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Retro Gaming - a general discussion thread — Page 6


Interesting... I've had a Virtual Boy for years, and I honestly can't say how long the batteries last. I was just thinking that they always seemed to last forever in mine (like months), but then I realized I've never even dreamed of playing the Virtual Boy for anywhere close to an hour straight. In fact, twenty minute sessions at a time seem kind of long. So maybe I was just kind of slow to wear mine down.

I owned the thing as more of a fun piece of history than something I was really interested in playing. It was donated to some church yard sale and given a $5 price tag, I stumbled upon it and scarfed it up. This was about a year or two after the thing came out and failed miserably, at the time the things sold for about $25 used, so it was a steal. I remember at one point Toys R Us had elaborately stacked piles (think grocery store canned food ziggurats) of the things near the entrances of their stores with large clearance signs towering over them. Those stacks were there for months and months.

It is funny to think that something you couldn't give away at one point now sells for more used than they sold at retail, and far more than the clearance price Toys R Us was still unable to move them at.


I just did 30 days of LSD for the first time in one hour...

no not that LSD, this LSD.

Catching all the Youtube ta'do the other day I thought I'd check it out.

It's really kind of fun.

Someone should remake it.


It's taken me 16yrs but I've finally finished Final Fantasy VII.

I over prepared for the final confrontation.

My team was ridiculously over-powered and we wiped the floor with Sephiroth.

The Ruby and Emerald weapons were much more of a challenge.

I found myself actually filling up during the end cut scenes which went on forever.


I vaguely remember that. I think I played it at a movie theater once or twice.

I've finally spent a long time with the NEO GEO X. So for those on the fence about it here are my thoughts:

It's a good system that gets undeserved criticism but isn't perfect. I think because of the Neo Geo legacy people expected this to be top-quality...well, for $200, it's not. If it was $800, as it was originally rumoured, then fine. But for $200, have people lost their minds? Let's be realistic here. When the Neo Geo came out in 1990 it was a BRAND NEW system, and it cost about $300, in 1990 currency. Each game was about $200--each game--and the good ones have become rare so now the actual cartridge of Metal Slug is about $800. Yes, this is emulation. Yes, the build quality is not quite as good as the original. But let's crunch some numbers. This thing has 20 classic games pre-installed. If you were to buy the original carts of all 20 it would be about $10,000 or so. You might as well flush that money down the toilet. No game system is worth that, the Neo Geo was great, but not that great, it was marginally better than the SNES and came with a great arcade stick. This one is $200, comes with the same arace stick--admittedly, not built to the same quality--plus $10,000 worth of great games, AND IT CONVERTS INTO A HIGH QUALITY HANDHELD SYSTEM. In my opinion people need to get some serious perspective. If this was an $800 system, I would have some major problems--but it looks nice, plays nice and works well enough, and with dirt-cheap games gives you great bang for your buck. Some people have said the HDMI output is softer than the original--maybe, but I could tell little difference between this and my MAME Neo Geo games, except these have been enhanced for 16x9.

My advice: get it if you like SNK/.Neo-Geo games, but it won't handle quite as well as the original. However, for $200, this is by far the most valuable thing SNK has ever released.


-Arcade stick is cheap. It's light, and the buttons and stick aren't as responsive or high quality as the original. My biggest gripe. It does the job though but I really wished they made this a bit better.

-No original games so far. Come on SNK, give us 2 or 3, these are cheap, 2D 24-bit games.

-No wi-fi or PC connectivity. To be honest I don't care but some people do.

-Docking station connectors feel a bit cheap and imprecise. Not a big deal, but you do have to wiggle them a bit when connecting.


-Looks and plays the same as the original, IMO--or very close to it

-16x9 format, but technically can be changed to original 4x3

-Arcade stick is USB and can be used on MAME or whatever--offsetting the lesser build quality

-Handheld unit itself is very well made and is very comfy--in fact, it's one of the slickest looking handheld I have seen. It plays very well.

-Converts into a console with HDMI out and composite out--amazing

-20 of the best SNK games tied to the system at all time, with more that you can load on SD cards.

Overall, if you like classic games this is a very good but imperfect system. The handheld itself is fantastic, is built well and handles well. It converts into a console and has more than one output option. It comes with 20 awesome games, including a couple I had never played that I fell in love with. My only major gripe is that I wish the arcade stick was heavier and built more solidly, but it does the job, and being a USB controller this almost makes up for it. I would rank this a solid 8/10. $200 is a very good price for all you get, and some critics are frankly a little ignorant. However, if you pay more than $230 or $240 you better be a die-hard SNK fan. New game cards are being released next month though, like Metal Slug 2!




Bingowings said:

I just did 30 days of LSD for the first time in one hour...

no not that LSD, this LSD.

Catching all the Youtube ta'do the other day I thought I'd check it out.

It's really kind of fun.

Someone should remake it.



It is and surprisingly addictive for something with no goals at all.


I plugged in my original Xbox and I got the red and green flashing death lights.

Honestly no other console I've had has done this sort of thing other than this ugly black lump.

Opened it up and there was a screw lose and rolling around inside (probably shorted out something).

I've tried all the connections to the hard drive and they seem nice and tight.

Looks like I'm going have to find me another one.



Just get a 360, they're cheap. And then you can play current gen games with the rest of us (at least for the short period of time remaining before the current gen becomes last gen).


They don't play all my Xbox games for one thing or use all these handy bits and pieces I've spent money on.

If it is a hardrive problem can I remove it, reformat it, load the architecture back onto it via a downloaded copy and then put the disc back in?


Yeah, I saw. Someone posted that in the general video games thread, I think. I'll get it if and only if they id some R&D on a better NOAC. I can deal with funny colors, but I just can't stand the sound problems.

A Goon in a Gaggle of 'em


Is it going to read my mind and know what system I want to play?


I was recently reminded of this little oddity.

I had it but I could never figure out what I was supposed to do.

It came with a really cool audio tape which you had to synchronise with gameplay.

The box was about the same shape and style of a Warner Bros Video cassette box of the same time.


Playing Super ROTJ today because the 4th is tomorrow and I'll be doing finals stuff.  Man, I have no idea why I had so much trouble with this game before!  It's basically a cakewalk if you pick Luke and switch to Chewie for the bosses so far.  I'm only on stage 3 mind you, but... I could never beat the first boss before today so that's improvement.

A Goon in a Gaggle of 'em


I'm a bit late to this thread, but I am into retro gaming. I own a Nintendo DS, and the main games I pay on it are the Game Boy Advance versions of Super Mario Bros. and Super Mario Bros. 3, as well as the DS game Tetris Party. In addition, I own an original NES system which works perfectly to this day, and even have the NES Advantage controller for it, as well as two NES Zapper guns, one red, and one gray... again, all work perfectly. Finally, I also own an original Nintendo Game Boy, which works pretty much perfectly, but just recently the screen is starting to show signs of age, and some pixels go missing in the game image.


Davnes007 said:

On my first GameBoy, there's a vertical line of pixels that 's dead....but it's near the side, so it's not too bad.


That happened on my SP.  The whole thing died eventually.

Man, I went through a ton of those.  My platinum-onyx color one got water damaged (when it was in a backpack) on a log ride, and the other one I dropped.  It's weird though, because my GBC is still going strong.  The speaker is weak, but that's what headphone ports are for.

My DS lasted a long time, though.

A Goon in a Gaggle of 'em


Luckily you can get a working original GB for under $30. You can replace the screen if you are tech savvy but you sort of have to know what you are doing.

Whenever I hear stories like these it just reminds me of the fact that eventually, all games will basically be played through emulation only. We're probably the last generation who will be able to acquire working models for an affordable price. 30 years in the future it will be like trying to buy a driveable Model T Ford with all original parts. Not going to happen unless you are a millionaire. It's one reason I started getting into electronics repairs as a hobby, eventually every single one of these machines will be broken and the only real way you will be able to salvage them is to fix it yourself. I wish I could go back in time and rescue my original NES and GB, I could probably fix them with what I know now.


Also: cartridge batteries fail eventually and not everyone has the know-how/patience to fix that.  I know every time I take something apart it has a snowball's chance in hell of working again.

A Goon in a Gaggle of 'em


‘Atari VCS throwback console attracts $2m in pre-orders’…


On the back of the NES-Mini, SNES-Mini and forthcoming N64-Mini ‘reboots’ doing well I hope the Atari release also is a hit (and the new online play mode could be fun too).

Nostalgia overload 😃

Anyone reckon they’ll fix that ET game for this? 😉

A little patience goes a long way on this old-school Rebel base. If you are having issues finding what you are looking for, these will be of some help…

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A Project Index for Star Wars Preservations (Harmy’s Despecialized & 4K77/80/83 etc) : A Project Index for Star Wars Fan Edits (adywan & Hal 9000 etc)

… and take your time to look around this site before posting - to get a feel for this place. Don’t just lazily make yet another thread asking for projects.


I’m not sure if the N64 will get a Mini. The NES classic hasn’t even come back in stock yet. And the appeal of those systems is partly how simple those games are. They’re great for introducing new players to video games. The N64 hasn’t really aged all that well, and its controller… less so. I’d rather the Switch just get the Virtual Console.

I’m glad we’re getting the wood grain back. But Atari games are still dirt cheap. I can get an original Atari and a couple dozen games for half the price of this new one. So, if that’s all it’s offering, I’m not too interested.