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Most Disappointing / Satisfying Aspect of the Sequel Trilogy? — Page 11


Regardless of Lucas’ opinion on it, I like the idea of a prophecy being misinterpreted. The more I think about it though, I kind of wish bringing balance had less to do with destroying or killing someone, and more about saving or creating something. What if destroying the Sith wasn’t the prerequisite for bringing balance, but the Jedi just assumed that’s what bringing balance meant.


^This would have been an actual reason for the ST.

“Vader! Hologram, now!”


Peter Pan said:

^This would have been an actual reason for the ST.

That would have made the Prequel Trilogy thematically pointless. Nothing that the TLJ did pissed off fans as much as telling them that Anakin isn’t the Chosen One would have.

Plus, doesn’t The Clone Wars straight say Anakin is the Chosen One?

No offense, kid, but I don’t think you know how to boil water.


liamnotneeson said:

Peter Pan said:

^This would have been an actual reason for the ST.

That would have made the Prequel Trilogy thematically pointless. Nothing that the TLJ did pissed off fans as much as telling them that Anakin isn’t the Chosen One.

Ironically, nothing the PT did pissed off fans as much as saying he was.


Hal 9000 said:

People taking Luke’s remark as he catches the saber as a jab at TLJ don’t seem to appreciate his arc. It’s pretty obvious that he changed dramatically over the course of that film.

You mean he’s not the same asshole at the end of the film that he is at the beginning? I guess I was too busy complaining that TLJ ruined Luke’s legacy to bother to pay attention.

Next you’ll tell me that his projection holding Anakin’s saber at the end was symbolic of that change. Should have been the green one cuz it would’ve been more cooler and what I desperately wanted as a fan.


Who cares about a good story, fan service is so much better!


Most disappointing aspect is easy: it is completely redundant.

Really, what was the point of it all? The ST was compressed into one movie already: Return of the Jedi. So I guess I have to give Johnson credit for realizing that when he made TLJ and killed off Snoke - essentially saying “we already killed the Big Bad Guy 2 episodes ago remember?” TROS undid this and remade ROTJ - thus undermining Luke’s character arc, as well as Anakin’s (for those who consider the PT canon). Rey is now just Luke…only better (or worse - since Luke defeats evil with Faith/Love, while Rey uses lightning). Thanks to TROS the entire ST is just a reboot of the OT. NO POINT!!

I had more to say, but I’m just exhausted by Star Wars right now.

EDIT: the second most disappointing aspect is all the OT.com members who have said they aren’t sure if they like TROS or not and are going to see it again! Many of them are probably paying for Disney+. How about you don’t give the huge corporation any more of your money and just wait until it comes on Disney+ to decide if you liked it or not?

“It is only through interaction, through decision and choice, through confrontation, physical or mental, that the Force can grow within you.”
-Kreia, Jedi Master and Sith Lord


The films seem to imply that balance isn’t permanent.

Luke in TLJ, “For many years there was balance… until, Ben.”
Anakin in TROS, “Rey, restore the balance, as I did.”

Master & Apprentice, a recent canon novel, actually laid out the prophecy itself.

“A Chosen One shall come, born of no father, and through him will ultimate balance in the Force be restored.”

The “through him” piece of the prophecy makes it a little open to interpretation in-universe as well. Could that mean Anakin’s descendants are also responsible for restoring balance? Also, how is ultimate balance different from just balance? And how does the dyad, that TROS introduces, relate to the prophecy, if at all?

I think an interesting theme to have explored would have been that once balance is achieved, it is something that has to be maintained. Anakin brought ultimate balance when he killed the Emperor and brought down the Empire through that act, but future generations would have to maintain that balance. I think this what the ST is trying to imply.

Maybe Anakin didn’t bring balance by killing the Emperor, but saving his son, the last Jedi. Like Lor San Tekka said, “Without the Jedi, there can be no balance in the Force.” The Jedi work to maintain balance, so by saving Luke, Anakin saved the Jedi. So the Emperor living or dying, the Sith existing, doesn’t contradict Anakin as the Chosen One or bringing balance. The prophecy, as canon states, never mentions destroying the Sith. “A prophecy misread”. And to me, the act of saving a life rather than killing one makes more sense to be the way that balance is restored.

This is just my own wishes, but I think it would’ve been interesting if they said that the dyad could’ve been a manifestation of that balance. And when Rey, one half of the dyad, died, imagine the spirit of Anakin appearing and bringing her back to life, finally having the power to save someone from death, and restoring the “balance”.


With all due respect: That “balance” shit is PT nonsense. Like midichlorians it should have been jettisoned and ignored.

“It is only through interaction, through decision and choice, through confrontation, physical or mental, that the Force can grow within you.”
-Kreia, Jedi Master and Sith Lord


I’m not really arguing that, but it exists. And people are talking about how it fits in the context of the new films. The fact these movies are 7-9, then it sort of becomes relevant to what the rest of the saga contains. They could’ve not called these new films 7-9, but they decided to make it a part of a 9 film saga. But I get what you’re saying.

EDIT: If they had moved the restoring balance stuff to IX, then it takes the “balance shit” off the OT, making it more like it was before the prequels.


RogueLeader said:

I’m not really arguing that, but it exists. And people are talking about how it fits in the context of the new films.

It fits in terribly - like midichlorians. It just needs to be ignored.

“It is only through interaction, through decision and choice, through confrontation, physical or mental, that the Force can grow within you.”
-Kreia, Jedi Master and Sith Lord


RogueLeader said:

The films seem to imply that balance isn’t permanent.

Luke in TLJ, “For many years there was balance… until, Ben.”
Anakin in TROS, “Rey, restore the balance, as I did.”

Master & Apprentice, a recent canon novel, actually laid out the prophecy itself.

“A Chosen One shall come, born of no father, and through him will ultimate balance in the Force be restored.”

The “through him” piece of the prophecy makes it a little open to interpretation in-universe as well. Could that mean Anakin’s descendants are also responsible for restoring balance? Also, how is ultimate balance different from just balance? And how does the dyad, that TROS introduces, relate to the prophecy, if at all?

I think an interesting theme to have explored would have been that once balance is achieved, it is something that has to be maintained. Anakin brought ultimate balance when he killed the Emperor and brought down the Empire through that act, but future generations would have to maintain that balance. I think this what the ST is trying to imply.

Maybe Anakin didn’t bring balance by killing the Emperor, but saving his son, the last Jedi. Like Lor San Tekka said, “Without the Jedi, there can be no balance in the Force.” The Jedi work to maintain balance, so by saving Luke, Anakin saved the Jedi. So the Emperor living or dying, the Sith existing, doesn’t contradict Anakin as the Chosen One or bringing balance. The prophecy, as canon states, never mentions destroying the Sith. “A prophecy misread”. And to me, the act of saving a life rather than killing one makes more sense to be the way that balance is restored.

This is just my own wishes, but I think it would’ve been interesting if they said that the dyad could’ve been a manifestation of that balance. And when Rey, one half of the dyad, died, imagine the spirit of Anakin appearing and bringing her back to life, finally having the power to save someone from death, and restoring the “balance”.

I like this a lot

No offense, kid, but I don’t think you know how to boil water.


RogueLeader said:

I’m not really arguing that, but it exists. And people are talking about how it fits in the context of the new films. The fact these movies are 7-9, then it sort of becomes relevant to what the rest of the saga contains. They could’ve not called these new films 7-9, but they decided to make it a part of a 9 film saga. But I get what you’re saying.

EDIT: If they had moved the restoring balance stuff to IX, then it takes the “balance shit” off the OT, making it more like it was before the prequels.

First - before anything I write gets too heated; nothing I write here is a personal attack on you.

What I’m saying is that going forward Star Wars is $%^&*. Does anyone actually think that Episodes 10, 11 and 12 won’t happen within the next 15 years?

“It is only through interaction, through decision and choice, through confrontation, physical or mental, that the Force can grow within you.”
-Kreia, Jedi Master and Sith Lord


No worries ptrule! But we might get better stuff going forward, and I don’t think it is fair to say it is all objectively bad before we even see what the future has in store. I mean, it is fair to say Star Wars may never be as good as the original films, but it sort of invalidates those fans who like anything beyond those films.

I hope you’re wrong about a Sequel Sequel Trilogy, but I also wouldn’t be too surprised if we did. I think we could get stories set after Episode IX, but I doubt they’ll call them Episode X, etc. If anything, numerical sequels are something Hollywood is trying to avoid in general nowadays.


theprequelsrule said:

EDIT: the second most disappointing aspect is all the OT.com members who have said they aren’t sure if they like TROS or not and are going to see it again! Many of them are probably paying for Disney+. How about you don’t give the huge corporation any more of your money and just wait until it comes on Disney+ to decide if you liked it or not?

Well, the most disappointing aspect is people like you who think they get to judge fellow members here for wanting to go watch a film at the cinema for a second viewing.

For a film you claim to have not seen (nor TLJ either).

How about they can do whatever they want in regards to going to see a movie on the big screen?

If people want to go have a second, third, fourth or fifth viewing of a film that they are not sure on, so what?

A little patience goes a long way on this old-school Rebel base. If you are having issues finding what you are looking for, these will be of some help…

Welcome to the OriginalTrilogy.com | Introduce yourself in here | Useful info within : About : Help : Site Rules : Fan Project Rules : Announcements
How do I do this?’ on the OriginalTrilogy.com; some info & answers + FAQs - includes info on how to search for projects and threads on the OT•com

A Project Index for Star Wars Preservations (Harmy’s Despecialized & 4K77/80/83 etc) : A Project Index for Star Wars Fan Edits (adywan & Hal 9000 etc)

… and take your time to look around this site before posting - to get a feel for this place. Don’t just lazily make yet another thread asking for projects.


I actually saw TLJ three times in theaters, more than the one time for TFA. I loved the visual spectacle of the kamikaze attack and the swelling score when Luke stepped onto Crait. My opinion was more positive back then and has since dwindled but I don’t regret the cinema experience.

The Rise of Failures


Not really related to the conversation at hand, but in October I went to the movies to see The Lighthouse. Not a big deal, right? Well, it was for me; this was the first — and at present, only — time I’ve actually been to the theatres. And I enjoyed the experience very, very much. I got a great seat, the handful of people in the theatre with me kept quiet, and the film itself was excellent.


RogueLeader said:

Regardless of Lucas’ opinion on it, I like the idea of a prophecy being misinterpreted. The more I think about it though, I kind of wish bringing balance had less to do with destroying or killing someone, and more about saving or creating something. What if destroying the Sith wasn’t the prerequisite for bringing balance, but the Jedi just assumed that’s what bringing balance meant.

That’s exaclty what I thought. Even though Rian Johnson left a lot of fans and disney execs confused how they would conclude the saga / trilogy, I think just having a movie of Rey vs Kylo battling each other and coming to some realization that balance comes from an actual grey area, not some big good and evil. Not trying to say it should with everyone sing kumbaya, more that Rey creates a new order that teaches all aspects of the force, showing the good and bad in both ideals. Therefore making the prequels and original trilogies relevant with the sequel trilogy as well.

It might not have been in line with the other movies or could come off as cheesy, but it could work if JJ or Rian (or a new competent director entirely) actually collaborated with Lawrence Kasdan, possibly George.


My biggest overall disappointment with the sequel trilogy is probably that it chose, perhaps not all at once, to pattern itself after the originals to the point that it retells the Empire vs Rebels story almost to a tee. It ends in essentially the same place as does ROTJ, feeling like it recapitulate the story rather than truly continuing it.

The most satisfying part for me has been Luke’s journey from traumatized recluse to revivified Jedi Master ready to nonviolently kick ass. It was a gift horse I looked in the mouth, but has been worth being patient for myself to appreciate. This is the diamond in the rough, woven into the soil of the retread that TFA set in motion.

My stance on revising fan edits.


DuracellEnergizer said:

Not really related to the conversation at hand, but in October I went to the movies to see The Lighthouse. Not a big deal, right? Well, it was for me; this was the first — and at present, only — time I’ve actually been to the theatres. And I enjoyed the experience very, very much. I got a great seat, the handful of people in the theatre with me kept quiet, and the film itself was excellent.

Glad you had a good experience Duracell! 👍

“It is only through interaction, through decision and choice, through confrontation, physical or mental, that the Force can grow within you.”
-Kreia, Jedi Master and Sith Lord


RogueLeader said:
This is just my own wishes, but I think it would’ve been interesting if they said that the dyad could’ve been a manifestation of that balance. And when Rey, one half of the dyad, died, imagine the spirit of Anakin appearing and bringing her back to life, finally having the power to save someone from death, and restoring the “balance”.

Sorry, I just read this and I think you have nailed it. This would have been a much more fitting end to the trilogy as well as the saga.


DuracellEnergizer said:

Not really related to the conversation at hand, but in October I went to the movies to see The Lighthouse. Not a big deal, right? Well, it was for me; this was the first — and at present, only — time I’ve actually been to the theatres. And I enjoyed the experience very, very much. I got a great seat, the handful of people in the theatre with me kept quiet, and the film itself was excellent.

It kinda blows my mind that you’ve seen so many movies and this is the first one you’ve seen they way they were meant to be seen. There’s something special about being in a theater with a crowd of fellow audience members. It sounds like you had a group who was quiet and I usually appreciate that, but some of my favorite experiences are those colored by the reactions of the audience, especially the precocious comments of the youth who don’t yet know proper theater etiquette.

Anyway, glad you enjoyed it and I hope you go again in the future!

You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.
Episode 9 Rewrite, The Starlight Project (Released!) and ANH Technicolor Project (Released!)


NeverarGreat said:

DuracellEnergizer said:

Not really related to the conversation at hand, but in October I went to the movies to see The Lighthouse. Not a big deal, right? Well, it was for me; this was the first — and at present, only — time I’ve actually been to the theatres. And I enjoyed the experience very, very much. I got a great seat, the handful of people in the theatre with me kept quiet, and the film itself was excellent.

It kinda blows my mind that you’ve seen so many movies and this is the first one you’ve seen they way they were meant to be seen. There’s something special about being in a theater with a crowd of fellow audience members. It sounds like you had a group who was quiet and I usually appreciate that, but some of my favorite experiences are those colored by the reactions of the audience, especially the precocious comments of the youth who don’t yet know proper theater etiquette.

Anyway, glad you enjoyed it and I hope you go again in the future!



Deloreanhunter12 said:

RogueLeader said:
This is just my own wishes, but I think it would’ve been interesting if they said that the dyad could’ve been a manifestation of that balance. And when Rey, one half of the dyad, died, imagine the spirit of Anakin appearing and bringing her back to life, finally having the power to save someone from death, and restoring the “balance”.

Sorry, I just read this and I think you have nailed it. This would have been a much more fitting end to the trilogy as well as the saga.

I’m glad you like it! At the moment this is what I’m planning to do.