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A 'Rumour and News' thread for reported new Star Wars films and tv series — Page 7


I hope that we can see Grievous past in TOTJ S2, maybe aligning with the story of Sifo Dyas, which was virtually non-existent in animation or live action format


That’s a good perspective. As someone who’s pretty much grown up with the MCU, and then again with several years in a row of Star Wars movies, I easily forget that that isn’t normal.


Thanks for sharing! Definitely keep sharing future blog posts you make with us.


That was a great post too! I had totally forgotten how I would regularly listen to Collider (especially their Jedi Council podcast) during the lead up to TFA and into TLJ. I did recall Campea’s departure and some falling out stuff, but I hadn’t really kept up with many of these movie review content creators and didn’t realize how many of these media groups have kind of broken down.

I think it highlights the anxiety of being a content creator, where your income relies upon something that is arguably out of your control. And the only way many of them can keep making money is by constantly churning out news, and even worse, ragebait.

I think people forget that anger can be a drug. We can get addicted by how it makes us feel. Regular news already does this, but you definitely see it within more nerdy communities too. Or even the dopamine hits we get from more tame content.

These ragebait content creators don’t care about you. They want to keep you mad so you keep watching content so they keep making money. I’m not saying their opinions aren’t valid, at one point they maybe did care, but the line becomes harder to see when they’re financially motivated to keep talking about it. And I think it can lead us to become hyper fixated on things that really aren’t that important.

Like you said, so what if Batman II is delayed? Maybe there is a valid discussion to have about the dysfunction in Hollywood or whatever, but suddenly that conversation can get blown out of proportion becomes it benefits someone to do so.

I think it is a microcosm of a lot of feelings I have been having lately about internet addiction in general, and the desire to want to spend less time consuming content. And I think it helps when you’re able to look behind the curtain and realize a lot of content creators are trying to take as much time out of our brief lives for a little money.

Anyway, back to real life.


RogueLeader said:

That was a great post too! I had totally forgotten how I would regularly listen to Collider (especially their Jedi Council podcast) during the lead up to TFA and into TLJ. I did recall Campea’s departure and some falling out stuff, but I hadn’t really kept up with many of these movie review content creators and didn’t realize how many of these media groups have kind of broken down.

I think it highlights the anxiety of being a content creator, where your income relies upon something that is arguably out of your control. And the only way many of them can keep making money is by constantly churning out news, and even worse, ragebait.

I think people forget that anger can be a drug. We can get addicted by how it makes us feel. Regular news already does this, but you definitely see it within more nerdy communities too. Or even the dopamine hits we get from more tame content.

These ragebait content creators don’t care about you. They want to keep you mad so you keep watching content so they keep making money. I’m not saying their opinions aren’t valid, at one point they maybe did care, but the line becomes harder to see when they’re financially motivated to keep talking about it. And I think it can lead us to become hyper fixated on things that really aren’t that important.

Like you said, so what if Batman II is delayed? Maybe there is a valid discussion to have about the dysfunction in Hollywood or whatever, but suddenly that conversation can get blown out of proportion becomes it benefits someone to do so.

I think it is a microcosm of a lot of feelings I have been having lately about internet addiction in general, and the desire to want to spend less time consuming content. And I think it helps when you’re able to look behind the curtain and realize a lot of content creators are trying to take as much time out of our brief lives for a little money.

Anyway, back to real life.

Glad you liked this post too! And yeah, couldn’t have said all of that better myself.



Sneider is on Rocha’s livestream again. Someone is asking if Finn will be a Jedi. I’ll let you all know when he answers. So far all he said that’s Star Wars related is that he thinks Levy is gonna pass on Avengers to focus on Star Wars.

EDIT: The question finally got answered. Rocha says a source told him Boyega will be back, and will indeed be a Jedi, but then Sneider said “if that happens, I owe you a steak dinner,” so make of that what you will.



I wonder if Patty makes Rogue Squadron since Wonder Woman 3 is permanently cancelled and they are recasting Wonder Woman, Gal is out.

I’d wonder if Chris Pine would come over to Star Wars from Star Trek to be in the movie.