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Solo: A Star Wars Story — Official Review and Opinions Thread — SPOILERS — Page 12


Yeah, but your fridge doesn’t have sentience either. Its a slippery slope.

It seems like people are really embracing the new characters. In fact, the big question people ask me now about Star Wars is, “Are Finn and Poe gay lovers?” And really how the f*ck would I know? My second husband left me for a man, so my gaydar isn’t exactly what you’d call Death Star level quality. ----Carrie Fisher


Seems weird to compare the droids in Star Wars to coffee makers (especially this one who has an unusually high degree of sentience). Seems like the kind of thing someone who’s never seen any of these movies before would say.

Anyway, whether or not “droid rights” should be a legitimate issue in the GFFA or not isn’t really important. This is all much ado about nothing. That aspect of her character is played almost entirely for laughs.

If anything they didn’t take the matter seriously enough. Complaining about it is ridiculous at best and… well let’s just leave it at that.


DominicCobb said:

Seems weird to compare the droids in Star Wars to coffee makers (especially this one who has an unusually high degree of sentience).

Both are tools created for making people’s lives easier. Our house technologies are getting “smarter” every year, I have no doubt they will one day have the full “real” intelligence, that still won’t make them “slaves”. If they wanted this movie to have a “message” (to be clear, I am not suggesting they SHOULD put a message inside), maybe they could use the wookiees for it?

Seems like the kind of thing someone who’s never seen any of these movies before would say.

My mother would disagree 😃 She used to think I am watching these types of things way too much when I was a kid.

This is all much ado about nothing.

I fully agree. I’m not saying it’s a thing which would kill the movie for me or anything like that, I’m just saying that they took a very serious matter and handled it in a way which I consider to be disrespectful. And not even really funny.

That aspect of her character is played almost entirely for laughs.
Exactly. That’s why I don’t like it. Plus I didn’t find it funny. That’s the worst combination.

If anything they didn’t take the matter seriously enough.

There are 2 ways how to touch this subject matter - either do it absolutely seriously (like The Measure of a Man), or go completely silly. They tried to go completely silly, but at the same time they tried to make us honestly like the character and have an emotional reaction when she gets destroyed. That’s why her character doesn’t work FOR ME.


canofhumdingers said:

TV’s Frink said:

L3 was obnoxious? Huh, that’s a weird interpretation.

Yeah, I wouldn’t have expected you to understand or agree with that opinion because (and I mean no personal offense by this) you kinda have a similar personality.

Mate, please keep any personal comments about fellow members out of the thread - thank you.

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pittrek said:

The “problem” with the “slavery is bad” point of view is that we talk about MACHINES. AKA tools. My computer doesn’t have human rights. My fridge doesn’t have human rights. The coffee machine which created the coffee I am drinking right now is not my SLAVE, it’s a tool which was created for making my life slightly easier.

Well there’s a big difference between R2 and your coffee machine. That being said, everyone disagrees that droids should have rights except L3. The characters around here are just as annoyed as we, it’s not a political message. Do you really think Disney is pushing for iPhones rights?

Maul- A Star Wars Story


Re: L3

Read “The Last Shot: A Han and Lando Novel” to understand more of the context of L3’s motivation.


This was just a fun Star Wars movie. I went on Friday afternoon with my dad, brother, and 9 year-old son and we all enjoyed the hell out of this one. It did take a bit to really get going, but once it did I was all in. The cast was fantastic all around. I didn’t love or hate L3, but I was definitely entertained by the droid.

I think the way Han and Chewie met turned out perfect. It made sense for Han’s character as he’s always been a survivor and someone who’s looking out for himself or someone he cares for (Qi’Ra in this case). I had always heard that Han saved Chewie. Han’s a good dude deep down, but he looks out for his own interests first. He NEEDED Chewie and I loved how this played out.

Beckett giving Han his blaster (with a kiss) seemed like on old call-back to so many movies where the new guy is finally part of the gang. So good.

The cameo at the end was neither good or bad. I think it was probably confusing to anyone that has not seen Clone Wars/Rebels though. I had to explain it to a few people that this took place after TPM and that “you know who” was actually alive.

And Emilia Clarke…oh goodness is she amazing. The beginning with Han was a bit rough, but once we got back to her with Vos, she was perfect.

Disney is 4 for 4 so far for me. Yes, all 4 movies have some issues, but they’re Star Wars movies with new/old characters that I actually care about. That is something the prequels failed to do…I just didn’t care about the characters.

Star Wars is fun again, folks. Try not to take it too seriously and just enjoy the ride. If you would have told me 20 years ago that we would have 4 new Star Wars movies in 2.5 years, I would have been the over the moon. Thankfully I’m getting to enjoy it now with my kids, brother, parents, friends, etc.


Half in the Bag: Solo: A Star Wars Story


Even Rich Evans kinda LOVES the movie!

Rogue One is redundant. Just play the first mission of DARK FORCES.
The hallmark of a corrupt leader: Being surrounded by yes men.
‘The best visual effects in the world will not compensate for a story told badly.’ - V.E.S.
‘Star Wars is a buffet, enjoy the stuff you want, and leave the rest.’ - SilverWook


nmr1723 said:

And Emilia Clarke…oh goodness is she amazing.

I’m gonna have to disagree with this. She isn’t bad but I don’t think to date I’ve ever seen a good performance out of her. She’s just always… Kinda there


Ryan-SWI said:

nmr1723 said:

And Emilia Clarke…oh goodness is she amazing.

I’m gonna have to disagree with this. She isn’t bad but I don’t think to date I’ve ever seen a good performance out of her. She’s just always… Kinda there

Agreed. That joke where she has to move out of the co-pilot chair to let Chewbacca do his thing felt particularly bad, like something from the first cut before the acting coaches arrived.


Ryan-SWI said:

nmr1723 said:

And Emilia Clarke…oh goodness is she amazing.

I’m gonna have to disagree with this. She isn’t bad but I don’t think to date I’ve ever seen a good performance out of her. She’s just always… Kinda there

I get it. I also find her crazy attractive/adorable so I’m probably a little biased. Still…loved the film.


I’m curious if there is any connection between those who like this movie and those who liked the Daley or Crispin novels?


Maybe? I’m not that fond of the Crispin novels though. Not putting them down, the Daley books are just more fun for me. I did like the idea that Han had a Wookiee as a surrogate mom when he was young.

Where were you in '77?


yotsuya said:

I’m curious if there is any connection between those who like this movie and those who liked the Daley or Crispin novels?

I like parts of the movie and I had to google what are Daley or Crispin novels.


Hey everybody- making my annual check-in.

I liked it a lot! Maybe even love- time will tell.

At least, those were my thoughts prior to the Maul ending. Anyone who brings up the Phantom Menace around me gets a paddling (except Frink, he can do whatever he wants). I watched all of Clone Wars (not a fan) so I knew this guy was still tooling around. But still- don’t want to see it or have to think about it. (haven’t watched Rebels yet- I don’t trust anyone who says it’s good- that’s how I ended up watching 6 seasons of Clone Wars!)

And there are a couple other things I disliked, but what the heck- on the whole it was actually pretty good.

Like others, I felt like it was a little rough getting going (the scene where the Imperial Recruiter calls him “Han ForeverAlone, no… Han HomeAloneKid” was a lowpoint) but I thought everyone did a great job and it really started to cook by the end. Too bad about the TPM reference.

I almost sat this one out due to what a stinker Last Jedi was… but my office paid for my ticket and I went during business hours.

See you all in 1.5 years!


"[George Lucas] rebooted the franchise in 1997 without telling anyone." -skyjedi2005

"Yeah, well, George says a lot of things..." a young 1997 xhonzi on RASSM

"They're my movies." -George Lucas. 19 people won oscars for their work on Star Wars (1977) and George Lucas wasn't one of them.

Rewrite the Prequels!



xhonzi said:

I watched all of Clone Wars (not a fan)

(haven’t watched Rebels yet- I don’t trust anyone who says it’s good- that’s how I ended up watching 6 seasons of Clone Wars!)

Here’s where I ask what compelled you to watch six seasons of a show you thoroughly disliked.


One other issue I had with the movie was all the callbacks/references/winks to the fans/fan service/whatever you want to call it.

It’s not that I dislike that kind of thing (I actually enjoy it if it’s clever or subtle or funny and used sparringly). The problem I had was the sheer volume of it in this movie. It was CONSTANTLY putting stuff in there going, “Hey! Remember when Han said moof milker in TFA? Remember when 3PO complained about the falcon dialect? Remember that crappy PlayStation game? Remember that novel? Remember that other adventure movie starring the actor who used to play Han? Remember this? Remember that?” It was just really distracting and kept pulling me out of the movie over and over. It didn’t help that many of them weren’t subtle or particularly clever

I have hope that it won’t bother me on subsequent viewings, but man was it distracting the first time through which made it harder to just enjoy the new movie in its own right.

And Darth Maul SUCKED. I’m still not over that piece of garbage ripping me out of the film right at the finale.


canofhumdingers said:

One other issue I had with the movie was all the callbacks/references/winks to the fans/fan service/whatever you want to call it.

It’s not that I dislike that kind of thing (I actually enjoy it if it’s clever or subtle or funny and used sparringly). The problem I had was the sheer volume of it in this movie. It was CONSTANTLY putting stuff in there going, “Hey! Remember when Han said moof milker in TFA? Remember when 3PO complained about the falcon dialect? Remember that crappy PlayStation game? Remember that novel? Remember that other adventure movie starring the actor who used to play Han? Remember this? Remember that?” It was just really distracting and kept pulling me out of the movie over and over. It didn’t help that many of them weren’t subtle or particularly clever

I have hope that it won’t bother me on subsequent viewings, but man was it distracting the first time through which made it harder to just enjoy the new movie in its own right.

And Darth Maul SUCKED. I’m still not over that piece of garbage ripping me out of the film right at the finale.

I thought they kept the fan service to an acceptable level in SOLO. I really enjoyed ROGUE ONE, but I felt the fan service in that film was 10x more prevalent than SOLO. Hopefully you’re right and it gets better with subsequent viewings.


There was an Indy reference?

Where were you in '77?


Seems like many people voted with their dollars this weekend. I’ve read some opinions saying that they won’t be watching any Star Wars in the cinema if Kennedy remains in the cockpit. Would things really get better if… let’s say, Filoni replaced her?

Current US box office: $103,016,812

Current worldwide: $172,697,257

(Apologies if there is a box office discussion elsewhere…)