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Politics 2: Electric Boogaloo — Page 459

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I’m annoyed that people are overreacting to it and I honestly don’t think it’s an effective protest, so I have to judge it on how exciting it is and it just isn’t. Sorry (shrug).

The Person in Question


If you read tweets in reverse, you would have known it was a pathetic tweet since it ends with grow up.

Maybe 280 character tweets will help people form less dumb replies? Nah.


Okay, was this Steedly guy a bot? I can’t seem to find their twitter.

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


Well, any one idiot can be an idiot (or a bot pretending to be an idiot). The link Jeebus posted just before the tweet was much more disconcerting.


IIRC, there was similar idiocy about Hawaii during Travel Ban 1.0

Sad to see a beautiful American island I visited when I was little laid waste. Someone I used to know still had family there. Hope they’re okay.

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


Roy Moore is a horrible person. He should have been Trump’s perfect partner.


For those trying to stay awake (or never sleep again)…

VIZ TOP TIPS! - PARENTS. Impress your children by showing them a floppy disk and telling them it’s a 3D model of a save icon.


I am shocked that Trump would turn out to be a sore loser.


President Donald Trump’s most recent tweets urging Alabamians to vote for Sen. Luther Strange disappeared from his verified Twitter account Tuesday night after the candidate was projected to lose the Republican primary runoff for a Senate seat.

Three recent Trump tweets about Strange were deleted Tuesday night, according to ProPublica, which tracks deleted tweets.

This came shortly after Strange appeared headed for a loss, despite Trump’s efforts to help the candidate.

The deleted tweets had touted Trump’s personal endorsement of Strange.


Steven Seagal is trending.

I can’t decide if he looks like that Gorka guy or is plotting to kill The Doctor.

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


YodaFan67 said:

The anthem thing is just the latest episode in the “dumb controversies” TV series. Something for idiots to get mad about(while the news throws red meat at them), and for football players to protest… what exactly?
If you aren’t protesting with a specific goal in mind (an actual concrete outcome) it’s pretty pointless IMO.


I think these are some sensible goals.



Are Puerto Ricans constitutional citizens?

Supreme Court Justice Edward D. White attempted to answer this question when he wrote a concurring opinion in Downes v. Bidwell. His opinion is regarded by scholars as the source of the doctrine on territorial incorporation.

The prevailing consensus to this day is in line with White’s interpretation – that the Citizenship Clause of the 14th Amendment does not extend to Puerto Rico. Since the Downes ruling, for 116 years, Congress has governed Puerto Rico as a separate and unequal territory.

The Jones Act of 1917 included a collective citizenship provision. [P]ersons subsequently born on the island were considered U.S. citizens by way of “jus sanguinis” (blood right), a derivative form of U.S. citizenship. In other words, persons born in Puerto Rico were born outside of the United States but still considered U.S. citizens.

It wasn’t until 1940 that Congress enacted legislation conferring birthright, or “jus soli,” (right of soil) citizenship on persons born in Puerto Rico. The Nationality Act of 1940 established that Puerto Rico was a part of the United States for citizenship purposes. Since Jan. 13, 1941, birth in Puerto Rico amounts to birth in the United States for citizenship purposes.

However, the prevailing consensus among scholars, lawmakers and policymakers is that Puerto Ricans are not entitled to a constitutional citizenship status. While Puerto Ricans are officially U.S. citizens, the territory remains unincorporated. This contradiction has enabled the governance of Puerto Rico as a separate and unequal territory that belongs to, but is not a part of, the United States.

On June 11, Puerto Ricans will vote in a nonbinding status plebiscite deciding whether Puerto Rico should become a state or a sovereign country. If a majority votes for statehood, the question is whether Congress will grant 3.5 million U.S. citizens the ability to live in the 51st state.

TV’s Frink said:

chyron just put a big Ric pic in your sig and be done with it.




‘Signal loss: Why Puerto Rico is suffering in silence’…



‘Why Puerto Rico’s devastation is so bad’…


Harrowing scenes.

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Things are so upside down crazy right now, I could see some idiot making the argument that adding another star to our flag would cost millions if PR became a state.

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


To be fair, I’m sure it would cost quite a bit of money to change all the US flags. We’ve got them hanging everywhere, including other countries. That said, I don’t think the flags having to be changed is enough of a reason to deny Puerto Rico statehood.


EDIT: Damn, I got pushed to the next page; now it’s not as clear what I’m replying to :c