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Episode IX: The Rise Of Skywalker - Discussion * SPOILER THREAD * — Page 155


yotsuya said:

rocknroll41 said:

Now that I’ve had even more time to digest the leaked details from Colin’s script, I gotta admit that I’m finding more and more things that I like, mainly with Finn’s arc. Some sorta combo between Colin’s version and JJ’s would’ve been the ideal. Ultimately tho, if I had to pick just one version, I still prefer the movie we got.

That being said, I recall thinking back in the day that the ideal endpoint for Episode 9 would be for Rey to create a new order that merges light and dark, cause I couldn’t think of any other way to make this new trilogy feel “important” with respect to the rest of the saga. However, having now actually seen the movie, I think that by bringing back Palpatine and implying through Anakin’s one line that the prophecy is a cyclical thing that’s destined to keep repeating, JJ found a more fitting way to give this trilogy a sense of “importance” when put alongside the other movies.

In a weird sorta way, I think Colin’s version is the more fitting end to this trilogy specifically, while JJ’s version is a more fitting end to the saga as a whole. And personally, I think the latter is the more important in the grand scheme of things.

I think Rey’s yellow saber really implies she is going to go forward with a more balanced order. I think that Yoda training Luke and Rey training herself from the most ancient texts (from when there was balance) gives us a difference. Anakin was supposed to balance the force and he sort of did, but left his Jedi trained son to carry on and this time we got a different ending that brings better balance. Plus after ROTJ, someone helped Palaptine survive so we have to face him again (a very mythic redo to the previous defeat).

This is a really cool perspective that I hadn’t considered before! Appreciate the insight 😃



yotsuya said:

Technically you are incorrect.

That’s the best kind of incorrect. The kind that counts but doesn’t really matter or have much to do with the point being made, haha.


timdiggerm said:

idir_hh said:

A plethora of concept art from the rise of skywalker including Kylo Ren and chewbacca and the jedi temple on coruscant:


Surely these are from the “Duel of the Fates” draft

According to Colin Trevorrow they are not from his story mate:-

“Some beautiful work in here from artists I was lucky enough to work with, but nothing from our story. Credit where credit is due. Love @PhilSzostak’s books…”

^ https://twitter.com/colintrevorrow/status/1218828155022139393

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I think it’s definitely safe to say then, that what Burnett read on YouTube is 100% what Trevorrow was looking to make before that Jack Thorne draft came in, and then he left/got fired. If the only thing he’s commented on is that stuff in the art book isn’t referring to his drafts, and is no-commenting THE ACTUAL DRAFTS, especially considering how quick he was to deny credit for the Jack Thorne draft…

Episode IX: Duel of the Fates was almost the last chapter in the Skywalker Saga. Pretty crazy.

Speaking of YouTube - I almost checked out that MauLer guy, after seeing someone on another forum I visit link to a funny back and forth on his twitter and going “oh yeah, he’s a youtuber, the Original Trilogy guys seemed to vouch for him.” So I followed the link and looked at his profile and… He basically just stalks some other YouTuber called “MovieBob” and a critic named Patrick H. Willems. That seems to be the last two straight weeks of his twitter feed, at least. I scrolled down for awhile and he’s just making fun of “MovieBob’s” weight and Willems’ intelligence and screencapping tweets by a YouTuber named Jenny Nicholson, who I guess has already blocked him. I know I got called out earlier for “judging a book by its cover” but it really seems like he’s a pretty toxic media personality, to me. Nothing but personal attacks on other people and angry tweets about people not liking things the way he wants people to like them.

But I guess liking things and focusing on the things you like don’t get your Patreon numbers where they need to be…


Broom Kid said:

Speaking of YouTube - I almost checked out that MauLer guy, after seeing someone on another forum I visit link to a funny back and forth on his twitter and going “oh yeah, he’s a youtuber, the Original Trilogy guys seemed to vouch for him.” So I followed the link and looked at his profile and… He basically just stalks some other YouTuber called “MovieBob” and a critic named Patrick H. Willems. That seems to be the last two straight weeks of his twitter feed, at least. I scrolled down for awhile and he’s just making fun of “MovieBob’s” weight and Willems’ intelligence and screencapping tweets by a YouTuber named Jenny Nicholson, who I guess has already blocked him. I know I got called out earlier for “judging a book by its cover” but it really seems like he’s a pretty toxic media personality, to me. Nothing but personal attacks on other people and angry tweets about people not liking things the way he wants people to like them.

Yeah, MauLer makes some good points but his personality is really grating. Half of the stuff he does is just hating on other YouTubers for having different opinions than him. The first part of his TFA review was entirely devoted to picking apart the opinions of YouTubers who liked the movie. His movie criticism videos are entertaining but I really don’t like the way he acts online.

My preferred Skywalker Saga experience:


I understand why they postponed the release of the Art book (probably to tie-in better to the big blu-ray/4k/home video launch of the movie) but at this point I feel like they should just ship it now. I’m not even really going out of my way to find leaks and scans and I feel like I’ve already read it twice based on how prevalent the images are, haha.


Mauler seemed like a jerk but he actually harasses other YouTubers? Patrick H Willems and Jenny Nicholson are nice people, so is MovieBob. I don’t see why he feels he has to attack other people like that. It seems like he has his own issues and the only way he can deal with them is to project onto others and bully other people. I wouldn’t want give a person like that any views.

I know Nicholson has been getting shit for defending Reylos recently. Poor Reylos, man. They’ve been getting so much shit since, well, TFA, but especially since the Boyega tweets. People obviously have a lot of personal issues these days, and the only way they can feel better about themselves is to bully other people online.


StarkillerAG said:

Broom Kid said:

Speaking of YouTube - I almost checked out that MauLer guy, after seeing someone on another forum I visit link to a funny back and forth on his twitter and going “oh yeah, he’s a youtuber, the Original Trilogy guys seemed to vouch for him.” So I followed the link and looked at his profile and… He basically just stalks some other YouTuber called “MovieBob” and a critic named Patrick H. Willems. That seems to be the last two straight weeks of his twitter feed, at least. I scrolled down for awhile and he’s just making fun of “MovieBob’s” weight and Willems’ intelligence and screencapping tweets by a YouTuber named Jenny Nicholson, who I guess has already blocked him. I know I got called out earlier for “judging a book by its cover” but it really seems like he’s a pretty toxic media personality, to me. Nothing but personal attacks on other people and angry tweets about people not liking things the way he wants people to like them.

Yeah, MauLer makes some good points but his personality is really grating. Half of the stuff he does is just hating on other YouTubers for having different opinions than him. The first part of his TFA review was entirely devoted to picking apart the opinions of YouTubers who liked the movie. His movie criticism videos are entertaining but I really don’t like the way he acts online.

Well the TFA intro was a response to all the people who had ripped into him for daring suggest that some things are subjective and other things are objective. I get that not everyone likes his personality, but this was about being very clear on what he was criticising and why. He was understandably sick of people responding to ‘this is a plot hole’ with ‘it’s a movie about space wizards, man’. I don’t always agree with Mauler, but I still maintain he is so much more level-headed than someone like Willems who descends into tripe like “you’re just not watching movies correctly” as a defence against cogent points of disagreement.

I can’t attest to Mauler’s Twitter feed because I don’t follow it. While his EFAP podcasts come across like a circle jerk a lot of the time, I usually find (on the rare occasions I listen to it) that Mauler is the one that cuts through the personal stuff and tries to get to the heart of the actual conversation. They (he and co-host Rags) have even had some of their most vehement critics on the show, and Mauler seems to go out of his way to be polite and stay away from the bitchy stuff and just get down to the minutiae of the discussion.


RogueLeader said:

I know Nicholson has been getting shit for defending Reylos recently. Poor Reylos, man. They’ve been getting so much shit since, well, TFA, but especially since the Boyega tweets. People obviously have a lot of personal issues these days, and the only way they can feel better about themselves is to bully other people online.

You could say the same thing in reverse. Reylos were pissed after Boyega posted that tweet. Some of them said really racist things to him. I don’t have much sympathy for Reylos. Some of them are okay but most of them are really toxic.

My preferred Skywalker Saga experience:


The person who started the whole thing with Boyega was a sock who pretends to be a female reylo fan to start shit, apparently. They’re on their third account now still trying to start shit, obviously Reylos in general don’t support that behavior. Also, a lot of Reylos are in fact women of color, so calling Reylos racist is really hypocritical and generalizing. They’re putting a whole group of fans in a bottle and saying they’re toxic. Not saying they’re not Reylos who say bad shit but I feel like they’re a scapegoat for both alt-right trolls (like that white supremacist guy who openly encourages John Boyega and antis to keep messing with Reylos), and the crazy cancel culture people on the left. “If I think it’s problematic, no one is allowed to like it.”


Broom Kid said:

I think it’s definitely safe to say then, that what Burnett read on YouTube is 100% what Trevorrow was looking to make before that Jack Thorne draft came in, and then he left/got fired. If the only thing he’s commented on is that stuff in the art book isn’t referring to his drafts, and is no-commenting THE ACTUAL DRAFTS, especially considering how quick he was to deny credit for the Jack Thorne draft…

Episode IX: Duel of the Fates was almost the last chapter in the Skywalker Saga. Pretty crazy.

Speaking of YouTube - I almost checked out that MauLer guy, after seeing someone on another forum I visit link to a funny back and forth on his twitter and going “oh yeah, he’s a youtuber, the Original Trilogy guys seemed to vouch for him.” So I followed the link and looked at his profile and… He basically just stalks some other YouTuber called “MovieBob” and a critic named Patrick H. Willems. That seems to be the last two straight weeks of his twitter feed, at least. I scrolled down for awhile and he’s just making fun of “MovieBob’s” weight and Willems’ intelligence and screencapping tweets by a YouTuber named Jenny Nicholson, who I guess has already blocked him. I know I got called out earlier for “judging a book by its cover” but it really seems like he’s a pretty toxic media personality, to me. Nothing but personal attacks on other people and angry tweets about people not liking things the way he wants people to like them.

But I guess liking things and focusing on the things you like don’t get your Patreon numbers where they need to be…

Yeah I watched Mauler’s video and thought it was pretty stupid. He compares Kelly Marie Tran to Shrek, refers to the Force as “the gay,” and is constantly using really immature insults. I’m not exactly a huge fan of TROS, but his video was terrible, and it’s not surprising he’s obsessively harassing other YouTubers who are actually talented.


RogueLeader said:

The person who started the whole thing with Boyega was a sock who pretends to be a female reylo fan to start shit, apparently. They’re on their third account now still trying to start shit, obviously Reylos in general don’t support that behavior. Also, a lot of Reylos are in fact women of color, so calling Reylos racist is really hypocritical and generalizing. They’re putting a whole group of fans in a bottle and saying they’re toxic.

I’m not saying all Reylos are racist, just some of them are. I’m not saying all Reylos are toxic, just a lot of them are. Obviously there are some really good Reylos out there, but most of the community is really toxic from my experience. And it wasn’t just that one guy saying racist things, a lot of Reylos were swarming his account saying some really nasty things to him.

Not saying they’re not Reylos who say bad shit but I feel like they’re a scapegoat for both alt-right trolls (like that white supremacist guy who openly encourages John Boyega and antis to keep messing with Reylos), and the crazy cancel culture people on the left. “If I think it’s problematic, no one is allowed to like it.”

I’m not radical right or radical left, I’m very much moderate, and I still don’t like Reylo. I feel like a lot of Reylos are hiding behind the gender card, saying anti-Reylos are part of society’s systematic discrimination of women, When in reality most anti-Reylos are also women.

My preferred Skywalker Saga experience:


Since when are Reylos racist? Apparently I’ve been misinformed because I always assumed they were pro-Disney.

A real shame the SW Fandom has hit this low. Fear leads to anger. Angers leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.

Maul- A Star Wars Story


OutboundFlight said:

Since when are Reylos racist? Apparently I’ve been misinformed because I always assumed they were pro-Disney.

assumptions != information, though, haha. (Also, not sure how the opposite of Racism is Disney. That doesn’t make any sense)

Again: Not all “Reylos” are racist. Not all “______________” are ever just one thing. It’s why phrases like “Not all men” became comedy cliches, because everyone understands “Not all ___________” is a truism - but that’s also not the point, because in many cases nobody’s really trying to say “all ____________ are ______” in a serious, thoughtful discussion.

But some Reylos, in defending their headcanon (a big problem with Reylo has always been their weird insistence on their headcanon being validated as actual canon, as if that would somehow make their ship better instead of lamer and less fun - which is exactly what happened) accidentally displayed and even promoted racist thoughts and POVs, specifically when it came to the ways they’d disqualify the possibilities that Rey might couple with either Finn or Poe.

Anyway, it’s just another branch on the very tribalistic and angry tree that is modern online fandom, the same rules more or less apply: Groups of people who have chosen to substitute their personalities with their fandom behave nonsensically and irrationally with each other, because the point of their presence in the fandom isn’t to like things, it’s to get mad at other people for not liking things the way they want them to. So some Reylos accidentally showed their racism, and some “anti-Reylos” made a meal out of that. Were some of those “antis” unfair and opportunistic and bad faith about it? Of course they were. Not many of the people involved are honestly trying to “do the right thing” they’re just trying to feel self-righteous and justified for a small moment in an otherwise unremarkable and substance-free day. So if they can get that “win” at the expense of a total stranger on the internet, they’re going to do it.


Honestly what I tend to see is Reylos claiming non-Reylos are sexist, while non-Reylos claim Reylos are racist, meanwhile neither seems to be true for the most part. Everyone could stand to chill a bit I think.


But nobody’s going to do that because their perspective is so minimized that “chilling” and busying themselves with almost anything else isn’t an option. So much of who they are and what they see themselves AS is wrapped up in… that.

So they can’t “chill” because there’s nothing in it for them (or at least they don’t see that yet, if they ever will).

The only exit is exhaustion, really. Eventually you gotta hope people get tired enough and through attrition, they just quit. And then it’s a question of whether or not we keep paying attention to that churn.


DominicCobb said:

Honestly what I tend to see is Reylos claiming non-Reylos are sexist, while non-Reylos claim Reylos are racist, meanwhile neither seems to be true for the most part. Everyone could stand to chill a bit I think.

Yeah, both sides of the argument could use a chill pill. I really don’t care about the whole Reylo business, I was just saying that I don’t sympathize much with the Reylos.

My preferred Skywalker Saga experience:


StarkillerAG said:

DominicCobb said:

Honestly what I tend to see is Reylos claiming non-Reylos are sexist, while non-Reylos claim Reylos are racist, meanwhile neither seems to be true for the most part. Everyone could stand to chill a bit I think.

Yeah, both sides of the argument could use a chill pill. I really don’t care about the whole Reylo business, I was just saying that I don’t sympathize much with the Reylos.

Well I sympathize with anyone who receives targeted hate just because they think two fictional characters should kiss and stuff. Just because some Reylos are bad doesn’t mean they all deserve to be bullied. And I don’t think John Boyega is helping.


DominicCobb said:

StarkillerAG said:

DominicCobb said:

Honestly what I tend to see is Reylos claiming non-Reylos are sexist, while non-Reylos claim Reylos are racist, meanwhile neither seems to be true for the most part. Everyone could stand to chill a bit I think.

Yeah, both sides of the argument could use a chill pill. I really don’t care about the whole Reylo business, I was just saying that I don’t sympathize much with the Reylos.

Well I sympathize with anyone who receives targeted hate just because they think two fictional characters should kiss and stuff. Just because some Reylos are bad doesn’t mean they all deserve to be bullied. And I don’t think John Boyega is helping.

Yeah, I don’t sympathize much with the anti-Reylos either. I feel like both sides are bullying each other way too vigorously, and I wish everyone could just chill (although I know that’s not gonna happen).

My preferred Skywalker Saga experience:


What the fuck is a reylo and how is it one of the most dominant topics of discussion this new trilogy gave us?


Wexter said:

What the fuck is a reylo and how is it one of the most dominant topics of discussion this new trilogy gave us?

Someone who enjoys Rey/Kylo Ren romantic fan fiction…or just the idea of Rey and Kylo Ren being together.


It’s a common topic of discussion elsewhere but honestly it has little impression on this board. So probably not worth talking about much further.