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Star Wars: The Clone Wars To Return With New Episodes — Page 3


I don’t care about CLONE WARS at all, but this is great news for all fans of the series. Congratulations! 😃

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‘The Clone Wars Panel from Celebration 2019’ - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MXV3G4B6hFU

‘Star Wars Clone Wars Season 7 Trailer’ (as shown at SWCC 2019) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qM_VnToS68w

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Annoyed that 4 of the 12 episodes are ones we’ve already seen before (they finished the Bad Batch story reels). Apparently they only got enough money for 8 new episodes, but used some of it to finish those 4 too, or something like that.

If they were gonna make 1/3 of the new season stuff we’ve already gotten, it should’ve been Son of Dathomir, which is a pretty important bridge from The Lawless to Siege of Mandalore, and is only available as a hard to find graphic novel.


ChainsawAsh said:

Annoyed that 4 of the 12 episodes are ones we’ve already seen before (they finished the Bad Batch story reels). Apparently they only got enough money for 8 new episodes, but used some of it to finish those 4 too, or something like that.

I kinda figured the majority of it would be finished story reel stuff so I’m actually kinda excited we’ll get that much new stuff. The way I see it, anything new is more than we thought we’d get even just a year ago.

If they were gonna make 1/3 of the new season stuff we’ve already gotten, it should’ve been Son of Dathomir, which is a pretty important bridge from The Lawless to Siege of Mandalore, and is only available as a hard to find graphic novel.

It makes sense though why not. If they’re going to do a story they’ve already told, it makes sense it would be one that they’ve already put work into. Whereas Son of Dathomir would be a story they’ve already told plus cost as much as completely new episodes.


This makes me really want to finally sit down and watch the entire show run. I saw the pilot film after its release and found it okay, but never saw the series while it aired. Later I became an Avatar fan so I really must get to it.

VADER!? WHERE THE HELL IS MY MOCHA LATTE? -Palpy on a very bad day.
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It takes a while to get good, but once it does it gets really good. Check out season 2’s Landing at Point Rain for an early example of how good the show can be.


Sounds great. I need to finally get the season Blu-rays. I did manage to find the pilot film Blu-ray which goes for silly prices as it went out of print.

VADER!? WHERE THE HELL IS MY MOCHA LATTE? -Palpy on a very bad day.
“George didn’t think there was any future in dead Han toys.”-Harrison Ford
YT channel:


I’m just glad we got this thing back at all. I’m really hoping we get a Darth Sidious cameo in this season.


captainsolo said:

This makes me really want to finally sit down and watch the entire show run.

Very important, don’t watch it in release order. Follow this guide for the optimal viewing experience.

Forum Moderator

Apparently they only got enough money for 8 new episodes, but used some of it to finish those 4 too, or something like that.


Later I became an Avatar fan so I really must get to it.

I don’t see what that has to do with anything.


I’ve never been that interested in TCW or Rebels, but I could easily imagine myself jumping in if there were movie edits of the shows. Does anyone know if there’s someone in our midst who is / has been juggling with this kind of an idea? A story arc in a single movie or two with all the filler cut out? To me, that would probably be the most enjoyable way of watching (or just look up all the filler episodes and skip them).


bromeo said:

I’ve never been that interested in TCW or Rebels, but I could easily imagine myself jumping in if there were movie edits of the shows. Does anyone know if there’s someone in our midst who is / has been juggling with this kind of an idea? A story arc in a single movie or two with all the filler cut out? To me, that would probably be the most enjoyable way of watching (or just look up all the filler episodes and skip them).

Well, Outboundflight did edit all of Maul’s story-arc into a single movie;


You could also just google what’s the most important episodes and only watch those. Although I’ve seen the whole series now, that’s how I started watching it, and it works pretty well.

It’s usually quite easy to tell which episodes or important or not just based on the summaries as well. The first two-ish seasons feel more like a kids show (though on don’t mean that negatively), but from season three or so onwards, it gets really good where most episodes are worth watching.

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Beyond the OT Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Amazon link to my novel; Dawn of the Karabu.


I am considering doing more clone wars edits, but I want to make progress on it before announcing and forcing myself to complete it.

My idea for an Ashoka story:
• The Hidden Enenmy
• Clone Wars Movie (Christophisis)
• Holocron Heist
• Cargo of Doom

Maul- A Star Wars Story


Does anyone know why they are refining the Bad Batch arc for this new season, but not the Crystal Crisis arc? Seems weird that they would finish up one but leave the other unfinished.

Also, it’s interesting that these 12 new episodes are being labeled as Season 6, instead of Season 7. I’m assuming that means they’ll be bundled alongside The Lost Missions… Still a little weird, though.

Lastly, does anyone know what arcs are still missing besides these 12 episodes, The Lost Missions, Crystal Crisis, Son of Dathomir, and Dark Disciple?



I think the season 6 thing was a mistake.

And I don’t have a source (also haven’t watched the panel), but what I’ve heard is:

ChainsawAsh said:

Apparently they only got enough money for 8 new episodes, but used some of it to finish those 4 too, or something like that.

Presumably in order to give more of a “full” season.


bromeo said:

I’ve never been that interested in TCW or Rebels, but I could easily imagine myself jumping in if there were movie edits of the shows. Does anyone know if there’s someone in our midst who is / has been juggling with this kind of an idea? A story arc in a single movie or two with all the filler cut out? To me, that would probably be the most enjoyable way of watching (or just look up all the filler episodes and skip them).

I always watch filler because one man’s trash is another man’s treasure, so I think I should see everything for myself to form my own opinion. I encourage everyone else to do the same.


Anakin Starkiller said:

bromeo said:

I’ve never been that interested in TCW or Rebels, but I could easily imagine myself jumping in if there were movie edits of the shows. Does anyone know if there’s someone in our midst who is / has been juggling with this kind of an idea? A story arc in a single movie or two with all the filler cut out? To me, that would probably be the most enjoyable way of watching (or just look up all the filler episodes and skip them).

I always watch filler because one man’s trash is another man’s treasure, so I think I should see everything for myself to form my own opinion. I encourage everyone else to do the same.

Rebels literally took the most commonly cited “filler” episode and made it a crucial element of its finale’s climax. So yeah sometimes it can be tricky. I will say though due to TCW’s non-serialized/episodic-arc nature, combined with the rotating cast, you can pretty easily skip around with that show.



‘Just announced at #D23Expo, the next season of The Clone Wars will premiere in February on #DisneyPlus.’

A little patience goes a long way on this old-school Rebel base. If you are having issues finding what you are looking for, these will be of some help…

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I hope this doesn’t suffer from a lack of awareness or publicity due to the prominance and publicity drive for Episode IX. I haven’t seen or heard much about this series returning other than the initial announcment, and was hoping for a trailer or series of interviews for the return of The Clone Wars by now.

(Patience, I must learn patience 😉)


It was supposed to come out this year, but I guess Disney+ got delayed. Then again, it says it’s launching in November, and has a countdown and everything.


I never really got into TCW (or Rebels), but maybe I’ll give it another chance in a few years when my boys will be old enough to watch. I heard someone who showed their kids ANH then TCW, and they came to hate Vader as the man who would eventually murder Anakin.

My stance on revising fan edits.


The first episode of new and final season of The Clone Wars will air on Disney+ on Friday 21st February…


A little patience goes a long way on this old-school Rebel base. If you are having issues finding what you are looking for, these will be of some help…

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A Project Index for Star Wars Preservations (Harmy’s Despecialized & 4K77/80/83 etc) : A Project Index for Star Wars Fan Edits (adywan & Hal 9000 etc)

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