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STAR WARS: REBELS (animated tv series) - a general discussion thread — Page 60


Swazzy said:

Maul said:


went from Darth Maul to Starkiller in two seconds flat

About halfway lol

Still wouldn’t want to be on the receiving end of that yell.


This one wasn’t so great. But I did enjoy some of the references: “No you can’t, yes I can” and the Aliens reference with the cargo door, as well as what I think was a 2001 reference with the inventory droid floating in space.

TV’s Frink said:

I would put this in my sig if I weren’t so lazy.


doubleofive said:

CHEWBAKAspelledwrong said:

the inventory droid floating in space.

Who then BROKE INTO SONG. This episode was hilarious. And Josh Gad can apparently play it cool in a role, that’s good to know.

Yes! There were some really funny bits. The overall story was lame, but it was a sufficient delivery vehicle for a few laughs.

TV’s Frink said:

I would put this in my sig if I weren’t so lazy.


There were definitely two references to the Short Circuit films.

Forum Moderator

Some people will say this was just a filler episode but I loved it. Very funny and good use of the droids.

Wish Saturday’s episode was going to be an hour. This Kenobi episode is my most anticipated, even more than Vader.

The Jedi are all but extinct.......

doubleofive said:

CHEWBAKAspelledwrong said:

the inventory droid floating in space.

Who then BROKE INTO SONG. This episode was hilarious. And Josh Gad can apparently play it cool in a role, that’s good to know.

I did like the little song bit too. So i had to look up who Josh Gad voiced (the Controller), and i must say that character seemed really flat to me. I wondered if they were trying to have muted human emotion in him because of the implants (nice reminder of Lobot from ESB), but it just came off to me as bad voice work. It also just didn’t interest me that much, so i guess that is why i had a negative impression of it.


Wow, Twin Suns was excellent. I’ll not spoil anything since it isn’t officially out yet, but I thought it was very respectful to Obi-Wan’s character.

If you have Time Warner Cable/Spectrum, the episode is already available On Demand.


a trailer for Rebels: Zero Hour (the season 3 finale - to be screened 25th March)… so you may not want to watch it until you have seen Twin Suns:-


^ from https://www.reddit.com/r/StarWarsLeaks/comments/6034xd/spoilers_zero_hour_trailer_shown_in_ad_breaks/

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+1 that Twin Suns was really excellent - no spoilers for our American brothers and sisters but it was very classily handled.


Kenobi voice acting and animation was amazing, but I think the 20-minute format spoiled the ending


I agree that this should have been at least two episodes. I have a bunch of spoilerly thoughts that I won’t get into now.


Speechless. That was amazing.

Forum Moderator

Whew, just marathoned season 3 (except for the finale of course), and I’m sure everyone’s dying to hear what I think.

(light spoilers follow)

The Bendu: Excellent addition to the show. I wouldn’t mind seeing him in Ep 8 or 9, considering where they seem to be taking the Jedi philosophy.

The Holocrons: Leaning even more heavily into the idea that the Sith and Jedi are two halves of a complete philosophy, I really appreciate this.

Maul: On the other hand, I still don’t know why we’re dealing with this guy. Color me entirely unimpressed, and yes, I include Twin Suns in this evaluation.

Thrawn: His voice is so subdued that it’s oddly grating, but I appreciate his addition since it brings some competence to an otherwise incompetent Empire. He feels wasted in most of the episodes, however, only really coming into his own in ‘Through Imperial Eyes’.

The Tactical Droid: I really liked the idea behind this character, but the execution left something to be desired. It felt too inconsequential. Nevertheless, this episode is head and shoulders above most Season 2 episodes.

Sabine (and Mandalorians in general): It’s difficult to make a warrior culture interesting, so I wouldn’t mind if I never heard about Mandalorians ever again.

Iron Squadron: A clever idea for a weapon. Won’t somebody think of the children?! Because I can’t summon the effort to care.

Fulcrum: I found myself enjoying this character immensely, a marked difference from earlier.

Ghosts of Geonosis: Saw’s character arc felt forced, clearly in an attempt to turn him into the man we see in Rogue One. Other than that, it was a fine two-parter. The circle within a circle was also a clever bait-and-switch.

Hondo: Oh how I despise thee. It’s a shame, since the show could really use some interesting non-military characters, but do they all have to be caricatures?

AP-5: ‘Double Agent Droid’ is probably my favorite episode so far. It is a perfect blend of humor and adventure, marred only slightly by the willful stupidity of the Ghost crew and the episode being several shots too long. AP-5’s spacewalk is hands-down my favorite sequence in this show. He also happens to be my favorite character of this show. If Rebels only focused on this droid duo, I’d be happy.

Twin Suns: After all the hype, this episode wound up being merely serviceable. If you take away the nostalgia surrounding the elements of the '77 film, you are left with an episode that twiddles its thumbs instead of providing a fulfilling confrontation between Maul and Ezra. In fact, Ezra seems almost perfunctory to the proceedings. I did appreciate the brevity of the final fight, however.

In summary: Despite all my criticism, I quite liked a lot about this season. It is more even in tone than previous seasons, with fewer obvious filler episodes. The lack of inquisitors is a marked improvement, and the replacement of Vader with Thrawn allows for more strategy and less lightsaber shenanigans, another improvement. In short, more good characters, less bad characters, and shaping up to be a better season than the first two.

You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.
Episode 9 Rewrite, The Starlight Project (Released!) and ANH Technicolor Project (Released!)



Regarding the duel itself, since it’s very polarizing, I loved it. I think it worked on so many levels. The duel itself gives us subtle character development, it shows that Ben has grown a lot during his exile, and it shows us that Maul hasn’t. It sheds a new light on Ben’s duel with Vader, making it clear that Ben could’ve put up a very strong fight against Vader were that his intention. I know the “it’s like poetry” thing is a bit of a meme, but I found this comment on Reddit that I thought was very interesting;

The entire meeting is a “it’s like poetry, it rhymes” situation.

Obi-Wan and Maul meet as they did a few times in the Clone Wars. Obi-Wan with his Form III stance, and Maul with a single blade ignited. However, all these battles ended in stalemate.

This leads Maul to revert back to how he first fought Obi-Wan. With a double bladed sword.

In return, Obi-Wan switches to Qui-Gon’s Form IV stance.

The two clash blades a couple times and Maul tried to knock Obi-Wan in the face, breaking his guard for a killing blow like he did for Qui-Gon. But Obi-Wan learned from his fights with Maul. We see this first against Vader, and it comes full circle with Maul again.

Obi-Wan slices Maul’s lightsaber in half (again) and wounds him in the abdomen like Maul did to Qui-Gon.

Following the battle, Obi-Wan takes the dying party in his arms and rests their head on his leg. Together they discuss the Chosen One and how he will destroy the Sith. Bringing balance to force, and avenging all they’ve lost.

Really great scene.

I think everyone that was expecting a long and intense fight is missing the point of lightsaber duels, they’re not supposed to be merely eye-candy. They’re supposed to be emotional, they’re a means of telling the story, and I think this duel did just that.


Jeebus said:

DominicCobb said:

I agree that this should have been at least two episodes. I have a bunch of spoilerly thoughts that I won’t get into now.


Well that’s interesting. The concept art they show seems to imply some additional misadventures that probably weren’t necessary, though I bet there’s some really interesting stuff that got axed. Does Rebels ever put deleted scenes/extended episodes on their home video releases?

As for the episode itself, I really enjoyed it. On the whole I thought it was very well done. Tonally and visually it was just about perfect. I really don’t have much to complain about.

I personally LOVED the duel. Reminded me of classic cinematic gunslinger/samurai duels. I thought that was really ballsy and pretty awesome that they did that, much preferred it to some drawn out TCW-esque lightsaber duel. I will say though I do think the confrontation between the two was too short. After everything that’s happened between the two, with all their history together and all the time that’s been spent leading up to this, I do wish they had exchanged more than a couple lines. Maul’s final line is fascinating though and definitely something to chew on.

My biggest disappointment here is how this completely botches the Ezra/Maul dynamic. It already seemed like the show was dropping Ezra’s call to the dark side, and I know some people really want him to turn, I don’t care one way or the other, but it is a compelling storyline for him that just seemed to fizzle out. I thought this would be the place to finally tie it up in some fashion but nope. That’s really why I wish this had been at least a two parter. I guess it’s possible that that thread will linger but it seems like such a waste that nothing came of it here with Maul after everything between the two before.

Also, in regards to the whole ^Form III thing, I hate that stuff. I noticed the move from TPM too and thought that was kinda cool, but in general just can’t stand the silly lightsaber form shit. I thought Obi-Wan was handled very well here but the ROTS stance he makes just looks maddeningly dumb.


I do think this was a great episode that didn’t step all over ANH.

I also hope all those deleted scenes they spoke about are put on the Blu-Ray. I’d love to see this as an hour long episode, even if it is just Ezra.

The Jedi are all but extinct.......

DominicCobb said:

Jeebus said:

DominicCobb said:

I agree that this should have been at least two episodes. I have a bunch of spoilerly thoughts that I won’t get into now.


My biggest disappointment here is how this completely botches the Ezra/Maul dynamic. It already seemed like the show was dropping Ezra’s call to the dark side, and I know some people really want him to turn, I don’t care one way or the other, but it is a compelling storyline for him that just seemed to fizzle out. I thought this would be the place to finally tie it up in some fashion but nope. That’s really why I wish this had been at least a two parter. I guess it’s possible that that thread will linger but it seems like such a waste that nothing came of it here with Maul after everything between the two before.

I think the whole “Ezra being pulled to the dark side” plot line was contrived from the beginning. They should’ve planted seeds of him being susceptible to the dark side in the first two seasons, it seemed to arise out of nowhere. And on top of that, the conflict was only explored in a few episodes, for most of the season it’s as if it never happened.


Jeebus said:

DominicCobb said:

Jeebus said:

DominicCobb said:

I agree that this should have been at least two episodes. I have a bunch of spoilerly thoughts that I won’t get into now.


My biggest disappointment here is how this completely botches the Ezra/Maul dynamic. It already seemed like the show was dropping Ezra’s call to the dark side, and I know some people really want him to turn, I don’t care one way or the other, but it is a compelling storyline for him that just seemed to fizzle out. I thought this would be the place to finally tie it up in some fashion but nope. That’s really why I wish this had been at least a two parter. I guess it’s possible that that thread will linger but it seems like such a waste that nothing came of it here with Maul after everything between the two before.

I think the whole “Ezra being pulled to the dark side” plot line was contrived from the beginning. They should’ve planted seeds of him being susceptible to the dark side in the first two seasons, it seemed to arise out of nowhere. And on top of that, the conflict was only explored in a few episodes, for most of the season it’s as if it never happened.

Well the fact that it’s as if it never happened is part of the problem. I think most (all?) Jedi are susceptible to the dark side so it makes sense that Ezra would be too. Especially since he’s always been pretty brash and cocky. It’s natural that it’s a conflict he’d have to face but I think they bungled it.


I’m liking the reiteration of short duels that was a thing in the EU and as Jeebus said this duel shows how deadly Obi-Wan still is and reinforces the fact that Obi-Wan was merely sacrificing himself in STAR WARS. Though why that had ever been a small point of contention is beyond me.