo - Jar Jar’s Yoda said:

Warb, if it helps you feel better, you might want to go back and peruse a few of the threads you were active in. You’ll see that a number of people who disagreed with you also took the time to post their disagreement with your temp ban. It’s not all bad, just sayin’.

Yes I know, I own them a thanks. Their support is very much appreciated.