Have already seen some interesting thoughts online.
Many speculating if Alan Tudyk will appear as K2-SO, or if we will see other prominent figures of the Rebellion, like Genevieve O’Reilly as Mon Mothma, Smits as Bail Organa, a young Princess Leia?
One person speculated that the show could be called Fulcrum, since Cassian used to be Fulcrum before (or after?) Ashoka Tano and Agent Kallus eventually adopted the role. It also leads me to wonder if this could possibly mean we could see a live-action Ashoka or Hera Syndulla at the least. I doubt we’ll see Ahsoka but there’s a lot of possibilities.
I’m also seeing a few people wish we were getting more Jedi/Sith related stuff exploring new territory, and all I can say to that is that you just have to be patient. I think they are working on exactly that kind of content with the future movies, but they’re not ready to talk about it yet, and they probably don’t want to step on those filmmakers’ toes with any concurrent projects regarding the Jedi/Sith just yet. But once the Old Republic ball gets rolling and they’re more comfortable with that part of history, they will start exploring it more in movies, tv series, games, etc.
For those of you who want to see that kind of stuff, I think this will be an interesting series to get into in the meantime. This also to me seems like it’ll be the closest thing to Lucas’ Underworld series will probably get, since it is set during the Dark Times. I’m also curious if these series will be a one-season kind of thing or be open-ended with the potential for multiple seasons. The latter is probably the most likely scenario.
What is a little surprising to me is how the announcement didn’t really mention any showrunners. Typically the movies/shows are tied to the lead director or producer: Abrams, Johnson, Filoni, Favreau, Benioff & Weiss. Surprised no creative lead was mentioned, which makes me wonder whose idea this was in the first place (maybe Kennedy?) and if they have even found a showrunner yet.