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1997 Star Wars Special Edition 35mm Project (a WIP) — Page 22


Just wanted to thank everyone that expressed interest in the alternate scan and work that will be done on this at the other forum mentioned prior. We appreciate everyone’s support, and hopefully we will be able to turn around a useful project in the meantime while we await further developments here from Poita.

There might be a need for some more assistance, for a few final things, but other than that, it looks like its a go
on our end.


what is the current status about this project?
And can i ask, how much $ is missing?

I like the Special Edition 1997 because of nostalgia.


Which project? It gets a bit confusing when other projects start posting in this project :^)

Donations welcome: paypal.me/poit
Help get The Original Trilogy preserved!


I’m sorry poita, my english not good.
But i’m interesting in your project by restoring the 1997 Special Edition Trilogy from 35mm Reels.
I wanted to know to how much is it finished?
And how much donation do you still need for it.

I like the Special Edition 1997 because of nostalgia.


We still need another two 8TB Hard drives, the scan itself is finished, we just need hard drives to transfer the files onto so I can start work on the restoration.

Donations welcome: paypal.me/poit
Help get The Original Trilogy preserved!


poita said:

We still need another two 8TB Hard drives, the scan itself is finished, we just need hard drives to transfer the files onto so I can start work on the restoration.

I donated another 250 USD just now, so we should be nearly there… 😃


DrDre said:

poita said:

We still need another two 8TB Hard drives, the scan itself is finished, we just need hard drives to transfer the files onto so I can start work on the restoration.

I donated another 250 USD just now, so we should be nearly there… 😃

If we’re going off Amazon prices, we should only need another 250 and poita should be set. I could probably throw a couple bucks in if you guys want.


KillThad said:

DrDre said:

poita said:

We still need another two 8TB Hard drives, the scan itself is finished, we just need hard drives to transfer the files onto so I can start work on the restoration.

I donated another 250 USD just now, so we should be nearly there… 😃

If we’re going off Amazon prices, we should only need another 250 and poita should be set. I could probably throw a couple bucks in if you guys want.

I added another 250 USD, so we should have the hard drives covered, such that poita can do his magic. 😉


DrDre said:

KillThad said:

DrDre said:

poita said:

We still need another two 8TB Hard drives, the scan itself is finished, we just need hard drives to transfer the files onto so I can start work on the restoration.

I donated another 250 USD just now, so we should be nearly there… 😃

If we’re going off Amazon prices, we should only need another 250 and poita should be set. I could probably throw a couple bucks in if you guys want.

I added another 250 USD, so we should have the hard drives covered, such that poita can do his magic. 😉

Man, you really are the true MVP on this forum, you know that?


DrDre said:

KillThad said:

DrDre said:

poita said:

We still need another two 8TB Hard drives, the scan itself is finished, we just need hard drives to transfer the files onto so I can start work on the restoration.

I donated another 250 USD just now, so we should be nearly there… 😃

If we’re going off Amazon prices, we should only need another 250 and poita should be set. I could probably throw a couple bucks in if you guys want.

I added another 250 USD, so we should have the hard drives covered, such that poita can do his magic. 😉

Yes, this is true love to the project.
I have donated 50$, hope that helps too.

I like the Special Edition 1997 because of nostalgia.


poita said:

We still need another two 8TB Hard drives, the scan itself is finished, we just need hard drives to transfer the files onto so I can start work on the restoration.

Hello poita,

I sent you a private message.



This also interest me, but i read that he is working on other projects too.
This is alot of work and time, that he spend.
We should also respect his private life.

I like the Special Edition 1997 because of nostalgia.


When is this going to be available?

Project creator and film enthusiast.


doubleofive said:

It’s over on the 4K77 forums.

Is it poita’s project that has been released - or the separate TN1 project that deathstar1138 started posting about in here?

A little patience goes a long way on this old-school Rebel base. If you are having issues finding what you are looking for, these will be of some help…

Welcome to the OriginalTrilogy.com | Introduce yourself in here | Useful info within : About : Help : Site Rules : Fan Project Rules : Announcements
How do I do this?’ on the OriginalTrilogy.com; some info & answers + FAQs - includes info on how to search for projects and threads on the OT•com

A Project Index for Star Wars Preservations (Harmy’s Despecialized & 4K77/80/83 etc) : A Project Index for Star Wars Fan Edits (adywan & Hal 9000 etc)

… and take your time to look around this site before posting - to get a feel for this place. Don’t just lazily make yet another thread asking for projects.


No worries mate - I was a little confused (it doesn’t take much these days 😉)



If anyone would like to start a thread for TN1’s ‘Project 4K97’ (is that the name for it?) on here - featuring some basic project info & specs etc, and maybe a link to the project or discussion thread over at at TSWT website / forums - please feel free to do so.

And we’ll keep this thread just for discussion and posts on poita’s quality 1997 Star Wars Special Edition 35mm Project. 👍


Edit: anyone looking for completed 1997 Special Edition preservation projects, including releases in HD quality, can find them listed in here…

1997 Special Edition OT Preservation Projects (+ some discussion threads)…

^ from in the…

An Index Of Projects & Help Thread for Star Wars Preservations.


Mod Edit (for further information):-

Info for Project 4K97 - the 1997 Special Editions, can be found on the TSWT forums - http://forums.thestarwarstrilogy.com

Info for 4K99, 4K02, & 4K05 - the Prequel Trilogy, can be found on the TSWT forums - http://forums.thestarwarstrilogy.com

OriginalTrilogy.com Page for 4K77 : OriginalTrilogy.com Page for 4K80 : OriginalTrilogy.com Page for 4K83

^ There are invitation codes to the TSWT forums in each of the Opening Posts of these three threads - thanks to Williarob.


A little patience goes a long way on this old-school Rebel base. If you are having issues finding what you are looking for, these will be of some help…

Welcome to the OriginalTrilogy.com | Introduce yourself in here | Useful info within : About : Help : Site Rules : Fan Project Rules : Announcements
How do I do this?’ on the OriginalTrilogy.com; some info & answers + FAQs - includes info on how to search for projects and threads on the OT•com

A Project Index for Star Wars Preservations (Harmy’s Despecialized & 4K77/80/83 etc) : A Project Index for Star Wars Fan Edits (adywan & Hal 9000 etc)

… and take your time to look around this site before posting - to get a feel for this place. Don’t just lazily make yet another thread asking for projects.



Are there any info about this project progress. Poita seemed to be absent for almost a year. I am new on the board and wanted to ask if there are any other possibilities to get 1997 version in high quality? This is the version I saw in cinema, and that made me fall in love with star wars. I know harmy did only A New Hope and I would love to somehow hadmacces to the whole SE trillogy in good quality. Thanks in advance for any info.


doubleofive said:

Team Negative 1 has a scan where you find 4K77!

But isnt 4k77 original trilogy? I am looking for Special Eidition from 97.


We’ve scanned 2 complete '97 ANH prints and a '97 ESB print. A '97 ROTJ print has been located, just haven’t had a chance to scan it yet.

Donations always welcome: Paypal | Bitcoin: bc1qzr9ejyfpzm9ea2dglfegxzt59tys3uwmj26ytj


Williarob said:

We’ve scanned 2 complete '97 ANH prints and a '97 ESB print. A '97 ROTJ print has been located, just haven’t had a chance to scan it yet.

So I guess You plant to make it avalible when the whole things wwill be finished?


On the 97 TV broadcast version when Luke “get’s a little cooked” after he shoots the artillery gunners. There is a thruster sound for the xwing when Luke pulls away over camera which is not heard in any other version.

There is also an omitted shot of R2D2 in the canyon cut from the film. (This shot is prior to R2D2 going down the slope) When I saw this not only did I think the sequence worked better without that shot but then I became quite suspicious about wether it was actually meant for that part.

In the end I concluded that particular canyon shot seeing as it looks nothing like the canyon R2D2 is in at this time and at dusk and this shot was also a different time of day it might be a shot in the search for R2D2 sequence.

It turns out it was a correct guess and it sandwhiches between the landspeeder “look theres a droid dead ahead on the scanner” and the tuskan raiders on the cliff. Due to the amount of music missing (few seconds) and to hit the cue, this particular clip does not run it’s full lenngth (shorter) when inserted to the sequence. Further more the cue is missed when the raider jumps on the bantha. The music edit on the track is also botched as the last drum hit should synchronise simultaneously with the deep cello string upon luke and 3P0 finding R2.

So the 97 broadcast might have been a a sign that they were still fiddling with the film but this particular edit never got sorted out or fixed or ever made a different version. And the thrusters on the xwing have never made it to another version either.

This was a digitized VHS capture of the Broadcast with adverts I found on the Internet Archive.