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Rate 'The Last Jedi' (NO SPOILERS) (was: Rate TFA (NO SPOILERS)) — Page 4


Second time I went with my parents. My mom (born in 61) said TFA was the best movie-going experience she’s had since seeing the original in 77.


This is more like it! It stands apart from the OT, but I feel in the ways that it should. It’s far above the PT in all respects, but gets some negative points for lack of originality. 750/1000

“First feel fear, then get angry. Then go with your life into the fight.” - Bill Mollison


msycamore said: The Force Awakens: Not yet seen. And have not yet decided if I’m going to. Please, convince a grumpy old fart if he should?

I agree more or less with your rankings of the other movies. So on that scale, The Force Awakens ranks a 3.5 or 4.0, depending on your tolerance for plot holes and nostalgic fan service. A review in the Atlantic said it is not a reboot, it is a remix, which is true. But the reason I had a great time is JJ Abrams got some of the priorities right. He knew what made Star Wars great was heart, characters, romanticism, moments of goofy humor and TFA has that. It’s too derivative to have the total sense of wonder and discovery the first two movies had, but there are moments.

Bonus: I’ll rate the prequels on your scale. Attack of the Clones is 1/5 and Revenge of the Sith is 2/5.


msycamore said:

TavorX said:

msycamore said:
The Force Awakens: Not yet seen. And have not yet decided if I’m going to. Please, convince a grumpy old fart if he should?

I went with my dad to see TFA. My dad was 6 in '77 and saw it in all its glory, as well as the other two following. He has no respect for the prequels.

Then this past Saturday, my old man teared up and smiled seeing all the old characters return. You’ll won’t see these actors for very long, and it would be a motivating factor to see them return one last time in my opinion. The stars you grew up with.

Ha ha, that’s fantastic, I’m born in '71 myself. I loathed the very idea of a new film with the old cast a few years ago but I see so many positive responses lately I’m thinking about swallowing the bait…

Thanks guys

Keep an open mind. Don’t let the dark side cloud your thoughts. Enjoy the ride and nitpick later.

Go and see this movie and just have fun.

What’s the internal temperature of a TaunTaun? Luke warm.


m_s0 said:

Warbler said:

Jay said:



is it any better that the PT movies?

It’s a mastepiece of filmmaking in comparison.


msycamore said:

Not a fan of ranking films, but here goes…
Star Wars: 4,5/5 - Groundbreaking classic. A celebration of film and the ultimate feel good (fantasy) film. Only a weak middle act (Death Star) keep it from a perfect score. (best film score ever produced)
The Empire Strikes Back: 5/5 - Perhaps the boldest sequel ever made. A dark fairytale so beautifully conceived it hurts. A masterpiece in the genre on every level.
Return of the Jedi: 2/5 - Huge disappointment. Stupid and poor conclusion that only gets worse the more the years go by. Great puppetry (Jabba) and costume design (royal guards) but the magic was gone.

The Phantom Menace: 1/5 - Sterile test-tube baby
Attack of the Clones: Never seen it, and probably never will
Revenge of the Sith: Never seen it, and probably never will

The Force Awakens: Not yet seen. And have not yet decided if I’m going to. Please, convince a grumpy old fart if he should?

I’d say do it. Don’t expect it to restore your faith completely, but it might.

My verdict is definitely above RotJ (even though I like that film more than I hate it), unquestionably far and away above the prequels (even RotS, which isn’t revolting) but below ANH and ESB, though I think it definitely tried to hold itself more to the standards of those two than any of the others.

Without giving any qualifications that would be spoilers, I’d say yes, just go see it, and in the theater definitely. Especially if they release an extended version 😉

At the risk of undermining the credibility of my exhortation to you entirely, I’d also give at least one each of the fanedit prequels a viewing. They may not make the films on par with ANH and ESB, but the changed story tones in several edits make a real difference.


Star Wars Movies Ranked :

  1. The Empire Strikes Back
  2. The Force Awakens
  3. Star Wars 1977
  4. Return of the Jedi
  5. Revenge of the Sith
  6. The other prequels including the CG Clone Wars movie
  7. The Holiday Special shivers

I think there may be a bit of a difference in ratings in the here and now - and a time in the future on when we get the dvds and watch them multiple times over the years. Should be interesting to see if anything in TFA is changed/edited for the dvd release too.

It may also change when considering how it’ll gel in with the other 2 films to come in this Sequel Trilogy…

As of now, as a standalone Star Wars film that I’ve seen twice I’d rate TFA a solid 8/10. It felt like a continuation of the Original Trilogy - and certainly felt more an actual Star Wars film than the Prequels did. The film wasn’t perfect - but neither was the OT.

Really enjoyed it 😃

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People here really do have drastically different personal rating systems.
I personally would give TFA a 6/10, but whereas that’s a bad rating for someone here, for me that’s a pretty decent rating. Citizen Kane is a 10/10 for me, and something like the Avengers; dumb, but not necessarily stupid and without a plot, and definitely entertaining and funny, is a 5/10.

On a scale from 1-10; 10 being on the level of a Kubrick or Orson Welles film, and 1 being more of an Ed Wood type of film where it barely qualifies as a film, I’d give the 7 SW films these ratings:

ESB & ANH - 8/10
ROTJ - 7/10
TFA - 6/10
TPM, AOTC & ROTS - 3-4/10
(Apart from a fan-edit of TPM, I haven’t seen the PT in nearly ten years so I’m not too sure how I’d rate them as movies. Also I’d probably rate ESB as an 85 if I was following the system mentioned in the first post on this thread.)

Star Wars is Surrealism, not Science Fiction (essay)
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Beyond the OT Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Amazon link to my novels.


The original trilogy (theatrical versions)
ESB 9/10
ANH 8/10
ROJ 7/10

Spin offs

TPM 5/10 (because of the score and Darth Maul)
TFA 4/10
ROS 3/10
AOC 2/10


ZkinandBonez said:

People here really do have drastically different personal rating systems.
I personally would give TFA a 6/10, but whereas that’s a bad rating for someone here, for me that’s a pretty decent rating. Citizen Kane is a 10/10 for me, and something like the Avengers; dumb, but not necessarily stupid and without a plot, and definitely entertaining and funny, is a 5/5.



TV’s Frink said:

ZkinandBonez said:

People here really do have drastically different personal rating systems.
I personally would give TFA a 6/10, but whereas that’s a bad rating for someone here, for me that’s a pretty decent rating. Citizen Kane is a 10/10 for me, and something like the Avengers; dumb, but not necessarily stupid and without a plot, and definitely entertaining and funny, is a 5/5.


Are you objecting to my rating of the SW movies, or my other examples?

Star Wars is Surrealism, not Science Fiction (essay)
Original Trilogy Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Beyond the OT Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Amazon link to my novels.


ZkinandBonez said:

TV’s Frink said:

ZkinandBonez said:

People here really do have drastically different personal rating systems.
I personally would give TFA a 6/10, but whereas that’s a bad rating for someone here, for me that’s a pretty decent rating. Citizen Kane is a 10/10 for me, and something like the Avengers; dumb, but not necessarily stupid and without a plot, and definitely entertaining and funny, is a 5/5.


Are you objecting to my rating of the SW movies, or my other examples?

I think your jump from ratings out of ten to ratings out of 5 threw him? But comparing Citizen Kane to TFA is like comparing a Picasso to a child’s drawing.


Bosk said:

ZkinandBonez said:

TV’s Frink said:

ZkinandBonez said:

People here really do have drastically different personal rating systems.
I personally would give TFA a 6/10, but whereas that’s a bad rating for someone here, for me that’s a pretty decent rating. Citizen Kane is a 10/10 for me, and something like the Avengers; dumb, but not necessarily stupid and without a plot, and definitely entertaining and funny, is a 5/5.


Are you objecting to my rating of the SW movies, or my other examples?

I think your jump from ratings out of ten to ratings out of 5 threw him? But comparing Citizen Kane to TFA is like comparing a Picasso to a child’s drawing.

Right, yeah I might have been a bit leaniant towards what makes a 5/5 film. My point was that a 5 is average. Nothing special, but not necessarily bad. Casual filmmaking simply trying entertain. TFA had more of a point to it, but is too unoriginal and action oriented to go above a 7. Therefore I gave it a 6. The PT has many cinematic flaws so I’m pushing them down to either 4 or 3.

EDIT: I just realised I had written 5/5 instead of 5/10. I’ve fixed it now.

Star Wars is Surrealism, not Science Fiction (essay)
Original Trilogy Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Beyond the OT Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Amazon link to my novels.


ZkinandBonez said:

Bosk said:

ZkinandBonez said:

TV’s Frink said:

ZkinandBonez said:

People here really do have drastically different personal rating systems.
I personally would give TFA a 6/10, but whereas that’s a bad rating for someone here, for me that’s a pretty decent rating. Citizen Kane is a 10/10 for me, and something like the Avengers; dumb, but not necessarily stupid and without a plot, and definitely entertaining and funny, is a 5/5.


Are you objecting to my rating of the SW movies, or my other examples?

I think your jump from ratings out of ten to ratings out of 5 threw him? But comparing Citizen Kane to TFA is like comparing a Picasso to a child’s drawing.

Right, yeah I might have been a bit leaniant towards what makes a 5/5 film. My point was that a 5 is average. Nothing special, but not necessarily bad. Casual filmmaking simply trying entertain. TFA had more of a point to it, but is too unoriginal and action oriented to go above a 7. Therefore I gave it a 6. The PT has many cinematic flaws so I’m pushing them down to either 4 or 3.

EDIT: I just realised I had written 5/5 instead of 5/10. I’ve fixed it now.

I disagree. Technically, the original Star Wars is a copy of literally 3/4 of all movies, stories, books, etc. because it was based on Joseph Campbell’s Hero of a Thousand Faces, which recounts the common story behind every story, so originality shouldn’t really be a factor when rating a movie. People thought The Matrix was original, but it was actually based on an anime and also follows Joseph Campbell’s structure.

So movies are not supposed to entertain? Alfred Hitchcock’s movies aren’t exactly as profound as any of Kubrick or Orson Welles’s movies, but they are considered masterpieces in suspense and story. It’s great when a movie goes beyond that and teaches us things, but just because it isn’t about the purpose of life or something, doesn’t mean it’s bad. Besides that, the action and story in The Force Awakens is AMAZING. The entire sequence of Han Solo meeting Kylo Ren to Finn and Rey’s battle with Kylo Ren had me at the edge of my seat.

Here’s where I’m gonna start arguing that TFA is actually better than the original Star Wars. For one thing, TFA has much better acting overall and with much stronger themes that are closer to the Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi than the original Star Wars. Yes, the original Star Wars effects were beyond groundbreaking, but they are just special effects. Even Lucas himself said that special effects don’t matter if you don’t have a good story(look at half the blockbusters today). It’s also funnier and tells its story more through just visuals. You know everything about Finn through a few short, simple scenes at the beginning of the movie. Same with Rey.The Empire Strikes Back is still better, but take your nostalgia goggles off guys! It’s nowhere near as bad as any of the prequels and is the best Star Wars movie since the Empire Strikes Back.


Well, you could argue that there’s a limit on how much, or how many times you could steal an idea. ANH may have borrowed from everyone, and that’s what makes it so good. However TFA borrowed entire plot points, not to mention that it’s SW stealing from itself.
However, I really liked TFA. But it’s a tad too casual an action film for me to be any more than a 6/10. I also don’t put any SW above 8, ROTJ took a bit more time with the plot so for me it’s a 7/10. Now if I was rating these films 1-100 I’d probably give ESB an 85 and TFA an 65.
I really do have to stick to the claim that the way ANH borrowed ideas is noticeably different from what TFA did. That doesn’t make it bad, but for me it doesn’t make it better.

Star Wars is Surrealism, not Science Fiction (essay)
Original Trilogy Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Beyond the OT Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Amazon link to my novels.


It’s sort of funny to hear people chiding TFA for supposed “lack of originality.” Of all people, Star Wars fans should know better than to care about that.

From a member on this very site, a website that breaks down all the things that one could say Star Wars “ripped-off”:

Lucas was copying the cinema of his childhood, and so was Abrams. Guess it comes down to that age old question of rip-off vs. homage.


Unless that post was written by Steve Allen, you’re stealing my bit!


I’ve always heard Star Wars is pretty much a mashup ripoff of a lot of previous movies/stories, but going through that site is pretty cool and oddly, awe-inspiring to see where the magic came from. Thanks for sharing!

The Rise of Failures


I’ve always heard Star Wars is pretty much a mashup ripoff of a lot of previous movies/stories, but going through that site is pretty cool and oddly, awe-inspiring to see where the magic came from. Thanks for sharing!

The Rise of Failures


I always stick to the old Godard quote; “it’s not about where you take it from, but where you take it to.” And ANH borrowing ideas from everything from Kurosawa, to Flash Gordon is great because Lucas took old tropes and concepts and made something new from it. However, when it’s SW reusing exact plot points from SW then it’s different. It doesn’t necessarily make it bad, but it’s very different. F.ex. (SORT-OF SPOILERS) I thought that Rey was a very good re-imagining of Luke in ANH because it took it somewhere new. Starkiller on the other hand didn’t really add anything new of any plot value. I don’t dislike it, but I can’t call I brilliant. It works, but it works in a very different kind of way.

Star Wars is Surrealism, not Science Fiction (essay)
Original Trilogy Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Beyond the OT Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Amazon link to my novels.


Borrowing elements from a wide variety of sources and blending them to create something no one has seen before is very different from creating a near carbon copy of an earlier film in the very same franchise.

As far as my ratings go, I pretty much agree with ZkinandBonez. I really enjoy Star Wars, but even ESB is an 8 or 8.5 in a world full of amazing films. That’s why I give TFA a 5 or 6 tops.

Forum Administrator



There’s plenty in TFA we haven’t seen before. There are definite similarities, but I disagree that it is a near carbon copy.


Well, I’ve said it before. Few people hate TFA, and most people seem to agree on what it does right and wrong. It’s just funny how people fluctuate between negativity and positivity. I give TFA a 6/10, but I actually really like the film. Someone else gives it the same score, but don’t necessarily like it. I guess it all depends on whether you focus on the pros or the cons.

Star Wars is Surrealism, not Science Fiction (essay)
Original Trilogy Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Beyond the OT Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Amazon link to my novels.