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Solo: A Star Wars Story — Official Review and Opinions Thread — SPOILERS — Page 4


JawsTDS said:

Perhaps it was just a member of his particular species. My mistake.

Unless I’m the one mistaken, this is Moroff

and this is who was in Solo


JawsTDS said:

I’m referring the white furry guy. I am like 99.99% certain that he was in Solo in a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it cameo.

Oh, interesting. Definitely possible.


Just some overall thoughts before I give up for the night:

  • Liked how they retooled the “Long time ago” text to give background to the story
  • Why were the subtitles yellow?
  • Hearing the Asteroid Field motif was amazing
  • Hearing “Duel of the Fates” gave me modest chills
  • The overall plot was really confusing and couldn’t figure out what exactly was going on
  • Glover’s Lando voice felt so unnatural at times
  • So Qi’ra just betrays everyone? I don’t get it.
  • This definitely felt appropriate for summer
  • Chewie was played quite well

I wish that could’ve been conveyed neater, but I’m too tired to type it all out.

“That said, there is nothing wrong with mocking prequel lovers and belittling their bad taste.” - Alderaan, 2017

MGGA (Make GOUT Great Again):


I don’t understand the problem with teasing Jabba at the end. They clearly want to do a sequel, and we all know he’s got to start working for Jabba sometime, so why not plant that seed here? It felt to me like the joker card at the end of Batman Begins.


I bet the Maul appearance was forced by the story group.

It seems like people are really embracing the new characters. In fact, the big question people ask me now about Star Wars is, “Are Finn and Poe gay lovers?” And really how the f*ck would I know? My second husband left me for a man, so my gaydar isn’t exactly what you’d call Death Star level quality. ----Carrie Fisher


I also hate to be that guy, but this movie came off so dull and lifeless to me. This is just my honest opinion and I walked into it with an open mind, wanting to be as optimistic as possible. First I’ll say the things I like:

-Chewie and Han meeting.
-Kessel Run (my favorite scene in the movie)
-Card games
-Donald Glover as Lando (a little inconsistent though)

The rest of the movie on the other hand was a drag. It probably has the worst pacing of any Disney SW movie yet. I was so thoroughly bored that my mind was wandering to school at some points.

-The plot was such a nonsensical mess that didn’t grab me one bit.
-Why did we have to see a close up of the golden dice every two seconds in that opening scene?
-Again, it was just so boring.
-A romance that did not work one bit
-Recreated the Leia/Han kissing scene. And it was distasteful and just felt like plain pandering.
-How Han gets his name. This scene made my eyes roll into the back of my head.
-The droid L3 was such an annoying character that I wanted to cheer when he died.
-The Darth maul scene was just so out of place and pandering.

I could go on and on. I get why people like it. I absolutely respect your opinion and did want to give this movie a fair shot. It just did not work for me.

Return of the Jedi: Remastered

Lord of the Rings: The Darth Rush Definitives


Young Anakin is alone in the streets. He wants to leave Tatooine so much, there is nothing left for him there. While walking in the streets, he sees a tv propaganda spot to join the Republican Air Force. The spot consists of X-Wing flying with the Force theme in media res (which mean the characters in the movie HEAR the Force theme cue used in the tv spot). Anakin is convinced: he’s going to enroll.

Republican officer: What’s your name kid?
Young Anakin: I’m a person, and my name is Anakin.
Republican officer: Ok kiddo. Why do you want to enroll in the Republican Academy?
Young Anakin: I have the dream to walk in the sky, sir.
Republican officer: Walk in the sky, really? Ok kiddo… have a last name?
Young Anakin: No sir. I have no last name, only my dreams.
Republican officer: Hum… ok then, young Anakin… Skywalker. Welcome in the Republican Air Force.

(yeah, too bad Disney and Kasdan didn’t make the PT, it would have been sooooooooo much better… 😦)


snooker said:

Retcons are the devil to you, ain’t they?

I didn’t like them when Lucas was making the PT. I don’t like them when Disney is ruining what’s left to ruin in this Saga.


MalàStrana said:

Young Anakin is alone in the streets. He wants to leave Tatooine so much, there is nothing left for him there. While walking in the streets, he sees a tv propaganda spot to join the Republican Air Force. The spot consists of X-Wing flying with the Force theme in media res (which mean the characters in the movie HEAR the Force theme cue used in the tv spot). Anakin is convinced: he’s going to enroll.

Republican officer: What’s your name kid?
Young Anakin: I’m a person, and my name is Anakin.
Republican officer: Ok kiddo. Why do you want to enroll in the Republican Academy?
Young Anakin: I have the dream to walk in the sky, sir.
Republican officer: Walk in the sky, really? Ok kiddo… have a last name?
Young Anakin: No sir. I have no last name, only my dreams.
Republican officer: Hum… ok then, young Anakin… Skywalker. Welcome in the Republican Air Force.

(yeah, too bad Disney and Kasdan didn’t make the PT, it would have been sooooooooo much better… 😦)

I don’t want to be rude but i think you should post this in a other thread, also top notch rewrite 😃

“Get over violence, madness and death? What else is there?”

Also known as Mr. Liquid Jungle.


Something new by the way with this SW: for the first time, I find it ugly. Very ugly. And cheap (the imperial battle front at the beginning looks like Starship troopers 2…). All the other episodes look good (OT, TPM, ROTS, TLJ, R1) or good enough (TFA and AOTC), but this one is so ugly it’s gonna be easy to remove it from my headcanon.


MalàStrana said:

snooker said:

Retcons are the devil to you, ain’t they?

I didn’t like them when Lucas was making the PT. I don’t like them when Disney is ruining what’s left to ruin in this Saga.

That’s a false equivalency at best; you may not have liked them when Lucas was writing the prequels - and you may not like them with the current writers, but it’s got nowt to do with Disney, so stop with the unsubstantiated claims - it also cheapens your viewpoint and those that may share your views on the retcons.

Please keep comments in here to the Solo film - this is the ‘Solo: A Star Wars Story — Official Review and Opinions Thread’ afterall - and not the ‘bash Disney’ thread. Thank you.

A little patience goes a long way on this old-school Rebel base. If you are having issues finding what you are looking for, these will be of some help…

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… and take your time to look around this site before posting - to get a feel for this place. Don’t just lazily make yet another thread asking for projects.


oojason said:

but it’s got nowt to do with Disney, so stop with the unsubstantiated claims - it also cheapens your viewpoint and those that may share your views on the retcons.

Isn’t Disney producing the new movies the same way they produce the Marvel or other series they own ? (real question)
Because it’s totally relevant when talking about the new movies to base any analysis about that fact which makes a clear distinction between the Lucas/independant era and the Disney/corporation era of the Saga. It’s so clear at every single level (good or bad, to each is own point of view on that) that I don’t want to stay blind about that and pretend we can talk about Solo or else the same way we were talking about Ep I to VI. SW was a Saga. It’s now a Franchise. You can love it, that’s fine. But you can’t pretend it’s not true and saying Disney has nothing to do with that.


MalàStrana said:

oojason said:

but it’s got nowt to do with Disney, so stop with the unsubstantiated claims - it also cheapens your viewpoint and those that may share your views on the retcons.

Isn’t Disney producing the new movies the same way they produce the Marvel or other series they own ? (real question)
Because it’s totally relevant when talking about the new movies to base any analysis about that fact which makes a clear distinction between the Lucas/independant era and the Disney/corporation era of the Saga. It’s so clear at every single level (good or bad, to each is own point of view on that) that I don’t want to stay blind about that and pretend we can talk about Solo or else the same way we were talking about Ep I to VI. SW was a Saga. It’s now a Franchise. You can love it, that’s fine. But you can’t pretend it’s not true and saying Disney has nothing to do with that.

And now we’re no longer talking about retcons…

and you somehow managed to miss this part of my last post when quoting it:-

oojason said:

MalàStrana said:

snooker said:

Retcons are the devil to you, ain’t they?

I didn’t like them when Lucas was making the PT. I don’t like them when Disney is ruining what’s left to ruin in this Saga.

Please keep comments in here to the Solo film - this is the ‘Solo: A Star Wars Story — Official Review and Opinions Thread’ afterall - and not the ‘bash Disney’ thread. Thank you.

If you’d like to continue a wider conversation on the franchise (and how it compares to Marvel etc) that’s fine, though it won’t be done in here - the ‘Solo: A Star Wars Story — Official Review and Opinions Thread’. So find a relevant thread to do that - or feel free to PM me to carry the conversation on.

A little patience goes a long way on this old-school Rebel base. If you are having issues finding what you are looking for, these will be of some help…

Welcome to the OriginalTrilogy.com | Introduce yourself in here | Useful info within : About : Help : Site Rules : Fan Project Rules : Announcements
How do I do this?’ on the OriginalTrilogy.com; some info & answers + FAQs - includes info on how to search for projects and threads on the OT•com

A Project Index for Star Wars Preservations (Harmy’s Despecialized & 4K77/80/83 etc) : A Project Index for Star Wars Fan Edits (adywan & Hal 9000 etc)

… and take your time to look around this site before posting - to get a feel for this place. Don’t just lazily make yet another thread asking for projects.


I saw the film a few days ago but forgot to share my thoughts.

I’m in the camp that hated TLJ with a passion.

As soon as Solo was announced I wanted nothing to do with it, and after TLJ I was even more adamant that I was done with Star Wars in its current form. It was going to be the first Star Wars film in almost 20 years I didn’t go to the midnight screening of.

But then a very well meaning friend decided to surprise me with midnight tickets as I was going through some personal stuff and they were trying to cheer me up, so I figured what the hell, may as well give it a crack.

I’m extremely happy I didn’t boycott it after all as I thought it was very very good.

There are definite problems with the film; some pacing issues and a certain character that my theatre actually cheered at when they died, but overall I had a lot of fun and really dug the story, world-building and character development.

I don’t think I’ve had that much innocent fun at the cinema in years. I think Rogue One is the better film without a doubt, but it’s certainly not as fun as Solo.

I’m now on record as really liking Rogue One and Solo, but hating TFA and TLJ, so I guess I’m sticking with the anthology films from hereon-out, haha.


Like I’ve been saying, you either like it or you don’t. The fan base is split with this film, it is a fun movie, I enjoyed it, give it a chance.


I just came home. What a mess.
Some OK bits, some good bits, some horrible bits. The funny thing is that I thought to myself “well, at least they’re completely ignoring the Jedi, Skywalkers, Death Star, Sith and so on”, when suddenly … Darth Maul. God-dammit! Also, why did they have to spend so much time explaining that Lando is in a sexual relationship with a droid? What emotions was I supposed to feel? The revolutionary communist droid thankfully died, yet they played it like it’s a bad thing? What a strange movie, it was. It repeated so many problems from the prequels, like bad cinematography, bad green screen, bad dialogue, annoying characters (the fembot is the new Jar Jar), and especially - no tone. They tried to invoke so many different feelings at the same time, but the only feeling I felt was confusion. Weird, weird, weird movie. At least I didn’t feel like punching somebody after leaving the cinema, unlike after TLJ, so I guess I liked it more?

BTW there were 12 people in the cinema. Twelve. TWELVE.


There’s a difference between romantic and sexual. I don’t think Lando was banging his female droid co-pilot.

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Where were you in '77?


I haven’t seen the English version, so maybe it’s a translation thing


lovelikewinter said:

I wonder if Maul will play into the Kenobi spinoff in that Obi-Wan leaves to confront Maul and ends up taking down Crimson Dawn and leaving Maul stranded on Malachor with a live action replay of their final duel for a coda.

If they don’t make a Solo sequel, I think it would make more sense to put Maul, Qi-Ra and Crimson Dawn into the upcoming Boba Fett film. Even Ehrenreich might be in it. I hardly doubt that they have any specific plans for the plot of the Boba Fett film, but they could easily put Crimson Dawn into that movie. That could also give the more casual fans a “proper” explanation as to how Maul is still alive. (It’s also not impossible that the Qi-Ra/Solo sub-plot might be resolved there.)

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JawsTDS said:

“How would that work?”

“It works.”

The shape of Droids

(this movie and the humor… it hurts thinking about it 😕)