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Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order (Video Game) — Page 2


I’ll most likely buy it once it gets discounted. Looks fun, but not day-one full-price kind of fun.


Everything being an open world kind of bores me to be honest. Games like Horizon and Red Dead are nice but when everything just copies the same template it’s often just a dull wasteland full of busy work. That said I also wanted to see where the game Amy Hennig was working on would have gone. The way this looks like a less interesting version of that - SW meets Uncharted - with lightsabers added is pretty odd.


Rodney-2187 said:

I’ll most likely buy it once it gets discounted. Looks fun, but not day-one full-price kind of fun.

Same here.

I like the look of it - an updated TFU/Jedi Outcast style game, though was hoping for something with a little more to it…

(Having said I was beginning to think we’d never see a new single-player Star Wars game again! So am quite happy there is one.)

Roll-on more gamplay videos of it - and the reviews when closer to launch.

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I feel like it’ll be more interesting in the way it feels then the way it looks. It looks pretty clunky but there are a number of games that look clunky but feel great in the hand.

And also, all gameplay reveals are really slow because they’re showing all the options. Once it gets I. The hands of players I feel like it’ll be different.

But the fact that the lightsaber comes are not white bothers me

After being beaten and battered by prequel hate, I promise not to be that to the next generation.


And in the time of greatest despair, there shall come a savior, and he shall be known as the Son of the Suns.


‘I Played Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order - First Impressions | Gameplay, Combat, Force Powers & More’:-

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qKDKi6NA5pg - by HelloGreedo

^ featuring a laid-back interview with two of the game developers

A little patience goes a long way on this old-school Rebel base. If you are having issues finding what you are looking for, these will be of some help…

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'More Cameos We Want in Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order’ - from geek.com

^ I hadn’t realised they got Forest Whitaker in to play Saul Gerrera in it - nice one 😃

Would cool to Kyle Katarn feature in another game - as the article lists in their wish-list of cameos.


Seems there won’t be any lopping off limbs of the stormtroopers in the game…

Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order will only allow for lightsaber dismemberment “in select cases”’ - from GamesRadar.com

A little patience goes a long way on this old-school Rebel base. If you are having issues finding what you are looking for, these will be of some help…

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That’s kinda too bad. I always dug that dismemberment cheat code for Jedi Outcast. Once I found out about it I wouldn’t play the game without that turned on. It just felt so much more “right”. And it was always hilarious the random times you’d casually walk by a Stormtrooper without attacking and he’d literally fall to pieces at your feet.


I don’t like the “heavy lightsaber” presentation they are deciding to copy from the Sequels.
Lightsabers are supposed to be “an elegant weapon, for a more civilized age”, as shown in the Originals and Prequels, not weighted sticks that are swung like clubs.


Jesta’ said:

I don’t like the “heavy lightsaber” presentation they are deciding to copy from the Sequels.
Lightsabers are supposed to be “an elegant weapon, for a more civilized age”, as shown in the Originals and Prequels, not weighted sticks that are swung like clubs.

Wasn’t the original idea that they were very heavy? I could swear there’s a quote from Lucas or someone on that on something like the Empire of Dreams doc. I think the PT is the outlier in terms of how they are handled.

JEDIT: Okay so it’s Hamill quoting Lucas in the “Birth of the Lightsaber” featurette on the DVD (https://youtu.be/RIefj6dOhnM?t=213):

George was adamant these things were really, really heavy. That we couldn’t take a hand off, we always had to have two. It was like Excalibur - forty, fifty pounds of weight.

And then Lucas saying:

They were very powerful. They had a lot of energy in them. And so you worked with them as if they were heavy.


NeverarGreat said:

I don’t think the were meant to be heavy or light per se, just difficult to handle due to the energies involved. I imagine that it would be like swinging a gyroscope.

Yeah, that’s the Lucas quote, basically it’s not technically heavy but seems as if it is due to the energy. I suppose his justification for making them twirly weightless lightsticks in the PT is the same reason they’re constantly doing backflips - they’re extra superpowered Jedi or something.


DominicCobb said:

NeverarGreat said:

I don’t think the were meant to be heavy or light per se, just difficult to handle due to the energies involved. I imagine that it would be like swinging a gyroscope.

Yeah, that’s the Lucas quote, basically it’s not technically heavy but seems as if it is due to the energy. I suppose his justification for making them twirly weightless lightsticks in the PT is the same reason they’re constantly doing backflips - they’re extra superpowered Jedi or something.

Even though their vision is clouded??

ROTJ Storyboard Reconstruction Project


canofhumdingers said:

That’s kinda too bad. I always dug that dismemberment cheat code for Jedi Outcast. Once I found out about it I wouldn’t play the game without that turned on. It just felt so much more “right”. And it was always hilarious the random times you’d casually walk by a Stormtrooper without attacking and he’d literally fall to pieces at your feet.

I played with mods and cheats in Outcast on PC so much that I goofed around more than playing the game.

Dismemberment on, load pit stage, spawn 1000 stormtroopers and dark jedi, invincibility on, spawn a few Landos and hero characters…

As always I hope we can have at least a good SW game but usually I get severely disappointed. If it controls well and isn’t full of micro transactions then I guess I’m okay with getting it on sale.

VADER!? WHERE THE HELL IS MY MOCHA LATTE? -Palpy on a very bad day.
“George didn’t think there was any future in dead Han toys.”-Harrison Ford
YT channel:


My go to custom map was The Ladder


I never got into modding Jedi Outcast (though I used the heck out of the cheat codes as mentioned).

But I did mod Jedi Knight back in the day. My favorite level was a really well made Bespin level where you played as Luke dueling Darth Vader. You started on the landing platform by your x wing and followed the same sequence of events as the movie all the way to the carbon freeze chamber, out the window and onto the gantry. It was amazing and SO much fun!!


Yeah I had a few of those in DFII. Some custom Mos Eisley levels and an Obi-wan/Vader duel.

I remember in Jedi Outcast we built a zombie Jedi by stealing textures from Return to Castle Wolfenstein. People seemed to thing the character sound were really creepy but they were just taken from Bossk.


Art of books for games are pretty common nowadays.


Yeah they often appear in the “premium” bundles.


I know it’s definitely too early tell how successful it will be, but it certainly gives me TFU 2 vibes… Short 3-4 hour game with glorified cutscenes.

The Rise of Failures


‘Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order — “Cal’s Mission” Trailer’:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nfcAHfDuNzw - from EA Star Wars

‘In the Galactic Empire, the Inquisitorius has only one mission: seek out and destroy all remnants of the Jedi Order. Learn more about what Cal Kestis is searching the galaxy for and why the Empire will stop at nothing to bring him down.’

It looks good to me, I hope we see some more player in-game footage soon 😃


6 Highlights from new Jedi: Fallen Order trailer:

