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Changes in 2004 DVDs — Page 31

Ok, the Han shirt thing. I'm a little confused. All I have ever seen Han enter the carbon freezing room in is just his shirt and the wrist and arm bindings. Where did it come from that he's wearing his jacket? From what I can tell from the unaltered pic is that it's just really dark shadowing. In all the years that I've been watching this movie I have never seen Han with his jacket in the carbon freezing room. Maybe I missed it but I don't think so.
Keeping The Star Wars Hoiliday Special alive. Once person at a time. Stir, stir, whip, whip, stir, beat, beat.
And I also disagree that he has his binders on. Watch ESB carefully again. The Ugnaughts come over to Han just before he is put in. Now as far as I can see, there is NO shot after that with the binders on. Therefore, it is from a "certain point of view" as to whether the binders remain on and we have a continuity mistake or he simply kept his arms down without the binders on. He did tell Chewie after all not to fight, so why would he (assuming the binders are off before freezing)?

Originally posted by: Klingon_Jedi
i somehow doubt Jabba decided to thaw him briefly to let him change his clothes.


And when Jabba froze him again, he told him to stay at the same position as he was before.
“Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.” — Nazi Reich Marshal Hermann Goering
While I am glad this inconsistancy has been fixed I would have done it the other way and modify the shirt in Return of the Jedi to match the Empire Strikes Back. Not the other way around. Still this is enough and I am very happy with this change.
I'm confused....He didn't wear a jacket when frozen, the Ugnaughts took his wrist binders off, the ones around his arm were supposed to be made of the same stuff as carbonite. So when they melted the Cobonite Han was is, so did his arm binder thingsmelt too. Thats what I read anyway.
And his shirt looks like the one in Jedi.
Can someone please show me the differense?!


I'm with HotRod on this. The only thing that was missing when he was unfrozen were the arm binders. Han wasn't wearing a vest or a jacket when he entered the carbon freezing room.
Keeping The Star Wars Hoiliday Special alive. Once person at a time. Stir, stir, whip, whip, stir, beat, beat.
Apologies if this has been posted before, but the dvdrip of ESB is online.

From a post (cool screencaps) on the mf.com:-


"1) the Lightsaber sound effects error in the Wampa cave (saber shutoff sound though saber is still on) is still present.

2) The Emperor Hologram (with substituded Ian McDiarmid, of course) flickers more than the last one did, even to the point of almost blinking out completely in some instances. I don't mind this--they are still recieving a signal on the outer edge of an asteroid field, so it works if you keep that in mind.

3) the Hoth battle effects look better as a result of the cleanup. No opacity issues at all, as far as I can tell.

4) it's still "you were lucky to get out of there." instead of "you're lucky you don't taste very good

5) the "han's vest is off" "no, it's on" error that people talked about during the "I love you--I know" scene has been definitely cleaned up--the transfer shows that, as a matter of fact, it really IS simply a shadow across the top of his shoulders, and not a continuity gaffe. Much more clear.

6) the scream as Luke falls is indeed, gone.

7) The "alert my Star Destroyer.." line is, indeed, still there

8) the print damaged line that flickers across the screen as Artoo falls into the Falcon workpit (a scratch I remember made it into the SE's, even) is gone.

9) every line of Boba Fett's has been re-done by Temuera Morrison.

10) matte/optical work has been cleaned up. No matte boxes around any of the ships anymore.

11) The credits are identical to the Special Edition credits. Meaning: No McDiarmid credit.

12) and yes--if you're looking for it, Vader's saber during the duel WILL look a little pinkish in some shots. But again--checking it against screencaps and the SE VHS--the pinkish hue is still there anyway, so it's simply the transfer revealing flaws that older video releases hid.

And all warnings about harshly judging video quality off a rip that compresses 6 gigs to 1 gig still apply

Other than that, I couldn't spot any alterations or additions, or subtractions of any kind. The transfer is ridiculously good, though, so I'm betting there's going to be a lot of people who THINK they saw something new, but in fact it's stuff that was always there, the clarity and the colors and the contrast make it LOOK new"

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Originally posted by: oojason
Apologies if this has been posted before, but the dvdrip of ESB is online.

5) the "han's vest is off" "no, it's on" error that people talked about during the "I love you--I know" scene has been definitely cleaned up--the transfer shows that, as a matter of fact, it really IS simply a shadow across the top of his shoulders, and not a continuity gaffe. Much more clear.

Exactly, do you reall think they'd let a mistake like that happen.
Thats right no...


ya i just checked my LD and bootleg... you could tell it was a shadow...
and for this whole hands binded thing...

it looks to me that the Ugnaughts did end up taking his bindings off but Han seems to keep his hands in front of him anyway...
sorta like his wrists are crossed...

thats what it looks like to me anyway
"Never. I'll never turn to the darkside. You've failed your highness. I am a jedi, like my father before me."
I seem to remember binders on his upper arms. Also, the difference that I remember was that he was frozen wearing a single breasted shirt, and thawed wearing a double breasted shirt. It's been awhile since I've seen Jedi, so I could be wrong.

Made for IE Forum's Episode III theme month - May 2005.

The 'Han Shirt' correction in the 2004 DVD is definatley a touch up job. It can be seen that there is definately a subtle variation on the right-hand shoulder part of the shirt in the picture below. ILM have have not only re-coloured it, they have altered it slightly too.

Creator of Star Wars Begins, Building Empire and Returning to Jedi
Follow me on twitter @jamieSWB. Please support me at - http://www.patreon.com/jamiebenning/


Originally posted by: HotRod
But Han's Bespin jacket has collars, I don't see any here....It's just dark man dark.
And it's the same shirt as Jedi!

Agreed, the lack of collar seems pretty definate. Post edited above.

Creator of Star Wars Begins, Building Empire and Returning to Jedi
Follow me on twitter @jamieSWB. Please support me at - http://www.patreon.com/jamiebenning/

I don't really care about the different shirts. i just wanted to point out the ILM touch up.

Creator of Star Wars Begins, Building Empire and Returning to Jedi
Follow me on twitter @jamieSWB. Please support me at - http://www.patreon.com/jamiebenning/


“You know, when you think about it, the Ewoks probably just crap over the sides of their tree-huts.”

I am not allowed to provide a link but I have seen the new Emperor hologram scene. I think the new scene is much better then before. It successful keeps the Emperor a mysterious character without making his character a chimp eyed women. The new dialog is a bit more reveling and in my opinion better then before. Also I am amazed at how clean it looks.
Eh... new footage doesn't look that great. It's too bright and not mysterious or creepy enough. New dialogue detracts IMO.

Yeah, it looks new, but too new. The fading in/out seemed very fake as well.

Gentlemen, you can’t fight in here, this is the war room!

i still like the original emporer scene...
"Never. I'll never turn to the darkside. You've failed your highness. I am a jedi, like my father before me."
It doesn't even look nor sound like Ian McDermiad. Clive Revell sounded more like the Emperor then this new Emperor that's supposed to be played by the Emperor. Yes, I know that I put that in a confusing way.

Made for IE Forum's Episode III theme month - May 2005.


Originally posted by: Klingon_Jedi
It doesn't even look nor sound like Ian McDermiad. Clive Revell sounded more like the Emperor then this new Emperor that's supposed to be played by the Emperor. Yes, I know that I put that in a confusing way.

The emperor is not played by Ian on this 2004 special edition?

“Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.” — Nazi Reich Marshal Hermann Goering

Originally posted by: ricarleite

Originally posted by: Klingon_Jedi
It doesn't even look nor sound like Ian McDermiad. Clive Revell sounded more like the Emperor then this new Emperor that's supposed to be played by the Emperor. Yes, I know that I put that in a confusing way.

The emperor is not played by Ian on this 2004 special edition?

Dude yes it is.
I watched ROTJ the other night for the first time (all the way through)in about 3 years and I was amazed at how little Ian Mcdiarmid as the Emperor resembled Ian McDiarmid in the prequals, not only physically but vocally, obviously the party-hard lifestyle of an Emperor takes it's toll.