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Info Wanted: Best copy for Prequel Trilogy?


Hello guys,
Wanted to ask a question what is best copy of preserved PT to be closest to theatrical cut in terms of quality

I do have adywans TPM, but was wondering if something new popped up.

Thank you in advance!


Schorman’s HDTV preservations, which he just released a V2 of!

His TPM is the same as the 2001 DVD cut, though - every HD 1999 theatrical restoration seems to stall and never get released.

His AOTC is the DVD cut, but it’s the closest we’ll get to the theatrical cut without finding a DCP of the digital version or scanning a 35mm print of the film version.

Also, he’s made an actual theatrical restoration of ROTS, but the only difference between that and his HDTV is the restoration of a missing wipe transition and the inclusion of the theatrical DTS audio. He’s said he’ll be updating this with a V2 soon using his V2 HDTV.

The Blu-Ray of ROTS is almost theatrical, too - it includes the missing wipe, but also adds moss to the rooftops on Kashyyyk and some new sound effects to the clone troopers attacking on Utapau.


ChainsawAsh said:

Every HD 1999 theatrical restoration seems to stall and never get released.

You seem to be well informed… 😃
The despecialization is almost done, and the original 35 mm is currently scanned in 4k.


Well, after no updates for months I tend to assume a project is dead.


Last update was given a few weeks ago, and you know that a scanning process is a long way… People involved in this project are informed.

Anyway, nobody is dead and everything is going well 😃


Before I made a post, I was looking trough forums for 5 straight hours, reading all of ya posts. 4k scan does indeed sound great.

Too bad I don’t own myspleen. Im very interested in Schorman’s HDTV preservation. Care to help if you have some free time? Couldn’t find it on my other private trackers


ZigZig said:

Last update was given a few weeks ago, and you know that a scanning process is a long way… People involved in this project are informed.

Anyway, nobody is dead and everything is going well 😃

I was more talking about an HD “Despecialized” type of release, which always seems to fizzle out without materializing no matter who’s doing it.

To be honest, it’s been so long since an actual update on your 4K scan that I forgot anyone was currently working on one for TPM. Last update as I recall was back in June, when you said you were still waiting to get it scanned properly due to a faulty sensor or something on the 4K scanner, yes? Or did I miss something?


Destinyg133 said:

Before I made a post, I was looking trough forums for 5 straight hours, reading all of ya posts. 4k scan does indeed sound great.

Too bad I don’t own myspleen. Im very interested in Schorman’s HDTV preservation. Care to help if you have some free time? Couldn’t find it on my other private trackers

Send Schorman a private message.


ChainsawAsh said:

Destinyg133 said:

Before I made a post, I was looking trough forums for 5 straight hours, reading all of ya posts. 4k scan does indeed sound great.

Too bad I don’t own myspleen. Im very interested in Schorman’s HDTV preservation. Care to help if you have some free time? Couldn’t find it on my other private trackers

Send Schorman a private message.

If his preservation is finished, i will message him, thanks for informing me


His full-bitrate (approx. 40GB) HDTV v2’s are finished, yeah. He’s currently encoding lower bitrate (approx.8GB) ones, then he’s going to tackle ROTS theatrical v2.


I wish MS actually open his application after 3 years, so i dont have to bother him

Anyways, thanks for info


It took me a bit to track down this information as well so I wanted to post this here for people to stumble upon this thread later in time. As of posting these are the current best versions of restorations we have available to us. (Thanks ChainsawAsh for helping me get an understanding on all this)

2011 BluRay Versions OT and Prequels
Buy the BluRays and rip them to your computer. Super easy to get those.

Original Trilogy - Theatrical Versions*
There are various options for this. The 4k77 (4k80 yet to be released) and 4k83 are really good 35mm scans of the films in 4K. The Harmy’s Despecialized versions are really great too. Pick your poison. (*There is also the 1981 rerelease of Star Wars that added the Episode IV to the crawl. This version is available online as well as an offshoot version of Harmy’s Despecialized.)

1997 - Special Edition Trilogy
Harmy made a 720p “Respecialized Edition” for Star Wars. Adywan made a 1080p version of The Empire Strikes Back. The best currently available for Return of the Jedi are laserdisc rips.

2004 - DVD Trilogy Changes - OT and Prequels
Schorman’s HDTV Preservation is the best for HD versions of these.

Prequel Trilogy - Theatrical Versions
Episode I - Best we currently have are laserdisc rips.
Episode II - Best we have is a cam recording from a theater.
Episode III - Schorman did a really good restoration of this and it sounds like the new one in the works.

I’m not getting into the mess of audio mixes but from a visual standpoint these are the current releases. Thankfully a few projects are in the works to make the missing versions in HD. Hopefully in time we’ll have everything in HD. 😃 Lots of great projects around here.


For the OT i have both harmy’s trilogy and 4k projects

For the TPM, I only have adywans, which was okay, but rly want higher quality, and im actually excited for 4k scan from zigzag.
And BR for AOTC and ROTS, but will ask scorhman for his copy’s to fufill my collection. Too bad i have to bother him cause I dont have myspleen.

Also thanks for info, that will help others aswell


@Mackey256 You forgot about the Renegade Grindhouse 1080p version of Empire Strikes Back (which could be paired with the no-DNR versions of 4k77 and 4k83 until 4k80 comes out), as well as the Dreamaster version (which could be paired with the DNR versions of 4k77 and 4k83 until 4k80 comes out).

Here’s my thoughts on the best 97se and theatrical prequel releases:

For 97 ANH you can choose between Harmy’s Respecialized version (which is a 720p reconstruction using multiple sources and masters) or the Team Blu version (a 720p upscale which limits itself to SD 97 SE masters, most notable some DVD recordings of SD DTV broadcasts). Both versions have the DTS Theatrical audio included. It’s not as fair a comparison as Despecialized vs 4k77/Grindhouse ESB/4k83 though due to there being no pure 97SE masters in HD/4k released yet. Waiting for a fresh 4k transfer.

For ESB and ROTJ my recommended choice for the 97 se is althor1138’s Laserdisc preservations due to them also including the DTS theatrical audio. If you don’t mind being limited to the Laserdisc AC3 audio you could also go with Adywan’s 1080p reconstruction of ESB. Still waiting for a fresh 4k transfer.

For TPM, the DTS audio has been synced to Adywan’s SD theatrical reconstruction. Whether you use the muxed mkv or mux it yourself is up to you. Still waiting for a fresh 4k transfer.

There aren’t any good theatrical sources for Attack of the Clones, and there aren’t any fan edits which try to reconstruct the theatrical cut for the purpose of syncing with the DTS audio. If you really want to watch this version of the film, your best option is probably either the Centropy SVCDs or the edited UAR version made by spoRv.

You picked a bad time to ask for episode 3. My suggestion would be to wait for v2 of Schorman’s theatrical reconstruction.

Nobody sang The Bunny Song in years…


With Schorman’s v2 of TPM, it’d be great to have a theatrical edit.
What would be the trickiest part? The cuts, transitions, and fades? The DTS track could be used for the audio. The LD could be used as guide for how to piece together the video.

Aside from subtitle changes, are there any other differences than these?:

  • Remove pod race introduction shots
  • Remove pod race second lap shots
  • Add shot of Watto screaming “SEBULBA!”
  • Remove Coruscant air taxi sequence
  • Remove CGI bridge in shot of Naboo palace

Yes, there are other differences (such as missing view of Palpatine’s quarters, podrace scenes differently reordered, subtitles, wrong color corrections…), please see dedicated topics.


Destinyg133 said:

Too bad i have to bother him cause I dont have myspleen.

You wouldn’t be “bothering” him. PMing creators for links to their projects is standard practice around here.


Destinyg133 said:

Too bad i have to bother him cause I dont have myspleen.


ChainsawAsh said:

Destinyg133 said:

Too bad i have to bother him cause I dont have myspleen.

You wouldn’t be “bothering” him. PMing creators for links to their projects is standard practice around here.

As usual, Ash is spot on…

The following first link may be of some use / interest - for anyone looking to acquire a project on here…

I have found a Fan Edit / Preservation I am interested in - but don’t know how to get / acquire / download it? post in the ‘How do I do this?’ on the OriginalTrilogy.com thread in the General Assistance section of the site…

Links to which also appear in the About and Help sections, and also in the Welcome to the OT.com; Introduce yourself in here - a good place to make your first post - as well as in the four Index Threads for the respective Preservation and Fan Edit sections of the site.

Of course, the Fan Edit / Preservation Forum Rules and FAQ is a thread that everyone interested in fan edits, preservations and other projects on here should read…

Good luck with it Destinyg133 😃

A little patience goes a long way on this old-school Rebel base. If you are having issues finding what you are looking for, these will be of some help…

Welcome to the OriginalTrilogy.com | Introduce yourself in here | Useful info within : About : Help : Site Rules : Fan Project Rules : Announcements
How do I do this?’ on the OriginalTrilogy.com; some info & answers + FAQs - includes info on how to search for projects and threads on the OT•com

A Project Index for Star Wars Preservations (Harmy’s Despecialized & 4K77/80/83 etc) : A Project Index for Star Wars Fan Edits (adywan & Hal 9000 etc)

… and take your time to look around this site before posting - to get a feel for this place. Don’t just lazily make yet another thread asking for projects.


I am completely willing to share via alternate means. Just send me a PM.

If I had some gum, I’d chew a hole into the sun…


@Danfun128 ah yeah the grindhouse version…totally forgot about that one. It really is a labyrinth of versions to keep track off. Thanks for mentioning that.