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The Last Jedi: Official Review and Opinions Thread ** SPOILERS **


This thread contains spoilers

This is the official spoilerific TLJ review thread. Please post all reviews and opinions containing spoilers in this thread. There’s no need to preface your post with spoiler warnings.

WARNING: Any behavior that requires a mod to intervene in this topic and potentially ruin the movie for them before they’ve had a chance to see it will result in an instant and permanent ban for all offending parties.

Keep it civil and be on your best behavior. If you disagree with someone’s opinion, do so politely. We’re not kidding about banning people.


Jay said on 28th Dec '17:

A final warning to all participants: no more political discussions in this thread.

It’s pretty clear how everyone feels about the ST’s supposed feminist agenda by now. Please don’t post about it any further.

Violators will be banned without warning.


Forum Administrator



My post from the old thread that got deleted…

Just got back from seeing this, WOW was it bad! I had hoped they would of fixed some of the problems people had with The Force Awakens & Rogue One but they’ve totally ignored everyone criticism. This saga has now firmly shifted it’s vision & tone in a new direction that isn’t for me. I’m no longer interested in these characters or where the story goes from here, so I wont be going to the cinema to see the next chapter. RIP Star Wars

Cringeworthy comedy
General Hux pantomime villain
Luke milking an alien udder’s
Super Leia
Ugly puppet yoda
Snoke throw away villain #1
Phasma throw away villain #2
Luke throw away Hero #1
bad, bad, bad… Plus many other monments that left me shaking my head.


RossDaBoss said:

My post from the old thread that got deleted…

As far as I can see… your post is still there in the other thread.

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Just got back and I’m not at all ready to deliver a verdict. It wasn’t love at first sight for me like it was with TFA, but TFA had a lot less to process. I’m going to try to see it again before the end of the weekend. On first viewing of both TFA and R1, I had trouble settling into the rhythm of the film, and this one was no different. Now that I know the general shape of it, I think I’ll have an easier time letting it sink in. It’s also just a much weirder movie with a lot more going on, and that’s going to take time to figure out. The best analogy I can come up with is that if these movies were Beatles albums, TFA is A Hard Day’s Night and TLJ is the white album.


I just got back from the 6pm show, and there was a special “opening night” featurette hosted by the director that focused on John Williams. The featurette had some nice behind-the-scenes archival clips and a couple of clips from ESB and ROTJ. We got a pack of oversized Topps trading cards as we entered the theater. We were given questionnaires to fill out and hand back when the film was over. The film was in 3D but I don’t really think the film made much use of the 3D presentation and frankly, I would have just as soon seen it in 2D.

Some good moments in the film, but not enough to make a great movie, unfortunately. Both my nephew and I were somewhat disappointed.

Glad I went as I got to spend some time with my nephew, but this will probably be the last Star Wars film I see theatrically.


I thought it was very much like a prequel, without all the bad acting and awful dialogue delivery. It’ll grow on me maybe?


joefavs said:
The best analogy I can come up with is that if these movies were Beatles albums, TFA is A Hard Day’s Night and TLJ is the white album.

Great analogy!


My pros and cons… well, I’ll go with cons for now. I’m seeing it again on Sunday so I’ll try to catch the pros then.

These points are not in chronological order:

  • First of all… f**k Porgs and everything they stand for! Chewie had already BBQ’d one and then he got harassed by those “vegan eyes” from the rest of the living Porgs. Let the poor ol’ Wookie decide what he consumes. Also the fact that those critters invaded the Falcon… argh!

  • General Leia Organa having a “Peter Pan / Superman / Mary Poppins” moment in outer space after getting blasted out of the command deck by a barrage of proton missiles.

  • The non-stop Marvel / Disney “funny” lines in every other scene which just didn’t click for me. Good humor has its time and place.

  • Canto Bight casino side quest was a bore and it didn’t lead anywhere in the end.

  • Benicio Del Toro’s character was as fruitless as he was shady. Oh… and his name was DJ, folks! But in the movie he didn’t even need to introduce himself because he seemed like such a nice bloke and trustworthy right from the start. “We don’t need to know your name or anything but come with us if you say you are a codebreaker!”

  • In the “battle” of Crait… our heroes throttle their speeders towards the mighty “Death Star technology” cannon. But the speeders aren’t armed in any way so I guess it was the plan all along to just kamikaze the cannon? Finn almost succeeded but unfortunately Rose had already fallen in love with him during the few days they’d known each other.

  • The worst of all… Snoke. Who was he? Where did he come from? What did he do to become Supreme Leader? First TFA introduces this mysterious new “Big Bad” and get us all speculating / theorizing for 2 years. Our reward? The gold-robed hat rack gets sliced in half just like that! Also Snoke’s elite guards… what a glorious bunch. They totally gave Kanjiklub a run for their money. Most impressive job protecting your boss.

  • Captain Phasma… this time she was supposed to show her true colors and get really involved in the story. Well, thank you for the amazing minutes before dying!

  • General Hux is still utterly useless. I have no idea how that guy got promoted to General and how anyone would follow his orders? He tries so hard to be defiant… and then Kylo the Man just pussywhips him like it ain’t no thang.

  • Oh yes, our new Supreme Leader Ben Solo / Kylo Ren. I really liked the character more when he was actually intimidating with the helmet. But yeah… let’s just destroy the helmet and let his hair flow free. His motivations were unclear as well. He wanted Rey to join him, “let the past / everything die” and rule the galaxy together as father and s… you know what I mean. After Rey refuses, he seems to forget all about letting everything die and just hops on the Supreme Leader wagon.

  • We have been following these new characters for over 4 hours now and we still don’t know ANYTHING about their background or history.

  • How does Poe Dameron know Maz Kanata and how did they know to ask her about some codebreaker?

  • If Poe Dameron doesn’t agree with the leadership, he’ll just start a mutiny at a critical moment and people actually support him. Of course, there will be no repercussions later because he is a troublemaker (“Haha, that’s so Poe!”) and Holdo likes that kind of thing?

  • RIP Yoda puppet… what have they done to you?

  • Luke… oh Luke… you bearded, alien-milking, pole vaulting island hermit. Thanks for all your effort in this movie. We were lucky that the Force has good reception / service all the way from Ahch-To.


I don’t think Phasma is dead. I can see her coming back scarred and part cybernetic in the next one.

I loved Luke in the movie. He was a man, not a legend and I think people wanted to see Super Saiyan Luke and were disappointed, even though he did that kick ass projection trick.

It seems like people are really embracing the new characters. In fact, the big question people ask me now about Star Wars is, “Are Finn and Poe gay lovers?” And really how the f*ck would I know? My second husband left me for a man, so my gaydar isn’t exactly what you’d call Death Star level quality. ----Carrie Fisher


lovelikewinter said:

I don’t think Phasma is dead. I can see her coming back scarred and part cybernetic in the next one.

Third time’s the charm, aye? 😉

I loved Luke in the movie. He was a man, not a legend and I think people wanted to see Super Saiyan Luke and were disappointed, even though he did that kick ass projection trick.

I wish he would’ve at least “died” during an actual duel, Obi-Wan style. I always thought we’d maybe see him go Somewhat Saiyan on the Knights of Ren… if those guys even exist?


bromeo said:

  • General Leia Organa having a “Peter Pan / Superman / Mary Poppins” moment in outer space after getting blasted out of the command deck by a barrage of proton missiles.

I agree with pretty much everything you said. That Leia scene immediately reminded me of “Superman Returns” and it was pretty cringeworthy. I tried to justify it by thinking maybe she was having an OBE and she wasn’t really floating in space? 😛

Also–I was thinking maybe Luke was Rey’s father. Nope. Rey’s parents were apparently a couple of drunks in a bar.
Oh great. Thanks for that. I can tell you spent some long nights coming up with that one. 🙄


I have enjoyed both films. Both films have been poorly written. I don’t understand the pacing or organization of these films, nor do I understand the direction they are taking this trilogy.

Kylo Ren’s character has not grown at all and Rey has not had any sort of struggle. What is the payoff here? Is she just Jedi Jesus and will just be invincible for 3 pointless movies?

The Luke flashbacks were cool but I feel like won’t age well. If they were going to do that, just make a another movie with all of that. It came off as fan fiction, something that people who liked the old EU would enjoy.

Are the Knights of Ren dead?

Why did Luke force project himself with his father’s lost lightsaber that Kylo already knew was destroyed?

It just seemed like lazy storytelling. How can we get characters to reveal plot points we want them to reveal? Have them project themselves across space and be in the same room together.

How exactly did Luke “not lose Rey” as Yoda tells him he can’t do if he just let’s himself die from force exhaustion?

I did enjoy this movie but WTF?!

The Jedi are all but extinct.......

Luke said Kylo left with a few of his pupils and killed the rest, those are the Knights of Ren.

It seems like people are really embracing the new characters. In fact, the big question people ask me now about Star Wars is, “Are Finn and Poe gay lovers?” And really how the f*ck would I know? My second husband left me for a man, so my gaydar isn’t exactly what you’d call Death Star level quality. ----Carrie Fisher


lovelikewinter said:

Luke said Kylo left with a few of his pupils and killed the rest, those are the Knights of Ren.

And they are where?

The Jedi are all but extinct.......

I went in expecting to like it the same as I like The Force Awakens but I was blown away. I honestly don’t have any problems with the film. I’m glad I feel that way and I can’t wait to see it again.

Not enough people read the EU.


It’s late and I’ll flesh out my thoughts later, but I really liked the film. Not perfect, and it takes the series in a different direction, but I had fun with it.


Yeah, okay… holy fucking shit!

JEDIT: haha of course you guys hated it, what else should I have expected from this joyless site


It honestly seems like there’s no pleasing people. I really don’t know why I’m surprised.


Just got back from my first showing and I definitely need to watch this more times to figure out what I think of it all. I already have tickets for two showings, one on Sunday and another on Wednesday so hopefully I’ll have a clearer mind then.


Haven’t read any other posts yet. Just got back from the movie. Still collecting my thoughts, and probably will be for some time.

Overall, what I liked I really liked. What I didn’t like, I didn’t hate, it just felt…off to me. With one exception.

I really, really, really, really, really fucking hated Luke’s death. Not the Kylo “duel,” that was one of my favorite parts of the movie (even though I called Luke not actually being “there” based on both beard color and lightsaber hilt). The way Luke actually died. For no fucking reason. At all.

Not. Fucking. Cool. Rian.


joefavs said:

The best analogy I can come up with is that if these movies were Beatles albums, TFA is A Hard Day’s Night and TLJ is the white album.

Holy shit this. And I still don’t know if I adore or loathe the White Album…


I think I hated it.

I went in really hoping to like it, and expecting to. I liked parts of if… but I think “hated it” is the only appropriate summary at this point in time.

I didn’t love The Force Awakens at first, though it has grown on me. I have come to a kind of peace with what it is, so I’m surprised at how much I didn’t like The Last Jedi.

The worst part is that my 14 year old son loved it, and wants to talk about it. I don’t want to spoil it for him, so I’m reluctant to really talk about it… which is hurting his feelings. 😕


"[George Lucas] rebooted the franchise in 1997 without telling anyone." -skyjedi2005

"Yeah, well, George says a lot of things..." a young 1997 xhonzi on RASSM

"They're my movies." -George Lucas. 19 people won oscars for their work on Star Wars (1977) and George Lucas wasn't one of them.

Rewrite the Prequels!



ChainsawAsh said:
The way Luke actually died. For no fucking reason. At all.

Not. Fucking. Cool. Rian.

My nephew and I were discussing this…why DID he die? Did he use up all his life force when he astral projected? I mean, WTF?