This was just a fun Star Wars movie. I went on Friday afternoon with my dad, brother, and 9 year-old son and we all enjoyed the hell out of this one. It did take a bit to really get going, but once it did I was all in. The cast was fantastic all around. I didn’t love or hate L3, but I was definitely entertained by the droid.
I think the way Han and Chewie met turned out perfect. It made sense for Han’s character as he’s always been a survivor and someone who’s looking out for himself or someone he cares for (Qi’Ra in this case). I had always heard that Han saved Chewie. Han’s a good dude deep down, but he looks out for his own interests first. He NEEDED Chewie and I loved how this played out.
Beckett giving Han his blaster (with a kiss) seemed like on old call-back to so many movies where the new guy is finally part of the gang. So good.
The cameo at the end was neither good or bad. I think it was probably confusing to anyone that has not seen Clone Wars/Rebels though. I had to explain it to a few people that this took place after TPM and that “you know who” was actually alive.
And Emilia Clarke…oh goodness is she amazing. The beginning with Han was a bit rough, but once we got back to her with Vos, she was perfect.
Disney is 4 for 4 so far for me. Yes, all 4 movies have some issues, but they’re Star Wars movies with new/old characters that I actually care about. That is something the prequels failed to do…I just didn’t care about the characters.
Star Wars is fun again, folks. Try not to take it too seriously and just enjoy the ride. If you would have told me 20 years ago that we would have 4 new Star Wars movies in 2.5 years, I would have been the over the moon. Thankfully I’m getting to enjoy it now with my kids, brother, parents, friends, etc.