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What is the current best way to watch the PT in theatrical cut?


Have not checked this forum in a while. Was wanting to do an entire rewatch of the saga, I see that 4K80 came out a while ago. So that is the OT covered. But what is the best version of the prequel trilogy to watch in their original cuts at the moment? I recall some attempts at scanning 35mm prints but none of them seem to have yet gotten released to my knowledge. So I wanna ask what the current state of affairs is with those movies and what the current best way is to watch them.


I’d say phantom menace cuz puppet yoda, attack of the clones is missing a thing or two in it’s first cut like context of jango’s jetpack malfunctioning, and revenge of the sith for a decent part seems a decent part the same besides some additions.


I think a scan of TPM does exist, but I remember the crawl and alien subtitles being in a different language. For me, the HDTV versions (dvd cuts but high quality) are close enough to the theatrical. TPM probably has the largest differences between that and theatrical, but with the hdtv you do still get puppet Yoda as well as the film not having been over-DNRd like the bluray.

So yea, not sure how “pure” you’re looking the versions to be, but schorman’s HDTV gets my endorsement



For me personally if it doesn’t have to be HD the laserdisc. For Phantom Menace.

If I have to watch it in 35mm that exists also.

For II its either the SVCD or 35mm.

III maybe the 35mm but one wipe transition difference isn’t a deal breaker I could always watch the 4K.


JadedSkywalker said:

For me personally if it doesn’t have to be HD the laserdisc. For Phantom Menace.

If I have to watch it in 35mm that exists also.

For II its either the SVCD or 35mm.

III maybe the 35mm but one wipe transition difference isn’t a deal breaker I could always watch the 4K.

Which 35mm scans are you specifically referring to?


The ones available I guess they are called grindhouse or preview versions. for all 3 prequels.

The 1080P flavor not 4K I can’t do 4K on my laptop.


Decent scans of all three prequel films can be found on the Star Wars Trilogy dot com.