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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released) — Page 510


I’m not sure what the differences are but I think sade’s extended “I’m a Jedi” lands more naturally:

sade1212 said:

sherlockpotter said:

Hal 9000 said:

Also, sherlockpotter, did you stitch the very end of the “I am all the Sith” shot onto the end of “no match for the power in me”? If so, bravo, because I can’t tell unless I’m reverse engineering it. lol

All credit where it’s due: sade1212 is the one who did the incredible work restructuring Palp’s dialogue; I just stapled my line onto the end.

Yeah, I stitched the two Palpatine shots together. All the lossless footage for that, and all the necessary audio for switching Palpatine’s lines (plus my version of “I’m a Jedi”) are up on my Mega account here (My post about this is somehow now ten pages back because of how active this thread is!). I tried to not use too many files so all the (single-channel) audio clips are in the one mp3 and the Ascendant/Theatrical flavours of the stitched together Palpatine shot are both in the same mp4.


DominicCobb said:

Who was it that did the little purple/blue flash in the saber? Is that available to grab?

I want to say it was Burbin…? I could be totally off.

CaptainFaraday said:

sherlockpotter said:

sherlockpotter said:

Hal 9000 said:

Also, sherlockpotter, did you stitch the very end of the “I am all the Sith” shot onto the end of “no match for the power in me”? If so, bravo, because I can’t tell unless I’m reverse engineering it. lol

All credit where it’s due: sade1212 is the one who did the incredible work restructuring Palp’s dialogue; I just stapled my line onto the end.

On that note, how do people think this version sounds? Like Hal said before, this line especially has to be pretty much perfect: https://streamable.com/mdw8w1

Oh, and I also nudged the timing of, and added a wee little exhale after, Rey’s “I…” to fill in the gap a bit (from removing “And-”), but that can go if people don’t like it.

In the interest of making the changes to the finale as perfect as possible, I just want to double check if anyone has any issues with the demo I shared here? If no one mentions anything, I’ll assume it’s good enough and I’ll send the audio to Hal.

Just want to make sure people had the chance to see this and weigh in with any potential criticisms, given how quickly this thread moves!

Is there any other source of “am” that we could use in there? I’ve been trying to figure out what the issue I have with it is, and I’ve finally realised it’s that I hear it as “I… I’m a Jedi,” which feels weird. Unless I’m the only one who hears that, I think it’s worth trying to replace that syllable so it’s clear that it’s “I… am a Jedi.”

sade and I were both struggling to come up with a good source of “am” that sounded natural in the sequence. The cleanest solution I found was to trim some of the “th” sound off of “the Jedi.” Sade, did you come up with anything different?

I think, between sade’s version and mine, we each timed Rey’s “I” a little differently, and I added an extra pant to try and smooth over the gap a bit more. And then for “am a Jedi,” I think sade faded a little more out of the “a,” whereas I tried to leave a little more in.

It really just comes down to which version - and the microscopic variations therein - people think sounds better, which is why I wanted to get one more vote on it. sade definitely did a fantastic job with it; I think it’s honestly really nice that we came up with different options from which to choose!

The Rise of Skywalker: Untold - A “Rey Nobody” edit of Ep. IX | Looking for voices and VFX - Please reach out if interested!


No, mine is just the “I’m a-” from “I’m all the Jedi” mushed straight into the “-uh Jedi” from the end of the same phrase, with a bit of trial-and-errored overlap and fading. I didn’t add any sounds from elsewhere, just a touch of reverb to smooth over that transition a bit more.

It’s definitely “I’m a Jedi” not “I am a Jedi”, but I think if you really want the latter you’d need to find a way to stitch together a more defiant delivery of the whole line from syllables elsewhere, which is beyond my level of effort. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with Sherlock’s version; I just opted to try to copy it myself while I was doing the Palpatine line swap, rather than bother cutting it out of his streamable link.


In that case, I think it’s worth searching around a bit before locking it off. I’ll see if I can find an excuse to watch the movies and try to pick anything useful out.

“It’s like rhymetry. They poem.” - Leorge Gucas

TROS Novelisation: The Faraday Edit, TLJ: Stoic Edition, ROTS: The Faraday Nudge, ROTS Ultracut: Order 66, Kenobi: Faraday Cut, Godzilla Vs Megalon, Godzilla Vs Gigan, Godzilla: Final Wars, The Light Rises, Faraday Jr.'s Star Wars


I think it could be interesting if some form of force sound plays when Finn senses the tracking beacon aboard Pryde’s star destroyer and the force theme is playing.

Filmic Crossroads, Daniel L. Isidore


DominicCobb said:

Who was it that did the little purple/blue flash in the saber? Is that available to grab?

oops, I’m sorry I didn’t understand you were referring to the shot I edited since the ongoing combo was about the Exegol fight, glad Hal’s already got it to you.

Burbin said:

I’m not sure what the differences are but I think sade’s extended “I’m a Jedi” lands more naturally:

I was referring more to the timing and the way he stitched the shot to avoid cutting to Rey in the middle of the line, I think it works pretty seamless and flows nicely.


CaptainFaraday said:

In that case, I think it’s worth searching around a bit before locking it off. I’ll see if I can find an excuse to watch the movies and try to pick anything useful out.

Cap, if you find any candidates, I’ll happily give them a go; I did try several options though on my own, and none of them worked. Either they didn’t match her tone, or other words/sounds were blending into the “a” sound, leading to an even choppier final product.

Burbin said:

I was referring more to the timing and the way he stitched the shot to avoid cutting to Rey in the middle of the line, I think it works pretty seamless and flows nicely.

Are you talking about the video cutting from the lightsaber to Rey’s face? I only did that because someone mentioned her lips reading as “all the Jedi,” so I cut the video to avoid that. I agree with you, myself - I like the pacing better without cutting the video, but that’s not a huge issue either way. (I was going to send Hal the audio, and let him decide whether to cut the video around it or not.) Just in terms of the line audio though, do you have any strong opinions of anything that stands out?

The Rise of Skywalker: Untold - A “Rey Nobody” edit of Ep. IX | Looking for voices and VFX - Please reach out if interested!


Here’s the Mustafar Establishing shot:


Password: fanedit

Establishing shot 4

What was done:

-Speed 15x
-Color graded
-TIE’s removed
-Lavafall slowed
-Windows darkened
-Forest tracked

This is still a little longer than all 3 previous establishing shots, so I may be able to speed ramp the middle of the shot some more after everything else is finalized.

You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.
Episode 9 Rewrite, The Starlight Project (Released!) and ANH Technicolor Project (Released!)


sherlockpotter said:

Are you talking about the video cutting from the lightsaber to Rey’s face? I only did that because someone mentioned her lips reading as “all the Jedi,” so I cut the video to avoid that. I agree with you, myself - I like the pacing better without cutting the video, but that’s not a huge issue either way. (I was going to send Hal the audio, and let him decide whether to cut the video around it or not.) Just in terms of the line audio though, do you have any strong opinions of anything that stands out?

I believe sade actually stitched the shot of Rey to alter her mouth movements, so that it reads as “I’m a Jedi”, that’s what I meant works seamless/flows naturally.

As far as audio goes I don’t really have a sharp ear for issues so both sound good to me, only difference I hear is your version goes a bit faster that sade’s I think, and also there’s an audio pop on your version though that might just be the streamable compression.


Nev … bro … there’s a freakin forest. Very, very nice!

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”


NeverarGreat said:

Here’s the Mustafar Establishing shot:


Great stuff, only thing that gets me is Director Krennic’s Shuttle just parked there, hoping Popsketti can do us some First Order Tie Fighters when the time comes.

Filmic Crossroads, Daniel L. Isidore


Cinefy said:

NeverarGreat said:

Here’s the Mustafar Establishing shot:


Great stuff, only thing that gets me is Director Krennic’s Shuttle just parked there, hoping Popsketti can do us some First Order Tie Fighters when the time comes.

Honestly it’s such a small detail that you could call it an Easter egg or simply an abandoned shuttle that was left there after the Empire fell.

If we want perfection, then yeah might be good to remove it.


NeverarGreat said:

I figured that it could as easily be Kylo’s shuttle, since they have similar color and wing configurations.

Yeah I chose to pretend that as well. Kylo’s Upsilon-class shuttle is very similar to Krennic’s when on the ground. Plus at least it means we get to see something of Kylo’s shuttle, which for some reason was absent from the theatrical TROS.

The Mustafar shot is amazing, by the way. It amazes me how timely the release of the Biomes special was.


Here’s the establishing shot replacing all three of the previous shots.


Password: fanedit

I ramped the speed another 25% or so, and keyframed the vertical movement to play with the extra space and make it more dynamic. The only thing that’s missing are the TIE fighters.

If we wanted to keep the final TIE forest shot, it might work to just cut the first part of the castle shot and shift it to make room.

You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.
Episode 9 Rewrite, The Starlight Project (Released!) and ANH Technicolor Project (Released!)


NeverarGreat said:

Here’s the establishing shot replacing all three of the previous shots.


Password: fanedit

I ramped the speed another 25% or so, and keyframed the vertical movement to play with the extra space and make it more dynamic. The only thing that’s missing are the TIE fighters.

If we wanted to keep the final TIE forest shot, it might work to just cut the first part of the castle shot and shift it to make room.

I think it’s perfect with just the biomes footage. But it’s hard to say that for sure I suppose until the TIEs are put in.


@Nev, The only things that look off with it being sped up that much is the artifacts moving so quickly they don’t match the speed of the smoke, The lightning flashes are almost missable and the camera movement/speed seems to change throughout the clip. Are you time mapping it?

Love the forest and colour correction.

EDIT: Also, If that is Kylo’s Shuttle, Why would he park it so far away from the battle? Doesn’t seem right, imo

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NeverarGreat said:

Here’s the establishing shot replacing all three of the previous shots.


Password: fanedit

I ramped the speed another 25% or so, and keyframed the vertical movement to play with the extra space and make it more dynamic. The only thing that’s missing are the TIE fighters.

If we wanted to keep the final TIE forest shot, it might work to just cut the first part of the castle shot and shift it to make room.

This is quite good, very nice work. My issue here is with the speed ramp and the digital tilt. The movement speed isn’t as consistent as I might like and there are a couple moments that feel too fast, first being the tilt which could use just a little ease and then the ramp which feels too fast when it swings around the castle (not sure if you sped up more here or if the footage just does already). I wonder if honing in on a specific portion of the footage might work better with a more even pace of movement.

Or maybe just the simplest thing would be to put out a version with the even paced movement and the full frame and then Hal and others can pick which portion of the footage they want to incorporate (whether as one shot, two shot, or three or whatever).