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Can anyone help me in the right direction to see this please? I’ve had no luck with it on Usenet and don’t have spleen.
i’ll send you a pm
Thank you! I would greatly appreciate it!
Can anyone help me in the right direction to see this please? I’ve had no luck with it on Usenet and don’t have spleen.
i’ll send you a pm
Thank you! I would greatly appreciate it!
Could someone at least PM me the file name so I can try to find this? Started collecting 35mm experiences to watch on the projector. I would be extremely grateful!
So this happened in what, 2016. Its still not available at any source that the common non 12yo person has time to try to access?! I haven’t been on myspleen since…2007? 08? When all of these pussy repositories went private in the late oughts what did it accomplish? Nothing but closing off access because I never ran into too many normies there to begin with. If THEY want them shut down they will be shut down. You don’t think that all of the posts across the internet saying what copyrighted property was available where is enough to get these things destroyed? I don’t belong to any private trackers so how do I even attempt to sign up to blutopia etc. This is all very shortsighted. Frankly these things should be spread across the web so they have a better chance of surviving the inevitable destruction of these dinosaur sites. There are multiple scans of Song of the South on internet archive for crying out loud. Man up zoomer-boomer internet, the only ppl that fall into these cliques on the internet are 12/55yos. Even this site does the thing where “oh, we don’t post things that these companies can use to take us down” but…you allow ppl to collect money to scan films to distribute them? You know ppl have been caught up in a lot of legal problems for less than that right? Why can’t the scan just have a nice searchable name and file size attached to it and ppl can find them where they may. Its 4 years later and this shit is still unfindable. Very sad, boomers.
So this happened in what, 2016. Its still not available at any source that the common non 12yo person has time to try to access?! I haven’t been on myspleen since…2007? 08? When all of these pussy repositories went private in the late oughts what did it accomplish? Nothing but closing off access because I never ran into too many normies there to begin with. If THEY want them shut down they will be shut down. You don’t think that all of the posts across the internet saying what copyrighted property was available where is enough to get these things destroyed? I don’t belong to any private trackers so how do I even attempt to sign up to blutopia etc. This is all very shortsighted. Frankly these things should be spread across the web so they have a better chance of surviving the inevitable destruction of these dinosaur sites. There are multiple scans of Song of the South on internet archive for crying out loud. Man up zoomer-boomer internet, the only ppl that fall into these cliques on the internet are 12/55yos. Even this site does the thing where “oh, we don’t post things that these companies can use to take us down” but…you allow ppl to collect money to scan films to distribute them? You know ppl have been caught up in a lot of legal problems for less than that right? Why can’t the scan just have a nice searchable name and file size attached to it and ppl can find them where they may. Its 4 years later and this shit is still unfindable. Very sad, boomers.
Strange… especially as looking through this thread members on here have helped fellow members acquire this Edit - and also even pointing out it is available publicly on usenet. So not quite ‘unfindable’.
It seems you did not try PM’ing the thread creator / Editor to see what options there are on how to acquire this?
Nor did you read the Welcome to the OT.com; Introduce yourself in here thread - where a lot of useful info and helpful links are located.
Though you did fancy having a rant instead…
And alienating the helpful members on here who would have likely provided you with assistance in finding this Edit… probably to the point your rant may have made them think twice about doing so.
Strange that these ‘dinosaur sites’ and ‘pussy repositories’ have been around so long - and are still going strength to strength…
Good luck on your lengthy quest in finding and acquiring the Edit - and whatever ‘normies’ are too.
A little patience goes a long way on this old-school Rebel base. If you are having issues finding what you are looking for, these will be of some help…
Welcome to the OriginalTrilogy.com | Introduce yourself in here | Useful info within : About : Help : Site Rules : Fan Project Rules : Announcements
‘How do I do this?’ on the OriginalTrilogy.com; some info & answers + FAQs - includes info on how to search for projects and threads on the OT•com
A Project Index for Star Wars Preservations (Harmy’s Despecialized & 4K77/80/83 etc) : A Project Index for Star Wars Fan Edits (adywan & Hal 9000 etc)
… and take your time to look around this site before posting - to get a feel for this place. Don’t just lazily make yet another thread asking for projects.
So this happened in what, 2016. Its still not available at any source that the common non 12yo person has time to try to access?! I haven’t been on myspleen since…2007? 08? When all of these pussy repositories went private in the late oughts what did it accomplish? Nothing but closing off access because I never ran into too many normies there to begin with. If THEY want them shut down they will be shut down. You don’t think that all of the posts across the internet saying what copyrighted property was available where is enough to get these things destroyed? I don’t belong to any private trackers so how do I even attempt to sign up to blutopia etc. This is all very shortsighted. Frankly these things should be spread across the web so they have a better chance of surviving the inevitable destruction of these dinosaur sites. There are multiple scans of Song of the South on internet archive for crying out loud. Man up zoomer-boomer internet, the only ppl that fall into these cliques on the internet are 12/55yos. Even this site does the thing where “oh, we don’t post things that these companies can use to take us down” but…you allow ppl to collect money to scan films to distribute them? You know ppl have been caught up in a lot of legal problems for less than that right? Why can’t the scan just have a nice searchable name and file size attached to it and ppl can find them where they may. Its 4 years later and this shit is still unfindable. Very sad, boomers.
Even for a 12 year old that is a pretty entitled post.
I hope your teens sees a little more patience and understanding.
Tighten Up and then turn it all the way up to 11!
So this happened in what, 2016. Its still not available at any source that the common non 12yo person has time to try to access?! I haven’t been on myspleen since…2007? 08? When all of these pussy repositories went private in the late oughts what did it accomplish? Nothing but closing off access because I never ran into too many normies there to begin with. If THEY want them shut down they will be shut down. You don’t think that all of the posts across the internet saying what copyrighted property was available where is enough to get these things destroyed? I don’t belong to any private trackers so how do I even attempt to sign up to blutopia etc. This is all very shortsighted. Frankly these things should be spread across the web so they have a better chance of surviving the inevitable destruction of these dinosaur sites. There are multiple scans of Song of the South on internet archive for crying out loud. Man up zoomer-boomer internet, the only ppl that fall into these cliques on the internet are 12/55yos. Even this site does the thing where “oh, we don’t post things that these companies can use to take us down” but…you allow ppl to collect money to scan films to distribute them? You know ppl have been caught up in a lot of legal problems for less than that right? Why can’t the scan just have a nice searchable name and file size attached to it and ppl can find them where they may. Its 4 years later and this shit is still unfindable. Very sad, boomers.
if instead of writing an entitled and childish rant, you actually put effort into finding it you wouldve already gotten it by now
it literally took me 6 MINUTES to find a user that had it and was willing to share it with me
but after that rant?, have fun trying to find anyone whos going to be willing to help you now
I might be of assistance, if I could only find it myself.
The group I work with only posts on MySpleen and I have to honor that rule. The goal is not a wide release but to get it out to fans who really care about preserving what these movies looked and sounded like in the theater. The vast majority of people will be happy with the digitally scrubbed, revised, re-colored and remixed blu-ray version of Raiders.
That said, I am guessing it has been posted elsewhere. It might be helpful to look for Raiders.of.the.Lost.Ark.1981.35mm.LPP.1080p.Dolby.Stereo. Even a whiny, entitled millennial can manage that 😉
Strange… especially as looking through this thread members on here have helped fellow members acquire this Edit - and also even pointing out it is available publicly on usenet. So not quite ‘unfindable’.
It seems you did not try PM’ing the thread creator / Editor to see what options there are on how to acquire this?
Nor did you read the Welcome to the OT.com; Introduce yourself in here thread - where a lot of useful info and helpful links are located.
Though you did fancy having a rant instead…
Indeed, with their only post they launched into a rant… 😮
And alienating the helpful members on here who would have likely provided you with assistance in finding this Edit… probably to the point your rant may have made them think twice about doing so.
As has already been stated, their attitude appears to be steeped in pure entitlement. Every single project on here has been undertaken by volunteers who’ve devoted their time, money and efforts to locate, preserve, restore and archive films and TV programmes in their best possible presentation. Often with painstaking commitment and all completely for free and that’s not even mentioning the technical advice that’s provided again for free - and has helped me on countless occasions with information and solutions.
It’s a community that I’m proud to be a member of and it bears no resemblance to their description. 😃
“Logic is the battlefield of adulthood.”
I’ve been searching around for this but no luck. Can anyone help me out? I’d greatly appreciate it.
“Blessings of the state, blessings of the masses.”
Hi, I’m pretty new to all of this, would anyone be able to help me get ahold of this?
It is available on Usenet. Search on NZBKing for: raiders 35mm
Is Usenet safe as I don’t have a VPN?
“Blessings of the state, blessings of the masses.”
Anyone have a link to this Release? Please send me a PM.
Since it doesn’t look like Spleen will ever open again for invites at the least, this is getting real hard to come by these days.
Would greatly appreciate if someone can PM me where else to find this.
Thank you
I would also like to get this one.
I wouldn’t mind getting a PM for this as well, one of my favorite films of all time!
This is so cool. Could you someone PM me the link for this too?
I’d like a PM too. Thanks.
Thank You for this. It is wonderful. Great image fidelity and the color is fantastic.
Thank You for this. It is wonderful. Great image fidelity and the color is fantastic.
Hey! Would you mind sending a PM my way on how you came to acquire this? I’d be super appreciative. Thanks!
If it’s not too much trouble I would also very much appreciate some info on how to come by this!
I would also like to request a PM on information on accessing this. (I’m very interested in comparing edits and color correction.) Thank you!
All i can say is it is on myspleen.
Would anyone be able to PM this link to the theatrical experience? Myspleen and Usenet I’m having trouble figuring out and can’t seem to get in. If anyone has a link I’d appreciate it so much! I went to the live orchestral performance of Raiders a few years ago and I’m curious how the look of the print they used for that compares to this. Thank you very much!