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Changes in 2004 DVDs — Page 34


Originally posted by: R2
Honestly, in my opinion the changing Boba's voice is just ridiculous and overly picky on GL's part. The whole, 'so that he and Jango sound the same because Boba is a clone of Jango' thing is just dumb. Why was this such a thorn in George's side? This to me is a pointless waste of time and money. I'd much rather see deleted scenes for all of the films on the DVDs rather than have the money squandered on an insignificant voice change.

Well dude the fact that they are insignifigant is why we are getting them. None of these changes for the 2004 edition are too advanced. Finishing the deleted scenes would be much more complex.
That is the big question of the day for the inevitable future release a few years down the road, will he clean up and finish the effects to the deleted scenes to the CT like he has done for the PT?

Originally posted by: Jedi Master DJR
That is the big question of the day for the inevitable future release a few years down the road, will he clean up and finish the effects to the deleted scenes to the CT like he has done for the PT?

He stated at Comicon that the reason this release contains no deleted scenes is because he wants to digitally finish them similar to the prequal deleted scenes but with production of Revenge of the Sith did not have time too.
Really? I did not know that. Is that online anywhere or did you simply have to be there in this case?

Originally posted by: Jedi Master DJR
Really? I did not know that. Is that online anywhere or did you simply have to be there in this case?

Thats according to a fan who claimed he was there. I am not sure if hes telling the truth.
Ok, I see. Just making sure I didn't miss something like that in my Hyperspace or something.
Well with all these changes happening, i hope he fixes the one that really bugs me.
In Jedi, the Endor battle, there's the one scene where a it's either a tree falls onto a AT ST or Chewies AT ST blows the other up. Anyway the way it blows up is just shit. The flames appear the dissapear in a matter of seconds.
Looks so bad...real bad!

Know what I mean?



But if GL did that, what would he have to get more sales for some future HD-DVD set?

Yeah, well I've said before. This set of DVDs and the DVD for ROTS are my very last Star Wars DVDs that I'm going to buy. He can release 500 million different versions in the next 50 years and I still won't bite. The only exception that I would make is if he released the original versoins on DVD. Those I would buy. As for the rest, bah.

Keeping The Star Wars Hoiliday Special alive. Once person at a time. Stir, stir, whip, whip, stir, beat, beat.

Originally posted by: R2

But if GL did that, what would he have to get more sales for some future HD-DVD set?

Yeah, well I've said before. This set of DVDs and the DVD for ROTS are my very last Star Wars DVDs that I'm going to buy. He can release 500 million different versions in the next 50 years and I still won't bite. The only exception that I would make is if he released the original versoins on DVD. Those I would buy. As for the rest, bah.

These will be the only DVD set I will buy but come on HD-DVD will be the best.

These will be the only DVD set I will buy but come on HD-DVD will be the best.

Until the next format change.

Since I don't have an HD widescreen TV that really doesn't make that much difference to me. What I have is more than adequate. I've been through enough format changes. First from vinyl records to CD and then from VHS to DVD. Either way, I still have stuff on vinyl that will never be released on CD and stuff on VHS that will never be released on DVD. So, I've decided that after DVD I'm not switching to another format and waste all that money to upgrade again. So, in the end I still won't be getting any future releases of Star Wars on any other format. After ROTS hits DVD, that's it for me.
Keeping The Star Wars Hoiliday Special alive. Once person at a time. Stir, stir, whip, whip, stir, beat, beat.

Originally posted by: R2

These will be the only DVD set I will buy but come on HD-DVD will be the best.

Until the next format change.

Since I don't have an HD widescreen TV that really doesn't make that much difference to me. What I have is more than adequate. I've been through enough format changes. First from vinyl records to CD and then from VHS to DVD. Either way, I still have stuff on vinyl that will never be released on CD and stuff on VHS that will never be released on DVD. So, I've decided that after DVD I'm not switching to another format and waste all that money to upgrade again. So, in the end I still won't be getting any future releases of Star Wars on any other format. After ROTS hits DVD, that's it for me.

Dumb the difference between DVD and HD-DVD will be greater then VHS and DVD. Personally id rather have 1920 x 1080 pixals then 720 x 480 anyday. But its your loss I guess. I will be buying these DVDs then replacing them with HD-DVD for 2007.
I could care less about the difference between DVD and HD-DVD. If that were the case, then I wouldn't be buying any DVDs right now and just hold out for the HD stuff. For me, enough is enough. Pick a format and stay with it. I'm sick of wasting money on stuff just to see it change again in ten years or less. My DVDs will last me the rest of my life.

And with a new format change there is always the inevitable equipment upgrades. HD-DVDs probably won't be able to be played on regular DVD players. There goes another few hundred bucks to upgrade to that. Analong TV will become a thing of the past and everything will be in HD. Non HD TVs won't be able to view HD signals. There goes another few hundred buck to upgrade to HD TV.

All the while having to keep the old DVD players to watch the stuff on DVD that hasn't or won't be released on HD-DVD. Keeping a VCR to watch the stuff on VHS that hasn't and never will be released on DVD or HD-DVD.

So where do you draw the line? When do you, as a consumer, say "Enough is enough? I'm sick of switching formats!" Well, I have reached that point. No more format changes for me. I'm sticking with what I have. And as I said. I'm sick of wasting money everytime that there is a new format change.
Keeping The Star Wars Hoiliday Special alive. Once person at a time. Stir, stir, whip, whip, stir, beat, beat.

Originally posted by: jimbo
Heres a link They have put up a montoge of the new Boba voice. I must say listening to it makes it very unfortunite. His voice isn't bad but it lacks the coolness and the lower more sinister voice as before. Tem Morson really seems like he is just rushing through the lines. He sounded better in Attack of the Clones. They could at least get him to try to sound as angry and sinister as the original Boba (Does anyone know his name). I am totally against Lucas on this change.
You're on to something here Jimbo.

Originally posted by: Jedi Master DJR
I disagree. We know without a shadow of a doubt Boba Fett is Jango Fett's unaltered clone. Now judging from the fact he emulates and honors his father, by wearing similar armor, flying his ship, etc.... it seems likely with a loner like Boba that the only stuff he would listen to and such would be teachings of his father. Plus the Kaminoans seemed to have made all clone voices identical at adulthood, probably to distinguish them as clones. All they did with Boba was no messing with his genetic structure and no growth acceleration. Hence the voice is the same. I also think Morrison does a fine job with the lines, as did the original voice actor. I think overall, as with the Emperor, the performance was equal and the continuity among the films is better established.
Wrong. Accents are not genetically inherited. I found out not so long ago that Western Australians have a different accent to the rest of Australia. Just a couple of months ago I was talking to a girl "you're american" I said. "No, I'm Australian!" "You're a yank, you have a thick obvious accent". Turns out she just lived in America for a few months (as in less than a year).

I myself do not have an accent at all. In my previous job one of the Indians asked me "are you Australian" "yes" "you don't have an accent". You're also forgetting a whole array of things that can happen over time to effect a person's voice. Drinking, Drugs, Tobacco, Accidents/Assault/Fights all of which I'm sure bounty hunters would be all too familiar with.
You can fake an accent just fine. I fake an Irish accent all the time. So much so that my girlfriend bet me I wouldn't walk into an Irish bar (I mean hardcore Irish Bar) and fake the accent the whole time. I took that bet and when I got in there I ordered a drink and the old guy next to me at the bar started asking if I was "from the old country." I played it off for three free beers then left.

It's a great way to pick up chicks too

I have no shame.

Originally posted by: DanielB

Originally posted by: jimbo
Heres a link They have put up a montoge of the new Boba voice. I must say listening to it makes it very unfortunite. His voice isn't bad but it lacks the coolness and the lower more sinister voice as before. Tem Morson really seems like he is just rushing through the lines. He sounded better in Attack of the Clones. They could at least get him to try to sound as angry and sinister as the original Boba (Does anyone know his name). I am totally against Lucas on this change.
You're on to something here Jimbo.

Originally posted by: Jedi Master DJR
I disagree. We know without a shadow of a doubt Boba Fett is Jango Fett's unaltered clone. Now judging from the fact he emulates and honors his father, by wearing similar armor, flying his ship, etc.... it seems likely with a loner like Boba that the only stuff he would listen to and such would be teachings of his father. Plus the Kaminoans seemed to have made all clone voices identical at adulthood, probably to distinguish them as clones. All they did with Boba was no messing with his genetic structure and no growth acceleration. Hence the voice is the same. I also think Morrison does a fine job with the lines, as did the original voice actor. I think overall, as with the Emperor, the performance was equal and the continuity among the films is better established.
Wrong. Accents are not genetically inherited. I found out not so long ago that Western Australians have a different accent to the rest of Australia. Just a couple of months ago I was talking to a girl "you're american" I said. "No, I'm Australian!" "You're a yank, you have a thick obvious accent". Turns out she just lived in America for a few months (as in less than a year).

I myself do not have an accent at all. In my previous job one of the Indians asked me "are you Australian" "yes" "you don't have an accent". You're also forgetting a whole array of things that can happen over time to effect a person's voice. Drinking, Drugs, Tobacco, Accidents/Assault/Fights all of which I'm sure bounty hunters would be all too familiar with.

Normally, obviously, accents are not inherited. But we're talking about Star Wars, a fictional universe. One where you have a planet like say Naboo, and let's look at the accents. English theater for Governor Bibble, more American for Captain Panaka, primarily American for Queen Amidala, some Asian variant (can't quite put my finger on the country right now) for Queen Jamilla, and Hispanicly influenced English for Corde and Captain Typho. How does that make sense? Or being able to clone whole people, but not Anakin or Luke's hands for them to use? A Death Star can blow up a whole planet, jump to hyperspace like a ship, then take 30 minutes to circle a moon?

Originally posted by:

Normally, obviously, accents are not inherited. But we're talking about Star Wars, a fictional universe. One where you have a planet like say Naboo, and let's look at the accents. English theater for Governor Bibble, more American for Captain Panaka, primarily American for Queen Amidala, some Asian variant (can't quite put my finger on the country right now) for Queen Jamilla, and Hispanicly influenced English for Corde and Captain Typho. How does that make sense? Or being able to clone whole people, but not Anakin or Luke's hands for them to use? A Death Star can blow up a whole planet, jump to hyperspace like a ship, then take 30 minutes to circle a moon?

Going into hyperspace around a planet would be suicide. Orbiting it in 30 minutes is pretty good gived how many years that would normally take. Each planet has different races and cultures just like Earth. Cloning Lukes had would have taken a long time and have complications. A mechanical hand seems like a much better choice.
That's not what I am saying with the case of the Death Star. I am saying that if it could go to hyperspace, why be on the far side of Yavin? Why not come out of hyperspace on the other side so they can target the rebel base?

But that is getting besides the point regardless. I am saying that accents of people from similar worlds, and how things are pronounced like the Millennium Falcon don't always jive. Likewise, even clones on Kamino sounding so close for a long time, in Epi. 3 we're going to even see a trooper looking like Jango, don't exactly jive either except when you realize it's the same kind of "mistake" by real world standards. Not to mention as well, who is to say that is not simply the scrambled voice Boba Fett uses for his helmet, even if that is not his own real voice?

Originally posted by: Mackey256
You can fake an accent just fine. I fake an Irish accent all the time. So much so that my girlfriend bet me I wouldn't walk into an Irish bar (I mean hardcore Irish Bar) and fake the accent the whole time. I took that bet and when I got in there I ordered a drink and the old guy next to me at the bar started asking if I was "from the old country." I played it off for three free beers then left.

It's a great way to pick up chicks too

I have no shame.

You wouldn't be from New York by any chance would you? I used to know a guy from Belfast who went to New York city a few years ago on holiday and he told me it was full of people who thought they were Irish.

On a different note
I've just watched ROTJ 2004 edition and their where very little changes mainly clean-ups. The light-sabers do look a bit unconvincing at times in the Emporers throne room. And yes Hayden is Anakin Skywalker at the end, and yes Naboo is in the celebration scene. Stormtroopers voices were still original though!
Yes, but did you notice how they cleaned up the rancor more? Sweet, wasn't it?
^ indeed a sweet job in cleaning up the Rancor monster - though the cynic in me asks why GL failed to to it - and clean up other stuff in the 97SE...

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You probably need the AC3 codec, I had the same problem, downloaded the codec, and got the sound.
i played mine in Windows Media Player....

are you talking about realplayer or real 1 player?

i know realplayer is a pain in the ass sometimes...
thats why i dont have it...
"Never. I'll never turn to the darkside. You've failed your highness. I am a jedi, like my father before me."