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Politics 2: Electric Boogaloo — Page 484

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‘Judge says US govt has ‘no right to rummage’ through anti-Trump protest website logs’:-


(Court tells hosting biz to protect identities of netizens)

As ever with articles from The Reg, the comments section is well worth a read too…

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Apparently, people are still angry about the “War on Christmas.”


President Donald Trump dove into America’s culture wars on Friday, touting his administration for “returning moral clarity to our view of the world” and ending “attacks on Judeo-Christian values.”

Trump, nine months into his presidency, has found it harder to get things done than the ease with which he made promises on the campaign trail, making speeches to adoring audiences like Friday’s in Washington key to boosting the President’s morale. And the audience at the Values Voter Summit, an annual socially conservative conference, didn’t fail to deliver.

“We are stopping cold the attacks on Judeo-Christian values,” Trump said to applause, before slamming people who don’t say “Merry Christmas.”

“They don’t use the word Christmas because it is not politically correct,” Trump said, complaining that department stores will use red and Christmas decorations but say “Happy New Year.” “We’re saying Merry Christmas again.”

The comment drew thunderous applause.

Heated debates over the “War On Christmas” have raged for years, with many on the right complaining that political correctness has made it less acceptable to say Merry Christmas. Trump has seized on these feelings, regularly telling primarily religious audiences that his presidency has made it acceptable to “start saying Merry Christmas again.”

“You go into a department store. When was the last time you saw ‘Merry Christmas?’ You don’t see it anymore,” Trump said on the campaign trail. “They want to be politically correct. If I’m president, you will see ‘Merry Christmas’ in department stores, believe me, believe me.”


Our president is a moron for not certifying the Iran nuclear deal.


I’ve definitely been getting too much sleep lately, so thanks for that.


yhwx isn’t going to like you certifying that without an applicable degree and in-person diagnosis…


I don’t mean he is able to be certified as a moron. I mean he is both a moron and certifiable.

TV’s Frink said:

chyron just put a big Ric pic in your sig and be done with it.


yhwx said:

Apparently, people are still angry about the “War on Christmas.”


President Donald Trump dove into America’s culture wars on Friday, touting his administration for “returning moral clarity to our view of the world” and ending “attacks on Judeo-Christian values.”

Trump, nine months into his presidency, has found it harder to get things done than the ease with which he made promises on the campaign trail, making speeches to adoring audiences like Friday’s in Washington key to boosting the President’s morale. And the audience at the Values Voter Summit, an annual socially conservative conference, didn’t fail to deliver.

“We are stopping cold the attacks on Judeo-Christian values,” Trump said to applause, before slamming people who don’t say “Merry Christmas.”

“They don’t use the word Christmas because it is not politically correct,” Trump said, complaining that department stores will use red and Christmas decorations but say “Happy New Year.” “We’re saying Merry Christmas again.”

The comment drew thunderous applause.

Heated debates over the “War On Christmas” have raged for years, with many on the right complaining that political correctness has made it less acceptable to say Merry Christmas. Trump has seized on these feelings, regularly telling primarily religious audiences that his presidency has made it acceptable to “start saying Merry Christmas again.”

“You go into a department store. When was the last time you saw ‘Merry Christmas?’ You don’t see it anymore,” Trump said on the campaign trail. “They want to be politically correct. If I’m president, you will see ‘Merry Christmas’ in department stores, believe me, believe me.”

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


chyron8472 said:

I don’t mean he is able to be certified as a moron. I mean he is both a moron and certifiable.

And yhwx will like that even less.

I think you’re right, of course, he’s just been botching at me for calling him crazy too.


TV’s Frink said:

chyron8472 said:

I don’t mean he is able to be certified as a moron. I mean he is both a moron and certifiable.

And yhwx will like that even less.

I think you’re right, of course, he’s just been botching at me for calling him crazy too.

I’m not saying it’s wrong to call him crazy, but it’s wrong to say that he’s mentally ill.


The Boy Scouts can’t win for losing. They let girls in and now I see in my paper this morning a commentary that the Girls Scouts are upset and being raided.


“The kindler, gentler, “triggered by a lawsuit” Scouts are forcing us to open up the doors to everyone, for everything. And the message that feminine girls are getting is that they are not good enough if they like crafting over rafting, singing over swinging a bat, cookies over rookies.”


yhwx said:

TV’s Frink said:

chyron8472 said:

I don’t mean he is able to be certified as a moron. I mean he is both a moron and certifiable.

And yhwx will like that even less.

I think you’re right, of course, he’s just been botching at me for calling him crazy too.

I’m not saying it’s wrong to call him crazy, but it’s wrong to say that he’s mentally ill.

Perhaps it is wrong to conclude he is mentally ill, but I do not think it is wrong to suspect it.


yhwx said:

TV’s Frink said:

chyron8472 said:

I don’t mean he is able to be certified as a moron. I mean he is both a moron and certifiable.

And yhwx will like that even less.

I think you’re right, of course, he’s just been botching at me for calling him crazy too.

I’m not saying it’s wrong to call him crazy, but it’s wrong to say that he’s mentally ill.

Ok, so you don’t like us saying it’s not his fault.


TV’s Frink said:

yhwx said:

TV’s Frink said:

chyron8472 said:

I don’t mean he is able to be certified as a moron. I mean he is both a moron and certifiable.

And yhwx will like that even less.

I think you’re right, of course, he’s just been botching at me for calling him crazy too.

I’m not saying it’s wrong to call him crazy, but it’s wrong to say that he’s mentally ill.

Ok, so you don’t like us saying it’s not his fault.

Because one is a matter of choice and the other is a matter of health.

Pre-response to your inevitable response claiming my similarity to Warbler: Unlike other things, health is a matter that should be treated delicately, due to the collateral damage that could be caused otherwise.


yhwx said:

Pre-response to your inevitable response claiming my similarity to Warbler:



For those of you who’d like to learn a little bit more about America’s newest Senator, there’s this.

Seriously, I remember when guys like this were cardboard character movie villains. Er, cardboard character movie villains WITHOUT the power of a US Senator, that is.

Project Threepio (Star Wars OOT subtitles)


He’s not a senator…yet.

In other news, Trump moronacy confirmed.


Is President Donald Trump aware residents of the U.S. Virgin Islands are, in fact, Americans? It’s unclear.

In a speech Friday, Trump said he’d recently “met with the president of the Virgin Islands” to discuss the recent hurricanes that have devastated Texas, Florida, Puerto Rico and the island.

But Trump could not have spoken to the “president of the Virgin Islands” because, of course, he is the president of the U.S. Virgin Islands, whose residents are U.S. citizens.


TV’s Frink said:

He’s not a senator…yet.

Fair point. I guess Don Siegelman demonstrates it’s not a lock. But Siegelman had the advantage of not running against the second coming of J. W. Pepper.

Project Threepio (Star Wars OOT subtitles)


TV’s Frink said:

He’s not a senator…yet.

In other news, Trump moronacy confirmed.


Is President Donald Trump aware residents of the U.S. Virgin Islands are, in fact, Americans? It’s unclear.

In a speech Friday, Trump said he’d recently “met with the president of the Virgin Islands” to discuss the recent hurricanes that have devastated Texas, Florida, Puerto Rico and the island.

But Trump could not have spoken to the “president of the Virgin Islands” because, of course, he is the president of the U.S. Virgin Islands, whose residents are U.S. citizens.

I have no problem with calling Trump a moron.


And yet the POTVI is a far better leader than the POTUS, in spite of not actually existing.

But when is Trumpy going to meet with the President Of Earth?

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?