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From 2000 to 2005, various countries released the original six Star Wars films on VCD. I would like to know if anyone has captured or released them. Please help however you can.
Project creator and film enthusiast.
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The Original Trilogy VCDs (as can be seen here - with some pointers to the Prequel Trilogy VCDs too) are also available to buy on the likes of eBay, flea markets, and also online stores specialising in these types of ‘retro’ format.
There are also some preservation projects (as they were once only available via import and quite rare) and ‘info & discussion’ threads listed up in…
An Index Of Projects & Help Thread for Star Wars Preservations…
A little patience goes a long way on this old-school Rebel base. If you are having issues finding what you are looking for, these will be of some help…
Welcome to the OriginalTrilogy.com | Introduce yourself in here | Useful info within : About : Help : Site Rules : Fan Project Rules : Announcements
‘How do I do this?’ on the OriginalTrilogy.com; some info & answers + FAQs - includes info on how to search for projects and threads on the OT•com
A Project Index for Star Wars Preservations (Harmy’s Despecialized & 4K77/80/83 etc) : A Project Index for Star Wars Fan Edits (adywan & Hal 9000 etc)
… and take your time to look around this site before posting - to get a feel for this place. Don’t just lazily make yet another thread asking for projects.
I’ve got many physical copies of all 6 Star Wars movies on VCD, from 2-3 different countries each.
Both retail and bootleg.
I’d attach a photo but I’m at work - I can do so when I get home if there’s interest.
As mentioned above you can get a few of them on the 'Spleen, but they’re missing quite a lot and don’t have ROTS at all. I’ve already made a a full digital archive of my VCD collection and have been meaning to try and get them up there, but it never seems to work for me.
I’m admittedly not up to date with the rules regarding digital sharing of the unedited films through this site when it comes to long dead formats like this, but I’d be happy to if oojason allows it.
The Super VCD of Clones was preserved i think by someone years ago. Was it on the Spleen, i’ve kind of forgotten to be honest.
It was the most common version. I think None talked about it in a thread somewhere. I think it was called the Centropy version. My copy is dead as i assume most physical copies are. CDR were never meant to have shelf life of 19 years. I wish i had the foresight to archive it to a Taiyo Yuden or even an archival gold disc.
The Super VCD of Clones was preserved i think by someone years ago. Was it on the Spleen, i’ve kind of forgotten to be honest.
It was the most common version. I think None talked about it in a thread somewhere. I think it was called the Centropy version. My copy is dead as i assume most physical copies are. CDR were never meant to have shelf life of 19 years. I wish i had the foresight to archive it to a Taiyo Yuden or even an archival gold disc.
The Centropy AOTC VCD was in fact preserved into a DVD-R if I recall correctly. I think it was given a color balancing do-over and re-framing of the image itself.
I’ve still got a working Centropy AOTC VCD from back in the day though so they’re not all quite dead yet!
Perhaps the best that can come from the Star Wars Saga on VCD is that it is one of the few formats that carries the theatrical cut of the ‘The Phantom Menace’, outside off VHS tape and Laserdisc. It would be nice if one were to get a rip of any of the foreign language tracks from these VCDs-even if the audio track from the disc is 44.1kbps/MP3 quality. I’m sure ZigZig would welcome it in his theatrical cut preservation.
Perhaps the best that can come from the Star Wars Saga on VCD is that it is one of the few formats that carries the theatrical cut of the ‘The Phantom Menace’, outside off VHS tape and Laserdisc. It would be nice if one were to get a rip of any of the foreign language tracks from these VCDs-even if the audio track from the disc is 44.1kbps/MP3 quality. I’m sure ZigZig would welcome it in his theatrical cut preservation.
Unfortunately not. I just checked the Hong Kong and Malaysian TPM VCD’s and both only have stereo English with Left/Right isolation options. The Hong Kong release has burned in subtitles, but that’s about it.
Unless there’s another official release I’m unaware of or my VCD player is acting up, which I doubt.
It seems they’re now mostly relegated to the category of weird nerd junk that looks cool.
If you’re interested, i have friends who deal with VCD Preservation (i help run a server partially dedicated to it)
Im that guy who likes megazone 23 a little too much
I am interested.
Project creator and film enthusiast.