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The Book Of Boba Fett (live action series) - a general discussion thread - * SPOILERS * — Page 7


“You know damn well who.”

I audibly reacted to that line.


An intriguing article from the New York Times…

Boba Fett, Intergalactic Man of Mystery’:-

How did this fearsome “Star Wars” bounty hunter go from a peripheral player to the star of “The Book of Boba Fett”? He used the support of fans — and a little brute force.


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Cool bike girl only makes me more interested in this series. Plus I feel George Lucas would probably really approve of her bike.

(She’s played by Sophie Thatcher by the way)

“Remember, the Force will be with you. Always.”


My money is on Koo Stark…I mean Camie…

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


If that’s Camie then she hasn’t aged a day in the last fifteen years living on Tatooine since ANH, besides it’s all but officially confirmed that we’ve already seen both Camie and Fixer at Tosche station in the latest promos.

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I’ve got a bad feeling about this!


I have a feeling that the Tosche station is going to be treated as a good deed moment where Fett helps some—from the casual SW fan’s perspective—random farmers in trouble, while only us SW geeks recognise them as Camie and Fixer.

Like I’ve pointed out several times in regards to the cameos in season 2 of The Mandalorian, the irony is that it’s only us SW geeks that can be annoyed at them since we’re the only one’s that knew that they weren’t new characters. To most viewers Ahsoka was just a random Jedi in that one episode. Ditto with Bo-Karan and Cobb Vanth. Camie and Fixer are likewise going to be just some random farmers to the majority of viewers and if it wasn’t for social media I doubt that even most young SW fans would know who they are.

Star Wars is Surrealism, not Science Fiction (essay)
Original Trilogy Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Beyond the OT Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Amazon link to my novels.


The first in a series of posters by Andrew Swainson inspired by The Book of Boba Fett.



Love that artwork.

Lately I’ve been wondering if Qi’ra from Solo will be in this series. It would be a nice way to bring her character back, and I’d love to see Emilia Clarke getting the chance to play her again. However, we’re currently in the middle of an ongoing comic series about her by Charles Soule so it would be very strange timing (Qi’ra’s presence and status in TBOBF would effectively spoil the end of the comic series), and I don’t see Lucasfilm taking Soule’s ambitious pitch for a Qi’ra story (which he apparently made last year) and incorporating it into a planned live action show. As fantastic as it would be to see Lucasfilm publishing and the team behind the series working together, Lucasfilm have been treading very carefully with their newfound success in TV and have kept novel and comic authors far away from it (think the cancelled Mando novel, etc.)

The worst that could happen is the show completely ignores the story from the comics (which would presumably be because it was written and filmed ages ago and they didn’t know about it), which would signify a complete breakdown of organisation and communication between departments. But I’m just getting paranoid about books and comics getting retconned again. Retcons in The Bad Batch did this to me!

“Remember, the Force will be with you. Always.”


Random thoughts…

I half expected that sandtrooper to say Kill me!

No sign of anyone else who fell in during ROTJ. The whole 1000 years digestion thing is a tad suspect now.

No Audrey II beak on the Sarlacc, thank the maker!

Jawas suck.

Did not need to see a Wookiee pelt. 😮

Rhodians are to Star Wars what Redshirts are to Star Trek.

Release the Kraken!!!

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Where were you in '77?


Just finished the first episode and I thought it was really good. It’s always hard to evaluate the 1st episode of a series as it’s usually only a set-up for things to come, but the flash-backs did a good job of telling a self-contained, but still open-ended story, while we got the first glimpse into Fett’s tenure as mob boss in the “present”. I actually liked this way more than I did the 1st episode of The Mandalorian which I felt was mostly just set-up and not really a story. I wasn’t really sold on that show until the 2nd episode so it seems that they’ve learned since then. I’m really curious to see what happens next both in Fett’s past and present.

As for some more random thoughts. I’m a little bit disappointed that they didn’t make more out of the Sarlacc, but I also have no issues with how they handled it either. The whole thing might be a bit too gruesome for Disney so they brushed past it and focused on Fett’s time with the Tuskens instead, which I completely understand and it was a really good story anyway. I also really liked the spaghetti western call-backs throughout the episode (not that I suspected anything else with Rodriguez directing).

I also really liked the lizard-centaur-thing. Recent SW creatures have IMO tried a bit too hard to be somewhat “logical” and often just resembled real animals with some alien aspect added to it, but this, this was a proper old-school monster (while still managing to not go completely overboard).

Star Wars is Surrealism, not Science Fiction (essay)
Original Trilogy Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Beyond the OT Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Amazon link to my novels.


That was awesome.

I like how they’re getting all the setup out of the way rather quickly. He’s already out of the sarlacc and in Jabba’s palace. It was all explained sufficiently without dragging it out and we get to see him already out and about making his rounds as a new crime boss. I’m guessing in the next episode we’ll likely see another flashback to his time with the Tuskens while in the present getting to more of the main story.

Since it’s called the BOOK of Boba Fett, I wonder if the title of each episode will be named after a novel? Stranger in a Stange Land (Heinlein) is a sci-fi essential. Wonder if we could guess some of the others? The Man in the High Castle? The Caves of Steel? Brave New World?

Goransson knocked it out of the park again, but was there any doubt. He’s a genius, no hyperbole in that statement at all.

Now I have to go back and watch it again because I missed Matt Berry’s voice the first time.


Agree with both posts above.

I’m glad the Sarlacc escape was dealt with fast and efficiently, and they got on with the present story.


A few more random thoughts/observations:

Did anyone else think the Stormtrooper in the Sarlacc looked like an action figure? The whole scene seemed like it was shot practically, so I wonder if Fett’s POV shots were done with a miniature.The stormtrooper helmet looks small and the eyes look painted.

When Fett, Shand and the Gamorreans walk the streets there are several Boston Dynamic Spot robots in the scene. I’m assuming these are real robots as I don’t see the point in making CG droids resemble real robots to such an extent.

The cantina/casino scene has an astromech droid drummer standing behind what I assume is Max Rebo who escaped the sail barge before it blew up.

The same scene also features an alien that reminds me a lot of Klysk from Marvel’s SW #5 “Crimson Fever”.

This is either a change or there’s will be some kind of explanation down the line, but there were no Tusken women in the Tusken camp, at least not according to how Tuskens looked in AOTC (though one of them was played by a stuntwoman). The same goes for the children who also had different masks, but the one in this episode might be a teenager, hence the male adult mask. The camp also looks much more temporary than the ones we’ve seen before in both AOTC and The Mandalorian.

And this isn’t technically an observation as I looked it up on IMDb, but the Trandoshan who payed tribute to Fett early in the episode was apparently played by Robert Rodriguez.

Star Wars is Surrealism, not Science Fiction (essay)
Original Trilogy Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Beyond the OT Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Amazon link to my novels.


just finished the episode so random thoughts

-sometimes Boba Fett looked a little naive or dumb to me, i felt that Fennec had to explain everything to him, and c’mom he is BOBA FETT, he was Jabba go-to problem solver (also why nobody recognizes him? because he was “dead” for years, i know, but i would expect some reaction to him appearing in Tatooine, i guess coming back from the dead in the Star Wars galaxy is just daily basis now)
-everytime a villain becomes an anti-hero or we have a standalone story they’re always a little nerfed, i know it’s because the plot needs to happen, it’s just a little strange to me, but yeah just something i’ll need to live with (and that’s why i don’t want a Vader or Palpatine series or etc, those guys are too powerfull for me to believe they’ll have a real challenge to face)
-why do the sand people send A KID and a crocdog with two prisoners (one that was clearly dangerous and almost escaped before)?
-cool monster and cool fight i loved it
-i prefered the time Boba Fett didn’t take off his helmet in public, but i understand the reasons about story and production to why is like that now

overall, i liked it a lot, it was good, but it could’ve been better to me, looking foward

the dark side of the force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural


Maybe it’s because I had begun to get worried about retcons and too much fan service etc, some issues which had begun to plague Star Wars shows for me, but this episode was not only a relief but really, really enjoyable. Some really witty dialogue between Boba and Fennec, I love how they do the flashback sequences and intercut them with the present story, just super super engaging and focused on BOBA. Really looking forward to more next week, this show has me hooked.

I also loved getting to see Kamino in live action again, although briefly.

“Remember, the Force will be with you. Always.”


I agree with Robert Rodriguez, Tem Morrison makes this redeemed Boba very likeable.

“Remember, the Force will be with you. Always.”


I think the business with the young Tusken is a coming of age ritual to prove his maturity. Boba winning respect from the Tusken leader (and probably eventually the rest of the tribe) reminds me of the 1970 Richard Harris film A Man Called Horse.

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


oviniboy said:

just finished the episode so random thoughts

-sometimes Boba Fett looked a little naive or dumb to me, i felt that Fennec had to explain everything to him, and c’mom he is BOBA FETT, he was Jabba go-to problem solver (also why nobody recognizes him? because he was “dead” for years, i know, but i would expect some reaction to him appearing in Tatooine, i guess coming back from the dead in the Star Wars galaxy is just daily basis now)
-everytime a villain becomes an anti-hero or we have a standalone story they’re always a little nerfed, i know it’s because the plot needs to happen, it’s just a little strange to me, but yeah just something i’ll need to live with (and that’s why i don’t want a Vader or Palpatine series or etc, those guys are too powerfull for me to believe they’ll have a real challenge to face)
-why do the sand people send A KID and a crocdog with two prisoners (one that was clearly dangerous and almost escaped before)?
-cool monster and cool fight i loved it
-i prefered the time Boba Fett didn’t take off his helmet in public, but i understand the reasons about story and production to why is like that now

overall, i liked it a lot, it was good, but it could’ve been better to me, looking foward

Tattooine is kind of the ass end of the Galaxy though. Many locals might not have heard of him or think he’s just another Mando from off world.

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?