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The Mandalorian : a Radical Redux Fan Edit Ideas thread — Page 2


SwimmingBird27 said:

I’ve always found that a Tarantino style bounty hunter film would an interesting prospect.

I am pretty much digging the surprise of intergalactic Mr. Mom.
This could have been executed even better if the spacefaring Jawas were the ones that had baby Yodes and he had to board their ship or follow them from planet to planet and intergalactic flea market to flea market to try to get the bounty baby and they’re playing all sorts of devious tricks on him, three card monte type stuff, like which Jawa transport is the baby in? The use of the Jawas in Ep2 was IMO the best use of legacy species that we’ve seen. Really like Nick Nolte as an (adult?) Uganught, too.


Forceghostrecon just released his Mando edit and it’s pretty good! It’s amazing how well the pieces fit together into a structure that flows very naturally. It makes me wish this was really a movie instead of a tv show.



Mod Edit: It has come to the moderators attention that JSteven is also previously banned members ForceGhostRecon & Mikeluv80 - and many, many other socks - to which FGR has himself admitted.

He also made homophobic slurs - in a personal attack vs another member in 2016 - and also made more homophobic slurs since.

Do NOT ask for links to any of his projects on the OriginalTrilogy•com - thank you.

More information can be found here - The Mandalorian : JSteven / ForceGhostRecon Edit - SPOILERS WITHIN



Further Mod Edit: Oh, and self-praise is no recommendation at all.


JSteven said:

Forceghostrecon just released his Mando edit and it’s pretty good! It’s amazing how well the pieces fit together into a structure that flows very naturally. It makes me wish this was really a movie instead of a tv show.

Agreed, episodes 1-3 fit together as a neat film which culminates in mandos to the rescue fight. Wonder if he is going to do the same for ep 4-5?


where can i get the forceghostrecon edit? idc that he is banned, i wanna see it please

I have no more links sorry.

Will do in future though


Moiisty said:

where can i get the forceghostrecon edit? idc that he is banned, i wanna see it please


From the The Mandalorian : JSteven / ForceGhostRecon Sock Edit - SPOILERS WITHIN thread…


Mod Edit: It has come to the moderators attention that JSteven is also previously banned members ForceGhostRecon & Mikeluv80 - and many, many other socks - to which FGR has himself admitted.

He also made homophobic slurs - in a personal attack vs another member in 2016 - and also made more homophobic slurs since.

Do NOT ask for links to any of his projects on the OriginalTrilogy•com - thank you.


A little patience goes a long way on this old-school Rebel base. If you are having issues finding what you are looking for, these will be of some help…

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A Project Index for Star Wars Preservations (Harmy’s Despecialized & 4K77/80/83 etc) : A Project Index for Star Wars Fan Edits (adywan & Hal 9000 etc)

… and take your time to look around this site before posting - to get a feel for this place. Don’t just lazily make yet another thread asking for projects.


These are my current ideas to streamline the season into a standalone movie.

Cut out most of Chapter 2. Try to work the mudhorn fight in on the way back to Mando’s ship.

Cut out most of Chapter 4 other than the Baby Yoda pressing buttons scene. When he presses the button that makes the ship shake jump to the battle at the beginning of Chapter 5 (makes it seem less like Mando is letting the child press buttons that could cause serious issues and more like they’re just being attacked at that point). Keep Chapter 5 as the character at the end tracking Mando(?) may be important. It also gives us one “side quest” to show Mando’s growing attachment to the child. Chapter five also explicitly tells us about the guild knowing about the Mandalorian’s actions in chapter three.

Cut all of Chapter 6.

Cutting chapters four and six are mostly due to redundancy between chapters 4-6. They’re all pretty much: Mando takes job, child becomes endangered, Mando saves child. It works for separate one-off stories but if it’s being condensed into a single story we probably only need that to happen once and I chose chapter five because it seems the most important (could obviously change as the next two episodes come out though). Cutting most of chapter two is just because it adds very little to the story other than explaining why the armor is damaged in chapter three (hence trying to keep the mudhorn fight in some capacity).


Mandalorian television edit

Main goal: create a version of the Mandalorian as similar to something that would be broadcast on actual television back before the Disney purchase.

Basic ideas

• Crop the show to 16:9
• Create 2 fade to black cliffhangers per episode to mimic what would have been intended for commercial breaks
• Change the ending credits to be similar to the kind used in Clone Wars. Starfield with no concept art. The rendition of the closing theme used in Episode 7 is perfect for this.
• Remove all verbal references to Sequel Trilogy iconography and locations

Ambitious ideas

• Create a new sound mix more indicative of previous Star Wars material like Clone Wars and videogames. Replacing the sound of every blaster shot, vehicle, and droid effect. For example, making IG-11 sound like the Assasin Droids in Clone Wars. Essentially less crude and hard-hitting and more Ben Burt.
• Replace certain character’s laser colors. Good characters get blue, bad characters get red. The New Republic get blue or green blaster fire.

Really ambitious ideas

• Replace Sequel aliens with CGI or by removing scenes. Maybe replacing that Ardennian with a Besalisk or Volpai.
• Add more Prequel Aliens with CGI
• Replace the Deathtroopers with Dark Troopers. Either with CGI or real actors. CGI may be more fitting as Phase 0 dark troopers are altered clones.


ChainsawAsh said:

Maaga said:

• Crop the show to 16:9

Ew, why?

Relax, I’d release an uncropped version if I ever when further than this idea. It’s just personal preference. 16:9 just feels more “tv” to me.


Episode 7 done a great job connecting all the charactors Mando has encountered thus far, but I wont go on about how good it all is thats what the general Mandalorian threads for 😊.



A continuity error I noticed which could be fixed in this episode was when Cara Dune covers here tattoo…


Then moments later we see her walking off with the Tattoo back on show 😬

Also maybe cut a few shots when the team gets attacked by the flying creatures, seriously how many times did they miss close range shots, I know it was dark but… really!

“We Are What They Grow Beyond” - Yoda

My Prefered Saga Viewing Preference:
Ep. III - Revenge of the Sith Special Edition (StankPac Edit) * Rogue One - A Star Wars Story (Hal 9000 Edit)
Ep. IV - A New Hope D+77 (OohTeeDee Edit) * Ep. V - Empire Strikes Back D+80 (OohTeeDee Edit)
Ep. VI - Return of The Jedi OTD83 (OohTeeDee Edit) * Ep. VII - The Force Awakens Restructured (Hal 9000 Edit)
Ep. VIII - The Last Jedi Legendary (Hal 9000 Edit) * Ep. IX - The Rise of Skywalker Ascendant (Hal 9000 Edit)

💡 Save confusion & express your comments with Markdown Emojis here 💡


Maaga said:

ChainsawAsh said:

Maaga said:

• Crop the show to 16:9

Ew, why?

Relax, I’d release an uncropped version if I ever when further than this idea. It’s just personal preference. 16:9 just feels more “tv” to me.

It just feels like an odd idea when the rest of your post talks about making it more like TCW, which is in 2.39:1 as well.


ChainsawAsh said:

It just feels like an odd idea when the rest of your post talks about making it more like TCW, which is in 2.39:1 as well.

Most material made for television was made with 16:9 in mind, otherwise, it’s usually cropped for television. It’s more about what choices would have been made if The Mandalorian was produced at a certain time, hence the similarity to clone wars, but not like Clone Wars specifically.


Maaga said:
• Crop the show to 16:9
• Remove all verbal references to Sequel Trilogy iconography and locations

Mando happens after ROTJ, so a late 1980’s TV series might fit better. Crop for 4:3 and use mono sound 😉
Also, there are no references to the ST, this happens decades before.


You guys asked for it…



A little patience goes a long way on this old-school Rebel base. If you are having issues finding what you are looking for, these will be of some help…

Welcome to the OriginalTrilogy.com | Introduce yourself in here | Useful info within : About : Help : Site Rules : Fan Project Rules : Announcements
How do I do this?’ on the OriginalTrilogy.com; some info & answers + FAQs - includes info on how to search for projects and threads on the OT•com

A Project Index for Star Wars Preservations (Harmy’s Despecialized & 4K77/80/83 etc) : A Project Index for Star Wars Fan Edits (adywan & Hal 9000 etc)

… and take your time to look around this site before posting - to get a feel for this place. Don’t just lazily make yet another thread asking for projects.


Well just finished my take on the recent Mandalorian TV series, to condense the 8 part show into a standalone movie that runs 2hrs 38mins so I’ve roughly cut 2hrs 34mins from the total run time.

That mainly consisted of filler episodes 4,5and 6 but I had to make use of snippets from some of these to create filler sequences to maintain the flow of the episodes such as the introduction of Cara Dune character who was introduced in episode 4 but wasn’t central to the plot until episode 7.

Now I have created 100’s of cuts here way too many to list including isolating the sound track elements so I have 6 isolated scores to enable me to have either special effects removed or back ground music to enable me to blend some scenes together or play around with characters talking then using the official soundtrack score and placing music back in for dramatic effect.

I also had to use separate blaster or back ground special effect sounds such as steam and levers and so on to fill blank sounds that had been removed so had to create these from scratch.

Now the run time of 2hrs 38 could have been reduced to near 2hrs but I do like episode 2 and the Jawa’s episode so left this in for the most part, just a personal choice but any fan editors out there may want to remove this section to reduce the length down.

Episode 1 has a few trims, episode 2 has trims and wipes added, episode 3 had quite a few trims, wipes and isolated scenes for sound and redubbed and new music added and some extra snips from 5 & 6, episode 4 heavy cuts to remove all the story from the episode and scenes relevant to that story with just Cara Dune introduction added and ended were she says she was here first and Mando says this planet is taken, I then use alternate takes from the other episodes of him leaving the planet with new soundtrack added and sound elements added into the background.

We then pick up in episode 7 removing 5&6, minor trims here to several scenes that dragged the pace down, and episode 8 had to have numerous scenes cut, music rescored, dubbed and scenes rearranged as well as some new wipes added.

The show runs along quite nice now as a standalone
1080 resolution MP4 with DTS sound, currently uploaded to everyone’s favourite organ


lorang said:

Well just finished my take on the recent Mandalorian TV series, to condense the 8 part show into a standalone movie that runs 2hrs 38mins so I’ve roughly cut 2hrs 34mins from the total run time.

That mainly consisted of filler episodes 4,5and 6 but I had to make use of snippets from some of these to create filler sequences to maintain the flow of the episodes such as the introduction of Cara Dune character who was introduced in episode 4 but wasn’t central to the plot until episode 7.

Now I have created 100’s of cuts here way too many to list including isolating the sound track elements so I have 6 isolated scores to enable me to have either special effects removed or back ground music to enable me to blend some scenes together or play around with characters talking then using the official soundtrack score and placing music back in for dramatic effect.

I also had to use separate blaster or back ground special effect sounds such as steam and levers and so on to fill blank sounds that had been removed so had to create these from scratch.

Now the run time of 2hrs 38 could have been reduced to near 2hrs but I do like episode 2 and the Jawa’s episode so left this in for the most part, just a personal choice but any fan editors out there may want to remove this section to reduce the length down.

Episode 1 has a few trims, episode 2 has trims and wipes added, episode 3 had quite a few trims, wipes and isolated scenes for sound and redubbed and new music added and some extra snips from 5 & 6, episode 4 heavy cuts to remove all the story from the episode and scenes relevant to that story with just Cara Dune introduction added and ended were she says she was here first and Mando says this planet is taken, I then use alternate takes from the other episodes of him leaving the planet with new soundtrack added and sound elements added into the background.

We then pick up in episode 7 removing 5&6, minor trims here to several scenes that dragged the pace down, and episode 8 had to have numerous scenes cut, music rescored, dubbed and scenes rearranged as well as some new wipes added.

The show runs along quite nice now as a standalone
1080 resolution MP4 with DTS sound, currently uploaded to everyone’s favourite organ

Damn I’d love to check out your edit. Been waiting for someone to attempt an edit since chapter 8 came out. Too bad that site is locked to new sign ups.


WitchDR said:

lorang said:

Well just finished my take on the recent Mandalorian TV series, to condense the 8 part show into a standalone movie that runs 2hrs 38mins so I’ve roughly cut 2hrs 34mins from the total run time.

That mainly consisted of filler episodes 4,5and 6 but I had to make use of snippets from some of these to create filler sequences to maintain the flow of the episodes such as the introduction of Cara Dune character who was introduced in episode 4 but wasn’t central to the plot until episode 7.

Now I have created 100’s of cuts here way too many to list including isolating the sound track elements so I have 6 isolated scores to enable me to have either special effects removed or back ground music to enable me to blend some scenes together or play around with characters talking then using the official soundtrack score and placing music back in for dramatic effect.

I also had to use separate blaster or back ground special effect sounds such as steam and levers and so on to fill blank sounds that had been removed so had to create these from scratch.

Now the run time of 2hrs 38 could have been reduced to near 2hrs but I do like episode 2 and the Jawa’s episode so left this in for the most part, just a personal choice but any fan editors out there may want to remove this section to reduce the length down.

Episode 1 has a few trims, episode 2 has trims and wipes added, episode 3 had quite a few trims, wipes and isolated scenes for sound and redubbed and new music added and some extra snips from 5 & 6, episode 4 heavy cuts to remove all the story from the episode and scenes relevant to that story with just Cara Dune introduction added and ended were she says she was here first and Mando says this planet is taken, I then use alternate takes from the other episodes of him leaving the planet with new soundtrack added and sound elements added into the background.

We then pick up in episode 7 removing 5&6, minor trims here to several scenes that dragged the pace down, and episode 8 had to have numerous scenes cut, music rescored, dubbed and scenes rearranged as well as some new wipes added.

The show runs along quite nice now as a standalone
1080 resolution MP4 with DTS sound, currently uploaded to everyone’s favourite organ

Damn I’d love to check out your edit. Been waiting for someone to attempt an edit since chapter 8 came out. Too bad that site is locked to new sign ups.

Sure some one might share if needed, V2 just uploaded


I’ve decided I’m going to play around with editing and regrading the first season, not too sure of what will come out of it, but we’ll see. I’ll post anything I think y’all will find interesting.

If I decide to make some edit or edits out of season 1, I’ll create a separate thread.


Mandalorian could be turned into an old-fashioned serial.
15" per episode, with recaps and reduced credits.
Example: E02, purloining the egg for the Jawas. Just as the creature is about to finish him - Cliff!
Example: E03, pinned down by gunfire from the Guild - Cliff!
Could be rendered black & white, could be silent (ala, TMBTM).


I’ve never made a fan-edit before, but here’s my first attempt, let me know what you think:

Don’t watch episodes 5 or 6.

I’ve got it streaming at Disney+ at the moment, at least until the powers-that-be take it down.

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leftshoe18 said:

Cutting chapters four and six are mostly due to redundancy between chapters 4-6. They’re all pretty much: Mando takes job, child becomes endangered, Mando saves child.

Don’t forget:
Chapter 4: Mando learns not to trust anyone.
Chapter 5: Mando learns not to trust anyone.

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