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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released) — Page 355


Kylo’s handling DOTF was pretty awful, but also, the fact that we’re now talking about a script of a film that never got made shows we’re way off topic.


Burbin said:

Jar Jar Bricks said:

Burbin said:

If a viewer is left assuming Palpatine and Snoke were the same or mostly the same character, then their view of TLJ is harmed, as to them ‘killing’ Snoke would mostly ammount to unplugging Palpatine from a host body.

Funnily enough, I actually find this enhances my enjoyment of TLJ rather than harming it. Yes, I understand it retroactively isn’t as much of an impactful event because he isn’t the “big bad” of the trilogy anymore. But when you have such a powerful villain die so easily in the second movie of a trilogy, it is to be expected that he would be diminished in such a way. Otherwise, the final movie in the trilogy has less stakes than the second one. That’s just bad storytelling in a trilogy.

With the removal of all the Snoke bodies he could easily be perceived not just as one of many potential host bodies, but as the only host body Palpatine had at his disposal that wasn’t attached to a medical crane arm. This in and of itself is significant enough for the characters to have defeated in the second movie. At least for me.

I’m not saying that moment is harmed because Snoke is no longer the big bad, he wasn’t by the end of TLJ either and whether he was a puppet or not wouldn’t change that. I’m saying it totally negates Kylo’s whole character arc in TLJ if all it amounts to is pulling the chord on a Palpy puppet. If we have some degree of separation between Snoke and Palps at least the story in TLJ is only harmed by bringing in another big bad, instead of it being literally the same one, thus negating the conclusion in the previous movie.

Are you suggesting that character development for Kylo is only recognized when he permanently kills something? Because the way I understand it, you recognize character development by actions, not the extraneous circumstances surrounding them. Especially if they only reveal themselves later on down the line.


What do you think about Rey’s crackling Saber reflecting her mood? I’m just working on the Cave scenes and the aggressive effect really doesn’t look right. What if it’s calm when she is and out of control in battle scenes?

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That’s a fun idea, but considering the effect is supposed to more or less match Kylo’s - which doesn’t do that - it might just come across as a mistake if Rey’s is inconsistent rather than a subtle character thing.


Oh yeah I meant to apologize to you MR if I came across rude in any way during our discussion a while back on Fixing Disney Star Wars. I don’t hold anything against you personally. No hard feelings?


Well, I’m thinking Kylo’s was just cracked but Rey’s was completely broken so it would act differently plus Kylo is moreover to the Darkside and Rey seems split. It was just a subtle visual idea that would make the audio easier in the quieter scenes.

@Jar Jar Bricks It’s cool dude. I get a lot worse 😉 I just wouldn’t worry yourself about what other people are doing outside of this forum or at least don’t bring it here if you are. All good here.

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Jar Jar Bricks said:

Are you suggesting that character development for Kylo is only recognized when he permanently kills something? Because the way I understand it, you recognize character development by actions, not the extraneous circumstances surrounding them. Especially if they only reveal themselves later on down the line.

I mean, if it was revealed that the guy he killed in TFA was actually a clone of Han Solo’s cousin and his real father is still hanging out somewhere else, I guess you wouldn’t think that affects the scene in TFA or Kylo Ren’s journey at all(?)


Burbin said:

Jar Jar Bricks said:

Are you suggesting that character development for Kylo is only recognized when he permanently kills something? Because the way I understand it, you recognize character development by actions, not the extraneous circumstances surrounding them. Especially if they only reveal themselves later on down the line.

I mean, if it was revealed that the guy he killed in TFA was actually a clone of Han Solo’s cousin and his real father is still hanging out somewhere else, I guess you wouldn’t think that affects the scene in TFA or Kylo Ren’s journey at all(?)

I can admit that may be a little too convenient for him (as in he doesn’t have to deal with the results of his own actions). But yes, I would still see it as character development. This is because he had no reason to believe it wasn’t his father, and yet he still killed him anyway.

EDIT: Forgot to mention that there still would be some consequences, at least in that scenario you described. I can’t imagine they would ever have a normal relationship again after that.


Hal 9000 said:

Hmm, without having seen the scene I imagine it’d be better to have it more or less consistent. No other saber has matched the user’s mood in such a way.

Agreed, I’d rather see it stay consistent


Movies Remastered said:

What do you think about Rey’s crackling Saber reflecting her mood? I’m just working on the Cave scenes and the aggressive effect really doesn’t look right. What if it’s calm when she is and out of control in battle scenes?

I agree with Hal that her crackling saber doesn’t really reflect her mood…although I personally wouldn’t mind a slightly softer crackle in the cave scenes. I think it should be more about the visual clarity of the shots - like in the training sequence, I seem to recall some discussion about making it way more crackly than usual, just to make the effect more noticeable to the audience. Granted, that scene was very kinetic, and in bright sunlight, so it needed a lot for the crackle to be seen. That amount of crackle wouldn’t be needed in a dark, slowly moving cave shot.

Like, you say it doesn’t look right, and it’s hard to weigh in without seeing it; but I don’t think the effect should ever be distracting. And since they make a point of the saber being the main source of light in the scene, you don’t want the audience’s main thought in the scene to be, “My god, that lightsaber is about to explode.” (Not to mention, will this affect any of the light that’s cast on the actors and set? Would it even be possible to make it flicker on their faces? I don’t think it will break the scene if that can’t be done, but it may create more of a disconnect if the saber is flickering way more than the light it’s casting.)

All of that being said…would it be possible to share a quick look at the effect, so we can get a better sense of how it looks?

The Rise of Skywalker: Untold - A “Rey Nobody” edit of Ep. IX | Looking for voices and VFX - Please reach out if interested!


Hal 9000 said:

Just had a disturbing thought: Do you think Maz Kanata was dying during TROS? She sure seemed rigid, like rigor mortis was setting in.

Her battlefront Skype video call did a number on her.

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”


Hal 9000 said:

Just had a disturbing thought: Do you think Maz Kanata was dying during TROS? She sure seemed rigid, like rigor mortis was setting in.

Wasn’t she a puppet as opposed to CGI in TROS? Don’t know why they decided to switch for the last movie


She was clearly designed with the intention of having the magnifying lenses on her face to make her eyes bigger most of the time, with the tiny eyes being a bit of a gag, but then in TROS she never has the lenses down because they presumably don’t look correct on the puppet. Such an odd choice. If she was a puppet all along I’d probably be glad, but switching to a puppet in the final movie just feels like closing the stable door after the horse has bolted.


Movies Remastered said:

What do you think about Rey’s crackling Saber reflecting her mood? I’m just working on the Cave scenes and the aggressive effect really doesn’t look right. What if it’s calm when she is and out of control in battle scenes?

Looks like I’ll be in the minority, but while I agree it should be consistent, I do think you can tone it down (5-10%) during a couple of scenes if you think it looks wrong. Hard to say without seeing the examples, but I think sometimes you have to adjust effects scene to scene. I would trust your judgment; if you think something looks off, you’re probably right! Might be good to try a quick test and post here to see how the toned down version feels. Just an idea!


Thanks for in feedback folks. Looking back on the day shots I do think I’ll have to tone down the fiery artefacts and tone down the effect in the cave. Unfortunately I didn’t get passana or our first meeting with zorri template from kewlfish to see his settings but I’ll take another run at it and upload a test scene soon.

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Movies Remastered said:

Thanks for in feedback folks. Looking back on the day shots I do think I’ll have to tone down the fiery artefacts and tone down the effect in the cave. Unfortunately I didn’t get passana or our first meeting with zorri template from kewlfish to see his settings but I’ll take another run at it and upload a test scene soon.

Like with a lot of things in Star Wars to varying extents (how fast lasers travel etc) I think you can probably put it down to what looks best in a given context.

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I remember Hal saying that soaring majestic music from the final TROS trailer sadly didn’t fit over the climax of the movie, but I don’t remember actually seeing test footage of it myself. Did anyone ever actually make and export an attempt at adding it? (I rewatched the trailer and that soundtrack is just fantastic, and I think it’s a real shame it can’t fit into the movie.)

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