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Star Wars 1992 VHS styled DVD covers — Page 2


crissrudd4554 said:

crissrudd4554 said:

EyeShotFirst, is there a reason you forgot the image of Yoda on the back cover of ESB?? Also this was discussed in another thread but does anyone by any chance have a logofree version of the ROTJ artwork but with the ‘smaller’ Lando like on the VHS cover?? The only logofree version of that artwork that I can find has ‘larger’ Lando.

Anyone here who can help find that ‘smaller Lando’ print of the ROTJ artwork?? Also does anyone happen to have any large scans of the back covers of these UK covers?? They seem to be the best source for textless or close to textless copies of the '92 back cover collages. Thanks!!

Been a while since I be been in here but anyways anyone new who may be able to help out with that post above???


crissrudd4554 said:

In the meantime, I created a DVD sleeve based off the outer box. Another option I figured I could do is getting a DVD case thats fits three discs and use this. The poster collage is a bit softer looking than I’d like it to be but its not too bad. I adjusted it best I could. It’ll likely look better in a cover. If anyone wants a full sized copy PM me.

I decided to do a complete revisit of this and have come up with two versions. The front cover is faithful to the original outer packaging while I tried to incorporate elements of the inner packaging for the back. The first I left the GL message on the back while the second I replaced this with the “Here’s the trilogy…” scroll text while moving the GL text to a separate insert that can be placed inside the case.

Version 1.


Version 2 (with insert)



^ That is one cool idea (or two) - and very nicely done mate.

Love the repositioning of Vader’s head on the front cover (now being more centralised) - looks like a quality retro-style Trilogy poster 👍

A little patience goes a long way on this old-school Rebel base. If you are having issues finding what you are looking for, these will be of some help…

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Take your time to look around this site before posting… Do NOT just lazily make yet another ‘link request’ post - or a new thread asking for projects.


oojason said:

^ That is one cool idea (or two) - and very nicely done mate.

Love the repositioning of Vader’s head on the front cover (now being more centralised) - looks like a quality retro-style Trilogy poster 👍

Thanks very much.


Don’t suppose anyone has done variants for the prequels, sequels, or bridges? (I.E Solo & Rouge One) cause i’d like to use these as i’m a retro man but would like the others in the same style for consistency reasons.


Made some minor updates. Changed the starfield and rearranged the back cover slightly. Also added summaries for each movie which I borrowed from the insert that came with the 1990 VHS’. Also changed the starfield for the insert as well.
