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For anyone experiencing unwanted or harassing PMs on here...


Information from the ‘I am receiving unwanted / harassing PMs on here - what do I do?’ post…

… from the ‘How do I do this?’ on the OriginalTrilogy.com; some info & answers + member FAQs thread - in General Assistance:-


I am receiving unwanted / harassing PMs on here - what do I do?

As per our OT.com Forum Rules and Guidelines

'Breaking the following rules may result in an immediate and permanent ban with no prior warning:

  1. Do not harass other members, either publicly or via PM. Any unwanted contact after a request to stay away will be considered harassment.’

If you receive any further PMs on here after asking the sender to stop… let a moderator know as soon as possible.



If anyone on here receives any further PMs on here after asking the sender to stop - even if it is someone asking for links to projects that you have not volunteered to help out with / or for projects you have nothing to do with… please let a moderator know as soon as possible - thank you.



Links to the Welcome to the OriginalTrilogy.com | Introduce yourself in here | Useful info within, plus About & Help sections.

A link to the How do I do this?’ on the OriginalTrilogy.com - some info & replies to members’ FAQs thread, in General Assistance.

A link to ‘Where is the site Search Bar? / How to search for projects, information, or discussion threads on OriginalTrilogy.com’.

Links to the OT.com Forum Rules and Guidelines & Fan Edit / Preservation Forum Rules and FAQ threads, in Announcements.

A little patience goes a long way on this old-school Rebel base. If you are having issues finding what you are looking for, these will be of some help…

Welcome to the OriginalTrilogy.com | Introduce yourself in here | Useful info within : About : Help : Site Rules : Fan Project Rules : Announcements
How do I do this?’ on the OriginalTrilogy.com; some info & answers + FAQs - includes info on how to search for projects and threads on the OT•com

A Project Index for Star Wars Preservations (Harmy’s Despecialized & 4K77/80/83 etc) : A Project Index for Star Wars Fan Edits (adywan & Hal 9000 etc)

… and take your time to look around this site before posting - to get a feel for this place. Don’t just lazily make yet another thread asking for projects.


What about Private messages from people with no post history asking for a file or link its happened like 2 or 3 times, generally i try to be polite but its pissing me off. I just leave the chat. Resilio keys aren’t to be given out period.


JadedSkywalker said:

What about Private messages from people with no post history asking for a file or link its happened like 2 or 3 times, generally i try to be polite but its pissing me off. I just leave the chat. Resilio keys aren’t to be given out period.

I’ve noticed an uptick in this behavior and I’m working on a solution to this. New users will be roped off into their own user group (based on time served, post count, etc.) and you’ll have the ability to block PMs from that group.

Forum Administrator