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YouTube/Vimeo/etc... Star Wars video finds — Page 57


‘STAR WARS is DEAD!!!1! [NEW INFO] Kathleen Kennedy FIRED Ruin Johnson HATES Luke CONFIRMED SHILL’…

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SnFnOCAc-CM - from HelloGreedo 😃


A little patience goes a long way on this old-school Rebel base. If you are having issues finding what you are looking for, these will be of some help…

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A Project Index for Star Wars Preservations (Harmy’s Despecialized & 4K77/80/83 etc) : A Project Index for Star Wars Fan Edits (adywan & Hal 9000 etc)

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screams in the void said:

oojason said:

‘STAR WARS is DEAD!!!1! [NEW INFO] Kathleen Kennedy FIRED Ruin Johnson HATES Luke CONFIRMED SHILL’…

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SnFnOCAc-CM - from HelloGreedo 😃


" protect yer yub nub " lol .


I loved that the repetitive robot at the end literally had to be wound up again!


A little patience goes a long way on this old-school Rebel base. If you are having issues finding what you are looking for, these will be of some help…

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A Project Index for Star Wars Preservations (Harmy’s Despecialized & 4K77/80/83 etc) : A Project Index for Star Wars Fan Edits (adywan & Hal 9000 etc)

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Behold, puny earthlings… the film ‘Gremloids(aka Hyperspace or Gremlords)


The Original Star Wars Parody - Hyperspace (1984) aka Gremloids; VideoCrap Movie Review

Trailer, in German - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ArbABgA40Pc

About the film…

Director and writer Todd Durham, in his first feature length film, gives us a bizarrely yet joyful mega-budget adventure straight out of the growing Star Wars enthused parody collection. Actors Chris Elliott and Paula Poundstone are joined by Lord Buckethead himself to star in this manly Earth-based 1984 sci-fi romp.

Vader & Jawas are teamed up to take over the universe - and film’s tagline of ‘The Fate of Mankind Hangs in the Balance’… gives it a far more grandiose plan than the story (and budget) delivers.

In the US it was known as ‘Hyperspace’, in the UK ‘Gremloids’, and apparently in Germany it was known as ‘Gremlords’.

Film plot / synopsis (from wikipedia):-

'Princess Serina has stolen vital radio transmissions from an evil Galactic Alliance. The Darth Vader-like villain, Lord Buckethead, pursues Serina, but, due to an error in navigation, instead lands on Earth.

Lord Buckethead then leads his Jawa-like minions into the nearby suburban town while none the wiser of his blunder. He immediately mistakes town folk such as Chester, the local baker, for a galactic hero called Captain Starfighter; and again later Karen, an employee at a local transmission repair shop, for Princess Serina, whom he promptly abducts for interrogation.’

Some more info on the Gremloids film:-


A few reviews of the film…

The Original Star Wars Parody - Hyperspace (1984) aka Gremloids; VideoCrap Movie Review


Apparently there’s even an ‘Original Motion Picture Soundtrack’ knocking around the internet:-



The film itself is apparently freely available on YouTube… (as well as similar other video sites, and on ebay and amazon etc in VHS, Betamax, and DVD formats).


Some info on the star of the show… Lord Buckethead:-

https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBgM8Esoy99vDtfbNPC2peA/videos (Lord Buckethead’s YouTube channel)

A few articles on Lord Buckethead:-


Lord Buckehead’s Christmas Song video - ‘A Bucketful of Happiness’ - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ebzooSdAbGE
Lord Buckethead’s Christmas Message - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y6siUaw_NKU
His appearance on John Oliver’s ‘Last Week Tonight’ - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6eQ0s4SBefU
His appearance at Glastonbury - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tp_05wC1sMY


Hopefully there’ll be a sequel or reboot to ‘Gremloids’ someday soon - maybe even crowdfunded…?


A little patience goes a long way on this old-school Rebel base. If you are having issues finding what you are looking for, these will be of some help…

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How do I do this?’ on the OriginalTrilogy.com; some info & answers + FAQs - includes info on how to search for projects and threads on the OT•com

A Project Index for Star Wars Preservations (Harmy’s Despecialized & 4K77/80/83 etc) : A Project Index for Star Wars Fan Edits (adywan & Hal 9000 etc)

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oojason said:

Behold, puny earthlings…

‘The Original Star Wars Parody - Hyperspace (1984) aka Gremloids VideoCrap Movie Review’…



The film itself is apparently available on YouTube…

A little more on Lord Buckethead…

Lord Buckethead’s YouTube channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBgM8Esoy99vDtfbNPC2peA/videos


Lord Buckehead’s Christmas Song video - ‘A Bucketful of Happiness’ - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ebzooSdAbGE

His appearance on John Oliver’s ‘Last Week Tonight’ - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6eQ0s4SBefU

His appearance at Glastonbury - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tp_05wC1sMY


Hopefully there’ll be a crowdfunded sequel (maybe even a reboot?) to ‘Gremloids’ someday soon…


Awesome ! I need a t-shirt with that poster on it . I also think I may vote for the Gremloid party .



Such a great video.

But man I hate that purple new hope.

“Get over violence, madness and death? What else is there?”

Also known as Mr. Liquid Jungle.


screams in the void said:

oojason said:

Behold, puny earthlings…

‘The Original Star Wars Parody - Hyperspace (1984) aka Gremloids VideoCrap Movie Review’…



The film itself is apparently available on YouTube…

A little more on Lord Buckethead…

Lord Buckethead’s YouTube channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBgM8Esoy99vDtfbNPC2peA/videos


Lord Buckehead’s Christmas Song video - ‘A Bucketful of Happiness’ - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ebzooSdAbGE

His appearance on John Oliver’s ‘Last Week Tonight’ - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6eQ0s4SBefU

His appearance at Glastonbury - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tp_05wC1sMY


Hopefully there’ll be a crowdfunded sequel (maybe even a reboot?) to ‘Gremloids’ someday soon…


Awesome ! I need a t-shirt with that poster on it . I also think I may vote for the Gremloid party .

Yep, am on the lookout for a high quality pic of this for that purpose too 😃

If anyone knows of one, or can point us in the right direction, it’d be much appreciated…

A little patience goes a long way on this old-school Rebel base. If you are having issues finding what you are looking for, these will be of some help…

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How do I do this?’ on the OriginalTrilogy.com; some info & answers + FAQs - includes info on how to search for projects and threads on the OT•com

A Project Index for Star Wars Preservations (Harmy’s Despecialized & 4K77/80/83 etc) : A Project Index for Star Wars Fan Edits (adywan & Hal 9000 etc)

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^ love that - nicely done too 😃




A little patience goes a long way on this old-school Rebel base. If you are having issues finding what you are looking for, these will be of some help…

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A Project Index for Star Wars Preservations (Harmy’s Despecialized & 4K77/80/83 etc) : A Project Index for Star Wars Fan Edits (adywan & Hal 9000 etc)

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I wish they would just make a series based on that anime style TIE Fighter short.


‘LIGHT SPEED - Star Wars Science’ by HelloGreedo…


A little patience goes a long way on this old-school Rebel base. If you are having issues finding what you are looking for, these will be of some help…

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A Project Index for Star Wars Preservations (Harmy’s Despecialized & 4K77/80/83 etc) : A Project Index for Star Wars Fan Edits (adywan & Hal 9000 etc)

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Jambe Davdar said:

Hi all,

It’s been a while. Thought you might like to know I’ve added another video to my growing library.

My latest short documentary is “Robert Watts - A Life in Film”. In July 2018, I was lucky enough to spend just over an hour chatting to Robert about some of his career.

This is the resulting video - https://vimeo.com/290893295

more quality works from Jambe can be found on his superb video channel - https://vimeo.com/filmumentaries & https://twitter.com/jamieswb 😃


A little patience goes a long way on this old-school Rebel base. If you are having issues finding what you are looking for, these will be of some help…

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How do I do this?’ on the OriginalTrilogy.com; some info & answers + FAQs - includes info on how to search for projects and threads on the OT•com

A Project Index for Star Wars Preservations (Harmy’s Despecialized & 4K77/80/83 etc) : A Project Index for Star Wars Fan Edits (adywan & Hal 9000 etc)

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‘Teaser! | LEGO Star Wars: All Stars | Disney XD’

Specials coming Saturday November 10th!


A little patience goes a long way on this old-school Rebel base. If you are having issues finding what you are looking for, these will be of some help…

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How do I do this?’ on the OriginalTrilogy.com; some info & answers + FAQs - includes info on how to search for projects and threads on the OT•com

A Project Index for Star Wars Preservations (Harmy’s Despecialized & 4K77/80/83 etc) : A Project Index for Star Wars Fan Edits (adywan & Hal 9000 etc)

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Some kind soul has uploaded BBC’s Arena Cinema program on Star Wars - from 1979 - up on youtube:-


'This episode of ‘Arena Cinema’ was broadcast on BBC2 on 29th January 1979 to co-incide with the British release of ‘Star Wars’. What we have here is an interviews and analysis. Behind-the-scenes clips are included, some of which I haven’t seem elsewhere.

The format of this series was that each episode had a lengthy feature item with unrelated film news and reviews at the end.

Short clips of this programme have been seen elsewhere over the years. To my knowledge it has not been repeated since.

I’ve had to make edits to comply with YouTube’s filter. The missing footage is clips from the film.’


A little patience goes a long way on this old-school Rebel base. If you are having issues finding what you are looking for, these will be of some help…

Welcome to the OriginalTrilogy.com | Introduce yourself in here | Useful info within : About : Help : Site Rules : Fan Project Rules : Announcements
How do I do this?’ on the OriginalTrilogy.com; some info & answers + FAQs - includes info on how to search for projects and threads on the OT•com

A Project Index for Star Wars Preservations (Harmy’s Despecialized & 4K77/80/83 etc) : A Project Index for Star Wars Fan Edits (adywan & Hal 9000 etc)

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