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All Things Star Trek — Page 146


chyron8472 said:

SilverWook said:

NeverarGreat said:

chyron8472 said:

NeverarGreat said:

Fun fact: I watched the pilot for Enterprise for the first time right before watching Discovery.

Both pilots left me with much the same feeling.

I love Enterprise. All of the senior staff are great. Archer, T’Pol, Trip, Reed, Hoshi, and Travis. They all are interesting characters in their own right. And Scott Bakula is a fantastic actor.

The main problem Enterprise has is actually addressed by Archer himself—they keep getting drawn in to the temporal cold war so much that Archer has to straight up tell Daniels to knock it off.

I haven’t seen more than the pilot for Enterprise, but save from the song choices it wasn’t bad. The actors are decent, but I’ve no desire to see the rest of the show. Same with Discovery. I enjoy Michelle Yeoh but the crew interaction doesn’t endear me to them at all.

You could just skip to season 3 and 4. 😉

What is wrong with the first two seasons?

Like TNG, it took them a while to find out what kind of Trek they wanted to be. The show just kind of meanders along aside from the Temporal Cold War arc. It’s Season 3 that ups the ante with a season long arc with a lot of cliffhangers, and 4 is where they really hit their stride and become the TOS prequel it should have been.
There are some good episodes in the first two seasons and some clunkers. Probably less than Voyager had.

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Where were you in '77?


SilverWook said:

chyron8472 said:

SilverWook said:

NeverarGreat said:

chyron8472 said:

NeverarGreat said:

Fun fact: I watched the pilot for Enterprise for the first time right before watching Discovery.

Both pilots left me with much the same feeling.

I love Enterprise. All of the senior staff are great. Archer, T’Pol, Trip, Reed, Hoshi, and Travis. They all are interesting characters in their own right. And Scott Bakula is a fantastic actor.

The main problem Enterprise has is actually addressed by Archer himself—they keep getting drawn in to the temporal cold war so much that Archer has to straight up tell Daniels to knock it off.

I haven’t seen more than the pilot for Enterprise, but save from the song choices it wasn’t bad. The actors are decent, but I’ve no desire to see the rest of the show. Same with Discovery. I enjoy Michelle Yeoh but the crew interaction doesn’t endear me to them at all.

You could just skip to season 3 and 4. 😉

What is wrong with the first two seasons?

4 is where they really hit their stride and become the TOS prequel it should have been.

Wait, TNG is a prequel to TOS?
I didn’t know that.

JEDIT- why is it called ‘The Next Generation’ then? That’s confusing.

Ray’s Lounge
Biggs in ANH edit idea
ROTJ opening edit idea


I was talking about Enterprise which is set a century before TOS.

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Where were you in '77?


Every Trek series has its haters. It’s just Deep Space Nine, Voyager and Enterprise get a lot more hate because.
Because? I dunno, because haters gonna hate.

Deep Space Nine got hate because 1) it was a Babylon 5 ripoff, and 2) the cast was stuck on the station and didn’t go anywhere (such people didn’t watch during the Defiant years).

Voyager got hate because 1) it was a TNG rehash, 2) the captain was female, 3) it didn’t challenge cultural norms 4) it didn’t have a major story arc with the renegade terrorists that are the Maquis, 5) it nerfed the Borg.

Enterprise got hate because 1) It was on UPN and not everyone had UPN; 2) it had several callbacks to the other series rather than standing as its own show.

Also, apparently plenty of people seem to think Rick Berman held the franchise back by not rocking the cultural boat.

TV’s Frink said:

chyron just put a big Ric pic in your sig and be done with it.


Enterprise aired on UPN, Paramount’s now defunct attempt at a fifth broadcast network in the U.S. They didn’t have enough stations to begin with and didn’t have them in key cities that figure heavily into tv ratings. (The Nielsen ratings system was an inaccurate joke even when TOS was on NBC, but it’s what the industry swears by to estimate what people are watching.) I knew fans who were downloading the show as they had no other way to see it. Online viewing was not factored into viewership at the time.
UPN fell apart not long after Enterprise was cancelled at the end of season 4. More people probably saw it in reruns on the Sci Fi channel.

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


chyron8472 said:

Every Trek series has its haters. It’s just Deep Space Nine, Voyager and Enterprise get a lot more hate because.
Because? I dunno, because haters gonna hate.

Deep Space Nine got hate because 1) it was a Babylon 5 ripoff, and 2) the cast was stuck on the station and didn’t go anywhere (such people didn’t watch during the Defiant years).

Voyager got hate because 1) it was a TNG rehash, 2) the captain was female, 3) it didn’t challenge cultural norms. 4) have a major story arc with the renegade terrorists that are the Maquis, 5) it nerfed the Borg.

Enterprise got hate because 1) It was on UPN and not everyone had UPN; 2) it had several callbacks to the other series rather than standing as its own show.

Also, apparently plenty of people seem to think Rick Berman held the franchise back by not rocking the cultural boat.

They all did callbacks to other series, even the films. McCoy was in Encounter at Farpoint. Spock and Scotty showed up a few seasons later. DS9 revisited the Tribbles epsiode, brought back Kang, Koloth and Kor, (further highlighting the Klingon headridges issue) and Voyager revisited Captain Sulu.

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


SilverWook said:

chyron8472 said:

Every Trek series has its haters. It’s just Deep Space Nine, Voyager and Enterprise get a lot more hate because.
Because? I dunno, because haters gonna hate.

Deep Space Nine got hate because 1) it was a Babylon 5 ripoff, and 2) the cast was stuck on the station and didn’t go anywhere (such people didn’t watch during the Defiant years).

Voyager got hate because 1) it was a TNG rehash, 2) the captain was female, 3) it didn’t challenge cultural norms. 4) have a major story arc with the renegade terrorists that are the Maquis, 5) it nerfed the Borg.

Enterprise got hate because 1) It was on UPN and not everyone had UPN; 2) it had several callbacks to the other series rather than standing as its own show.

Also, apparently plenty of people seem to think Rick Berman held the franchise back by not rocking the cultural boat.

They all did callbacks to other series, even the films. McCoy was in Encounter at Farpoint. Spock and Scotty showed up a few seasons later. DS9 revisited the Tribbles epsiode, brought back Kang, Koloth and Kor, (further highlighting the Klingon headridges issue) and Voyager revisited Captain Sulu.

I am aware of all of these. But apparently people accuse Enterprise of being fanservice-heavy when complaining about it.

TV’s Frink said:

chyron just put a big Ric pic in your sig and be done with it.


chyron8472 said:

Deep Space Nine got hate because 1) it was a Babylon 5 ripoff…

Those haters were almost certainly time travellers as Babylon 5 premiered a month after DS9!

And for what my opinion’s worth around here, I just finished watching both parts of Discovery and I loved it. Great characters, from the ginger chick at the helm to Admiral Uck-Is-That to the different shades of Klingons everyone was interesting. Gorgeous visuals and subtle music and nice use of flashbacks. I didn’t like the hologram communications - when used by the Klingons, yes, fine, but not by Starfleet (they tried it once before in DS9 and it didn’t fit very well there either. I can’t wait to see where this is all going and judging by the preview at the end we’ve barely seen anything.

Best line?.. “Filthy Andorians”!!!


You’re forgetting J. Michael Straczynski had pitched B5 to Paramount before DS9 was conceived.

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


I’m confused, is that a face with a huge winky or is it a face that is doing a huge wink or is it a huge face that is winking?


So, who watched the Discovery premier?

“What Orwell feared were those who would ban books. What Huxley feared was that there would be no reason to ban a book, for there would be no one who wanted to read one.”

Neil Postman, Amusing Ourselves to Death


Mark’s Down On Your Syntax said:

SilverWook said:

You’re forgetting J. Michael Straczynski had pitched B5 to Paramount before DS9 was conceived.

Sounds reasonable, point withdrawn.


Furthermore elements from the pilot script for B5 became major plot points for the whole duration of DS9. Like a character using a shape shifting device called a Changeling net to get revenge for a war started when a character called Dukhat was killed. The pilot even had Leeta in it DS9 didn’t even bother to hide it’s origins. When B5 got a defence grid upgrade and a state of the art ship in season 3 guess what happened on DS9? I just saw the first two episodes of Discovery. It’s the best Star Trek since 1979.


I’ve seen the first episode. I loved the first part and hated the second half. By the way this might be the first Star Trek lead I absolutely hate, she belongs to jail, why is she a hero?


pittrek said:

I’ve seen the first episode. I loved the first part and hated the second half. By the way this might be the first Star Trek lead I absolutely hate, she belongs to jail, why is she a hero?

She was right.
She correctly assessed the situation and did everything she could to prevent the conflict. Her Captain didn’t listen to her and put her in the brig.
She correctly gauged that killing the Klingon leader would create a martyr that would unite the Empire against the Federation and the Captain screwed up again. If Kirk did this it would be typical Kirk stuff and we would all be patting him on the back for disrespecting the chain of command as usual.


I thought it was suppose to be one of those Trek situations where, at least in theory, the idea was that both characters were supposed to have a somewhat valid moral point and there weren’t easy answers.

“What Orwell feared were those who would ban books. What Huxley feared was that there would be no reason to ban a book, for there would be no one who wanted to read one.”

Neil Postman, Amusing Ourselves to Death


For any UK viewers out there wishing to watch Discovery it’ll be on Netflix within 24 hours of airing in the US…

(according to this - http://metro.co.uk/2017/09/25/how-to-watch-star-trek-discovery-in-the-uk-6953894/)

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Bingowings said:

pittrek said:

I’ve seen the first episode. I loved the first part and hated the second half. By the way this might be the first Star Trek lead I absolutely hate, she belongs to jail, why is she a hero?

She was right.
She correctly assessed the situation and did everything she could to prevent the conflict.
If Kirk did this it would be typical Kirk stuff and we would all be patting him on the back for disrespecting the chain of command as usual.

But Kirk is the captain, and TOS is incredibly cheesy, so over-the-top is expected. Plus, we have had enough time with Kirk and his crew to assess their personality. Meanwhile, this is the pilot episode of Discovery. We know very little about this crew; why they act the way they do; why they distrust and bicker with each other, et al.

The captain may have made a bad decision, but she’s the captain. It’s her call. It doesn’t matter if the first officer was right and ignoring her would get everyone killed. That’s not how a command structure works.

This is not TOS. In TOS, the characters are endearing. Plus, to have a mutiny now is like having “The Menagerie” two-parter be the actual TOS pilot, including the parts where Spock mutinied (not just “The Cage” bits). If that were the pilot, why do we know anything about Spock? Why would we care? Does Spock do this all the time? Is it normal on a starship for people to mutiny? Or it could be like if The Best of Both Worlds was the TNG pilot. Cmdr. Shelby went over Riker’s head, straight to the captain when Riker disagreed with her, and Riker called her on it. Is Riker always like this? Is Shelby? Is this normal?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gOnC0dgHNDA&t=1m28s <-- I mean seriously, imagine this episode is the TNG pilot. It would give a whole different vibe to the characters.

It’s too early in the Discovery characters’ development onscreen to have this drama because we don’t have a baseline for what is supposed to be normal for this crew in interacting with each other.

TV’s Frink said:

chyron just put a big Ric pic in your sig and be done with it.