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All Things Star Trek — Page 119


I think it would be hilarious if Shatner turned up on the set, and said “Good Luck! We’re all counting on you!” 😉

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


He’s probably too pissed that he’s not in it.


From the creators of The Captains and Chaos on the Bridge comes a new documentary for Deep Space Nine, What We Left Behind, and I am so excited I practically wet myself. The IndieGoGo campaign went up for it yesterday, and they’ve already raised more over $40,000 more than they asked for. Check it out! Its release can’t come soon enough for me.


There is no lingerie in space…

C3PX said: Gaffer is like that hot girl in high school that you think you have a chance with even though she is way out of your league because she is sweet and not a stuck up bitch who pretends you don’t exist… then one day you spot her making out with some skinny twerp, only on second glance you realize it is the goth girl who always sits in the back of class; at that moment it dawns on you why she is never seen hanging off the arm of any of the jocks… and you realize, damn, she really is unobtainable after all. Not that that is going to stop you from dreaming… Only in this case, Gaffer is actually a guy.


SilverWook said:

I think it would be hilarious if Shatner turned up on the set, and said “Good Luck! We’re all counting on you!” 😉

What does Shatner need with good luck?

The Person in Question


If those are going to be Klingons then that is very disappointing. I’m also pretty disappointed that we’ll likely never see DS9 or Voyager on bluray. I know that there was no plan for it, but last week an article was published stating that it would take nearly 50 million dollars to do it, and that’s just simply not going to happen.

The Person in Question


It does seem heavily influenced by early TMP concept art for the Klingons.

There had better be a damn good explanation for it if they are Klingons though.

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


I’m hoping this is a redesign of how the USS Discovery will look on the show. It’s a nice upgrade to the NX-01 Enterprise. The Klingon look does not bother me. I went through the entire shock-factor thing with the change of Klingon design in 1979 with The Motion Picture and have lone since gotten over it. Having a stronger depiction of a more savage war like non-human alien race appeals to me. On of the major reasons I could not get into “Enterprise” was due to all the alien races being so very similar to humans.

“First feel fear, then get angry. Then go with your life into the fight.” - Bill Mollison


Glad I own TOS on BD. Wish it got the same restoration for the OG 60’s shots similar to what TNG received for BD. The Motion Picture I have the Director’s Edition, the fan restoration DVD of the Special Longer Version, and the BD with Nissens custom cover. The Wrath of Khan I have the corrected Director’s Edition BD with custom cover by Nissen since I consider the Mondo artwork to be shit. The Search for Spock and The Voyage Home BDs. The Undiscovered Country 2-Disc DVD and the BD. First Contact the BD. Trek 2009 on BD.
Need to get the BD boxsets for TNG and ENT. 3D BD for Into Darkness and Beyond. Star Trek Compendium for '09 and Into Darkness. For DS9 and VOY I can just rent the DVDs from Netflix or borrow them from a friend. Haven’t seen all the episodes. The rest of the movies I’ll catch up on too but really hoping for 4K remasters of them eventually. Cause the current TOS and TNG movie BDs, barring TWoK DE BD, all use antiquated older HD masters. Except TMP received a new scan for the Theatrical Cut.


Oh the new Klingons suck 😦 Why do they have to fix something that ain’t broken ?


FanFiltration said:

I’m hoping this is a redesign of how the USS Discovery will look on the show. It’s a nice upgrade to the NX-01 Enterprise. The Klingon look does not bother me. I went through the entire shock-factor thing with the change of Klingon design in 1979 with The Motion Picture and have lone since gotten over it. Having a stronger depiction of a more savage war like non-human alien race appeals to me. On of the major reasons I could not get into “Enterprise” was due to all the alien races being so very similar to humans.

Nope, it’s a different ship. On the storyboards you see in the same trailer they use still the same design


FanFiltration said:

I’m hoping this is a redesign of how the USS Discovery will look on the show. It’s a nice upgrade to the NX-01 Enterprise. The Klingon look does not bother me. I went through the entire shock-factor thing with the change of Klingon design in 1979 with The Motion Picture and have lone since gotten over it. Having a stronger depiction of a more savage war like non-human alien race appeals to me. On of the major reasons I could not get into “Enterprise” was due to all the alien races being so very similar to humans.

You never watched the Xindi arc? They had insects and aquatic species among their ranks.

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


SilverWook said:

You never watched the Xindi arc? They had insects and aquatic species among their ranks.

Yes I did, and that was one of the few things I did like. Too bad they were mostly just in the background.

“First feel fear, then get angry. Then go with your life into the fight.” - Bill Mollison


pittrek said:

Oh the new Klingons suck 😦 Why do they have to fix something that ain’t broken ?

You’ll have to ask the makers of TMP that question.


Gaffer Tape said:

From the creators of The Captains and Chaos on the Bridge comes a new documentary for Deep Space Nine, What We Left Behind, and I am so excited I practically wet myself. The IndieGoGo campaign went up for it yesterday, and they’ve already raised more over $40,000 more than they asked for. Check it out! Its release can’t come soon enough for me.


Nice one - looking forward to hearing about more of this 😃

I sort of lost interest in Trek due to Voyager and the poor start of Enterprise - as well as not having high expectations for the Discovery series (so far) and also a bit disappointed with the new films (as enjoyable ‘pop-corn movies riffing on the old stuff’ as they are).

That Axenar premise looked quite intriguing though.

If this ‘What We Left Behind’ comes to fruition I’ll have to dig out an re-read the excellent DS9 Companion once more 😃

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DuracellEnergizer said:

pittrek said:

Oh the new Klingons suck 😦 Why do they have to fix something that ain’t broken ?

You’ll have to ask the makers of TMP that question.

As a person who has seen the TOS movies before TOS, I have no problem with THAT change. I would probably accept the redesign if the new show would take place in let’s say the 27th century


If TNG were on-air today, it would have been cancelled in the first season.