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The Last Jedi: Official Review and Opinions Thread ** SPOILERS ** — Page 217


It’s not even unpopular, it’s just equally popular and unpopular. And now I want a Poppler.


Dr. Krogshöj said:

I agree. The heart of the movie was the interplay between Luke, Rey, Kylo and Snoke. And almost all of it worked for me. That’s why I like the movie overall, despite the fact I felt the other storylines were flawed and dragged it down somewhat. Whatever you think about the plot holes of the space chase or Finn’s prequely adventures on Canto Bight, you’re ought to love the movie if you feel the story of the “Force” characters were satisfying, and hate it if you don’t.

This is really what it comes down to. The Last Jedi will stick with me far more than TFA (which I liked) since it just did the core characters so well in my opinion. The interplay of Luke, Kylo, and Rey was the heart of the movie and I think RJ knocked it out of the park, so despite Canto Bight and a bit too much humor for my liking, I still really love the film and think it’s the best since Empire and SW. It simply hits me on an emotional level that TFA failed to reach.

Return of the Jedi: Remastered

Lord of the Rings: The Darth Rush Definitives


darthrush said:

It simply hits me on an emotional level that TFA failed to reach.

Thought TFA was a really fun adventure and I loved it.

TLJ crippled me emotionally!


darthrush said:
The Last Jedi will stick with me far more than TFA (which I liked) since it just did the core characters so well in my opinion. The interplay of Luke, Kylo, and Rey was the heart of the movie …

I’ve still only seen it one time. However, after the past few months of pondering it as well as all these in-depth discussions, I think that’s the case for me as well. The only exception being Kylo. I just don’t find him interesting. Not a knock on Driver, you work with what you’re given.

I’ll buy a digital copy when it’s released and watch it again. I suspect I’ll like it more on the second viewing. For the next film, I hope they give us about a ten year gap (in-universe). Let the characters and the story breathe.

Forum Moderator

OK, when I first gave my opinion on TLJ I only described in one word as perfect. This was mostly due to me being without any internet connection whatsoever meaning I had to be brief, but now that I got my Internet back I’ll give a more in-depth review of the movie. OK here it goes:

Back in December 2015 when I saw TFA with my father we both came out disappointed because the movie was essentially the first SW movie and as time passes I must say the only two scenes I like about that movie are the one where Chewie rips Unkar Plott’s arm off (which was inexplicably deleted) and the lightsaber duel between Kylo Ren and Finn/Rey, other than that TFA has earned the distinction of being the first of the main SW movies that I didn’t like, and to this day I find it incredibly baffling that the movie has gotten so much praise and talk about how engaging the story and characters were. Huh? Anyway, back to this movie. Even though I greatly enjoyed Rogue One despite telling a story that really didn’t need telling I was still very pessimistic about TLJ, and the cynic in me was totally expecting TLJ to be a remake of TESB in the same way TFA is a remake of the first SW, especially after reading an interview with Adam Driver in which he stated TLJ was a lot like TESB which was the biggest possible red flag, and even though the trailers were pretty awesome I still kept my guard up, so I decided to wait for a friend of mine who got opening day tickets to tell me if the movie really was its own story or just The First Order Strikes Back, and after confirming through text message that indeed the movie told its own story I felt my expectations go from zero to 100 instantly, so there I went four days later to the cinema and as soon as soon as the opening crawl started rolling to the tune of the main SW theme blasting I felt a rush of emotion like never before, because I knew that at last I was watching the movie I expected TFA to be, a movie that breaks way from the crutches of the OT and forges its own path. Rian Johnson takes all of Abrams’ and Kasdan’s dumb ideas and tosses them down the garbage chute. Who is Snoke? DEAD! I always found it strange that the remnants of the Empire which would later become the First Order would pledge themselves to a random Force wielder with no previous ties to the Empire. Who are Rey’s parents? A couple of assholes who sold her and fucked off Jakku, excellent because that was another pet peeve I had with TFA, that I consider the whole mystery around Rey’s origins to be utterly pointless. Luke being a hermit who has no interest in training a new generation of Jedi? Actually that part is true to what Gary Kurtz had in mind when pre-production for ROTJ started, as he wanted the movie to end on a bittersweet note with Han dead, Leia having to deal with her new role as leader and Luke walking away from everything instead of the happy ending with everybody celebrating on Endor, so in a way Johnson is honoring Kurtz’s wishes which is really sweet (I don’t know if Kurtz has seen TLJ but if he has I would love to know what he thought). I really liked Luke’s mindset at the start of the movie which is basically “if you’re Force-sensitive then feel free to use the Force in whichever way you see fit, why bother being a Jedi?”, of course Yoda’s ghost later changes his mind but that’s OK with me, because his friends still need him. After dealing with the Praetorian Guards I must say if I were Rey I would have taken up Kylo’s offer of joining forces with him. Can you imagine that alliance? Kylo Ren representing the Dark and Rey representing the Light, a genuine balance in the Force, but Rey refused and I’m fine with that because that would have made the movie too awesome. One part of the TLJ that has been strongly criticised is the whole Canto Bight subplot with Finn and Rose, but personally I had no problem with their little andventure, in fact I enjoyed it as much as the rest of the movie. Basically I loved every single second of TLJ, but knowing episode IX will be directed by Abrams I’m afraid this will be the only good movie in the sequel trilogy, and even though it’s not the official title the final installment of the main saga will be Return of the Fan Service, which is real shame. It’s not all doom and gloom though, because after writing and directing such a fantastic movie I must say I’m really looking forward to Rian Johnson’s SW trilogy, a story that will take place in a different part of the Galaxy and will have no connection to the Republic/Empire/First Order saga.
I must conclude by stating that I’m really sursprised by all the backlash TLJ is getting. What were you guys expecting? That all your fan speculations would come true? It doesn’t work that way, people.

My final rating of Star Wars: The Last Jedi - 10/10.

P.S.: Apologies for the wall of text, I really appreciate it if you read it all the way through.


fmalover said:
I’m really sursprised by all the backlash TLJ is getting. What were you guys expecting? That all your fan speculations would come true? It doesn’t work that way, people

Back in December 2015 when I saw TFA with my father we both came out disappointed because the movie was essentially the first SW movie …I find it incredibly baffling that the movie has gotten so much praise and talk about how engaging the story and characters were. Huh?

What were you expecting in December 2015? That all your fan speculations would come true? It doesn’t work that way, fmalover.

See what I did there?

Forum Moderator

I’ve been thinking about why the idea, that TLJ didn’t answer questions like “where does Snoke come from?” is important to me in the overall appreciation, or lack thereof of the ST to me, and possibly others. My answer is, that providing answers like that provides meaning both in the context of what came before, but perhaps even more importantly to the future final installment of the nine part saga. What do I mean by this? Let me explain…

The ST is a soft reboot of sorts. ROTJ ended with a seemingly final victory at the battle of Endor, where freedom is restored to the galaxy, Anakin Skywalker is redeemed, and Luke is to pass on what he has learned. In TFA and particulary in TLJ that hard fought victory is mostly undone both on a personal and on a large scale level. In of itself this is not necessarily an issue, although the fact that the galaxy at large regresses back to an OT type conflict between a small rebel force and a large tyranny does not provide an original and/or natural progression of the story in my view, but that’s not the issue, I want to address here. The issue I want to raise, is one of meaning. What is the meaning of the victory at Endor, and by extension what will the meaning be of the supposed final victory at the end of the future episode IX? If the victory at the end of episode IX is to have any meaning for me, I need to get a sense of why our classic heroes failed to deliver a lasting peace, and why I should have faith in a positive outcome this time around. For this scenario to work in my mind, Snoke needs to be an anomaly, a unique individual, who through his great talents and power combined with some unique circumstances was able to destroy everything our heroes fought for, and corrupt their off-spring. It’s not enough for Snoke to be some random Force user who just happens to undo the outcome of the OT for the purpose of franchise extension. If that’s the case, what’s to stop some other powerful Force user from just undoing the victory of the next generation of heroes? If a major victory is to have any meaning, it should not just be wiped out of existence mostly off-screen with the explanation, that some random evil dude was somehow able to reverse three films worth of plot development, and secure the services of Darth Vader Jr. For me that does not provide a convincing overarching narrative. In my view it not only weakens the journey of the heroes of the OT, but the journey of the ST characters as well. Johnson has stated about Snoke:

“What I knew was that in this film, similar to with the Emperor in the original trilogy, it’s just not what this story is about. And the Emperor in the original trilogy, you know nothing about him. Because you don’t have to! It’s not what it’s about.”

This argument would be fine, if the ST stood on its own, and was presented as largely being simply a reimagening of the OT, a remake of sorts, but it is not. It is meant to be a continuation of a larger story, where Snoke is apparently the linchpin between the alleged victory at the end of the OT, and the tragedy witnessed in the ST. After seeing TLJ that linchpin turns out to be little more than Scotch tape.


fmalover said:

P.S.: Apologies for the wall of text, I really appreciate it if you read it all the way through.

Quite honestly, I’m not going to. You have the freedom to create paragraphs and if you do so next time, I’ll read it.


As Lexx pointed out in the other TLJ thread…

TLJ home video trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ecd4eA067P0


It will have Rian Johnson commentary too (and more info) - http://www.starwars.com/news/star-wars-the-last-jedi-comes-home


It is out on March 13th for the Digital Download - and March 27th for the other formats.

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darthrush said:

Dr. Krogshöj said:

I agree. The heart of the movie was the interplay between Luke, Rey, Kylo and Snoke. And almost all of it worked for me. That’s why I like the movie overall, despite the fact I felt the other storylines were flawed and dragged it down somewhat. Whatever you think about the plot holes of the space chase or Finn’s prequely adventures on Canto Bight, you’re ought to love the movie if you feel the story of the “Force” characters were satisfying, and hate it if you don’t.

This is really what it comes down to. The Last Jedi will stick with me far more than TFA (which I liked) since it just did the core characters so well in my opinion. The interplay of Luke, Kylo, and Rey was the heart of the movie and I think RJ knocked it out of the park, so despite Canto Bight and a bit too much humor for my liking, I still really love the film and think it’s the best since Empire and SW. It simply hits me on an emotional level that TFA failed to reach.

I’m in the same boat. I loved Mark, Adam, Daisey and Carrie so much in the film. I will admit the Holdo stuff was weaker and the Canto Bight stuff could have been better. TFA did its job for me- I cared about the new characters.

It seems like people are really embracing the new characters. In fact, the big question people ask me now about Star Wars is, “Are Finn and Poe gay lovers?” And really how the f*ck would I know? My second husband left me for a man, so my gaydar isn’t exactly what you’d call Death Star level quality. ----Carrie Fisher


I felt like Daisy’s performance was very weak compared to her other performances.


Collipso said:

I felt like Daisy’s performance was very weak compared to her other performances.

What other performances?

Rey is maybe the most likable character but they fail at developing her during the 2 movies. I thought Daisy’s performance was good, but the story didn’t do her many favors.

The blue elephant in the room.


You guys can’t even read how am I supposed to fight? It’s the green robot madness all over again.

I said: I felt like Daisy’s performance was weak compared to her performance in other movies.


Collipso said:

You guys can’t even read how am I supposed to fight? It’s the green robot madness all over again.

I said: I felt like Daisy’s performance was weak compared to her performance in other movies.

Do you mean TFA, Murder on the Orient Express, and Peter Rabbit? I only saw her in the first. I didn’t know she was in the second, but will see at some point. The third is an abomination I shall not see.

The blue elephant in the room.


Mrebo said:

Collipso said:

You guys can’t even read how am I supposed to fight? It’s the green robot madness all over again.

I said: I felt like Daisy’s performance was weak compared to her performance in other movies.

Do you mean TFA, Murder on the Orient Express, and Peter Rabbit? I only saw her in the first. I didn’t know she was in the second, but will see at some point. The third is an abomination I shall not see.

I’ve seen all of those and I can’t imagine how anyone could think TLJ isn’t her best work thus far.


oojason said:

As Lexx pointed out in the other TLJ thread…

TLJ home video trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ecd4eA067P0

Hmmm, Canto Bight is nowhere to be seen in the trailer. I wonder why? 😉

Rogue One is redundant. Just play the first mission of DARK FORCES.
The hallmark of a corrupt leader: Being surrounded by yes men.
‘The best visual effects in the world will not compensate for a story told badly.’ - V.E.S.
‘Star Wars is a buffet, enjoy the stuff you want, and leave the rest.’ - SilverWook


Collipso said:

You guys can’t even read how am I supposed to fight? It’s the green robot madness all over again.

I said: I felt like Daisy’s performance was weak compared to her performance in other movies.

You’re here to fight?

You could have said in your original post which movies you believed her performances were stronger in, of course (some people may not have seen her in anything/much else) - or have seen the films you are referring to. Or you could have stated which aspects of her performance you felt were weaker in TLJ in comparison to other projects she has appeared in.

That was a green robot as your avatar? I thought it was poor radioactive comicbook character 😉

A little patience goes a long way on this old-school Rebel base. If you are having issues finding what you are looking for, these will be of some help…

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oojason said:

Collipso said:

You guys can’t even read how am I supposed to fight? It’s the green robot madness all over again.

poor radioactive comicbook character 😉

Could you please show more respect to Hulk?


ZigZig said:

oojason said:

Collipso said:

You guys can’t even read how am I supposed to fight? It’s the green robot madness all over again.

poor radioactive comicbook character 😉

Could you please show more respect to Hulk?


I thought it was the Green Lama? 😉

A little patience goes a long way on this old-school Rebel base. If you are having issues finding what you are looking for, these will be of some help…

Welcome to the OriginalTrilogy.com | Introduce yourself in here | Useful info within : About : Help : Site Rules : Fan Project Rules : Announcements
How do I do this?’ on the OriginalTrilogy.com; some info & answers + FAQs - includes info on how to search for projects and threads on the OT•com

A Project Index for Star Wars Preservations (Harmy’s Despecialized & 4K77/80/83 etc) : A Project Index for Star Wars Fan Edits (adywan & Hal 9000 etc)

… and take your time to look around this site before posting - to get a feel for this place. Don’t just lazily make yet another thread asking for projects.


Oh my god, I didn’t know the Green Lama. You just changed my life.


the second post was more of a joke because after rereading the first one it was obvious it wasn’t very clear. sorry for any misunderstanding guys, I just didn’t really like Daisy in TLJ if you compare her to her TFA performance for example imo.