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GAME OF THRONES - FILMS I-X // & HOTD [Community Thread]


GAME OF THRONES FILM EDITS & House of the Dragon

As of now, Films 1-9 are released and finished, out of a total of ten films.

House of the Dragon Film I is also released.


This project started with inspiration from the Lord of the Rings film structure, and has grown to become a film series for Game of Thrones. It is supposed to work as a great and epic film series for viewers who might not have the time to watch the full seasons, or simply want a fleshed-out and well-paced season-to-season/film-to-film format, with improvements to the later, weaker seasons and a massively improved ending.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TbEf3oKLX94 (Film IV Trailer)

This was originally the thread for Film IV, which is now released, and turned into a community thread.


  • Antani (always has good tips and feedback, especially for my Rings of Power edit)
  • ThanosM. (Feedback, suggestions, active part of a good edit)
  • MoviesGamesMusic (feedback, suggestions, active part)

… and to all who have participated in one way or the other.

The Ancient Lore
Kenobi: A Star Wars Story
Harry Potter Revisited
Game of Thrones Film Edits
Titanic Restructured
… and more.


Aw, my beautiful followers! I hope it’ll be a treat!

The Ancient Lore
Kenobi: A Star Wars Story
Harry Potter Revisited
Game of Thrones Film Edits
Titanic Restructured
… and more.


The edit sound amazing and I have not watched a single episode of GoT. Could I possibly get a PM to the GoT movie edits (I, II & III)


stevepaynter said:

The edit sound amazing and I have not watched a single episode of GoT. Could I possibly get a PM to the GoT movie edits (I, II & III)

Going on your post above… it is best that you provide proof that you own the official release for the relevant seasons of Game Of Thrones before asking for projects you seemingly do not own.

And give the Fan Edit / Preservation Forum Rules and FAQ another read too.

A little patience goes a long way on this old-school Rebel base. If you are having issues finding what you are looking for, these will be of some help…

Welcome to the OriginalTrilogy.com | Introduce yourself in here | Useful info within : About : Help : Site Rules : Fan Project Rules : Announcements
How do I do this?’ on the OriginalTrilogy.com; some info & answers + FAQs - includes info on how to search for projects and threads on the OT•com

A Project Index for Star Wars Preservations (Harmy’s Despecialized & 4K77/80/83 etc) : A Project Index for Star Wars Fan Edits (adywan & Hal 9000 etc)

… and take your time to look around this site before posting - to get a feel for this place. Don’t just lazily make yet another thread asking for projects.


This film entry is turning out to be way better, more streamlined and not to mention epic than I ever thought going into it.

It’s taken months to sort out the narrative and the structural beats, but It’s really tight now.

The Ancient Lore
Kenobi: A Star Wars Story
Harry Potter Revisited
Game of Thrones Film Edits
Titanic Restructured
… and more.


I know you aren’t going to be doing season 8 for a while but seeing the other GOT movie edits I’m wondering how in gods name can you fix it? Will you reorder stuff, use footage from previous seasons/other shows or something else? Anyway brilliant edits so far and I can’t wait till you complete the saga, good luck!


Cheers, mate!

My ending will be one out of a potential two. The one I’m leaning towards is that the white walkers win, as to symbolize many a line said throughout the show’s run.

It would be very game of thrones to end the very last film with The Night King snapping Arya’s neck, and then doing his epic walk towards Bran as the music and his evil look all show the triumphant victory over men.

It’s either that, or an overhaul of the entire last two seasons.

The Ancient Lore
Kenobi: A Star Wars Story
Harry Potter Revisited
Game of Thrones Film Edits
Titanic Restructured
… and more.


This project looks awesome! Can I get links to all the movies?


Hi Andreas

Hope the season 4 edit is coming along well. Just wanted to ask if you would be able (when you get the chance) to include your movie edit of season 1 to your Google Drive folder.

I am desperate to watch your edits of the series but in order to, I need to start with a Tale of Kings and Honor. Would really appreciate it.

Many thanks


Hey, my friend! Thank you - and I totally understand this.

Unfortunately, Film I was removed from my Google Drive through copyright infringement from HBO them self’s. I do of course take it as a compliment that the high lord’s themselfs have seen the product, but I have to abide by law.

I will try to upload it once more - but in the case of another infringement, I might have to re-locate it to another platform.

Meanwhile, if someone has the edit and could be as kind as to upload it for others and be open for PM’s, I would greatly appreciate that.

The Ancient Lore
Kenobi: A Star Wars Story
Harry Potter Revisited
Game of Thrones Film Edits
Titanic Restructured
… and more.


Thank you Andreas.

I understand your predicament completely.

If you do manage to upload again, please DM me once you have and I will notify you once I have downloaded it. You can then remove it swiftly.

Alternatively, uploading it onto another platform or if anyone else could share it with me, would be very much appreciated.



I saw you mention in a previous post that you would consider uploading your movie cuts with the original GOT soundtrack intact. Did you ever manage to do that in the end?

Just interested to see the difference in how it would compare to your original concept for the movie cuts with LOTR music.



Hi Anjohan,
These Edits sound absolutely amazing and I would love to be able to watch them if possible. Thank you in advance


I’ve heard a few rumblings about a x265 codex group forming on 1337 that would be dedicated to fan edits and other rarities. If that happens, would you (Anjohan) be okay with some of these edits being hosted there?


Absolutely. 😃

The Ancient Lore
Kenobi: A Star Wars Story
Harry Potter Revisited
Game of Thrones Film Edits
Titanic Restructured
… and more.


Thank you Anjohan for the movies II & III, can’t wait to get to see these in a different aspect. Could anyone who has the first movie be kind enough to pass on a link to it please?

Thank you very much for the great work.


Do you know more or less do you think you will complete all 8 seasons? By the way. cant wait so see the rest of the films, already seen the first 3 and they are extremely well-crafted and streamlined


Thank you all!

I think I will do all eight, yes, as long as the last two won’t drain my appetite. But I’ll sure look to finish them.

Film IV and V are being worked on simultaneously, and IV is soon ready for release.

I might end the series with the White Walkers winning, as the final episodes (4-6) of the last season are, to my eyes at least, garbage.

The Ancient Lore
Kenobi: A Star Wars Story
Harry Potter Revisited
Game of Thrones Film Edits
Titanic Restructured
… and more.


Hi Andreas

How are the edits for movie 4 & 5 going? Any eta on them yet? Also…

I saw you mention in a previous post that you would consider uploading your edits with the original GOT soundtrack intact. Did you ever manage to do that in the end?

Just interested to see the difference in how it would compare to your original concept for the movie cuts with LOTR music. Maybe they could be added as an alternative music track. Not sure how difficult that would be for you.

Look forward to the next release in any regard.

Many thanks


Anjohan said:

I might end the series with the White Walkers winning, as the final episodes (4-6) of the last season are, to my eyes at least, garbage.

Absolutley signed, it ruined - at least for me so much, if not the whole series. Would love to start over again with a friend, who magically didn´t see any GoT epsiode till now, but knowing what will happen in the last season is just heartbreaking and keeps me away from a rewatch.
But this is not a disucssion thread about GoT, so glad to see someone (you) to craft such a project.
Did i get this right, that you used not the original soundtrack for your first three edits?


I have to wonder if there are any deleted scenes for season 8 other than the ones on the home video release. The last season felt so uneven, I’d guess there were lots of scenes just chopped entirely. The problem is that most of what’s in season 8 isn’t effective, so I doubt the parts that got the axe are a revelation.


MoviesGamesMusic said:

Hi Andreas

How are the edits for movie 4 & 5 going? Any eta on them yet? Also…

I saw you mention in a previous post that you would consider uploading your edits with the original GOT soundtrack intact. Did you ever manage to do that in the end?

Just interested to see the difference in how it would compare to your original concept for the movie cuts with LOTR music. Maybe they could be added as an alternative music track. Not sure how difficult that would be for you.

Look forward to the next release in any regard.

Many thanks

Film IV is so near completion you can smell it. Tiny nitpicks being cleaned up, and then I will render the final product.

Film V should not take as long as Film IV, as it’s been worked on at the same time, but it’s further behind.

I did try to create the first film with the original GoT soundtrack, but the problem was then and is now that the Game of Thrones OST does not contain enough cinematic scope to create - what i envisioned - to be film epic’s of the TV series. The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit soundtrack does cover this, as well as the fact that it contains some of the most engaging, beautiful and magical music ever put to film.

The Ancient Lore
Kenobi: A Star Wars Story
Harry Potter Revisited
Game of Thrones Film Edits
Titanic Restructured
… and more.