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Episode IX: The Rise Of Skywalker - Discussion * SPOILER THREAD * — Page 132


Mavimao said:

Oh and I don’t recall seeing that much lens flare at all RU.08. The JJ lens work is pretty subdued.

Lens flare doesn’t bother me, in a 3D movie it is a technique to achieve extra depth. But out of all the cinemas in my area none are showing 3D sessions at all. Which is ridiculous - love or hate 3D, it’s the director’s intention.

Its his “hand held” style I don’t like.

[ Scanning stuff since 2015 ]


The bright side of this travesty is that now Disney will never make another Star Wars trilogy without planning it out in advance.

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


voltwaffle said:

theprequelsrule said:

So wait, is Star Wars really the Saga of Palpatine? %^%&& Disney in their #@4%^!!!

One hundred percent. This isn’t the Skywalker saga, it’s the Palpatine saga. He’s the only character to be continuously present in all eras of this story and is also the only one that actually succeeds in some of his efforts.

But Rey is a Skywalker now. That was the message I thought came across at the end. Family is not just blood. Adoption and all that.

They told me they’d fixed it!


trimboNZ said:

But Rey is a Skywalker now. That was the message I thought came across at the end. Family is not just blood. Adoption and all that.

But the film undid the last film and made her a Palpatine. Not a Skywalker.

How is this an arc that began in Episode 7?

[ Scanning stuff since 2015 ]


trimboNZ said:

voltwaffle said:

theprequelsrule said:

So wait, is Star Wars really the Saga of Palpatine? %^%&& Disney in their #@4%^!!!

One hundred percent. This isn’t the Skywalker saga, it’s the Palpatine saga. He’s the only character to be continuously present in all eras of this story and is also the only one that actually succeeds in some of his efforts.

But Rey is a Skywalker now. That was the message I thought came across at the end. Family is not just blood. Adoption and all that.

And also the mindset of people too in the wider sense - that the character and actions of a person are more important than past connotations, connections or expectations with the name of someone or a group.

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She’s only Palpatine by blood. She was abandoned at a young age, and it seems that her parents weren’t that close to her grandfather. She’s really a nobody.


ZkinandBonez said:

Well, Ben Solo is technically also a Skywalker so it depends on how you see it.

I agree with that assumption but look what they did with him; he’s a buffoon. He’s a completely incompetent and nonthreatening villain. He continuously gets beaten by a random person with no training. He then proceeds to yell and sulk about everything. He’s like Prince Zuko; only less interesting in every conceivable way. Then, in true Sequel fashion, they kill him because they don’t know what to do with him. You don’t kill off your characters for no reason or just because you can, that’s film making 101; just ask Kevin Smith.


voltwaffle said:

ZkinandBonez said:

Well, Ben Solo is technically also a Skywalker so it depends on how you see it.

I agree with that assumption but look what they did with him; he’s a buffoon. He’s a completely incompetent and nonthreatening villain. He continuously gets beaten by a random person with no training. He then proceeds to yell and sulk about everything. He’s like Prince Zuko; only less interesting in every conceivable way. Then, in true Sequel fashion, they kill him because they don’t know what to do with him. You don’t kill off your characters for no reason or just because you can, that’s film making 101; just ask Kevin Smith.

How does he get killed? I don’t care about spoilers. I’m just curious as I won’t be seeing this film or TLJ any time soon if ever.


luckydube56 said:

voltwaffle said:

ZkinandBonez said:

Well, Ben Solo is technically also a Skywalker so it depends on how you see it.

I agree with that assumption but look what they did with him; he’s a buffoon. He’s a completely incompetent and nonthreatening villain. He continuously gets beaten by a random person with no training. He then proceeds to yell and sulk about everything. He’s like Prince Zuko; only less interesting in every conceivable way. Then, in true Sequel fashion, they kill him because they don’t know what to do with him. You don’t kill off your characters for no reason or just because you can, that’s film making 101; just ask Kevin Smith.

How does he get killed? I don’t care about spoilers. I’m just curious as I won’t be seeing this film or TLJ any time soon if ever.

He doesn’t really get killed so much as he transfers his life-force to Rey after she’s killed fighting Palpatine at the end. So it’s kind of similar to what Vader did in ROTJ, just way more complicated.

This film introduces a lot of new force abilities BTW.

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voltwaffle said:

ZkinandBonez said:

Well, Ben Solo is technically also a Skywalker so it depends on how you see it.

I agree with that assumption but look what they did with him; he’s a buffoon. He’s a completely incompetent and nonthreatening villain. He continuously gets beaten by a random person with no training.

Kylo/Ben does not get beaten by Rey (I presume she’s the random person you refer to) in TROS. It’s quite obvious in their encounters that he’s on top of things. He refrains from striking Rey down because he believes she’ll join him, eventually. You might not like the plot or story or characters or whatever, but please avoid spreading false claims about this movie.


idir_hh said:

The bright side of this travesty is that now Disney will never make another Star Wars trilogy without planning it out in advance.

truly. If they adapt KotOR or cherry pick from it to a similar effect for a dawn of sith and jedi film series (which is the best bet for the franchise at this point), story/plot/character planning will be a prerequisite. no doubt.


idir_hh said:

The bright side of this travesty is that now Disney will never make another Star Wars trilogy without planning it out in advance.

For as much as this is championed by fans the truth is almost no creatives currently working at any studio actually does this, and it’s almost never BEEN done, either.

The problem with film series that end poorly isn’t that there was lack of overall planning for the entire saga, it’s that whoever executed the plan for THE LAST CHAPTER didn’t do it well. You don’t need to plan out the whole thing beforehand, you just need to not agree to a bad plan for the last one.

The idea that people who are paid millions to literally create fiction out of thin air can’t come up with a good part three unless someone else pre-chewed their food 5 years prior is kind of weird, and not very much based in reality.

What’s real is that people make bad decisions and other people agree to them. That’ll happen with any plan.


^This. You don’t need a master plan set in stone from the beginning; just don’t treat your series like an exquisite corpse.


Hey ya’ll!!! I’m in! Can’t wait! See y’all in like 3 hours

After being beaten and battered by prequel hate, I promise not to be that to the next generation.


Pretty damn awesome. The retcons don’t make much sense, but they make the film much more interesting (as well as 7 and 8.) Wasn’t expecting Rey Palpatine at all, but I like it. I was rooting for that twist in Episode 8. Snoke = the Emperor works I guess. Hard to bring Palps back without that being the case.
It’s way too fast paced, and I was a bit overwhelmed. Should’ve been split into 2 movies or something. I’m eager to see some deleted scenes. Hopefully, edited in, they can give the film the breathing room it needs. An official extended edition would be great; it feels like they cut the film down a ton.
TROS is not perfect of course, but I really loved it. I’ll admit that the ending had me in tears. Way better than I was expecting after seeing the crap Rotten Tomatoes score. (Also I loved the John Williams cameo) For now I give it an 8.5/10

“Always in motion is the future” 🌌


So I think I’m ready to go later if it’s not so packed, I know the spoilers so there’s no rush. I think the tables might have turned a little where those more invested in the sequels might be disappointed if they set a high bar and those of us who have disengaged and had low expectations can just have a fun time. Sure I’ll watch a CGI Luke and Leia, why not? Fan service as a last ditch effort might work, I just want to pay matinee price.

DuracellEnergizer said:

^This. You don’t need a master plan set in stone from the beginning; just don’t treat your series like an exquisite corpse.

deep cuts, really true

“The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant next to the power of the Force.” - DV


This will probably be controversial but I kind of wish they had let Rian finish the series off!

My family really liked it though. Though I will say my mom wanted “you-know-who” to live! 😂 (Not Palpatine!)


Oh, they absolutely should have pushed this back a year and let Rian finish it. Kennedy asked him before she asked Abrams, IIRC.

I also think SOMETHING happened either during production, post-production, or even both, because this movie just doesn’t make sense a lot of the time. It’s not just retconning things and moving too fast, it’s referencing plot points that didn’t happen prior to their referencing, and half the time it’s not finishing off things that they ARE setting up.

I’m also convinced Palpatine is lit and shot the way he is to cover up his mouth, because more than half of his dialog is completely obscured as he’s speaking it.

Something went really sideways on this movie and this was the best effort at making whatever it was they had left work.

Also I understand the refusal to not write Leia out between movies but that would have been preferable to what they did here. By far.


Just got back-- a full 30 minutes of previews, so I didn’t get out of there until 11pm (movie was supposed to start at 8pm). Anyhow, it was pretty awful as expected, I really have no respect for JJ Abrams as a director. There were people getting up and walking out of the theater at some of the corniest moments (the “Romeo & Juliet” scene, for one) and laughter in many spots that weren’t meant to be funny. My nephew and I stayed thru the credits as we always do, and one guy who walked past us mumbled “thank God THAT’S finally over!”. So, I think the reviews for this film will not be kind.

Having said that, there were a few nice moments in the film, and it WAS better than TLJ (also, as expected).

On a side note— was there any mention of Peter Mayhew in the credits? If so, I missed it (lots of people walking in front of me). I was kind of expecting the film to be dedicated to him.


RogueLeader said:

This will probably be controversial but I kind of wish they had let Rian finish the series off!

Don’t think it’s going to be all that controversial, already seen it going around and I might even agree. The what if debates may rage on indefinitely for the foreseeable future as to who between Rian and JJ should have been left alone to be given the trilogy, uninterrupted. Thinking about this whole thing to do with having everything planned out ahead of time feels more like a reaction to a collision of visions. Also the rose tinted glasses given to the prequels may stem from this, you knew it was a singular vision.

“The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant next to the power of the Force.” - DV


Just came from the movie. I feel very indifferent right now. The following is STRICTLY my OWN opinion! Why hint at something Finn wants to tell Rey and never conclude with it? Rose was a wasted character more in this than Last Jedi! Rey jumping and slicing through Kylo’s TIE Fighter was awesome but it’s impact was diminished by quickly having the showdown that ends with us believing Chewie died. Finding out Chewie was alive made this even more aggravating (don’t get me wrong I’m glad he lives). And frankly this may be the most depressing Star Wars film I’ve ever scene. Even the lightsaber battles seemed weak and unenergetic. Practically everything important, if any, about Last Jedi is wiped from this film. Yes I know J.J. confirmed they were gonna do that but literally I was thinking you could watch Force Awakens then skip to this film and peace together yourself what happened in the middle, that what you need to know at least. There’s so much I could go on with this. I don’t hate this movie but it wasn’t fully a winner for me.


RU.08 said:

trimboNZ said:

But Rey is a Skywalker now. That was the message I thought came across at the end. Family is not just blood. Adoption and all that.

But the film undid the last film and made her a Palpatine. Not a Skywalker.

How is this an arc that began in Episode 7?

I don’t think it undid it at all. It was more of a continuation of her journey. In TFA Rey learns she has more to offer the galaxy than waiting for a family who will never return. In TLJ, Rey learns it’s not important where she came from or who her parents were. In TROS this acceptance enables her to ascend her heritage and choose her own story to ultimately find the family she has been looking for.