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Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker Redux Ideas thread — Page 139


JakeRyan17 said:

It didn’t work as well with Palpatine, so here’s a version with “Am all the Sith” and “Am the Jedi”, which I think works better:

Dude, that worked pretty nicely! 👍
(I especially loved the 2 hours of black screen at the end! 😝)

And Movies Remastered, I love the idea of the intensity of Palpatine’s lightning sort of breaking the two sabers, leading to an actual justification for Rey burying them. Keep working on that ‘power shortage’ effect and you could end up with something quite convincing! 😃

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Jake, the second clip works really well with Rey’s part. I like that much better … it’s such a goofy line in context in the original scene since … she’s not. Plus a funny take away from that too is she’s pretty much saying “Who cares if you are all the Sith, I’m a Jedi” and defeats him. Lol.

Although I don’t think its feasible … but would love if the whole Sith ritual/transfer/all the Sith aspect of the movie was removed … but there is only so much you can do. Lol.

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”


What if she just responded to “I AM ALL THE SITH!” with “I am a Jedi.” She’s finally accepting her role and place in the story, and it’s a nice callback to the “I am a Jedi, like my father…” from ROTJ

The Skywalker Saga:
I · II · III · IV · V · VI · VII · VIII · IX
This is the way.


Hal 9000 said:

Movies Remastered said:

Hal 9000 said:

Thought we were talking about MagnoliaFan for a second.

What’s that?


Hey! that was only last week, last month, last year, last decade, 16 years ago - bloody hell!

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… and take your time to look around this site before posting - to get a feel for this place. Don’t just lazily make yet another thread asking for projects.


I’m trying to find a clip that someone had made incorporating the Vader fight from SeizeTheFrame’s “Force of Darkness” fanfilm into the opening Mustafar scenes of TRoS. Does anyone here remember who made that or where I can find it?


DZ-330 said:

What if she just responded to “I AM ALL THE SITH!” with “I am a Jedi.” She’s finally accepting her role and place in the story, and it’s a nice callback to the “I am a Jedi, like my father…” from ROTJ

Actually, changing this line would also bring more symbolism about the opposition between Sith and Jedi (although I don’t know so much about the SW lore) : the Sith get more and more powerful by having the master taking control of its apprentice (as explained in the movie, thus why Palpatine is “all” the Sith), while the Jedi become more and more powerful by passing on their knowledge to the new ones (thus saying that you’re “a” jedi is enough to imply that you carry with you all the Jedi knowledge, an idea pretty well symbolized with the Force ghosts in the scene).


Swapping “the” for “a” in Rey’s line might be tricky, just because of the line reading. If someone knows of a good spot to pull the article “a” from, I’d be happy to try it.


jarbear said:

Jake, the second clip works really well with Rey’s part. I like that much better … it’s such a goofy line in context in the original scene since … she’s not. Plus a funny take away from that too is she’s pretty much saying “Who cares if you are all the Sith, I’m a Jedi” and defeats him. Lol.

Didn’t notice that, such a weird error… Links were updated above, but here they are again:

Movies Remastered said:

Just was Rey says “A Sith Wayfinder” when she’s talking to Leia should work.

Here’s an attempt using that reading of “a”:


It sounds natural, but the “a” is a little too de-emphasized to me. You could also try using the first half of when she says “all” to have it all come from the same line reading. “I am all the Jedi.” May not work, but might be worth a try.


It’s too connected to the rest of the word, it doesn’t quite work. The articles “a” and “the” are both about a frame long, and the word “all” is as well. So, taking “a” from another word becomes really tricky, as in other words is doesn’t feel complete or it’s too connected to the rest of the word.

But I’m willing to try reads from elsewhere!


Remove the footage of the TIE pilot and the ones from Battlefront II and the edit is perfect.


Does anyone have a super high res image/footage of Coruscant? I’ve removed the ships from Ep.II but the grain and quality of that release was awful compared to recent high-def. The 7 ish ones in google search are all pixelated or blurry.

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thebluefrog said:

Movies Remastered said:

Does anyone have a super high res image/footage of Coruscant? I’ve removed the ships from Ep.II but the grain and quality of that release was awful compared to recent high-def. The 7 ish ones in google search are all pixelated or blurry.

Maybe this guy has something:


Thanks man, It’s that exactly opening shot that I used from the original but it seems so blurry compared to the TLJ footage I’m mixing it with.

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Is it possible to have Rey go to Naboo instead of Tatooine and set Anakin, Luke (yes, Luke’s green lightsaber) and Leia’s lightsabers beside or inside Padmé’s tomb? Setting the lightsabers beside or inside Padmé’s tomb would be symbolic of the Skywalker family finally getting to be together after death.