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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released) — Page 500


Jar Jar Bricks said:

BrotherOfSasquatch said:

TestingOutTheTest said:

BrotherOfSasquatch said:

DZ-330 said:

TestingOutTheTest said:

So… refuting criticisms of a movie you guys don’t like is trolling or bullshitting?

wonders if the mods are watching so he can be blocked from this thread

JJ needs to take the L and go.

You know, I’m just going to keep on calling you that because of how much it seems to bug you.

And here I thought RL’s puppet show was the most amazing thing I’d see in this thread… lol

EDIT: What a perfect first post for Page 500. Page 500! Wow…I don’t know if that’s impressive or terrifying.

The Rise of Skywalker: Untold - A “Rey Nobody” edit of Ep. IX | Looking for voices and VFX - Please reach out if interested!


I feel like fan edits are intended to be a “definitive version” of the actual movie.

Also, it doesn’t help when such views are either presented as “fact” and other views are wrong or “they don’t understand.”

People refute criticisms of commonly criticized films all the time. I’m doing the same with TRoS.


Seriously people!!

This thread has felt like a playground for months now. Both myself and others are losing interest in following conversations because it’s annoying af.

If people are being Dicks then just ignore them, don’t engage with them or even reply. Trolls feed off reaction so if you’re not helping/contributing or doing something to make this edit great then STFU and go play with your action figures or something. Grown-ups are trying to make a movie here.

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/


TestingOutTheTest said:

I feel like fan edits are intended to be a “definitive version” of the actual movie.

Also, it doesn’t help when such views are either presented as “fact” and other views are wrong or “they don’t understand.”

People refute criticisms of commonly criticized films all the time. I’m doing the same with TRoS.

Dude, there’s no such thing as “definitive.” Everyone’s “definitive” version will be subjective to each person. For example, your “definitive” version is not going to be Ascendant. If you want your own definitive version, you’ll probably have to make it yourself. You can create your own thread for your own project.

Again, you’re welcome to offer criticism or talking points, but they should be constructive, not argumentative. And based on your complaints, you’d be better off sharing them in a different thread; Ascendant is what Hal wants the film to be, not you.

The Rise of Skywalker: Untold - A “Rey Nobody” edit of Ep. IX | Looking for voices and VFX - Please reach out if interested!


Movies Remastered said:

RogueLeader said:

but you could argue they’ve had a set change since they started talking. What do you guys think?

It was talked about when Poppa and I were working on the clean plate. The first one is debatable but the second definately could be a set change. I can try to remove them if you’d like though.

I think the only shot that I think would be worth the trouble would be that second one. The first one, and the one where we see the stage before the puppet show, could be cropped from a 4K source, since they’re both on the edge of their frames.


sherlockpotter said:

Jar Jar Bricks said:

BrotherOfSasquatch said:

TestingOutTheTest said:

BrotherOfSasquatch said:

DZ-330 said:

TestingOutTheTest said:

So… refuting criticisms of a movie you guys don’t like is trolling or bullshitting?

wonders if the mods are watching so he can be blocked from this thread

JJ needs to take the L and go.

You know, I’m just going to keep on calling you that because of how much it seems to bug you.

And here I thought RL’s puppet show was the most amazing thing I’d see in this thread… lol

EDIT: What a perfect first post for Page 500. Page 500! Wow…I don’t know if that’s impressive or terrifying.

Yeah I was just trying to calm people down a bit lol. I agree with MR here.

I’m taking more of a back seat now that things are mostly locked in place.


sherlockpotter said:

TestingOutTheTest said:

I feel like fan edits are intended to be a “definitive version” of the actual movie.

Also, it doesn’t help when such views are either presented as “fact” and other views are wrong or “they don’t understand.”

People refute criticisms of commonly criticized films all the time. I’m doing the same with TRoS.

Dude, there’s no such thing as “definitive.” Everyone’s “definitive” version will be subjective to each person. For example, your “definitive” version is not going to be Ascendant. If you want your own definitive version, you’ll probably have to make it yourself. You can your own thread for your own project.

Again, you’re welcome to offer criticism or talking points, but they should be constructive, not argumentative. And based on your complaints, you’d be better off sharing them in a different thread; Ascendant is what Hal wants the film to be, not you.


And to add onto the whole “definitive” bullshit Test just pulled, there’s been plenty of changes and alterations that people have brought up for this project that have been rejected that I liked. So, I’ve personally resigned myself to the fact that at some point, I’ll probably have to create my own personal edit of TROS with these changes to be my own “definitive” version of the movie.

And that’s just how the fan editing game goes. I thought you would have inferred that that’s how things work around here.

EDIT: And this will be my last thing I’ll say about this. Im sorry for derailing the thread, MR and Hal.


TestingOutTheTest said:

I feel like fan edits are intended to be a “definitive version” of the actual movie.

Also, it doesn’t help when such views are either presented as “fact” and other views are wrong or “they don’t understand.”

People refute criticisms of commonly criticized films all the time. I’m doing the same with TRoS.

Not in the ‘Fan Projects’ section - of which you’ve been told about a few times now. Kindly, knock it off.

Your passion and dedication for the films is admirable - but they are more suited to the ‘Discussion Section’ of the site.

I suggest you give some consideration to the worthwhile advice others have taken the time out in this thread to give you.

A little patience goes a long way on this old-school Rebel base. If you are having issues finding what you are looking for, these will be of some help…

Welcome to the OriginalTrilogy.com | Introduce yourself in here | Useful info within : About : Help : Site Rules : Fan Project Rules : Announcements
How do I do this?’ on the OriginalTrilogy.com; some info & answers + FAQs - includes info on how to search for projects and threads on the OT•com

A Project Index for Star Wars Preservations (Harmy’s Despecialized & 4K77/80/83 etc) : A Project Index for Star Wars Fan Edits (adywan & Hal 9000 etc)

… and take your time to look around this site before posting - to get a feel for this place. Don’t just lazily make yet another thread asking for projects.


I disagree categorically. I don’t consider any fan edit “definitive,” unless for me personally if I adopt one as such. They are inherently derivative and alternative. If that’s your concern, rest assured I’m not secretly supplying Lucasfilm with a master copy to overwrite the original.

And I don’t imagine going with layered dialogue for Palpatine for the entire movie. But I’d be open to considering using it in certain moments. Or maybe not at all, of course, but that’s the beauty of all this work. I kinda like the ambiguity of the Sith thing, and this would sort of channel it through a straightforward presentation.

My stance on revising fan edits.


Don’t be sorry to me. It’s not my thread, think about Hal having to trail through all this bickering. Testingout, Jar jar and a few others were the reason I unfollowed this thread and stopped working on other people’s edits.

Can we all just “stay on target” and leave the moot debates for other threads?

EDIT: Appreciate the words from a Mod. 👍🏼

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/


RogueLeader said:


The puppet show turned out amazing! I love the tusks and claws on the walker, and I love how the childen looking back and forth makes the interaction of the puppets feel seamless. I’m curious to see how it could be extended but I think it works perfectly fine as is.

It’s a subtle (and wonderful) nod to TLJ but we should be careful not to put too much emphasis on it, since it could end up taking emphasis away from the children, which are an important part of the scene. Also I think the laughs of the children should be a bit louder to match the volume of the alien speech, that would help blend the two elements together.


Movies Remastered said:

Testingout, Jar jar and a few others were the reason I unfollowed this thread and stopped working on other people’s edits.

Don’t appreciate having my name right next to his after what he just pulled, but whatever. I’d say there is a pretty significant difference between the two of us.

That’s all I’ll say.


RogueLeader said:

I’ll see about trying to upscale the plate later today/tomorrow, but if anyone else wanted to have a go at it, here is the Google drive link Poppa provided awhile back for the clean plate.

Hey, I found a few minutes! Uploaded the 4K backplate for the puppet show from sherlockpotter’s source to the same link. Thanks, sherlock, it is sooo much sharper. Honestly, it makes me want to remaster the film in 4K (hehe, in about 5 years).

I had to tweak the color slightly to better match the HD version we’ve been working with and got it in the ballpark, but it may need some refinement (and Hal’s LUT ultimately).

The trick to using sherlock’s MKV (which is great because it’s right from the disc, no conversion) is to use an app called TSMuxer to demux the mkv into just it’s video component, which was a .264 file. The .264 actually works in After Effects, but it’s a bit slow. I only needed a few frames so I just used it as-is. But you can also use (sorry MR!) ffmpeg to change the container from .264 to .mp4 using the code posted by sade1212: “ffmpeg -i inputfile.264 -c:v copy outputfile.mp4”. There would be no conversion so it’s incredibly fast and without any quality loss.


What I mean by the “definitive” stuff is that they’re intended to be a better/improved version of the movie.


Anyways… since Dat_SW_Guy appeared to drop his project of extending the ending of the film due to either personal/technical reasons on his end, is this still being considered and/or has someone decided to try working on this?

The scene being the Falcon going into space above Tatooine so the end song can end a little more triumphantly before it cuts to the credits.

The Skywalker Saga:
I · II · III · IV · V · VI · VII · VIII · IX
This is the way.


poppasketti said:

RogueLeader said:

I’ll see about trying to upscale the plate later today/tomorrow, but if anyone else wanted to have a go at it, here is the Google drive link Poppa provided awhile back for the clean plate.

Hey, I found a few minutes! Uploaded the 4K backplate for the puppet show from sherlockpotter’s source to the same link. Thanks, sherlock, it is sooo much sharper. Honestly, it makes me want to remaster the film in 4K (hehe, in about 5 years).

I had to tweak the color slightly to better match the HD version we’ve been working with and got it in the ballpark, but it may need some refinement (and Hal’s LUT ultimately).

The trick to using sherlock’s MKV (which is great because it’s right from the disc, no conversion) is to use an app called TSMuxer to demux the mkv into just it’s video component, which was a .264 file. The .264 actually works in After Effects, but it’s a bit slow. I only needed a few frames so I just used it as-is. But you can also use (sorry MR!) ffmpeg to change the container from .264 to .mp4 using the code posted by sade1212: “ffmpeg -i inputfile.264 -c:v copy outputfile.mp4”. There would be no conversion so it’s incredibly fast and without any quality loss.

Poppa! This is great, wasn’t expecting to get this so quickly. Thanks for taking time out of your busy schedule!

I actually just redid the scene for the two shot version using the mp4 version of Sherlock’s source he provided, and it looked fine to me. But I might try to convert it in one of the ways you mentioned.


DZ-330 said:

Anyways… since Dat_SW_Guy appeared to drop his project of extending the ending of the film due to either personal/technical reasons on his end, is this still being considered and/or has someone decided to try working on this?

The scene being the Falcon going into space above Tatooine so the end song can end a little more triumphantly before it cuts to the credits.

My stance is a general openness but I don’t feel any need to modify what’s already there, which I like a great deal.

My stance on revising fan edits.


Apologies if this has been discussed already, but has any consideration been given to removing the implication that Lando and Chewie somehow managed to assemble the largest fleet we’ve ever seen, in a couple hours at most, in what the film strongly suggests is a 180-degree reversal of the dominant mood of the galaxy? Personally, I consider that and the dagger compass (which has already been brilliantly fixed in Ascendant) to be the two most logic- and suspension-of-disbelief-breaking moments in the entire Saga.

It seems to me that some dialogue cuts (ending Poe and Zorii’s heart-to-heart before the talk about thinking they’re alone/everyone giving up; then during the mission briefing scene cutting from Lando’s “That’s our chance” straight to the preparation montage & Finn’s “Leia never gave up…”) would be all it would take to let the audience infer that the fleet is the culmination of both the Resistance’s recruitment efforts in the year between TLJ & TROS and Luke’s sacrifice inspiring the galaxy (which of course Ascendant already strengthens in multiple ways), instead of something miraculously assembled at the last minute.



DZ-330 said:

Anyways… since Dat_SW_Guy appeared to drop his project of extending the ending of the film due to either personal/technical reasons on his end, is this still being considered and/or has someone decided to try working on this?

The scene being the Falcon going into space above Tatooine so the end song can end a little more triumphantly before it cuts to the credits.

The other scene he was helping us out with was the Death Star lightning shot. It seemed like it was mostly done already; I would just need an HQ source without Streamable’s compression to apply the sound effects. Dat_SW_Guy, would you happen to have that file available? Or would someone else be willing to help finish up the shot?


Cadavra said:

Apologies if this has been discussed already, but has any consideration been given to removing the implication that Lando and Chewie somehow managed to assemble the largest fleet we’ve ever seen, in a couple hours at most, in what the film strongly suggests is a 180-degree reversal of the dominant mood of the galaxy? Personally, I consider that and the dagger compass (which has already been brilliantly fixed in Ascendant) to be the two most logic- and suspension-of-disbelief-breaking moments in the entire Saga.

I’m working on an idea that actually addresses this, funnily enough!

The Rise of Skywalker: Untold - A “Rey Nobody” edit of Ep. IX | Looking for voices and VFX - Please reach out if interested!


Apparently Disney just updated TROS on D+ with a completely different color correction with less blue. No idea why they did that but it’s kinda funny.


BrotherOfSasquatch said:

What if we overlay the Sith whispers we’ve been using for all the dagger scenes over this entire exchange? It could fill in the gaps plus be a thematic thing in regards to Rey’s arc in this movie (one final Sith pull at the very end of her conflict) while also somewhat playing into Palp’s line about being all the Sith.

I would make a mockup of it but I don’t have the whispers sound effects. Preferably, I would use this clip to do my mockup of it (courtesy of Sade): https://streamable.com/fimixx

So, I went ahead and did this. lol.

These are both EXTREMELY rough and only have rudimentary sound mixing on them (I wasn’t even able to hear them through headphones). But, it gets across the general gist of what I was thinking.

I used both Sade’s and Sherlock’s mockups for my sources. I then went ahead and added a cacophony of the Sith whispers we’ve already been hearing in Ascendant, SWTOR Sith whispers and the “Nobody” chorus Axlanian had in his “Sith Legion” edit to the scene, building up until Rey grabs the other lightsaber as one final (desperate) push by Palpatine to break her spirit.

I have two versions of the scene. The one that I’ve preferred this entire time (having Palp’s final line being “You are nothing!”): https://streamable.com/am0y0m

And then there’s the version most of you guys seem to prefer and the one you’ve been all doing your edits with (having Palp’s last line be the “Scavanger girl” line): https://streamable.com/jl01wu

Let me know what you guys think. And if anyone who has more expertise in audio work wants to take a crack at it (Lord knows I’m not any good at it), go right ahead!


TestingOutTheTest said:

Also, it doesn’t help when such views are either presented as “fact” and other views are wrong or “they don’t understand.”

People refute criticisms of commonly criticized films all the time. I’m doing the same with TRoS.

Do it in the god damn opinion threads, dude. We have those. This is not the place for that.

Cadavra said:

Apologies if this has been discussed already, but has any consideration been given to removing the implication that Lando and Chewie somehow managed to assemble the largest fleet we’ve ever seen, in a couple hours at most, in what the film strongly suggests is a 180-degree reversal of the dominant mood of the galaxy? Personally, I consider that and the dagger compass (which has already been brilliantly fixed in Ascendant) to be the two most logic- and suspension-of-disbelief-breaking moments in the entire Saga.

I wonder if it could be implied or outright said that the First Order is doing something to keep down the effects of Luke on Crait? I don’t know how to word this lol. But like, maybe this fleet has already been pretty much happening and the First Order has just lost control handling it, or something like that.

Reading R + L ≠ J theories


Part of me sort of enjoys having Testing as a “devil’s advocate” of sorts - after all, when fanediting, it can be all too easy to change something without fully appreciating the nuances of why it was that way to begin with, and it can be valuable to step back and reflect on whether you’ve really gained more than you’ve lost. But in moderation.

One of the best things about fanediting is it gives us freedom from the problem the studios have of needing one version of their movie to appeal to all people. There’s no need for us to reintroduce that problem by deciding any one fanedit has to be the be-all and end-all.