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DVD Covers (Eps. I,II,III, V & VI) — Page 3

Originally posted by: yanksno1
Just wondering programs you guys use to make the DVD case covers? I use the Avery DVD Labeling kit to make my disc covers, but it doesn't have the case cover ability (at least that I think). I've never made them, but after seeing some of the nice covers here I've been thinking of taking a stab at it. What have you guys found to have the best outcome?

They even give you free software to format it correctly for your printer.
You sure you wanted to do that? Now you'll get a bunch of PM from salivating fanboys wanting to get to know you.
Originally posted by: twister111
Originally posted by: oojason
He IS the LinkMeister

and good with 'em too

Minor correction for future reference.

"She IS the LinkMeister"

DOH! Sorry twister111 - please accept my apologies for making (another in a long line this weekend) of incorrect assumptions

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LOVE these covers!

Very understated. Not too flashy(sp).

Realy like that "watermarking text" from casualimp

Any chance of adding the following?

Clone Wars
Ewok Movies
Holiday Special
OT Bonus Material

I have hi-res ANH Poster and a couple hi-res Clone Wars posters if needed...
Well, he's working on a Clone Wars one, but do you think you could toss some of those Clone Wars posters my way? I'd really appreciate it.
E-Mail '

EDIT: Got them! Many thanks liger_trainer!
I like the way the John Alvin covers are used on the cds. cheers
"A Jedi can feel the force flow through him".
Yes I love the Alvin images, I have the classic VHS John Alvin Covers so when I found some Hi-res images of them I just had to use them on my classic CD's. I think they fit very nice on a CD

But pasting the images on a CD wasnt that hard, it was the Episode III cover(1,17mb) I was hoping for comments on.
Close the blast doors!.....
Open the blast doors, open the blast doors!
You've got the Alvin covers from the UK 1995 VHS of Star Wars Trilogy.
"A Jedi can feel the force flow through him".
No I got the Norwegian 1995 Alvin VHS covers
Close the blast doors!.....
Open the blast doors, open the blast doors!
Originally posted by: Hal 9000
Can anybody find some good looking pictures of baby Luke and Leia from ROTS?


Here's some pictures.


Edit: oojason: Meh, it's okay. You can't really tell gender from text.

Gundrosen: I like the Episode III cover and, the CD's. Except for some reason I can't see the ANH CD cover.

Previous Signature preservation link

Heres a working A new hope CD link:
A New Hope CD

Close the blast doors!.....
Open the blast doors, open the blast doors!
Gunder, there are quite a few spelling errors on the EPIII cover.
The Jedi are all but extinct.......
Gundrosen - nice work on the covers and discart - don't worry too much about the typos m8, have seen a lot more mistakes from English people on here than yours

Keep up the good work m8

A little patience goes a long way on this old-school Rebel base. If you are having issues finding what you are looking for, these will be of some help…

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Thanks for the comments, I will try to correct some of the typos(when I have some time )
I'm thinking of makin new covers for all the movies(1-6) plus for some extra material like deleted magic
Close the blast doors!.....
Open the blast doors, open the blast doors!
Gundrosen if you buy the 2004 deluxe CD Soundracks of the OT, you will find some good posters inside of each movie. Cheers mate.
"A Jedi can feel the force flow through him".
I suppose I should post this here, since everyone else is, although I'd hate to kind of hijack wannabegeorge's thread, but here are a few nice DVD covers for the official SE box set (NOT Mine):

Alrighty, I whipped up some 3D views of wannabegeorge's fantastic covers:
Episode I
Episode II
Episode III
Episode V
Episode VI

And, a view of them all lined up:

Excellent covers again wannabegeorge!
But now that I see them all in a row, I can't help but feel that it would be nice if the positioning of the episode titles on the front was consistent between the PT and the OT, but that's just my opinion.
the blue tint on the covers look cool.
"A Jedi can feel the force flow through him".
I love the back page, with just the movie poster there, it's simple yet so effective... Although I do have to say that I feel that the font type (Avant Garde), and the colour (white) which is used for the back page text feels kind of out of place with the whole cover.

Perhaps it would be better if you chose a font that closer matches the other fonts used, as well as a slightly different colour for them.

awesome work on the covers though
Originally posted by: Jedikev
Gundrosen if you buy the 2004 deluxe CD Soundracks of the OT, you will find some good posters inside of each movie. Cheers mate.

Cool, I'll look into that
Close the blast doors!.....
Open the blast doors, open the blast doors!
Hi there,

Newbie here, humbly offering my first DVD cover for your persual. I knocked this up a little while ago, but have only recently joined these (marvellous) forums.

Sorry it isn't more black ink friendly..... The image posted here is also quite heavily compressed and consequently lacking in sharpness, especially the text. The full size image is far better.

Clone Wars, Volume II- with due respect to Rikter, whose original Clone Wars cover, available in his torrent on MySpleen, gave me the font and "official" text on the spine and rear cover.


I'm sorry, I hate it when it does that.....