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REY NOBODY - A Collaborative Thread — Page 10


Sirius said:

I posted this on other threads, so sorry if it sounds like spamming. This site creates AI generated voices, and one of them is from Adam Driver. Maybe it could help creating one or two voice lines for this version of the Rey Nobody edit:


Oh wow. Now the only thing missing is the mask effects. I wonder what this would sound like run through the filters that Poppasketti used for “you were right”?


Octorox said:

Sirius said:

I posted this on other threads, so sorry if it sounds like spamming. This site creates AI generated voices, and one of them is from Adam Driver. Maybe it could help creating one or two voice lines for this version of the Rey Nobody edit:


Oh wow. Now the only thing missing is the mask effects. I wonder what this would sound like run through the filters that Poppasketti used for “you were right”?

If anybody gets this thing to make a decent-sounding line that they’d want in an edit, DM me and I’ll put some effects on it.


I’m worried that the AI voice is more like his regular interview voice, whereas his masked voice is more cool, calm, collected. He speaks deeper and slower as Kylo Ren.

Here is an example of a potential line for an edit that emphasizes the friend her friends face. Just, “Your friends are doomed.”
I feel like this voice would need to be deeper. I just feel like it won’t fit with the rest of his dialogue.

I also wonder if you could hide potential AI dialogue by adding some kind of distortion or something to his masked voice throughout the film. Like, his mask is broken, so maybe his voice modulator is a little broken too. Could add a potential creepy factor to his voice. Some kind of effect that could be analogous to Vader’s breathing. Kylo doesn’t really have an equivalent.

Speaking of this potential line, could anyone potentially grab Kylo’s line from TFA, “You mean the murderers, traitors and thieves you call friends?”


RogueLeader said:

I also wonder if you could hide potential AI dialogue by adding some kind of distortion or something to his masked voice throughout the film. Like, his mask is broken, so maybe his voice modulator is a little broken too. Could add a potential creepy factor to his voice. Some kind of effect that could be analogous to Vader’s breathing. Kylo doesn’t really have an equivalent.

Pull an “Up” and have it be high pitched lmao.


I’ve been playing around with the ending for my personal edit, which is a Rey Nobody edit, and I think I’m onto something that could be useful to others:


Basically, I used footage from HAL’s version and the theatrical to eliminate the old lady and the “I’m Rey” business, so we can end on a more emotional note.


SpenceEdit said:

I’ve been playing around with the ending for my personal edit, which is a Rey Nobody edit, and I think I’m onto something that could be useful to others:


Basically, I used footage from HAL’s version and the theatrical to eliminate the old lady and the “I’m Rey” business, so we can end on a more emotional note.

Neat edit! Had a really good feel to it.

Ahsoka - Feature-length EditAlien Resurrection Resurrected2049: EYE-MAX EditionThe Siege of MandaloreStar Wars: The Last Skywalker AwakensTRON: Legacy (ISO Edition)


SpenceEdit said:

I’ve been playing around with the ending for my personal edit, which is a Rey Nobody edit, and I think I’m onto something that could be useful to others:


Basically, I used footage from HAL’s version and the theatrical to eliminate the old lady and the “I’m Rey” business, so we can end on a more emotional note.

I’m someone who actually quite likes “Rey Skywalker,” but man, this works really well.

“It’s like rhymetry. They poem.” - Leorge Gucas

TROS Novelisation: The Faraday Edit, TLJ: Stoic Edition, ROTS: The Faraday Nudge, ROTS Ultracut: Order 66, Kenobi: Faraday Cut, Godzilla Vs Megalon, Godzilla Vs Gigan, Godzilla: Final Wars, The Light Rises, Faraday Jr.'s Star Wars


Today i watched Acbagels Legacy of the Force. Legends Re-edit. It’s a Rey Nobody edit. I think he did a amazing job.


RogueLeader said:

I’m worried that the AI voice is more like his regular interview voice, whereas his masked voice is more cool, calm, collected. He speaks deeper and slower as Kylo Ren.

Here is an example of a potential line for an edit that emphasizes the friend her friends face. Just, “Your friends are doomed.”
I feel like this voice would need to be deeper. I just feel like it won’t fit with the rest of his dialogue.

It’s not terrible, but I’m not sure it’s convincing either: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1TmeQLkarA4SGlrejnR0ZMcD4kFLB9YiH?usp=sharing

One of those was simply adding effects and pitching it down, the other one slowed the clip down as well.


BrotherOfSasquatch said:

RogueLeader said:

I also wonder if you could hide potential AI dialogue by adding some kind of distortion or something to his masked voice throughout the film. Like, his mask is broken, so maybe his voice modulator is a little broken too. Could add a potential creepy factor to his voice. Some kind of effect that could be analogous to Vader’s breathing. Kylo doesn’t really have an equivalent.

Pull an “Up” and have it be high pitched lmao.

There’s a thread for that. You know the one.

SpenceEdit said:

I’ve been playing around with the ending for my personal edit, which is a Rey Nobody edit, and I think I’m onto something that could be useful to others:


Basically, I used footage from HAL’s version and the theatrical to eliminate the old lady and the “I’m Rey” business, so we can end on a more emotional note.

Damn, since when do we have such a high quality Ben ghost?

Honestly, I’d be kinda down to just skip the ghosts entirely if you skip the Rey Skywalker exchange. Just end it there quietly, no Binary Sunset music.


Anakin Starkiller said:

SpenceEdit said:

I’ve been playing around with the ending for my personal edit, which is a Rey Nobody edit, and I think I’m onto something that could be useful to others:


Basically, I used footage from HAL’s version and the theatrical to eliminate the old lady and the “I’m Rey” business, so we can end on a more emotional note.

Damn, since when do we have such a high quality Ben ghost?

Honestly, I’d be kinda down to just skip the ghosts entirely if you skip the Rey Skywalker exchange. Just end it there quietly, no Binary Sunset music.

The Ben ghost is from HAL9000’s edit. It’s very good!

I was curious what the ending would look like without the ghosts after reading your comment, so I tried it out. I… kind of like it better maybe?



SpenceEdit said:

I’ve been playing around with the ending for my personal edit, which is a Rey Nobody edit, and I think I’m onto something that could be useful to others:


Basically, I used footage from HAL’s version and the theatrical to eliminate the old lady and the “I’m Rey” business, so we can end on a more emotional note.

I like how you were able to incorporate the original “silhouette” shot, it really helps smooth the pacing without the old woman.

Personally, I do like the ghosts, though. Otherwise, It feels kind of reductive of her journey throughout the trilogy. She’s back to where she started - all alone on a desert wasteland.

The Rise of Skywalker: Untold - A “Rey Nobody” edit of Ep. IX | Looking for voices and VFX - Please reach out if interested!


You left the bombastic music in! I was saying you could just go straight from A New Home to a quieter end credits theme, sorta like I did here but without Binary Sunset. But whatever, it’s not my call to make how you make your edits.


Anakin Starkiller said:

You left the bombastic music in! I was saying you could just go straight from A New Home to a quieter end credits theme, sorta like I did here but without Binary Sunset. But whatever, it’s not my call to make how you make your edits.

Personally, I don’t think you can end the last movie in a 50 year saga without it’s iconic music. Plus, I played around with some options and couldn’t find one I really like.

For my edit, I’m going to keep the ghosts, but it was an interesting experiment!


The whole idea behind ending with quiet music is that it’s shocking because it’s different. I’m of the mind that the end music for the last entry in series should blow you away in some way or just generally itself apart, but I realize that sentiment is not universal.

I’m glad you enjoyed the experiment! It’s probably better with the ghosts anyway.


Anakin Starkiller said:

You left the bombastic music in! I was saying you could just go straight from A New Home to a quieter end credits theme, sorta like I did here but without Binary Sunset. But whatever, it’s not my call to make how you make your edits.

I think the idea is cool but the transition in this clip is too smooth and it happens too quickly? Trying just having a beat of nat sound and a fade out, before you start the piano music. If you even need the music at all.

Andor: The Rogue One Arc

not a Jedi apologist or a Jedi hater but a secret third thing


Anakin Starkiller said:

The whole idea behind ending with quiet music is that it’s shocking because it’s different. I’m of the mind that the end music for the last entry in series should blow you away in some way or just generally itself apart, but I realize that sentiment is not universal.

I’m glad you enjoyed the experiment! It’s probably better with the ghosts anyway.

I could definitely get behind that idea, I think it would depend on the tone of the rest of the edit as to whether it would work.


This is my first time seeing your “quiet” ending; I think it works really well! I’d personally cut to black and then fade the first title in, kind of like No Country For Old Men, but I really like the concept for the exact reasons you’ve explained above. I wonder if there’s a way to keep the Old Woman and the Force Ghosts and still do quiet credits?

“It’s like rhymetry. They poem.” - Leorge Gucas

TROS Novelisation: The Faraday Edit, TLJ: Stoic Edition, ROTS: The Faraday Nudge, ROTS Ultracut: Order 66, Kenobi: Faraday Cut, Godzilla Vs Megalon, Godzilla Vs Gigan, Godzilla: Final Wars, The Light Rises, Faraday Jr.'s Star Wars


I’m using Victory Celebration from RotJ and that track really needs the iris to credits with standard fanfare so I think what I’ll do is I’ll make Rey’s scene on Tatooine a mid-credits scene. Then we fade to the quiet credits.


So here’s something worth considering. For my Rey Nobody version, I wanted to cut any reference Kylo makes to Rey’s parents. At that point then, you could edit Palpatine’s dialogue with Rey during their confrontation so that he calls her “Weak, like your parents.” Building off of TLJ, that line actually makes a lot of sense - how can Rey possibly hope to stand up to Palpatine, if her parents were drunken fools, left to rot somewhere on Jakku? How is she any better than that?

On the other hand, does it feel too…I dunno, shoehorned? Pointless? Like, that would be the first real mention of Rey’s parents since she realized that they were nobodies in the last movie. Is it weird to bring that element back at the eleventh hour, without having built on it at all throughout this film? (“Oh yeah, that’s right. She was upset about her parents or something before? Who cares at this point?”) Or would it be a good way of acknowledging that she’s finally come to terms her her parents’ identity; and her not falling for Palpatine’s taunts actually becomes a moment that shows her growth since the previous film?

The Rise of Skywalker: Untold - A “Rey Nobody” edit of Ep. IX | Looking for voices and VFX - Please reach out if interested!


I think it could work. I actually think you should just keep Kylo’s mention of her parents closer to the beginning of the film.

“Do you still count the days since your parents left? Such pain in you. Such anger.”

Because I think that line, and Rey’s line about Kylo not being able to stop seeing what he did to his father, are nice reminders of what these characters struggled with in the past films. Especially since that line kind of pays off later when Ben sees his father again.

And I think having Palpatine’s line about her parents helps with the flow of that scene better.

Palpatine: Weak. Like your parents.

Rey looks back, not saying anything (hopefully the cut back to Palpatine wouldn’t fee to quick).

Palpatine: Luke Skywalker was saved by his father. The only family you have here… [Palpatine looks up toward the battle].

It segues into that second line better. It reminds Rey of that the family she waited so long for, which solidifies her desire to protect the family she has now.

People might ask how Palpatine knows this bit of information, but I think there are plenty of explanations you can come with that I don’t feel like typing out. Haha.


I don’t think it needs to be explained how borderline Force god Darth Sidious knows this tidbit of information. He could probably read her mind.


Ah, that’s right, I totally forgot about Kylo’s line earlier. (Maybe I blocked it from my memory when “They sold you to protect you” happened.) Thanks, RL! So yeah, TLJ establishes that Rey is upset about her parents abandoning her. Kylo reintroduces that in TROS on Pasaana, and then it comes to a head in the confrontation with Palpatine. That works from a structural perspective, right? Setup and payoff and all that jazz?

And like Starkiller said, I would just assume Palps is probing Rey’s mind for potential weaknesses at that point - places to twist the knife. Kinda like Vader sensing Luke thinking about Leia.

“Do you still count the days since your parents left? Such pain in you. Such anger.” Actually, the line works perfectly to tee up Rey’s potential fall to the Dark Side. Which makes less sense in the Rey Palpatine version, because Kylo says “Don’t you feel hurt and angry that your parents left you?” And then later he says “It wasn’t their fault. Palpatine did it, not them.” Like, he tries to make her resent her parents; but then absolves her parents, and tries to blame it on Palpy instead? Why not just blame Palpatine in the first place! And that’s why she calmly tells Sheev “My parents were good people, and they loved me”; and Palpy then awkwardly has to pivot his whole plan to making vague threats against her friends instead. God, this movie just shoots itself in the foot every chance it gets.

The Rise of Skywalker: Untold - A “Rey Nobody” edit of Ep. IX | Looking for voices and VFX - Please reach out if interested!


God, this movie just shoots itself in the foot every chance it gets.

That’s what makes it so fascinating.