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For me it’s just that the line delivery feels a little flat compared to the rest of the scene. It’s really cool and already would be usable in an edit, but I think it can be improved.
For me it’s just that the line delivery feels a little flat compared to the rest of the scene. It’s really cool and already would be usable in an edit, but I think it can be improved.
Long J-cuts like that aren’t really present in ANH so that implementation sticks out stylistically.
If someday that technology lets you realistically alter mouth movements (a very scary thought) I see it being successfully reimplemented.
Finally! 😃😃😃
Well done, indeed.
Quick update:
Glad to hear it went well. Take all the time you need. I wish you a safe recovery.
Its good to hear your surgery was a success, I hope your recovary goes well.
Wishing you all the best ady! Hope you feel better soon. MTFBWY.
Quick update:
Oh my god! Get well soon Ady, this was a shock!
Take it easy. I hope you get better soon.
Holy shit, that’s awful. Please rest easy.
A quick and thorough recovery to you.
Wishing you all the best, Ady. Here’s to a speedy recovery.
I hope you feel better soon.
I lost my Mother on the 28th May and am very numb most of the time emotionally. Medical situations are hard on the soul try to find a way out to health and distance from it.
I wish you a speedy recovery.
Oh no. Hope you feel better soon, Adywan.
Ronster, I’m so sorry to hear that. I lost my mom a few years ago and know exactly what you mean. While the pain never goes completely away, it does get easier to to manage and to focus on the good in life. Take care.
Very best wishes for a swift and full recovery, adywan.
Plus many positive waves to Ronster for the loss of his mother.
A little patience goes a long way on this old-school Rebel base. If you are having issues finding what you are looking for, these will be of some help…
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‘How do I do this?’ on the OriginalTrilogy.com; some info & answers + FAQs - includes info on how to search for projects and threads on the OT•com
A Project Index for Star Wars Preservations (Harmy’s Despecialized & 4K77/80/83 etc) : A Project Index for Star Wars Fan Edits (adywan & Hal 9000 etc)
… and take your time to look around this site before posting - to get a feel for this place. Don’t just lazily make yet another thread asking for projects.
Take care. Everyone here.
For seventeen years the renegade Pfhor scoutship jumped between the closely packed stars of the galactic core. And all over the ship, dancing through the wreckage of the Pfhor computer core, Durandal was laughing…
It feels like such a long time ago we last spoke, I was suspended from Facebook & Instagram, hence me vanishing three years ago. I am still on Twitter, or “X” as the kids call it today.
I wish you a speedy recovery and all of us on here are sending huge amounts of healing vibes.
Also, my sincere condolences for your loss Ronster.
Michelle x.
I am a kite dancing in a hurricane …
Sorry to hear, Ady. Glad to hear the recovery went well so take a good break indeed!
And to you too, Ronster. I’m truly sorry for the loss of your dear mother. Lost my mother almost 5 years ago now… 😦
“Did you know, the word ‘gullible’ is not in the dictionary?! Look it up.”
Wishing you a speedy recovery Adywan , and sorry for your loss Ronster . Getting older sucks sometimes . I lost several friends and family in the past 6 years and 2 years prior I had a surgery to remove a part of my right lung due to a rare infection , as well as being diagnosed with type 2 adult onset diabetes . In my early 50s now and recovered well and managing . I dearly miss those who have passed , but know they will always be with me and a part of me .
So very sorry to hear about your health troubles, but wishing you the best! Get well soon!
Thanks you everyone for your well Wishes, and i’m so sorry for your loss Ronster. I was rushed into hospital again on Sunday but i’m back home now and thankfully it wasn’t anything too major, although it does look like i will need another operation to insert another stent if the artery that caused Sundays emergency gets any worse. So i need to take it very slow now during the long recovery. But, thanks to the amazing work the NHS have done for me, for the most part i feel better than i have for over a decade. Looks like i’ve been having mini heart attacks for years now and this was the one that finally knocked me down.
Oh my word Ady that is so awful. Please take as much time in recovery as you need. Glad to hear that you’re feeling better now, at the very least.
And my condolences for your loss, Ronster.
Thanks you everyone for your well Wishes, and i’m so sorry for your loss Ronster. I was rushed into hospital again on Sunday but i’m back home now and thankfully it wasn’t anything too major, although it does look like i will need another operation to insert another stent if the artery that caused Sundays emergency gets any worse. So i need to take it very slow now during the long recovery. But, thanks to the amazing work the NHS have done for me, for the most part i feel better than i have for over a decade. Looks like i’ve been having mini heart attacks for years now and this was the one that finally knocked me down.
I hope you get a quick recovery ady, and best of wishes. take it easy.
Thanks you everyone for your well Wishes, and i’m so sorry for your loss Ronster. I was rushed into hospital again on Sunday but i’m back home now and thankfully it wasn’t anything too major, although it does look like i will need another operation to insert another stent if the artery that caused Sundays emergency gets any worse. So i need to take it very slow now during the long recovery. But, thanks to the amazing work the NHS have done for me, for the most part i feel better than i have for over a decade. Looks like i’ve been having mini heart attacks for years now and this was the one that finally knocked me down.
I hope this will be the start of a happy new life for you.
Very best wishes adywan! Take it easy. At least it sounds like there’s a silver lining.
I’m very sorry for your loss Ronster.
“I don’t believe it.”
“That is why you Yoda.”
Master Fail