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IT: The King Cut (Released)


Over a year ago I published a fanedit of the two films together entitled It: The King Cut. I would surmise that over a hundred of you messaged me about it and presumably saw it, and for that I thank you.

My original intention of the edit was to reconstruct the novel using the films, switching narratives and all, but it ended up being just Chapter One bookended by Chapter Two.

A lot has changed for me in the last year. Most notably, I got a blu ray drive that allowed me to rip the deleted scenes from Chapter 1, and I ACTUALLY READ THE BOOK.

So, with these newfound tools and knowledge, I present to you The King Cut- Remastered: a fully remade and re-edited supercut, complete with brand new transitions, new plot flow, and the deleted scenes from Chapter One restored.

Even if you’ve seen the old one, I HIGHLY recommend watching this new one. It’s a completely different beast. I actually sat there with the book in front of me making notes of each timeline switch within the narrative.

Here’s a play by play of how it goes. I also made minor edits to things that annoyed me or disrupted the tone of a scene, mostly removing comedic moments that kill tension.

-Chapter 1 Starts. Georgie is killed by Pennywise.

-The sewer title sequence is accompanied by a voiceover of Bill saying “We’ll come back to” from Chapter 2. The water after the title transitions to the opening sequence of Chapter 2, with Mike narrating.

-Mike calls the losers. After Beverly leaves Tom, Chapter One resumes with the end of the title sequence, introducing Mike first. Chapter One plays until they clean up Beverly’s bathroom. The deleted scene of Bill’s dad checking the basement is restored, and so is the one with Stan and his dad. I’m very proud of the transition between the bathroom cleanup and the restaurant scene, it might be my favorite in the entire project.

-Chapter 2 resumes. They reunite at the diner. The encounter with skateboard kid at the diner is removed because I think it’s too many jokes in a row (right after the ‘can we get the check please?”) This also means I removed Bill later calling him “the kid from the restaurant” to Beverly. I know that Henry escaping, Beverly meeting Pennywise, and Bill getting Silver are supposed to happen at this point in the book, but I think they would disrupt the narrative within Chapter 2 too much if I moved them.

After Mike shows Bill the Native American vision, we cut back to Chapter 1. The deleted scene of Henry and his dad is restored, and the rock fight happens.

Ritchie’s “can only Virgins see this stuff?” is removed because it ruins the tension of the scene.

They fight Pennywise for the first time. The deleted scene of Beverly, Ben, Mike and Stan outside is restored, as is the scene of them carrying Eddie out of the house.

They break up. I couldn’t restore Stan’s deleted speech here because he gives a very similar speech in Chapter 2 as a flashback so it wouldn’t make any sense. I did include the shot of Betty Ripsom’s memorial from that scene, spliced into the music montage. I’m not too proud of that cut, maybe it could have been done better. We see the break up scene from both Chapter 1 and 2 within about ten minutes from each other, but oh well.

-Chapter 2 resumes with them walking around the town to reclaim their tokens. When Bill gets Silver from Stephen King, I removed the bit about it breaking after he takes off. It isn’t funny and ruins the scene. I also removed the scene where Eddie can’t open the door in the pharmacy and we meet the bubblegum girl from chapter 1 as an adult. It’s too soon of a joke after the “just call me angel” thing and this one was easier to remove.

-At this point we have not yet met adult Henry. The Chapter 2 parts of him play in order right before he arrives at the motel (?). This does mean that we see him get arrested for killing his dad before we actually see him kill his dad, but oh well. Henry escapes, both scenes of him are combined. He attacks Eddie, skateboard kid is eaten by pennywise, Richie visits the synagogue. I know the scenes here in Stan’s speech are from after they beat Pennywise, but, you know, oh well.

I would consider cutting adult Henry entirely, but then we wouldn’t get any explanation for Eddie’s face injury. I think his placement is pointless if Muschietti also cut Tom and Audra. I would have preferred Audra over Henry and Tom, my favorite part of the book is the ending on the bike.

Henry has the exchange with the gun/cat/his father. You know the one I mean. The extended scene of Eddie at the pharmacy from Chapter 1 is restored. Another case of something happening earlier in the book, but due to chronology in the film I’ve placed it here.

The adults arriving at Neibolt in Chapter 2 is wildly intercut with Chapter 1. From this point on the cuts are very frequent. The deleted scene of Henry in the car is restored, and so is the one of them finding Georgie’s walkie. At this point it’s really hard to follow the book’s sequence of cutting so I just cut where it makes sense within each film.

Several jokes from Chapter 2 are removed:

-The bit of Richie looking up and seeing Spider Stan and saying “there he is” -”Who married a woman ten times his body mass?” -”You burn an actual token/That’s not gonna burn either” -The conversation about the dog behind the door, plus the “next time?” -Eddie’s last words being “I fucked your mother” (Seriously, what the fuck Muschietti?”)

-The ending of chapter 1 happens just before they jump into the lake in chapter 2, then chapter 2 plays uninterrupted.

I did not restore the scene of Bill’s family having dinner because I’m not sure where to put it, it seems like it should have taken place after the breakup because a shot from it appears in the music montage. I also did not restore the deleted scene of Bill’s family going on vacation because I feel that it kills the emotional weight of the final shot of Bill. The cliffhanger ending also doesn’t work in the context of this edit. I might be doing an extended cut of Chapter 1 next, and it’ll be included in it.

I think this is my final word on it. I’m not too proud of every single transition or cut, maybe they could be done better. I’d like to do it in 4K HDR with surround sound, but I lack the hardware, software, and technical knowledge to do that. Maybe somebody else could do it with my notes. I guess if I did it in surround I could get the dialogue separate from the music? I’m not sure how that works.

Obviously I can’t conjure up things from the book that were never filmed to begin with, nor can I remove deviations from the book that are so integral to the plot like Beverly getting kidnapped by IT.

The ending title card was created by a reddit user named Jacob William Graham, who has since deleted his reddit account. I don’t know why or what happened to him, but credit where it is due.

It will probably be a few days before it’s available to view, as I have to render, encode, and upload it still. I wanted to post now to get the word out though.

As before, send me a message here on Reddit and I’ll provide you with the link once it’s available.

General fanedit etiquette is to assume that you already own both films on Blu Ray. I have no way to verify this, but I feel that I need to establish that.

I have a youtube video here showing most of the changes made. It doesn’t include the Eddie and Richie scene.


Please PM me if you’re interested in seeing it.


I would really like to see “it”
Okay, that one was bad


Sounds like fun, would like a link.


As someone who has read and loved the book (but also enjoyed the movies), I’m intrigued to see how this plays out. Would love to get a link for this.



Update 2021: I recut the entire thing with new transitions, a whole new plot structure, and the addition of the deleted scenes, If you saw it before May 2021, you saw the old one, and I highly recommend getting the new one.


thegreatredragon said:

Hey everyone, new user here, new faneditor.

Earlier this year, I struck out to make a fanedit of Andy Muschietti’s IT films, combining the two films and changing/removing certain elements. I know Muschietti has spoken about his own supercut adding in new scenes but as of now it’s nowhere to be seen.

What this edit does:

“The King Cut”, as you may guess, refers to Stephen King. The films are cut together to follow the chronology of the novel as closely as possible, while still retaining a coherent flow of plot. I’ve also changed/removed certain things that annoyed me or broke continuity in one particular instance.

Here’s how it plays out

-Chapter one starts with Georgie in the rain as usual
-When Pennywise appears in the drain, the jump scare cue is removed and replaced by a low rumbling sound to fill the void.
-The chapter one title card plays and transitions into Mike’s narration from Chapter 2
-Chapter two starts, the title card is removed
-Chapter two plays out about the same, except the scenes involving bowers are removed
-After Mike gives Bill the weird magic tea and he has his vision, the movie flashes back to chapter one, which picks up with Mike in the farm
-Chapter one plays more or less as normal
-When Ben kisses Beverly in the sewer, the poem revelation is removed. This is because it’s not consistent with the book (neither is Bev getting kidnapped but I can’t remove that without ruining the whole plot), and it is not followed up on in Chapter 2 or even in the end of Chapter 1 (Bev kisses Bill at the end, and in Chapter 2 she doesn’t remember that Ben wrote the poem, just like the book.)
-Chapter one ends and segways into all the Henry Bowers scenes cut from Chapter 2
-Chapter 2 plays, and a few bathos moments are changed (bill breaking silver, eddie and richie in the hallucination with the dog.)

I have a youtube video here showing most of the changes made. It doesn’t include the Eddie and Richie scene.


Please PM me if you’re interested in seeing it.

Any chance for a link?


Alex McDevitt said:

thegreatredragon said:

Hey everyone, new user here, new faneditor.

Earlier this year, I struck out to make a fanedit of Andy Muschietti’s IT films, combining the two films and changing/removing certain elements. I know Muschietti has spoken about his own supercut adding in new scenes but as of now it’s nowhere to be seen.

What this edit does:

“The King Cut”, as you may guess, refers to Stephen King. The films are cut together to follow the chronology of the novel as closely as possible, while still retaining a coherent flow of plot. I’ve also changed/removed certain things that annoyed me or broke continuity in one particular instance.

Here’s how it plays out

-Chapter one starts with Georgie in the rain as usual
-When Pennywise appears in the drain, the jump scare cue is removed and replaced by a low rumbling sound to fill the void.
-The chapter one title card plays and transitions into Mike’s narration from Chapter 2
-Chapter two starts, the title card is removed
-Chapter two plays out about the same, except the scenes involving bowers are removed
-After Mike gives Bill the weird magic tea and he has his vision, the movie flashes back to chapter one, which picks up with Mike in the farm
-Chapter one plays more or less as normal
-When Ben kisses Beverly in the sewer, the poem revelation is removed. This is because it’s not consistent with the book (neither is Bev getting kidnapped but I can’t remove that without ruining the whole plot), and it is not followed up on in Chapter 2 or even in the end of Chapter 1 (Bev kisses Bill at the end, and in Chapter 2 she doesn’t remember that Ben wrote the poem, just like the book.)
-Chapter one ends and segways into all the Henry Bowers scenes cut from Chapter 2
-Chapter 2 plays, and a few bathos moments are changed (bill breaking silver, eddie and richie in the hallucination with the dog.)

I have a youtube video here showing most of the changes made. It doesn’t include the Eddie and Richie scene.


Please PM me if you’re interested in seeing it.

Any chance for a link?

Or you could simply send him a PM - as thegreatredragon stated - in his post you quoted 👍

thegreatredragon said:

Please PM me if you’re interested in seeing it.

A little patience goes a long way on this old-school Rebel base. If you are having issues finding what you are looking for, these will be of some help…

Welcome to the OriginalTrilogy.com | Introduce yourself in here | Useful info within : About : Help : Site Rules : Fan Project Rules : Announcements
How do I do this?’ on the OriginalTrilogy.com; some info & answers + FAQs - includes info on how to search for projects and threads on the OT•com

A Project Index for Star Wars Preservations (Harmy’s Despecialized & 4K77/80/83 etc) : A Project Index for Star Wars Fan Edits (adywan & Hal 9000 etc)

… and take your time to look around this site before posting - to get a feel for this place. Don’t just lazily make yet another thread asking for projects.


Is the link to this cut still accessible?


Which edit should i watch, this one kr the losers only edit?

I have no more links sorry.

Will do in future though


Count me in too, please! 😁👍

“Did you know, the word ‘gullible’ is not in the dictionary?! Look it up.”


Hi could I please get a link to this as well , thanks !


Update: I re-did the entire thing with cleaner transitions and keeping in tact the film’s jokes that I removed last time, as well as creating a director’s cut of Chapter One with deleted scenes. Send me a PM or an email for access