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Rogue One: The Battle of Scarif fan edit (Released) — Page 2


eldusto84 said:

Ok, here’s another clip. It’s the custom opening text crawl! Since this fanedit only focuses on the immediate events leading to the Battle of Scarif, I’ve used the crawl to summarize the first two-thirds of Rogue One’s plot. Enjoy!


Damn. That’s really effective. And the Vader scene opening the movie actually feels really in place. Definitely looking forward to this edit 😃

Return of the Jedi: Remastered

Lord of the Rings: The Darth Rush Definitives


I like what you have done. The only suggestion I have is that the last paragraph more directly set up what we are about to see. Some piece of information that that describes that Director Krennic has been summond by Lord Vader…

BTW, nice CGI on the ship approach. I only wish that they had chosen to use the traditional Lambada class.


Nice! Liked the trailer too. Also a good idea to release on May 4th. I wouldn’t be surprised if it got a bit of attention.


That poster is really great.


cool poster and the trailer has me intrigued - roll on 4th May 😃

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By the way are you going to address the issue that a weakness is known by Jyn to have been implemented by her father ? It’s totally inconsistent with ANH so I was wondering if you were going to remove it. And since the main focus of your edit is the battle of Scarif are you going to use a flash back structure to keep at least the dialogue between Donnie Yen character and Jyn about the kyber crystals and the Whills ? (could be cool to find a way to somehow keep that small interesting part)


MalàStrana said:

By the way are you going to address the issue that a weakness is known by Jyn to have been implemented by her father ? It’s totally inconsistent with ANH so I was wondering if you were going to remove it. And since the main focus of your edit is the battle of Scarif are you going to use a flash back structure to keep at least the dialogue between Donnie Yen character and Jyn about the kyber crystals and the Whills ? (could be cool to find a way to somehow keep that small interesting part)

No, I’m actually removing any mention of Galen in this edit. He’s already dead by the time this film starts, so I found it odd for the characters to reference someone we haven’t seen on screen. No flashbacks with Chirrut either- talking about Kyber crystals is interesting but doesn’t add anything to this edit. I’m trying to keep it completely focused on actually stealing the plans and the ensuing battle.

JRR Tolkien's The Hobbit



It’ll be interesting to see how it turns out. I think this approach lends towards those who want to merge the films. Seeing your other work, I’d not be surprised if we see a mapleized merged edit by some other editors.

Request edits at https://digmodification.wordpress.com/contact


eldusto84 said:

MalàStrana said:

By the way are you going to address the issue that a weakness is known by Jyn to have been implemented by her father ? It’s totally inconsistent with ANH so I was wondering if you were going to remove it. And since the main focus of your edit is the battle of Scarif are you going to use a flash back structure to keep at least the dialogue between Donnie Yen character and Jyn about the kyber crystals and the Whills ? (could be cool to find a way to somehow keep that small interesting part)

No, I’m actually removing any mention of Galen in this edit. He’s already dead by the time this film starts, so I found it odd for the characters to reference someone we haven’t seen on screen. No flashbacks with Chirrut either- talking about Kyber crystals is interesting but doesn’t add anything to this edit. I’m trying to keep it completely focused on actually stealing the plans and the ensuing battle.

Ok, so it sounds great ! Yep you’re right about the kyber/whills dialogues which don’t add anything to your edit (actually they don’t really add anything to the theatrical version either but it was a nice touch).

You begin your edit with the Krennic/Vader scene (which is a very good idea), but are you going to keep some of Krennic/Tarkin and the very classy shot of the dish being placed on the death star as well (I don’t think you will since you mention the destruction of Jedha in your crawl) ? When I watched the movie a second time it occured to me that Krennic should have been the main character of the movie, so your “third act” edit could keep this “Krennic point of view” situation. Last question (sorry 😃), about the Yavin IV material, will you keep the Bail/Mothma scenes (I’m a big fan of Bail/Motham material found in Episode III fanedits) and cut the C3PO/R2 caméo ?

(edit: well, you plan on releasing your edit in 3 days so I guess I’ll know in a very not so far future what’s in your edit 😄)


DigMod said:

It’ll be interesting to see how it turns out. I think this approach lends towards those who want to merge the films. Seeing your other work, I’d not be surprised if we see a mapleized merged edit by some other editors.

I’ve honestly thought about doing that merged edit of Rogue One and A New Hope, but there would be a couple issues.

  1. Going from brand new Rogue One made in 2017 to A New Hope from 1977 would be glaringly obvious visually.

  2. There isn’t any footage to link the Tantive IV escaping via hyperspace above Scarif, to then being captured by Vader’s Star Destroyer above Tatooine. I suppose you could splice in the deleted scenes of Luke and Biggs in Anchorhead, but the footage is poor quality.

It might be worth a shot however!

JRR Tolkien's The Hobbit



MalàStrana said:

Ok, so it sounds great ! Yep you’re right about the kyber/whills dialogues which don’t add anything to your edit (actually they don’t really add anything to the theatrical version either but it was a nice touch).

You begin your edit with the Krennic/Vader scene (which is a very good idea), but are you going to keep some of Krennic/Tarkin and the very classy shot of the dish being placed on the death star as well (I don’t think you will since you mention the destruction of Jedha in your crawl) ? When I watched the movie a second time it occured to me that Krennic should have been the main character of the movie, so your “third act” edit could keep this “Krennic point of view” situation. Last question (sorry 😃), about the Yavin IV material, will you keep the Bail/Mothma scenes (I’m a big fan of Bail/Motham material found in Episode III fanedits) and cut the C3PO/R2 caméo ?

(edit: well, you plan on releasing your edit in 3 days so I guess I’ll know in a very not so far future what’s in your edit 😄)

The Krennic/Tarkin stuff is going away, as are the Death Star construction shots. Cool stuff, but in the timeline of this edit, these events have already occurred. Bail and Mon Mothma are definitely still in the film 😃

JRR Tolkien's The Hobbit



DigMod said:

Looks like someone had the same ideas I had. While this is pretty rough, I think it could achieve the merge idea.


The editor seems to have put a lot of work into that! Even so, it’s a pretty rough scene. The music shifts too abruptly, and there’s no sense of pacing with the editing. However, the VFX shots with the blockade runner and Star Destroyer are pretty well done.

JRR Tolkien's The Hobbit



It’s May 4, and that means that Rogue One: The Battle of Scarif is now complete!

It’s just under 50 minutes long, making it a nice little companion piece to the original theatrical release. Alternatively, you could watch this right before A New Hope! Again, the main point of this edit is to focus on the epic battle sequence from Rogue One, while also adding elements to make it fit in more with the other Star Wars films. This means, among other things:

  • An opening text crawl, which summarizes the events of Rogue One leading up to the battle of Scarif.
  • Insertion of several music cues from John Williams. About 50-60% of the film’s score is now comprised of classic Star Wars cues.
  • Classic Star Wars sound effects added in certain places, along with a few old-school wipe transitions.
  • Other cuts and adjustments to scenes throughout the battle, either to fit the new music cues or to pace the film a bit differently. For example, there isn’t as much back-and-forth cutting between all the different characters anymore. This may have originally been to make the film seem more exciting, but it also made it difficult to follow the action at times.
  • The film ends exactly as it did in the original version, making it a perfect segue into A New Hope.

If you’re interested in checking it out, let me know 😃

JRR Tolkien's The Hobbit



doubleofive said:



Great stuff eldusto84 😃

I’m certainty interested in watching your Edit.


Seems you also have some interest on reddit too…


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… and take your time to look around this site before posting - to get a feel for this place. Don’t just lazily make yet another thread asking for projects.


I’ll be quick: it’s very well done. The Williams cues (great choices !), the sound effects, the shrink edit idea to “frame” this entire “SW short story” with Vader (which by the way tends to solve the theatrical version issue of Vader in R1; here he’s more a secondary character rather than just an extra who shows up at the end to kill random people), etc. I like it, it gets the job done to continue the Vader’s tale from Episode III to Episode IV with a side-story than just the story of characters I don’t care about (Jyn et al.).

Just a few issues:

  • the sound is lacking punch, but I understand the 5.1 version will come later
  • the image quality is a little bit too compressed
  • maybe you should extend the end credits in order to keep the music entirely
  • the first OT Vader’s line is jarring since he sounds very young compared to the nowadays James Earl Jones (but the second OT line is fine, nothing jarring)
  • the first PT cue when Krennic’s shuttle flyes to Mustafar represents Kamino, why didn’t you choose Ep III “Enter Lord Vader” instead ?
  • I wish you had managed to cut CGI Leia as well as Jyn’s line about “figuring out” how to retrieve the plans (it would be better to make her sound as if she knows where to search and how)
  • in the opening crawl maybe you could add a reference to the end of the Clone Wars and the very long time until completion it took to finish the Death Star ?
  • like I said in a previous post, when Donnie Yen goes to the master switch it would be the perfect moment to implement a flash back of his encounter with Jyn, in order to keep the info that he’s a guardian of the whills and not a Jedi (I take the perspective that your edit should/could work at 100% without knowing the original theatrical cut).

That’s being said, I think your edit is clearly going to replace the theatrical version for me 😃

Thanks for sharing your excellent work (your Hobbit edit already was a huge improvement over the theatrical version).


Looking forward to checking this out.

I remember reading somewhere that Rogue One was originally conceived by John Knoll as an episode for the now-abandoned live action Star Wars TV series. Thus it’s somewhat fitting that you’ve cut it down to a length that could fit in an hour-long TV time slot.


Thanks for the lengthy feedback, MalaStrana. I am most likely going to release a 5.1 version with a higher compression rate, and could also fix some of the issues you’ve brought up. I have a sound engineer friend who’s going to have a crack at matching Vaders dubbed lines…I agree it’s not perfect.

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