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Skeleton Crew (live action series) - a general discussion thread — Page 3


I had no problem seeing what was going on



Channel72 said:

I haven’t watched this show, and it’s encouraging to read all the positive reactions. But it seems this show barely registered on this forum’s radar, judging by the extremely limited engagement in this thread. In contrast, the thread for The Acolyte (which had a mostly luke-warm or negative reception on this forum) generated like 15 pages of posts, and the Andor and Kenobi threads generated even more than that. It seems this forum is just not particularly interested in Skeleton Crew. I wonder if this is a more universal phenomenon that extends beyond this forum. I wouldn’t be surprised if this is the case, because this show does not use widely-known pre-existing characters and has a very unique or niche premise for a Star Wars show.

This reminds me of a larger conversation about awareness and advertising for streaming shows. I mean, 20 years ago whenever a Hollywood film or network TV show (especially something as culturally impactful as Star Wars) was released, the marketing would be pretty much unavoidable. You would become aware of the show fairly quickly, and then be constantly reminded of its existence via an unrelenting bombardment of television commercials, movie trailers, billboards, etc. But nowadays, fewer and fewer people (particularly younger people with Disney+ subscriptions) watch cable television or go to the movie theatre, choosing instead to watch things on YouTube or other online platforms. Of course, these streaming video platforms do embed video advertisements in their content, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen an ad for Skeleton Crew. Perhaps there are fewer vectors available to advertisers nowadays to cost-effectively spread awareness among target audiences than there was in the past. Or perhaps the target audiences are scattered across too many different online platforms, making it difficult to cost-effectively reach them, unlike 20 years ago when everyone was watching the same television networks and seeing the same movies in theaters. This problem is probably further exacerbated by the niche premise of Skeleton Crew and the fact that its title lacks any connection to the Star Wars IP. Of course, if you already subscribe to Disney+ you’ll see new shows advertised on the home screen, but if you don’t already have Disney+ you might never become aware of new shows.

Personally, I was aware of Skeleton Crew and its Goonies-inspired premise months ago, and I subscribe to Disney+. But I still haven’t watched any episodes. I’m not even sure why. The limited promotional material and positive reviews I’ve seen simply haven’t sufficiently motivated me to actually go watch it, even though I (perhaps hypocritically) really do want to encourage the production of original shows like this that take creative risks with the Star Wars IP. That’s how you get really outstanding stuff like Andor.

Negativity always generates more discussion than positivity. There’s only so many ways you can say you liked something, but there’s certainly plenty of ways to express how much you hate something…

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A well done finale to an enjoyable show.

The blue elephant in the room.


A rather unresolved and unsatisfactory finale, especially for Jod (and SM-33 and KB for that matter).

Jod was a self-serving rascal throughout, rather than a villain, more of a Cap’n Jack Sparrow archetype. Imho it would have been more satisfying for the viewers if he worked with the kids in the final act to defeat the pirates (who were the real ‘baddies’ of the show).

Once Jod accessed the vault it would’ve made more sense from a plotting and character perspective for him to double-cross the pirates and want to keep the gold himself. A stronger resolution might have been that after he lightsabred the Supervisor it unexpectedly brought the barrier down, and then he had to work with the kids to get the cannon working and bring down the rampaging pirate ship. Then when the Republic swoop in to clean up the mess, the kids help Jod and SM-33 sneak away in their ship (Jod gifts Wim the lightsaber with a heartwarming goodbye, and of course we also see he’s cheekily pinched a pocketful of gold).

This family genre (Goonies, ET, Pirates of the Carribbean) relies on a triumphant feelgood ending, and the screenwriters didn’t really make me feel anything much with Skeleton Crew’s resolution (and I say this as someone who thought the series has been mostly excellent).


THe reason why lots of people haven’t been watching or talking about this show is because Star Wats has eroded pretty much all of the trust people had in it due to everything since Mandalorian Season 2. Fett got good ratings, but nobody liked it, Obi Wan got a similar treatment with Decent ratings but nobody loving the show, Andor was incredibly well received, but had the worst viewership numbers for a Live Action show at least until Acolyte came out, The Mandalorian season 3 had great viewership numbers but disappointed most everybody, Ahsoka also got decent ratings, but people mostly seem to think it was just OK, and then the Acolyte happened and almost everyone seemed to hate it. All of those series have trained people interested in Star Wars to not bother with a new show, at least not until it’s over, also Skeleton Crew is very much a kids show and for some reason, a lot of people seem to have no interest in those. That’s likely why not that many people are watching or talking about the show even though most of those who have watched it seem to enjoy the show. I also think a lot of people might’ve been waiting for the show to end and see what the consensus on the series was before hopping onto it. I know that, despite overall liking Ahsoka and The Acolyte, I was still disappointed enough in both of those shows that I decided to wait until it was finished to see if it was worth my time and now that it has, I’ll be watching it over the weekend.


I think that’s accurate. It is for me, anyway. I was waiting to see what people thought of the whole thing before investing my time in it, and because it is more explicitly a kids show (even more than things like Bad Batch, it seems), I’m immediately less interested in it for that reason. Quite simply, I’m not the target audience.

Also, a big incentive for me to watch shows in general is if people in my social circle are talking about it. Since Skeleton Crew hasn’t gotten much hype, it’s low priority for me, since there’s no reason really to watch it as it’s coming out.


Star Wars: Skeleton Crew | Behind the Design | Disney+

www.youtube.com/watch?v=-N11lYPwaS4 - a 5 minute video from the official Star Wars youtube channel.



'Matte Paintings and Models: The Visual Effects of Star Wars: Skeleton Crew:-

Visual effects supervisor John Knoll & model supervisor John Goodson dive into their masterful merging of practical & digital techniques.




The Secrets of Star Wars: Skeleton Crew’s Monkey Island-Inspired Poster Art’:-

Steve Purcell, the Eisner Award-winning artist, talks about creating an illustrated homage to the Star Wars series that connects back to two other key moments in his career.


A little patience goes a long way on this old-school Rebel base. If you are having issues finding what you are looking for, these will be of some help…

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… and take your time to look around this site before posting - to get a feel for this place. Don’t just lazily make yet another thread asking for projects.


i know ur right its just i did not have much energy into this show like for the other show and this one has hard for me to finish watching…2024 for me was the worst year for star wars
