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Episode IX: The Rise Of Skywalker - Discussion * SPOILER THREAD * — Page 156


I really wish that Coruscant uprising stuff had somehow made it through the development process. It looks so good.


Fuck, that looks cool.

Still, we have to understand that films basically never live up to their concept art, which is always pie-in-the-sky sort of stuff. And this is a script that, if it was ever actually made, would have needed a lot of compression and downsizing.

The other thing to think about, in fairness to TROS, is what would we have thought if Trevorrow’s movie got made and then JJ’s leaked concepts came out? People would likely salivate over the return to Mustafar, the Sith world of Exegol, the Force bond duel, the Death Star ruins, etc. It all comes down to how it’s executed.


Yeah. I still have the ROTS art book here somewhere; it’s all incredible to look at.


DominicCobb said:

People would likely salivate over the return to Mustafar

In name only. I’m still pissed about that. The least he could have done was add Vader’s castle covered in vines or something, but JJ decided to remove all recognizable elements of Mustafar because he hates the prequels with every fiber of his being.

My preferred Skywalker Saga experience:


StarkillerAG said:

DominicCobb said:

People would likely salivate over the return to Mustafar

In name only. I’m still pissed about that.

You missed my point. The concept art suggests a return to Mustafar that fans would salivate over, but the final execution is such that who cares. This could easily have been the case with some of the Trevorrow concept art.

The least he could have done was add Vader’s castle covered in vines or something, but JJ decided to remove all recognizable elements of Mustafar because he hates the prequels with every fiber of his being.

I mean that’s stupid. There’s nothing to suggest that JJ feels that way (in fact the are a number of prequel references in the film). More importantly, it’s just a weird, complicated situation. The reason they even have the scene on Mustafar is because of Vader’s castle, which obviously wasn’t even in the prequels. And it seems the castle was, in fact, in the film, but cut late in the game. Why everything looks so different it’s hard to even say with so little information. What came first, the shooting location, then they decided it’d be Mustafar? Totally possible.


DominicCobb said:

StarkillerAG said:

DominicCobb said:

People would likely salivate over the return to Mustafar

In name only. I’m still pissed about that.

You missed my point. The concept art suggests a return to Mustafar that fans would salivate over, but the final execution is such that who cares. This could easily have been the case with some of the Trevorrow concept art.

Makes sense. If they actually produced Trevorrow’s script, they might have replaced Coruscant with some boring grey wasteland or something. But we’ll never know.

My preferred Skywalker Saga experience:


Why was BB8 on the Star Destroyer at the end? Shouldn’t he have been on Poe’s X wing?


thedewback2 said:

Why was BB8 on the Star Destroyer at the end? Shouldn’t he have been on Poe’s X wing?

I think they wanted both BB-8 and R2 to be doing something, and BB-8 is more suited to the ground battle.


DominicCobb said:

Fuck, that looks cool.

Still, we have to understand that films basically never live up to their concept art, which is always pie-in-the-sky sort of stuff. And this is a script that, if it was ever actually made, would have needed a lot of compression and downsizing.

The other thing to think about, in fairness to TROS, is what would we have thought if Trevorrow’s movie got made and then JJ’s leaked concepts came out? People would likely salivate over the return to Mustafar, the Sith world of Exegol, the Force bond duel, the Death Star ruins, etc. It all comes down to how it’s executed.

My thoughts exactly. I like some of these concepts, but as you said, it ultimately comes down to execution, and there’s no telling what the execution of any of this stuff would’ve been like. At the end of the day, I think the ST was always destined to be divisive. Star Wars evolved in a way over the decades where everyone now has a unique idea in each of their heads on what it should and shouldn’t be, and there just isn’t any way around that. Maybe kids being born and growing up now will see all nine films as a whole and won’t have these sort of crazy debates online on what’s better and what isn’t. If that’s the case, I look forward to when that day comes.



The guillotine is too silly but there’s compelling stuff for sure, I mostly feel like by comparison it looks like it has much more in the way of variety in setting than TROS.

“The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant next to the power of the Force.” - DV


^ Enjoyed that, nice one. A higher quality copy from ILM (the above video suffers from heavy pixelation for me for some reason):-

ILM Behind the Magic: The Visual Effects of Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker’:-

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z9d1bkRC0Hs - from the ILMVFX youtube channel. (4 minutes long)

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Some of the cover art for the coming blu ray releases of TROS…

4K blu ray:-



4K steelbook blu ray:-


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They GOTTA be getting close to a press release detailing what’s on this thing - and what’s on the rest of the 4K set, too.


They’ve revealed the Bonus Features on the 2nd disc, no deleted scenes to be included much to the dismay of many who were wishing for an fanedited extended edition

  • The Skywalker Legacy: The story lives forever in this feature-length documentary that charts the making of Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker.
  • Pasaana Pursuit: Creating the Speeder Chase – Dive into the making of the movie’s epic landspeeder chase and discover how this spectacular sequence was brought to the screen.
  • Aliens in the Desert: See what it took to create the Pasaana desert scenes, from the sheer scale and complexity of the shoot to its colorful details.
  • D-O: Key to the Past: Explore the ship that connects Rey to the mystery of her missing parents and get to know the galaxy’s newest, irresistible droid.
  • Warwick & Son: Warwick Davis, who played Wicket in Star Wars: Return of the Jedi, dons the Ewok costume once more; this time joined by his son Harrison.
  • Cast of Creatures: The team behind the film’s memorable creatures reveal the puppetry, makeup, prosthetics and digital magic that bring them to life!
  • Digital Exclusive: The Maestro’s Finale: Composer John Williams reflects on his body of work for the Star Wars saga and shares insights on scoring Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker.

I enjoy that they’ve included a lengthy doco about the making of the film, hopefully in the same vein as the very in-depth The Director and the Force from TLJ instead of a fluffy PR piece like TFA, but that remains to be seen


fluffy PR piece

That sounds about right


Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker concept art reveals return to Coruscant’:-


Decent article with some stunning concept art - also contains references and info on ‘The wolves of Coruscant’, ‘Lando’s original look’, ‘Desert driving’, ‘The imperial march redux’, and… ‘The secret history of Leia Organa’:-

‘General Leia Organa is a revered figure amongst the Resistance. But early drafts for the sequel trilogy suggested that Carrie Fisher’s alter ego wasn’t beloved in all quarters. In a treatment outlined by Michael Arndt, it was revealed that Leia’s status as Darth Vader’s daughter sidelined her while the Rebellion tried to transition into building a new Republic.’

^ I think this would have been a welcome addition to what we saw on screen - especially for the lack of world-building and awareness on the ‘lay of the land’ / current state of the Galaxy in The Force Awakens… and in regards to the plight of the Resistance, the New Republic, and also the status of the First Order itself.

I love these ‘Art Of’ books - even for content I’m not too fond of; the often amazing concept art and early ideas, scripts and story pieces that fall by the way, alternative looks to what we actually see on-screen… all help get the old imagination firing 😃


The book author, Phil Szostak, has an insightful and illuminating twitter account at https://twitter.com/PhilSzostak which is well worth a look at for rare, unused, or alternative angles etc for snippets of art - and info.


Phil Szostak spills on the secrets of The Art of Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker - Exclusive interview’:-


A little patience goes a long way on this old-school Rebel base. If you are having issues finding what you are looking for, these will be of some help…

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I wish they had stuck with Micheal writing all 3 films instead of opting for a rush job.
JJ was on as the director,and a pretty capable one, but by no means should they have replaced an Oscar winning writer for him.

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


I don’t understand how every time the concept art is better than what we got. Jakku as a trash world rather than yet another desert planet. And Coruscant to tie into the PT. Why did they keep copping out? TFA I somewhat understand, but by TROS they knew fans wanted to see something more original.

Maul- A Star Wars Story