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Rangers Of The New Republic (live action series) - general discussion thread (Cancelled) — Page 2


Anakin Starkiller said:

It’s not officially cancelled yet, and will maybe still continue, but to me this implies that Rangers was going to heavily feature Cara Dune and that’s now been quietly thrown out of the window. It’s a shame if it really is cancelled - I was hoping the series could replace Cara (if it was ever going to feature her) with a character like Hera Syndulla.

I think it was pretty petty to fire Carano in the first place. This is why I hate Twitter.

Eh, I think it’s debatable that pettiness came into it, I think it was more a publicity thing they deemed necessary because Carano was controversial. But the Mandalorian thread rightfully got locked because of this, so I reckon we shouldn’t get into it.

What’s done is done and certainly the news that Rangers isn’t in active development should shut up the people who thought Gina Carano was getting rehired any day now.

“Remember, the Force will be with you. Always.”


jedi_bendu said:

I think it was more a publicity thing they deemed necessary because Carano was controversial.

Yeah: when you don’t think like Disney and all mainstream corporations tell you to, you become controversial. That’s also what Star Wars was about back in the 70s.

When Star Wars becomes the all powerful Empire, fans should stop defending it… (imho, of course)

So long 🙌


When you don’t think like Disney’s consumerbase I would say. Disney itself doesn’t care. They just want profit.


Anakin Starkiller said:

It’s not officially cancelled yet, and will maybe still continue, but to me this implies that Rangers was going to heavily feature Cara Dune and that’s now been quietly thrown out of the window. It’s a shame if it really is cancelled - I was hoping the series could replace Cara (if it was ever going to feature her) with a character like Hera Syndulla.

I think it was pretty petty to fire Carano in the first place. This is why I hate Twitter.

Let’s not please

I also hope Rangers isn’t canceled from just Carano. There’s so much potential I’d much prefer the show to star original characters and flesh out their original stories. Include a few recognizable characters like the X-Wing Pilot from Mando, but put most of the focus on new faces.

Maul- A Star Wars Story


MalaStrana#2 said:

jedi_bendu said:

I think it was more a publicity thing they deemed necessary because Carano was controversial.

Yeah: when you don’t think like Disney and all mainstream corporations tell you to, you become controversial. That’s also what Star Wars was about back in the 70s.

When Star Wars becomes the all powerful Empire, fans should stop defending it… (imho, of course)

Well, also when you say transphobic stuff when the lead actor has a trans sister, said lead actor might not want to continue being your coworker.

OutboundFlight said:

Anakin Starkiller said:

It’s not officially cancelled yet, and will maybe still continue, but to me this implies that Rangers was going to heavily feature Cara Dune and that’s now been quietly thrown out of the window. It’s a shame if it really is cancelled - I was hoping the series could replace Cara (if it was ever going to feature her) with a character like Hera Syndulla.

I think it was pretty petty to fire Carano in the first place. This is why I hate Twitter.

I also hope Rangers isn’t canceled from just Carano. There’s so much potential I’d much prefer the show to star original characters and flesh out their original stories. Include a few recognizable characters like the X-Wing Pilot from Mando, but put most of the focus on new faces.

I agree. They clearly had some story plan that I bet could be carried over to another character. Schmara Dune, Cara Dune’s twin sister.

Reading R + L ≠ J theories


Anakin Starkiller said:

Then recast her, you cowards!

Agreed, I’d be fine with this. Off-putting for some I’m sure, but I like the character enough and dislike Gina Carano enough that I’d be happy to see Cara’s story continuing without her.

SparkySywer said:

Schmara Dune, Cara Dune’s twin sister.

Got a laugh out of me!

“Remember, the Force will be with you. Always.”


Gina Corano does not own the character of Cara Dune.

Dune may well appear in animation.

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


idir_hh said:

Dune may well appear in animation.

Honestly good, because I want more animated projects.

“Remember, the Force will be with you. Always.”


Anakin Starkiller said:

Then recast her, you cowards!

Hey Mando! I look different? Oh, yeah, I get plastic surgery every once in a while. I have a bit of an addiction. I also took voice changing pills. Anyway, how’s the little green dude?

Reading R + L ≠ J theories


Please the people who want Gina Carano rehired by rehiring her for the one pre-Wampa scene

Reading R + L ≠ J theories


SparkySywer said:

Please the people who want Gina Carano rehired by rehiring her for the one pre-Wampa scene

If Colin Baker’s anything to go by, that’ll be a no from her, but I know you’re just joking.


Anakin Starkiller said:

SparkySywer said:

Please the people who want Gina Carano rehired by rehiring her for the one pre-Wampa scene

If Colin Baker’s anything to go by, that’ll be a no from her, but I know you’re just joking.

So you’re saying that Cara should be recast as Sylvester McCoy in a wig?


Disappointing news for anyone looking forward to ‘Rangers Of The New Republic’…

A snippet from the January 2022 edition of Empire Magazine’s interview with Kathleen Kennedy (with quotes):-

“Some of that will figure into future episodes, I’m sure, of the next iteration of Mandalorian.”

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… and take your time to look around this site before posting - to get a feel for this place. Don’t just lazily make yet another thread asking for projects.


At least they’re doing something with the abandoned script ideas, I just hope it doesn’t overcrowd any future seasons of The Mandalorian. For me, season 2 already feels like it was trying to cram a few too many things (in this case character appearances) in.

Not sure if I like the strategy of announcing a new project before you’ve even got something solid to work with. But oh well.

“Remember, the Force will be with you. Always.”


This keeps happening. It’s like clockwork.

This is starting to get embarrassing. And it doesn’t reflect well on the company. They really need to be more sure-footed about the projects they announce.


Servii said:

This keeps happening. It’s like clockwork.

This is starting to get embarrassing. And it doesn’t reflect well on the company. They really need to be more sure-footed about the projects they announce.

Like clockwork? Embarrassing? How so?


Rodney-2187 said:

Servii said:

This keeps happening. It’s like clockwork.

This is starting to get embarrassing. And it doesn’t reflect well on the company. They really need to be more sure-footed about the projects they announce.

Like clockwork? Embarrassing? How so?

When you add them up, we’ve had a lot of cancellations coming out of Lucasfilm.

Josh Trank’s Boba Fett movie, the follow-up to Solo that Kathleen Kennedy spoke about in interviews, Colin Trevorrow’s Episode IX, David Benioff and Dan Weiss’s trilogy, Rian Johnson’s trilogy (possibly; it seems to be on indefinite hold), the Rogue Squadron movie, and now this. There might be one or two I’m forgetting, also.

Not to mention the production troubles and last-minute retooling of Rogue One, Solo, and Rise of Skywalker (and The Force Awakens, of course, was written at basically the eleventh hour, when the sets were already being built).

Other big franchises have this happen from time to time, but not nearly as frequently. Star Wars is an anomaly, in that regard. When Star Wars projects keep falling through or having major behind-the-scenes trouble over and over again, it starts to indicate a pattern of dysfunction and indecision. That’s why it reflects poorly on Lucasfilm. It makes it look like they’re just taking shots in the dark. I can see why a lot of directors and writers wouldn’t want to work there, too, since you don’t know if your creative vision will even end up intact by the end.

Also, it makes it hard to keep getting excited about new projects that get announced when you know there’s a decent chance they won’t happen. It would be better if they held off on making those announcements until the projects are definitely happening.


Far more projects are planned than ever make it to the screen, by every studio, director and producer. Often those cancellations are some of the best decisions. There’s plenty of great Star Wars still to look forward to.


Although I’m personally somewhat indifferent to both Rangers of the New Republic and the Rogue Squadron movie I agree with the broad strokes of what EckhartsLadder had to say on the matter;

Rangers of the New Republic Likely CANCELLED… I’m so tired of the BS
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dpuVMa9aFjQ - from the EckhartsLadder YT channel (9 mins long).

I agree that it can be hard to get excited for new SW projects now that it has become apparent that most of Lucasfilm’s future plans is just a case of spitballing and half of it could end up being scrapped. I get that projects can be announced based purely on a plot outline and maybe some loose pre-production work, but at least The Book of Boba Fett wasn’t announced without it being clear that it was being made. Sometimes it’s better to keep a planned project secret, or at least vague, until you know it’s going to get made. F.ex. if Taika Waitit’s SW film gets cancelled I can’t say I’d be too annoyed as I have absolutely no idea what his plans were (if there even were any). But the moment you announce a series/movie with a name, a setting, a theme, a known character, etc. and then it gets canned, well, that feels like a bit of a waste of time and fan involvement.

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From the sounds of it, Filoni had a story idea centered around the character of Cara Dune, but Disney fired Gina Carano. Since they weren’t very far along in the process, they decided to cancel the series opposed to recasting. it doesn’t seem like that big of a deal to me.