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The new Star Wars comics - a general discussion thread — Page 20


Oh hey, this thread is back. Not much has changed. Doctor Aphra and Poe Dameron continue to be my favorite lines. I’ve still only read the first issue or two of the new Darth Vader ongoing so I haven’t really got an opinion on that yet. Maybe I’ll catch up on that today. For some reason Captain Phasma #1 never made it to my box at my comic shop, even though 2 through 4 did. I ordered it on Amazon so no harm done, but it’s a bummer that I can’t start reading the series yet.


Just a heads-up for some of you comic book fans - this site has a few Star Wars comics going for 69p - or 99c (in digital format) - with a few other discounted comics too:-



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… and take your time to look around this site before posting - to get a feel for this place. Don’t just lazily make yet another thread asking for projects.


I’ve had, and use regularly, a Comixology account for years. May be time to take a breather from my weekly readings of Wonder Woman and Batman and see about Star Wars. Time for some research… 😉

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I’m months behind on all of these, I really need to spend a weekend catching up sometime soon. Anyone up to date? What should I prioritize?

EDIT: Also, I read a few more issues of the new Darth Vader since my last post and I’ve been pleasantly surprised. Much like with the Kanan comic, I’m finding that prequel-era settings aren’t as much of a deal breaker as I keep expecting them to be.


I only read when they get to TPB and if I pick them up. Actually just got through Kanan, really enjoyed that.


ChainsawAsh said:

Lando is still the best one IMO.

This and the Han Solo miniseries are the only two SW comics from modern Marvel I’ve read that I’ve enjoyed.


Has the Darth Vader series reverted to a Dark Times setting? If so I might give that a go. The first Darth Vader run made me quit the entire modern Marvel line completely:

It’s been three years now and I’m just barely dipping my toes back in after that. So far I’m just sticking to the main ongoing series and have been pleasantly surprised with how well that’s course corrected after the awful start that line had as well.

What drew me back in though was the Poe Dameron series. What I’ve seen of that has been pretty solid.

Forum Moderator

The Poe Dameron series is definitely my favorite, though I haven’t read the Lando one yet (just ordered from Amazon).


They stuck Admiral Ackbar’s head on Grievous’ body and called it a day? I have a new exhibit A the next time somebody disrespects my green meat eating rabbit pal!
The hell of it is, Hasbro will probably make an action figure of this guy.

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Where were you in '77?


Did anyone read the Han Solo or Chewbacca miniseries? I want to check those out, should I just get them through the library? Or are they worth a purchase?

It seems like people are really embracing the new characters. In fact, the big question people ask me now about Star Wars is, “Are Finn and Poe gay lovers?” And really how the f*ck would I know? My second husband left me for a man, so my gaydar isn’t exactly what you’d call Death Star level quality. ----Carrie Fisher


The Han one was great. I found the Chewie one pretty dull and stopped reading after the second issue.


I wasn’t as thrilled with the Han one as everyone else seems to have been, but it wasn’t bad at all.


SilverWook said:

They can’t survive on aging comic book fans forever. Without fresh blood, they are doomed.

Marvel tried jumping on the Social Justice bandwagon. It backfired on them.

DC tried the Nu52. It backfired on them.

At this point, the comics only exist as material to mine for the movies and TV shows.

It seems like people are really embracing the new characters. In fact, the big question people ask me now about Star Wars is, “Are Finn and Poe gay lovers?” And really how the f*ck would I know? My second husband left me for a man, so my gaydar isn’t exactly what you’d call Death Star level quality. ----Carrie Fisher


lovelikewinter said:

SilverWook said:

They can’t survive on aging comic book fans forever. Without fresh blood, they are doomed.

Marvel tried jumping on the Social Justice bandwagon. It backfired on them.

DC tried the Nu52. It backfired on them.

They should try putting comics back in the supermarkets/convenience stores/newstands, lower the prices, and write stories that new/casual readers can follow without having to have a working knowledge of decades-worth of continuity.


I mean, I get your DC point lovelike, and agree with it, but that’s your issue with Marvel? I don’t think that’s what backfired on them. Constant renumberings and big dumb events, sure, but superheroes are, by definition, warriors of social justice.



suspiciouscoffee said:

I mean, I get your DC point lovelike, and agree with it, but that’s your issue with Marvel? I don’t think that’s what backfired on them. Constant renumberings and big dumb events, sure, but superheroes are, by definition, warriors of social justice.

They had some really heavy-handed Social Justice pandering in some books. It all fell flat.

It seems like people are really embracing the new characters. In fact, the big question people ask me now about Star Wars is, “Are Finn and Poe gay lovers?” And really how the f*ck would I know? My second husband left me for a man, so my gaydar isn’t exactly what you’d call Death Star level quality. ----Carrie Fisher


I read six issues of Poe Dameron this morning and got all caught up. It remains excellent. Soule might be the best SW writer going currently. Very, very interested to see how it goes next month when it catches up with TFA.


Tobar said:

Has the Darth Vader series reverted to a Dark Times setting? If so I might give that a go. The first Darth Vader run made me quit the entire modern Marvel line completely:

Wow, for real?

Well, at least the new Darth Vader series by Charles Soule is pretty good.

I feel like the new Marvel comics is pretty much a 50/50 chance of either being very good or complete nonsense. Luckily I’ve only run across good series/issues so far.

This has probably been discussed before, but is the main series, the one just called “Star Wars”, any good? I’ve only read the three Obi-Wan issues, and I liked those a lot. However I’m skeptical about the rest (and the art I’ve seen doesn’t really appeal to me).

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Ongoing has a rotation of artists, there are some that aren’t pleasing to my eye, yes. The arcs are hit and miss, like all comics, but there’s been some I’ve really enjoyed.

I grab the TPB’s on Amazon for Kindle whenever Marvel has one of their insane sales. I got the latest Aphra TPB for $0.99 a couple weeks ago. This also unlocks them on your matching Comixology account.

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doubleofive said:

Ongoing has a rotation of artists, there are some that aren’t pleasing to my eye, yes. The arcs are hit and miss, like all comics, but there’s been some I’ve really enjoyed.

Any specific recommendations?

As mentioned earlier, I’ve read the three Obi-Wan issues and thought they were really good.

doubleofive said:

I grab the TPB’s on Amazon for Kindle whenever Marvel has one of their insane sales. I got the latest Aphra TPB for $0.99 a couple weeks ago. This also unlocks them on your matching Comixology account.

Yeah, I thought about doing that to both the main series and Aphra, but I ended up buying the Maul and Kanan miniseries instead. There’s something about that art that just really puts me off. Aphra seems to have several different artists, some ok, some not so ok, but whenever I google the series people seem to exclusively either love it or hate it.

I’m thinking maybe I ought to stick to the miniseries for now (at least until the next time Marvel has another $0.99 sale.)

Star Wars is Surrealism, not Science Fiction (essay)
Original Trilogy Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Beyond the OT Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Amazon link to my novels.


ZkinandBonez said:

doubleofive said:

Ongoing has a rotation of artists, there are some that aren’t pleasing to my eye, yes. The arcs are hit and miss, like all comics, but there’s been some I’ve really enjoyed.

Any specific recommendations?

As mentioned earlier, I’ve read the three Obi-Wan issues and thought they were really good.

I liked “Rebel Jail” and “Last Flight of the Harbinger” a lot. I found “Yoda’s Secret War” to be dull.

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