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Last web series/tv show seen — Page 98


Peaky Blinders. Haven’t binge-watched a show like that since Breaking Bad. Seriously, anyone who hasn’t seen Peaky Blinders stop what you’re doing right now and watch it.


I tried watching Star Wars Resistance. I had to switch it off. Didn’t even finish episode 2. I know it’s meant for a younger audience but it’s really bad.


I tried watching Star Wars Resistance. I had to switch it off. Didn’t even finish episode 2. I know it’s meant for a younger audience but it’s really bad.


I’ve been rewatching Avatar: The Last Airbender.

Project creator and film enthusiast.


Bingowings said:

I tried watching Star Wars Resistance. I had to switch it off. Didn’t even finish episode 2. I know it’s meant for a younger audience but it’s really bad.

So bad, you had to post twice. 😃

“The simultaneous existence of opposite virtues in the soul — like pincers to catch hold of God.”

― Simone Weil

“Reality is the original Rorschach.”

― Malaclypse the Younger


My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. Currently on season 5.

Project creator and film enthusiast.


The Last of Us.

I’ve never played the game, but this show hits me pretty hard.


So I watched Star Trek: Strange New Worlds. I’ve avoided STD & Picard like the plague, but I heard this show was a return to form, so I decided to give it a chance.

All I can say is if this is the best modern Trek can do in recapturing the spirit of old school Trek, the franchise truly needs to be staked, decapitated, cremated, and have its ashes dispersed far and wide.


“The simultaneous existence of opposite virtues in the soul — like pincers to catch hold of God.”

― Simone Weil

“Reality is the original Rorschach.”

― Malaclypse the Younger



I’m not really that much of a movie purist. I really should’ve thought my name out a bit more.


I have given up on Picard season 3. More Dark Dystopian Trek fanfiction. I’d watch a 4th JJ film but other than Strange New Worlds potential i’m done with Kurtzman Trek. I kept hoping Disco would get better the writing never improved. I adore the cast and i’m disappointed in its cancellation. Everything they did right was the more complained about aspects of the diverse cast and how progressive it was.

I’m enjoying the Quantum Leap sequel but it isn’t nearly as good or novel as the original. Doesn’t have the music or catchphrase. The background characters are better than the main though. The ones who work behind the time travel. But i can see it not making it past the first season.


Watched all of The Owl House in preparation for the finale, which I then watched.

Project creator and film enthusiast.


The last one I finished was a rewatch of Black Books, which is probably my favorite TV show. It was just as funny as I’d remembered.

More recently I’ve been alternating between episodes of Babylon 5 and Farscape, which I’ve never seen before. It’s too early for me to tell if I like them or not.

All his life has he looked away… to the future, to the horizon. Never his mind on where he was. Hmm? What he was doing. Hmph!


Star Trek: Picard (Season 3)

I haven’t watched Seasons 1 & 2; everything I’ve seen/heard/read about them convinced me that the lunatics in charge either don’t understand or don’t care about the spirit of Trek, so I avoided them like the plaque. But I heard different about the third season. Of course, I heard the same about Strange New Worlds, and watching the first season of that, I found it juvenile crap. But after watching the RedLetterMedia reviews, I decided to take a leap of faith; if those jaded hackfrauds could enjoy it…

So yeah, I loved it. Very, very much. TNG was never my favourite Trek series, but I always felt that for all its flaws – and I do consider it very flawed – its heart was mostly in the right place. And I always felt that the TNG films did the TNG crew dirty (including the overrated First Contact). Season 3 of Picard, I feel, rectified most of the damage those films did. I wasn’t completely satisfied. There were lots of references to the Dominion War, but not a single DS9 character could make an appearance? And


The Borg Queen just had to be included. I hate the Borg Queen.

But overall, I was more than satisfied.


“The simultaneous existence of opposite virtues in the soul — like pincers to catch hold of God.”

― Simone Weil

“Reality is the original Rorschach.”

― Malaclypse the Younger


The Witcher: S03 question.

OK, I stuck with S01 and S02.
Each season seems to suffer more disrespect.
Any of you who have watched S03, what do you think?
I doubt I will stick with the series after Cavill leaves.
His reasons, straying from the source, resonate.


Star Trek season 2. Japanese Laserdisc. The transfer is very good. The opening Space the final frontier seems to be from a vastly inferior source than the actual episodes though. And the audio is nothing too spectacular its mono sound like how the show was originally broadcast.


The TV series Justice League Action holds the honor of being the third time I almost cried for the same villain, Solomon Grundy. Excellent show that had great potential.

I’m just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe.

Star Wars has 3 eras: The eras are 1977-1983(pre Expanded Universe), (1983-2014) expanded universe, or (2014- now) Disney-bought version. Each are valid.

Important voice tool:


Batman Caped Crusader season one is a fantastic addition to the iconic mythos. A must-see for all superhero fans!

I’m just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe.

Star Wars has 3 eras: The eras are 1977-1983(pre Expanded Universe), (1983-2014) expanded universe, or (2014- now) Disney-bought version. Each are valid.

Important voice tool:


I don’t watch a lot of stuff on streaming, but I did enjoy the first season of “Wednesday”, starring Jenna Ortega. It was co-created by Alfred Gough & Miles Millar, who developed “Smallville” in 2001. Plus, I’m a casual fan of the “Addams Family” franchise anyway, so watching the show was pretty much a no-brainer. I was really happy to learn that Season 2 is currently being filmed, so I’m eager to see it upon release.


The first part of an adaptation of the novel Darth Plaugies done by the YouTube channel Everest Productions.

I’m just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe.

Star Wars has 3 eras: The eras are 1977-1983(pre Expanded Universe), (1983-2014) expanded universe, or (2014- now) Disney-bought version. Each are valid.

Important voice tool: