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The Rise of Skywalker box office results: predictions and expectations — Page 21


adywan said:
Outside of this site the reaction towards TROS has been overwhelmingly positive.

I can’t say I’m seeing the same. I don’t see it overwhelmingly either way, just a very mixed bag of reactions with the reactions themselves usually very mixed on the movie.

adywan said:
But what i can’t believe is just what this site has now become. Fans openly wishing for these films to fail? Seriously? This place has now become everything it had always been accused of. It was bad enough when TLJ came out , but now it’s become a place i no longer enjoy visiting.

When the films leave you feeling insulted to be a Star Wars fan and your opinion is that these movies are destroying the legacy of what you’ve loved for up to 40+ years, then I can definitely understand people wanting the new films to fail.

Going into TLJ I was honestly excited from a generally enjoyable TFA (that needed a lot of questions answered and plot threads expanded upon) and some very good trailers. I wanted nothing but TLJ and the 3rd movie to massively succeed, to become part of the saga I loved and something I could revisit time and again and Disney would have made a bucket load of money as a result.

Sitting in the cinema only 15min in, what I ended up feeling was simple disbelief that I was watching a so called “Star Wars” movie? Was this real, did I accidentally walk into a new spoof movie of Star Wars screening at the same time? There were many times I felt I could almost see Rian Johnson’s hand with his middle finger raised facing me through the cinema screen, directed right at me and this ever more so when Luke flippantly tossed his lightsaber over his shoulder and proceeded to assassinate his own character. This is just how I felt sitting in the cinema, it was heartbreaking for me and I feel like I have been under a constant cloud of “Star Wars depression” ever since with it only starting to properly lift and be replaced with good new Star Wars memories again thanks to Jedi Fallen Order and The Mandalorian.

In saying all that, I didn’t want TROS and the DT to fail simply out of spite but at this point in events maybe it needs to fail spectacularly in order for future movies to do a complete reassess and present something truly deserving of the fandom, the world and Star Wars itself in respect to George and Lucasfilm’s 40+ year legacy. If you simply accept whatever is thrown your way then how can you expect them to ever aspire to greater things? For Star Wars to truly be great again in the current age, they need to exceed or at least be as good as the original and best Star Wars.

Bladerunner 2049 showed that this is possible with the right people and a passionate visionary behind them, focusing and driving for that exceedingly high but still attainable achievement and this same formula was necessary in the first place to set the bar that high. The DT certainly doesn’t feel like it has passionate Star Wars fans with a clear vision and plan running things which is clearly evident by the way it turned out with a very obvious tug of war over the trilogy narrative playing out on screen.

If you feel OT.com has become what some people say of the Star Wars fandom then I think you are completely missing all of the good things that IMHO far outweigh the bad and wherever you have a large group of people you will always have this mixture with everything in between. I hope you don’t decide to just leave, as your projects and input are part of what makes me enjoy visiting here. If the TROS and DT criticism in general frustrates you then I’d advise to just ignore it and focus on the areas that you do enjoy.


yotsuya said:

MalàStrana said:

adywan said:

Outside of this site the reaction towards TROS has been overwhelmingly positive.

No, not really. Most people I know found it was the worst SW ever made.

Most people who have left a review on Rotten Tomatoes have liked it. It has 38,000 verified reviews to rank at 86% and more than 90,000 reviews total 78%. So maybe most you know, but not most people. Most people are liking it.

Yeah the 86% is highly suspicious at the moment with the growing feeling that RT have frozen the audience score which hasn’t even so much as twitched from 86% up or down since it first went live with around 6000 reviews at the time, till now with near 40,000. People are making the link with RT being owned by Fandango, a ticket sales company (including movies) that is aligned with making “strategic partnerships with movie studios” and the current President is an ex-Disney executive.

Fandango have also named Captain Marvel and Star Wars movies as high profile films that they introduced the new verified audience review feature to help protect from “trolls with agendas” and so there are obvious links and vested interests (or conflicts of interest you might say) between movie studios and the company that owns a movie review website that is becoming known for it’s bias.

ray_afraid said:

yotsuya said:

MalàStrana said:

adywan said:

Outside of this site the reaction towards TROS has been overwhelmingly positive.

No, not really. Most people I know found it was the worst SW ever made.

Rotten Tomatoes

I have no opinion of the film, but RT is rubbish. After the past two years it’s had, I’m surprised to hear anybody still trusting it, though I’m sure many do.

I to think many people (in general audiences) are simply unaware of what RT has become and still naively trust it’s figures. I’ve pretty much completely stopped reading most critic reviews anywhere and instead focus on audience, family and friend reviews/comments as they are always far more in line with my own views than any of the critic reviews I have ever read for many years now which often hold views that seem completely alien and disconnected from what I would consider normal well rounded people to hold.


Valheru_84 said:

In saying all that, I didn’t want TROS and the DT to fail simply out of spite but at this point in events maybe it needs to fail spectacularly in order for future movies to do a complete reassess and present something truly deserving of the fandom, the world and Star Wars itself in respect to George and Lucasfilm’s 40+ year legacy. If you simply accept whatever is thrown your way then how can you expect them to ever aspire to greater things? For Star Wars to truly be great again in the current age, they need to exceed or at least be as good as the original and best Star Wars.

And there is the problem with the fandom as it stands now. The arrogance that one sides opinion is superior to the others. How about all of us that truly enjoy the new films and find them to be great additions to the saga? Why is it that, because we don’t agree with your take on it, we are just simply accepting whatever is thrown our way? Sorry, but that is pure bullshit. If that was the case i would be praising the prequels, which i don’t and never will. But i’m not arrogant enough to think that just because i think they are trash, that those that truly like them are wrong for liking them. Star Wars means different things to different people.

The prequels almost killed my love for star wars. After ROTS i was almost done with Star Wars and anything future Star Wars related. The new saga gave me back my love for the franchise. We feel that the ST IS deserving of the fandom. The problem is that the fanbase has been fractured for so long now there will never be anything that will please everyone. You have the fans that refuse to like anything that isn’t directly from George, you have the EU crowd that hate everything Disney since it became Legends, you have those that are purely OT fans and hate anything post 1983 etc etc etc.




I’m not saying you have to agree with me Ady, just trying to give you some insight into my point of view and why what people say external to here and usually the fandom as well in broad generalisations about Star Wars fans is wrong and from a place of misunderstanding, often purposeful to push their own “side”.

I’m sorry our views about the DT aren’t compatible, that’s just how I honestly feel about it and I think it’s great that it was able to restore your faith in Star Wars. This doesn’t change the fact that personally I wish it had never happened. The Mandalorian is mostly doing for me what the DT is doing for you and I can see a circumstance where you could hate Mando and we’d be in the same situation but it doesn’t stop us from still both enjoying other parts of Star Wars and getting along with each other.


Official domestic opening weekend total:

Congrats to rocknroll41 for predicting the closest (175m).


Difference is, Ady doesn’t pop into every thread about something he hasn’t seen, telling everyone how awful the thing he hasn’t seen is.


Congratulations to rocknroll41 😃


What is DT?

I thought it is ‘Disney Trilogy’? But they also make Solo and Rogue One films, and have more Star Wars films to come in the future. So Disney Trilogy is not correct?

(and Lucasfilm make the Star Wars films and series - not Disney)



adywan said:

Strange that no one is factoring in the fact that a bootleg dropped 2 hours after the midnight screening in the UK has finished. BEFORE most other places even started showing it. Now there have been 3 different bootlegs appear in 3 days. This didn’t happen for TFA or TLJ. It was a week before a bootleg dropped for TLJ. On social media there are posts filled with people saying that they no longer have to pay to go and see it.

And then there is the fact that this one has been released the weekend before Christmas. People are avoiding going out during the day to the cinema because of the Christmas rush. I’ve seen many people saying they can’t go until after Christmas.

Outside of this site the reaction towards TROS has been overwhelmingly positive.

But what i can’t believe is just what this site has now become. Fans openly wishing for these films to fail? Seriously? This place has now become everything it had always been accused of. It was bad enough when TLJ came out , but now it’s become a place i no longer enjoy visiting.

The sequel trilogy is objectively a piece of crap. The OT still reign supreme and nothing since has approached it.

Whoever founded this site understood that consciously or subconsciously. There would not likely ever be anything to match or even rival it within the same universe.

Whether you had different expectations or not, the name of this site says it all.


I’m a miserable asshole who can’t find enjoyment in anything Star Wars anymore. Even I think you’re overstepping.


adywan said:

The problem is that the fanbase has been fractured for so long now there will never be anything that will please everyone.

Or it might just be the movies are awful and dumb and that bear all the flaws of modern blockbusters (unfinished script, phony comedy, lack of emotion, absence of creativity, etc.)… if they wish to please everyone, they should start trying to make good movies. Not good Star Wars. Good movies. You know, what the OT is/was…


JEDIT: Nevermind, not worth it. I’m staying away from the forums for a while. At least this section.

Congrats, Mala, you chased another one away.


ChainsawAsh said:

JEDIT: Nevermind, not worth it. I’m staying away from the forums for a while. At least this section.

Congrats, Mala, you chased another one away.

Ditto. For a Star Wars dedicated forum, this place sure has a knack for taking the joy out of Star Wars.


ChainsawAsh said:

JEDIT: Nevermind, not worth it. I’m staying away from the forums for a while. At least this section.

Congrats, Mala, you chased another one away.


Guys, please, stop being so dramatic, seriously…

(“another one” ? Who were the others ?)


I nevertheless hope that movies produced the way this episode 9 are produced don’t succeed at box office. I’m sick with these souless unfinished blockbusters. I don’t go often to theaters lately. It’s hard to find something worth of my time, especially in this nostalgia trend that has engulfed Hollywood for the worse. From time to time you get movies such as Parasite, Once upon a time in Hollywood or miniseries such as Chernobyl. Episode 9 doesn’t stand even one second against cinema with real vision and dedication. It’s just a side product of a cultural Empire… Star Wars has become the opposite of what it meant. Lucas is the one to blame for selling this independant franchise to an Empire Company…

It’s time to let the past die


MalàStrana said:

adywan said:

The problem is that the fanbase has been fractured for so long now there will never be anything that will please everyone.

Or it might just be the movies are awful and dumb and that bear all the flaws of modern blockbusters (unfinished script, phony comedy, lack of emotion, absence of creativity, etc.)… if they wish to please everyone, they should start trying to make good movies. Not good Star Wars. Good movies. You know, what the OT is/was…

Or it might just be that you could occasionally use your inside voice instead of posting an attempt to beat down every opinion that differs from yours.

Forum Moderator

Or not.

Why don’t you also quote Adywan’s post btw ? Wasn’t he also attempting to beat down every opinion that differs for his ? Isn’t that most of us do on this forum (you know, forum, where people talk and give their opinions… sounds crazy I know) ?

Anyway guys. I’m fed up with you. You can erase my account. I’m done with this shitty saga. It died long ago. Enjoy your shitty movies and dumb blockbusters.


luckydube56 said:

adywan said:

Strange that no one is factoring in the fact that a bootleg dropped 2 hours after the midnight screening in the UK has finished. BEFORE most other places even started showing it. Now there have been 3 different bootlegs appear in 3 days. This didn’t happen for TFA or TLJ. It was a week before a bootleg dropped for TLJ. On social media there are posts filled with people saying that they no longer have to pay to go and see it.

And then there is the fact that this one has been released the weekend before Christmas. People are avoiding going out during the day to the cinema because of the Christmas rush. I’ve seen many people saying they can’t go until after Christmas.

Outside of this site the reaction towards TROS has been overwhelmingly positive.

But what i can’t believe is just what this site has now become. Fans openly wishing for these films to fail? Seriously? This place has now become everything it had always been accused of. It was bad enough when TLJ came out , but now it’s become a place i no longer enjoy visiting.

The sequel trilogy is objectively a piece of crap. The OT still reign supreme and nothing since has approached it.

Whoever founded this site understood that consciously or subconsciously. There would not likely ever be anything to match or even rival it within the same universe.

Whether you had different expectations or not, the name of this site says it all.

No, the name of the site does not say it all…

There is a massive difference between appreciating or cherishing the Original Trilogy (plus wanting the theatrical versions to be made available) - and being civil about other Star Wars content you may not like…

From the ‘About’ section…

We’re a diverse and welcoming community - this site is afterall based on a love & geeky reverence for all things Star Wars 😃
This is especially so for the Original Trilogy (obviously) - yet also a respect for everything else Star Wars too. Yes, even The Holiday Special, maybe…

If anyone thinks this site, given its name, is a place to bash on other Star Wars content with vitriol and constant negativity - to the point of toxicity - then they are very much mistaken.

Valid criticism and opinion are always welcome - wide-ranging views and interpretations are welcome too.

Some members are over-stepping the mark with their repeated criticisms - to the point of continuous negativity. Some have not seen the film, nor plan to, and stating why is perfectly acceptable. However, some are going far beyond this - seemingly going into related threads and making continued negative posts about content they have not seen, informing others here how awful the thing they hasn’t seen is… Some have seen it - and are doing similar…

Members here have left, are leaving, and considering leaving… whether temporarily or permanently… because of such repeated negativity from a few others on here - that is not going to continue.

If people can’t post in a civil manner here, nor have a modicum of respect for fellow members, and wish to spread their habitual agenda of negativity… they won’t be posting here at all - that goes for anyone.

This site is a vast one - and covers many aspects of Star Wars over a long, long time. There are many topics or issues to discuss - I suggest people find something they do actually enjoy posting about - rather than spending their considerable time and effort in repeatedly bashing or hating on films or the people who made them - and for some here who claim to not care about, or have not seen.

Some people will like the film, some will not, others mixed etc - it is not the end of the world because someone has a different opinion. Don’t be ‘that guy’.

It’s Christmas - peace and goodwill to all, Season Greetings and all that.

A little patience goes a long way on this old-school Rebel base. If you are having issues finding what you are looking for, these will be of some help…

Welcome to the OriginalTrilogy.com | Introduce yourself in here | Useful info within : About : Help : Site Rules : Fan Project Rules : Announcements
How do I do this?’ on the OriginalTrilogy.com; some info & answers + FAQs - includes info on how to search for projects and threads on the OT•com

A Project Index for Star Wars Preservations (Harmy’s Despecialized & 4K77/80/83 etc) : A Project Index for Star Wars Fan Edits (adywan & Hal 9000 etc)

… and take your time to look around this site before posting - to get a feel for this place. Don’t just lazily make yet another thread asking for projects.


Thanks to everyone congratulating me for winning the OW prediction!

While on one hand it feels cool that I got it right, on the other hand, I’m sad that the OW ended up being so low. I actually wanted this movie to do just as well as the other two. I really did! Especially after seeing it, cause I ended up liking it quite a bit! But, deep down, no matter how good or bad the movie could be, I just KNEW it wasn’t gonna do as well as the other two. The momentum just wasn’t there. 😕

Oh well. At least I still got something out of it, I guess! 😄



Top Domestic Openings All-Time

    1. Avengers: Endgame -$357,115,007
    1. Avengers: Infinity War - $257,698,183
    1. The Force Awakens - $247,966,675
    1. The Last Jedi - $220,009,584
    1. Jurassic World - $208,806,270
    1. The Avengers - $207,438,708
    1. Black Panther - $202,003,951
    1. The Lion King - $191,770,759
    1. Avengers: Age of Ultron - $191,271,109
    1. Incredibles 2 - $182,687,905
    1. Captain America: Civil War - $179,139,142
  • 12. The Rise of Skywalker - $177,383,864
    1. Beauty and the Beast - $174,750,616
    1. Iron Man 3 - $174,144,585
    1. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 - $169,189,427

MalàStrana said:
I’m done with this shitty saga. It died long ago. Enjoy your shitty movies and dumb blockbusters.

Remember, the Force will be with you always.