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Politics 2: Electric Boogaloo — Page 456

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Warbler said:

oojason said:

Warbler said:

oojason said:

Warbler said:

oojason said:

Warbler said:

Jeebus said:

Warbler said:

DominicCobb said:

Warbler said:

We have truly reached a low point in our society.

Yes, I agree - the president has publicly called citizens peacefully protesting “sons of bitches.” Despicable.

Citizens peacefully protesting:

Would it be wrong for the President to call them “sons of bitches”?

The only comparison you could make that’s more absurd would be to bring up actual Nazis.

“Hey, Nazis were upset with the state of Germany, these football players are upset with the state of America… you think that’s a coincidence?”

I don’t know why you would bring up the Nazis here. They were definitely not peacefully protesters.

To be honest Warbler, some may be struggling as to why you brought up the Westboro Baptists into this right now - unless you are trying to equate the protests of Westboro Baptists to the protests that occurred today?

I guess you missed this:

Warbler said:

I was simply trying to show that some peaceful protests are bad. I think we agree that I picked a good example of a bad peaceful protest.

I have every right to be of the opinion that the peaceful protest of the National Anthem is a bad peaceful protest(but nowhere near as bad as what the Westboro Baptists did).

No mate, I didn’t miss you bringing up the Westboro Baptists into this, nor what you later wrote at all.

Well then you should know why I mentioned them and that I don’t consider the anthem protesters anywhere near as bad as the Westboro Baptists.

You wrote ‘Citizens peacefully protesting:’ followed by a picture of the Westboro Baptist Church, yes?

yes, after someone complained about the President insulting “peacefully protesting Citizens”

Only 4 posts later did you give an explanation on why you posted it

Yes, 4 posts late, but I did give an explanation.

  • stating the Westboro Baptist Church and the players kneeling during the anthem are bad peaceful protests, (the players protests were ‘…nowhere near as bad as what the Westboro Baptists did’ protest).

Yes, that is what I said.

Here is the big difference - the Westboro Baptist Church image isn’t from a ‘peaceful protest’ at all - it is designed to enrage, provoke and give their horrible ‘beliefs’ as much publicity as it can undeservedly get.

um, yes it was a peaceful protest. They committed no acts of violence. Yes, it was designed to enrage and provoke, but it still falls under the definition of peaceful protest.

The players kneeling peaceful protest is to bring attention to a cause many in your country feel is right, and needs looking at and addressing.

by protesting the Nation Anthem and thereby enrage and provoke.

Now, if you disagree with that twitter message by Orli Matlow that was posted earlier… by all means you say why - but DON’T post an inflammatory picture in response.

What are talking about? What twitter message? Who is Orli Matlow?

In any event, here is the reason I brought them up:

Someone had complained about the President calling peacefully protesting citizens “sons of bitches”. Apparently, is wrong for the President to describe peacefully protesting citizens as “sons of bitches”. So, I brought up and example of peacefully protesting citizens that no one would have any problem with the President referring to them as “sons of bitches”. I did it to show that whether you think it is wrong to describe peacefully protesting citizens that way depends upon you opinion of the protest. I also did it to clearly demonstrate that just because a protest is peaceful, doesn’t mean it is a good protest.

If you’re going to post a picture of the Westboro Baptist Church DON’T make 4 further posts before you give an explanation as to why you are posting that inflammatory picture.

oh go sit on a tack. 4 posts down or not, I made clear why I posted the pic, and you continue to ignore what I said and continue to ignore that I clearly said the Anthem protesters are not anywhere near as bad as the West Boro Baptists. You also ignore in post where I posted the pic, I also said this right under it:

Would it be wrong for the President to call them “sons of bitches”?

It should be obvious from that what I think of the West Boro Baptists.

And if you posting ‘I’m done caring what anyone here thinks’ in the midst of that - is actually what you think - then I would suggest you step away from the computer for a few minutes, and think how that may come across to the other users in this thread.

Now, I don’t think I’ve missed anything, have I?

Well excuse me for being piss off at what is going on in my country right and what is going on in this thread. Apparently it is no longer go enough that I agree that the protesters have every right to do what they are doing, I must now do what I consider betraying my Country, and agree with what they are doing or I am a clueless dumb narrow minded idiot and probably a bigot. Well sorry but this pisses me off. What was once a moment set aside for reflection and honoring the Country and what it stands for has now turned into a time for political statements. Now instead of instead of removing our hats and giving the proper salute and standing at attention and remaining silent, we now have to look around and see who is protesting. It pisses me off, it angers me, it frustrates me, it offends me, and en-fucking-rages me.

You wrote ‘What are talking about? What twitter message? Who is Orli Matlow?’ - http://originaltrilogy.com/post/id/1110744 - you did read the twitter message that was posted before you replied to it with that ‘bullshit flag’ picture response?


If you are pissed off then you can help yourself by start explaining yourself better in this thread - no more inflammatory picture replies - and no more pics of inflammatory groups like the Westboro Baptist Church without you putting in some written context in the same post.


A little patience goes a long way on this old-school Rebel base. If you are having issues finding what you are looking for, these will be of some help…

Welcome to the OriginalTrilogy.com | Introduce yourself in here | Useful info within : About : Help : Site Rules : Fan Project Rules : Announcements
How do I do this?’ on the OriginalTrilogy.com; some info & answers + FAQs - includes info on how to search for projects and threads on the OT•com

A Project Index for Star Wars Preservations (Harmy’s Despecialized & 4K77/80/83 etc) : A Project Index for Star Wars Fan Edits (adywan & Hal 9000 etc)

… and take your time to look around this site before posting - to get a feel for this place. Don’t just lazily make yet another thread asking for projects.


Warbler said:

If they have no problem with the Anthem, why are they protesting during the Anthem?

As many people have said many times even though you refuse to understand, their problem is not with the anthem, but with the institutional problems in America.


Warbler said:

TV’s Frink said:

yhwx said:

oojason said:

(if shown on tv cameras? I imagine the focus would be on the players?)

I believe the anthem is always televised.

I don’t believe that’s correct.

It wasn’t always, but now that people are protesting it, They show it all the time.

Well hey…I wonder if that’s why they’re protesting during the anthem?

Nah, it must be because they hate the anthem. That makes much more sense!


yhwx said:

Warbler said:

If they have no problem with the Anthem, why are they protesting during the Anthem?

As many people have said many times even though you refuse to understand, their problem is not with the anthem, but with the institutional problems in America.

then find another way to protest that doesn’t insult everything this country stands for.


TV’s Frink said:

Warbler said:

TV’s Frink said:

yhwx said:

oojason said:

(if shown on tv cameras? I imagine the focus would be on the players?)

I believe the anthem is always televised.

I don’t believe that’s correct.

It wasn’t always, but now that people are protesting it, They show it all the time.

Well hey…I wonder if that’s why they’re protesting during the anthem?

We both know they are not protesting the fact that the networks rarely showed the Anthem. Nice try.


Warbler said:

yhwx said:

Warbler said:

If they have no problem with the Anthem, why are they protesting during the Anthem?

As many people have said many times even though you refuse to understand, their problem is not with the anthem, but with the institutional problems in America.

then find another way to protest that doesn’t insult everything this country stands for.

Freedom of speech and freedom of protest are exactly what this country was based on and is supposed to stand for.


Warbler said:

TV’s Frink said:

Warbler said:

TV’s Frink said:

yhwx said:

oojason said:

(if shown on tv cameras? I imagine the focus would be on the players?)

I believe the anthem is always televised.

I don’t believe that’s correct.

It wasn’t always, but now that people are protesting it, They show it all the time.

Well hey…I wonder if that’s why they’re protesting during the anthem?

We both know they are not protesting the fact that the networks rarely showed the Anthem. Nice try.

That’s not even close to what I said.


Warbler said:

TV’s Frink said:

They are not protesting the anthem.


If you think they have a problem with the anthem, you’ve got the real problem because you aren’t thinking logically.

If they have no problem with the Anthem, why are they protesting during the Anthem?

Because we’re talking about it! Because you’re mad about it! They want to draw attention to their cause, and it sure as shit worked because we’ve had this conversation several times. They want you and everyone who shares your opinion to turn your anger towards the object of their protest–the reason why they’re disrupting the oh-so precious Anthem.


oojason said:

Warbler said:

oojason said:

Warbler said:

oojason said:

Warbler said:

oojason said:

Warbler said:

Jeebus said:

Warbler said:

DominicCobb said:

Warbler said:

We have truly reached a low point in our society.

Yes, I agree - the president has publicly called citizens peacefully protesting “sons of bitches.” Despicable.

Citizens peacefully protesting:

Would it be wrong for the President to call them “sons of bitches”?

The only comparison you could make that’s more absurd would be to bring up actual Nazis.

“Hey, Nazis were upset with the state of Germany, these football players are upset with the state of America… you think that’s a coincidence?”

I don’t know why you would bring up the Nazis here. They were definitely not peacefully protesters.

To be honest Warbler, some may be struggling as to why you brought up the Westboro Baptists into this right now - unless you are trying to equate the protests of Westboro Baptists to the protests that occurred today?

I guess you missed this:

Warbler said:

I was simply trying to show that some peaceful protests are bad. I think we agree that I picked a good example of a bad peaceful protest.

I have every right to be of the opinion that the peaceful protest of the National Anthem is a bad peaceful protest(but nowhere near as bad as what the Westboro Baptists did).

No mate, I didn’t miss you bringing up the Westboro Baptists into this, nor what you later wrote at all.

Well then you should know why I mentioned them and that I don’t consider the anthem protesters anywhere near as bad as the Westboro Baptists.

You wrote ‘Citizens peacefully protesting:’ followed by a picture of the Westboro Baptist Church, yes?

yes, after someone complained about the President insulting “peacefully protesting Citizens”

Only 4 posts later did you give an explanation on why you posted it

Yes, 4 posts late, but I did give an explanation.

  • stating the Westboro Baptist Church and the players kneeling during the anthem are bad peaceful protests, (the players protests were ‘…nowhere near as bad as what the Westboro Baptists did’ protest).

Yes, that is what I said.

Here is the big difference - the Westboro Baptist Church image isn’t from a ‘peaceful protest’ at all - it is designed to enrage, provoke and give their horrible ‘beliefs’ as much publicity as it can undeservedly get.

um, yes it was a peaceful protest. They committed no acts of violence. Yes, it was designed to enrage and provoke, but it still falls under the definition of peaceful protest.

The players kneeling peaceful protest is to bring attention to a cause many in your country feel is right, and needs looking at and addressing.

by protesting the Nation Anthem and thereby enrage and provoke.

Now, if you disagree with that twitter message by Orli Matlow that was posted earlier… by all means you say why - but DON’T post an inflammatory picture in response.

What are talking about? What twitter message? Who is Orli Matlow?

In any event, here is the reason I brought them up:

Someone had complained about the President calling peacefully protesting citizens “sons of bitches”. Apparently, is wrong for the President to describe peacefully protesting citizens as “sons of bitches”. So, I brought up and example of peacefully protesting citizens that no one would have any problem with the President referring to them as “sons of bitches”. I did it to show that whether you think it is wrong to describe peacefully protesting citizens that way depends upon you opinion of the protest. I also did it to clearly demonstrate that just because a protest is peaceful, doesn’t mean it is a good protest.

If you’re going to post a picture of the Westboro Baptist Church DON’T make 4 further posts before you give an explanation as to why you are posting that inflammatory picture.

oh go sit on a tack. 4 posts down or not, I made clear why I posted the pic, and you continue to ignore what I said and continue to ignore that I clearly said the Anthem protesters are not anywhere near as bad as the West Boro Baptists. You also ignore in post where I posted the pic, I also said this right under it:

Would it be wrong for the President to call them “sons of bitches”?

It should be obvious from that what I think of the West Boro Baptists.

And if you posting ‘I’m done caring what anyone here thinks’ in the midst of that - is actually what you think - then I would suggest you step away from the computer for a few minutes, and think how that may come across to the other users in this thread.

Now, I don’t think I’ve missed anything, have I?

Well excuse me for being piss off at what is going on in my country right and what is going on in this thread. Apparently it is no longer go enough that I agree that the protesters have every right to do what they are doing, I must now do what I consider betraying my Country, and agree with what they are doing or I am a clueless dumb narrow minded idiot and probably a bigot. Well sorry but this pisses me off. What was once a moment set aside for reflection and honoring the Country and what it stands for has now turned into a time for political statements. Now instead of instead of removing our hats and giving the proper salute and standing at attention and remaining silent, we now have to look around and see who is protesting. It pisses me off, it angers me, it frustrates me, it offends me, and en-fucking-rages me.

You wrote ‘What are talking about? What twitter message? Who is Orli Matlow?’ - http://originaltrilogy.com/post/id/1110744 - you did read the twitter message that was posted before you replied to it with that ‘bullshit flag’ picture response?

Actually I posted the bullshit flag in reference to part of what Frink said below the link:

TV’s Frink said:

NFL players aren’t protesting the anthem,

If you are pissed off then you can help yourself by start explaining yourself better in this thread - no more inflammatory picture replies - and no more pics of inflammatory groups like the Westboro Baptist Church without you putting in some written context in the same post.


That would be a waste of time, no one would listen.


Jeebus said:

Warbler said:

TV’s Frink said:

They are not protesting the anthem.


If you think they have a problem with the anthem, you’ve got the real problem because you aren’t thinking logically.

If they have no problem with the Anthem, why are they protesting during the Anthem?

Because we’re talking about it! Because you’re mad about it! They want to draw attention to their cause, and it sure as shit worked because we’ve had this conversation several times. They want you and everyone who shares your opinion to turn your anger towards the object of their protest–the reason why they’re disrupting the oh-so precious Anthem.

They would also draw attention to their problem by going out and shooting someone. Just because you’ve drawn attention to your problem, does not mean your method of protest was right.


TV’s Frink said:

Warbler said:

TV’s Frink said:

Warbler said:

TV’s Frink said:

yhwx said:

oojason said:

(if shown on tv cameras? I imagine the focus would be on the players?)

I believe the anthem is always televised.

I don’t believe that’s correct.

It wasn’t always, but now that people are protesting it, They show it all the time.

Well hey…I wonder if that’s why they’re protesting during the anthem?

We both know they are not protesting the fact that the networks rarely showed the Anthem. Nice try.

That’s not even close to what I said.

Sure seemed like it to me.


Warbler said:

Jeebus said:

Warbler said:

TV’s Frink said:

They are not protesting the anthem.


If you think they have a problem with the anthem, you’ve got the real problem because you aren’t thinking logically.

If they have no problem with the Anthem, why are they protesting during the Anthem?

Because we’re talking about it! Because you’re mad about it! They want to draw attention to their cause, and it sure as shit worked because we’ve had this conversation several times. They want you and everyone who shares your opinion to turn your anger towards the object of their protest–the reason why they’re disrupting the oh-so precious Anthem.

They would also draw attention to their problem by going out and shooting someone.

Warbler said:

TV’s Frink said:

Warbler said:

this fad

Is institutional racism a fad?

This is so stupid it doesn’t need to be addressed.


Just because you’ve drawn attention to your problem, does not mean your method of protest was right.


Warbler said:

oojason said:

Warbler said:

oojason said:

Warbler said:

oojason said:

Warbler said:

oojason said:

Warbler said:

Jeebus said:

Warbler said:

DominicCobb said:

Warbler said:

We have truly reached a low point in our society.

Yes, I agree - the president has publicly called citizens peacefully protesting “sons of bitches.” Despicable.

Citizens peacefully protesting:

Would it be wrong for the President to call them “sons of bitches”?

The only comparison you could make that’s more absurd would be to bring up actual Nazis.

“Hey, Nazis were upset with the state of Germany, these football players are upset with the state of America… you think that’s a coincidence?”

I don’t know why you would bring up the Nazis here. They were definitely not peacefully protesters.

To be honest Warbler, some may be struggling as to why you brought up the Westboro Baptists into this right now - unless you are trying to equate the protests of Westboro Baptists to the protests that occurred today?

I guess you missed this:

Warbler said:

I was simply trying to show that some peaceful protests are bad. I think we agree that I picked a good example of a bad peaceful protest.

I have every right to be of the opinion that the peaceful protest of the National Anthem is a bad peaceful protest(but nowhere near as bad as what the Westboro Baptists did).

No mate, I didn’t miss you bringing up the Westboro Baptists into this, nor what you later wrote at all.

Well then you should know why I mentioned them and that I don’t consider the anthem protesters anywhere near as bad as the Westboro Baptists.

You wrote ‘Citizens peacefully protesting:’ followed by a picture of the Westboro Baptist Church, yes?

yes, after someone complained about the President insulting “peacefully protesting Citizens”

Only 4 posts later did you give an explanation on why you posted it

Yes, 4 posts late, but I did give an explanation.

  • stating the Westboro Baptist Church and the players kneeling during the anthem are bad peaceful protests, (the players protests were ‘…nowhere near as bad as what the Westboro Baptists did’ protest).

Yes, that is what I said.

Here is the big difference - the Westboro Baptist Church image isn’t from a ‘peaceful protest’ at all - it is designed to enrage, provoke and give their horrible ‘beliefs’ as much publicity as it can undeservedly get.

um, yes it was a peaceful protest. They committed no acts of violence. Yes, it was designed to enrage and provoke, but it still falls under the definition of peaceful protest.

The players kneeling peaceful protest is to bring attention to a cause many in your country feel is right, and needs looking at and addressing.

by protesting the Nation Anthem and thereby enrage and provoke.

Now, if you disagree with that twitter message by Orli Matlow that was posted earlier… by all means you say why - but DON’T post an inflammatory picture in response.

What are talking about? What twitter message? Who is Orli Matlow?

In any event, here is the reason I brought them up:

Someone had complained about the President calling peacefully protesting citizens “sons of bitches”. Apparently, is wrong for the President to describe peacefully protesting citizens as “sons of bitches”. So, I brought up and example of peacefully protesting citizens that no one would have any problem with the President referring to them as “sons of bitches”. I did it to show that whether you think it is wrong to describe peacefully protesting citizens that way depends upon you opinion of the protest. I also did it to clearly demonstrate that just because a protest is peaceful, doesn’t mean it is a good protest.

If you’re going to post a picture of the Westboro Baptist Church DON’T make 4 further posts before you give an explanation as to why you are posting that inflammatory picture.

oh go sit on a tack. 4 posts down or not, I made clear why I posted the pic, and you continue to ignore what I said and continue to ignore that I clearly said the Anthem protesters are not anywhere near as bad as the West Boro Baptists. You also ignore in post where I posted the pic, I also said this right under it:

Would it be wrong for the President to call them “sons of bitches”?

It should be obvious from that what I think of the West Boro Baptists.

And if you posting ‘I’m done caring what anyone here thinks’ in the midst of that - is actually what you think - then I would suggest you step away from the computer for a few minutes, and think how that may come across to the other users in this thread.

Now, I don’t think I’ve missed anything, have I?

Well excuse me for being piss off at what is going on in my country right and what is going on in this thread. Apparently it is no longer go enough that I agree that the protesters have every right to do what they are doing, I must now do what I consider betraying my Country, and agree with what they are doing or I am a clueless dumb narrow minded idiot and probably a bigot. Well sorry but this pisses me off. What was once a moment set aside for reflection and honoring the Country and what it stands for has now turned into a time for political statements. Now instead of instead of removing our hats and giving the proper salute and standing at attention and remaining silent, we now have to look around and see who is protesting. It pisses me off, it angers me, it frustrates me, it offends me, and en-fucking-rages me.

You wrote ‘What are talking about? What twitter message? Who is Orli Matlow?’ - http://originaltrilogy.com/post/id/1110744 - you did read the twitter message that was posted before you replied to it with that ‘bullshit flag’ picture response?

Actually I posted the bullshit flag in reference to part of what Frink said below the link:

TV’s Frink said:

NFL players aren’t protesting the anthem,

If you are pissed off then you can help yourself by start explaining yourself better in this thread - no more inflammatory picture replies - and no more pics of inflammatory groups like the Westboro Baptist Church without you putting in some written context in the same post.


That would be a waste of time, no one would listen.

What Frink posted was actually part of the text from that twitter link - which is neither here or there - as you still responded with an inflammatory picture only reply. It would seem that you may not be the one listening in this instance.

If you think explaining yourself better is a ‘waste of time’ and ‘no one would listen’ and you can carry on posting inflammatory pictures in this thread then you are mistaken.

Warbler - I’m sorry mate, but have a couple of days off.

This also goes out to anyone else who may think posting inflammatory pictures without context - or a need to give an explanation in the same post.

A little patience goes a long way on this old-school Rebel base. If you are having issues finding what you are looking for, these will be of some help…

Welcome to the OriginalTrilogy.com | Introduce yourself in here | Useful info within : About : Help : Site Rules : Fan Project Rules : Announcements
How do I do this?’ on the OriginalTrilogy.com; some info & answers + FAQs - includes info on how to search for projects and threads on the OT•com

A Project Index for Star Wars Preservations (Harmy’s Despecialized & 4K77/80/83 etc) : A Project Index for Star Wars Fan Edits (adywan & Hal 9000 etc)

… and take your time to look around this site before posting - to get a feel for this place. Don’t just lazily make yet another thread asking for projects.


Aaand… with this latest bout of protests and the argument here, I’ve come down off the fence on the side with Frink and Co., with a caveat. I understand that the anthem and what it stands for are held sacred by some, but it is both nowhere akin to WBC nor up to us to judge how someone feels they best may protest (so long as it’s peaceful, which obviously WBC is not).

I once was annoyed at Kaepernick for simply bringing attention to himself—only himself and not the cause for which he protested—but having this kind of coordinated group effort of protest does actually get the point across. And so now I’m okay with it. I’m sad that it’s potentially a mainstream thing, and certainly once it’s gone from protest to popular it will have lost its purpose only to devolve back into disrespect, but again I agree with those who serve who say they fought so people have the right to sit.

TV’s Frink said:

chyron just put a big Ric pic in your sig and be done with it.


He’ll never understand because he doesn’t want to understand. How many times has it been explained that aren’t protesting the anthem itself just doing so during it for coverage? But no! Whatever! Bullshit! They’re protesting the anthem! This is murrica and we stand for this song that was written during a war that was going on many years after our country was founded!


Possessed said:

This is murrica and we stand for this song that was written during a war that was going on many years after our country was founded!

No. It’s not just a song. It’s the National Anthem of the United States of America. Its words have meaning. Its symbolism has meaning. It is not just a song. To rob it of its symbolism is to say that respect for one’s country is pointless and holds no value. It’s to say that the people who work and fight to give us the freedoms that we have were doing so without need nor purpose, and we do not honor them because who gives a crap.

But to show protest of injustice by sitting during the anthem is a legitimate form of protest, and is not inherently disrespectful toward the country itself so long as the purpose of protest is made plain.

TV’s Frink said:

chyron just put a big Ric pic in your sig and be done with it.


I said it was a song, I didn’t say it was just a song. Obviously it’s our national anthem and it means something. One of the things it represents is there freedom to protest. I know that’s what you were saying. And nobody is protesting the anthem. They just know that they will get attention for protesting during it. But it’s a very respectful protest. If they were making inflammatory gestures during would be one thing. Kneeling isn’t disrespect just because it’s custom to stand. They aren’t kneeling to mock the anthem or those who stand, they are kneeling to communicate that this great country has problems that need fixed.

But of course a concept that nuanced is fucking gibberish to warb. Maybe in his days off he’ll be able to consider this.


Doubtful. I imagine he equates kneeling during the anthem and flipping the bird at the camera during it are the same thing.

TV’s Frink said:

chyron just put a big Ric pic in your sig and be done with it.


Judging by the westboro picture you are probably right.

However, seeing as he can’t defend himself, we should probably cease talking about it. (I admit I started it and take the blame)


Yes, please show some restraint while he’s away.

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


For the quality, accuracy and help ensure the smooth running of this occasionally polarising thread, it is asked that posters please adopt a ‘read, think, breathe, and then reply’ policy to posts they may find strong disagreement with.

Posting inflammatory picture-only responses - or inflammatory pictures without explanation or context is not cool.

Everybody be cool - it may well help you get your point across and be better received.

Thank you.

A little patience goes a long way on this old-school Rebel base. If you are having issues finding what you are looking for, these will be of some help…

Welcome to the OriginalTrilogy.com | Introduce yourself in here | Useful info within : About : Help : Site Rules : Fan Project Rules : Announcements
How do I do this?’ on the OriginalTrilogy.com; some info & answers + FAQs - includes info on how to search for projects and threads on the OT•com

A Project Index for Star Wars Preservations (Harmy’s Despecialized & 4K77/80/83 etc) : A Project Index for Star Wars Fan Edits (adywan & Hal 9000 etc)

… and take your time to look around this site before posting - to get a feel for this place. Don’t just lazily make yet another thread asking for projects.


Puggo - Jar Jar’s Yoda said:

Not sure why Warbler was given a time out. I thought he was being pretty reasonable (even though I disagreed with him).
