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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released) — Page 507


EddieDean said:

I have literally nothing to add but I can’t restrain myself from outpouring huge support and admiration to all of the collaborators in this discussion and especially those producing this wonderful new collateral. This is absolutely inspirational stuff and I goddamn love this community.

Seeing everything that is being created here makes me want to make a post like this daily. The work being done on here is beautiful, I’m so glad to have found this site and everyone on here.


What’s beautiful is the amount positivity, support, praise and teamwork that’s now back on this thread. It’s truly incredible what’s being achieved here. 👏

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/


i love this community, the work being done here is amazing, you guys are geniuses!

the dark side of the force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural


Impressive, most impressive indeed. Keep it up! Who needs sleep and/or sanity.

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”


One thing can’t nobody argue with is that I finish projects. We’ll get there, and there will be a certain point at which the project will be 100% finished. Even then, though, there’ll always be more people can do with it.

My stance on revising fan edits.


@MoviesRemastered thanks for the wood sound effects! I definitely don’t have a clear vision in mind for the sound effects, so I guess I’ll just have to experiment with what you, Creation and others have given me and see what people like.

Regarding the Captain Hux line, the soundtrack already dips pretty suddenly on its own, but it is more noticeable here because I had to cut out “General” from every channel, and I pushed “Hux” back a little because I felt like the lines is more convincing when there is a pause. Because of that, the soundtracks stops sooner than it did before. I might try and play around with it some more. It’s funny how some dialogue is a breeze to remove, and then we run into this mess when we’re just trying to change one word! But we can PM about it until we have something else to show or are stuck.

@Dom, lol, I have surges of productivity and then I procrastinate for awhile. I’m actually probably gonna do the latter for a few days! “Somebody take this load off of me!”

@sherlock, it would probably be easy enough to flip the Mustafar shot so the TIEs are flying left to right!

And thanks again for more compliments and feedback everyone!


I know Hal already mentioned this, but I think it would be good to put some of our brains together and see if we can hammer out the whispering dagger stuff, and decide if we can pull it off or not. I know Sherlock has already made a lot of examples for how many of those scenes can be altered.

Just a refresher, the main changes that needed to be figured out were:

  1. Cutting 3PO’s line about knowing exactly where the Wayfinder is. He can just know it was the clue Luke was looking for.
  2. Dubbing red-eyed 3PO with a new dagger translation than makes it clear that Rey must tap into the dark side to be “guided” to the Wayfinder. (I think clarity is the key word here. Just a reminder, he can’t mention Endor because the dagger should theoretically find the Wayfinder no matter where it is.) I know Faraday may provide the voice dub for this.
  3. I think the interaction on the Destroyer when Poe asks Rey why they need the dagger should be trimmed, since they would clearly still need it based off the new translation.
  4. When Rey finds the dagger in Kylo’s quarters, she immediately picks it up, and we get a brief glimpse of the Death Star ruins. (I think priority should making this feel like it could’ve been in the theatrical film. I would suggest editing it like Rey/Kylo’s vision at the beginning of the film, but with literally just one or two shots of the Death Star. Really quick.)
  5. When Rey and Finn are back on the Falcon, have Finn say all or part of his line, “The Endor system? Where the last war ended?” Implying that Rey told them what the Wayfinder showed her. (If it has trouble fitting, perhaps we could regrade a shot of BB-8 on the Falcon to imply he is nearby, listening in. This same technique was actually used during Finn and Rey’s conversation on Ochi’s ship.)
  6. On Kef-Bir, cough, I mean Endor, cut Jannah saying they received a message from Babu Frik.

I think that covers it. And like I said before, I know Sherlock and others have made versions of most, if not all, of these changes, but it would be to good to go back and review them with fresh eyes. Perhaps Sherlock, or someone else, could collect the most recent versions of those tests that we’re shared into to a new post for us to revisit.

While I originally proposed this idea, I’m not necessarily adamant about keeping it or not. If it can work, great. If not, fine by me. I also did want to remind us of what I found to be valid criticism from Jar Jar Bricks. Basically, he worried that the audience wouldn’t understand why Rey was given a vision the second time she picked it up on the Destroyer, but not the first time she did in the Pasaana caves. Because, visually, the movie doesn’t show Rey doing anything different between the two moments she is holding the dagger.

I wonder if we could change Rey saying “No” to “Show me”. Not sure if that could be achieved by starting the vision as she is saying “me”, or more technical mouth movement effects, but it might address this concern. Or we could hear her thinking “Show me” with some other sound effects before we see the vision. (And to reiterate, I say vision, but I think it should be basically a flash. A quick glimpse.) I also think it would be good if she didn’t hear any whispers in the Pasaana caves.

I know some lamented the loss of 3PO’s Babu Frik line, which the version would require removing, so if we did go through with this change, it would be nice to find a new place for this line somewhere else in the film, either with the stormtrooper or maybe with R2 back on Ajan Kloss.

Another compromise might be to have the translation still say that the Wayfinder is where the last Death Star fell, but mention that only this blade tells those who tap into the dark side where to find it. I originally wanted to implement the more drastic changes because I felt it was easier to understand if the dagger was an ancient Sith artifact rather than a modern one Ochi apparently inscribed himself for some reason, but I think the main benefit to this whole idea is that it could contribute to Rey’s dark side temptations if we know that she is actively tapping into it in order to be led to the Wayfinder. Then again, maybe that is already clear enough with how it is presented in the film, and trying to spell it it out for the audience might be overkill.

If we decide not to go through with these changes and leave it as V1 basically has it, perhaps we could rejig axlanian’s recent suggestion of adding more Sith voices to the climax, but instead add Sith voices to the whispers Rey follows, but they could actual whisper little things that the audience can understand. Instead of the whispers only being vague jibberish, we could hear some whispers say, “Closer” “This way”, etc… Not only that, but we could throw in some whispers that contribute to that temptation idea. It could all be subtle stuff, but enough to understand that they’re not only leading her to the Wayfinder, but they’re also trying to tell her how she needs power of the dark side.

With all that being said, maybe it is not worth the amount of work that is required for this change. We might be able to iron out some dumb plot choices, but maybe that effort could be put toward more substantial changes. For example, I would like to see 3PO not get his memory back, so at least some sacrifices in this film have consequences. Then again, maybe it’s time to start closing the door on new ideas.
Anyway, just wanted to start the conversation and gauge people’s thoughts.


RogueLeader said:

I have surges of productivity and then I procrastinate for awhile. I’m actually probably gonna do the latter for a few days! “Somebody take this load off of me!”

Story of my life! haha. Just drop me a line when you’re ready…

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/


RogueLeader said:

Regarding the Captain Hux line, the soundtrack already dips pretty suddenly on its own, but it is more noticeable here because I had to cut out “General” from every channel, and I pushed “Hux” back a little because I felt like the lines is more convincing when there is a pause. Because of that, the soundtracks stops sooner than it did before. I might try and play around with it some more. It’s funny how some dialogue is a breeze to remove, and then we run into this mess when we’re just trying to change one word! But we can PM about it until we have something else to show or are stuck.

Would it be possible to loop some audio from the pause after he says “General Hux”? And then just insert “Captain” into the new gap. That would allow the timing of the line delivery to play out pretty much how it did before, I think.

The Rise of Skywalker: Untold - A “Rey Nobody” edit of Ep. IX | Looking for voices and VFX - Please reach out if interested!


RogueLeader said:

I know Hal already mentioned this, but I think it would be good to put some of our brains together and see if we can hammer out the whispering dagger stuff, and decide if we can pull it off or not. I know Sherlock has already made a lot of examples for how many of those scenes can be altered.

Just a refresher, the main changes that needed to be figured out were:

  1. Cutting 3PO’s line about knowing exactly where the Wayfinder is. He can just know it was the clue Luke was looking for.
  2. Dubbing red-eyed 3PO with a new dagger translation than makes it clear that Rey must tap into the dark side to be “guided” to the Wayfinder. (I think clarity is the key word here. Just a reminder, he can’t mention Endor because the dagger should theoretically find the Wayfinder no matter where it is.) I know Faraday may provide the voice dub for this.
  3. I think the interaction on the Destroyer when Poe asks Rey why they need the dagger should be trimmed, since they would clearly still need it based off the new translation.
  4. When Rey finds the dagger in Kylo’s quarters, she immediately picks it up, and we get a brief glimpse of the Death Star ruins. (I think priority should making this feel like it could’ve been in the theatrical film. I would suggest editing it like Rey/Kylo’s vision at the beginning of the film, but with literally just one or two shots of the Death Star. Really quick.)
  5. When Rey and Finn are back on the Falcon, have Finn say all or part of his line, “The Endor system? Where the last war ended?” Implying that Rey told them what the Wayfinder showed her. (If it has trouble fitting, perhaps we could regrade a shot of BB-8 on the Falcon to imply he is nearby, listening in. This same technique was actually used during Finn and Rey’s conversation on Ochi’s ship.)
  6. On Kef-Bir, cough, I mean Endor, cut Jannah saying they received a message from Babu Frik.

Here are my mockups for changes one and six. These are mainly just proof-of-concepts, so if anyone has ideas that they think would work better, feel free! I also have been working on a somewhat radical idea regarding number five, which has required a bit more work than I was anticipating; but I should have something to present tonight or tomorrow.

For some reason, I thought a few people had already started working on potential recordings for number two. Was there any new information on that front? And for three, since that scene is pretty much a oner and any cuts would probably be obvious, could we maybe redub Poe to say something like “How will you find it?” Or maybe “Where?” “[I have] a feeling…”

For four, I think it should be more than just a quick flash; I agree that it should resemble the visions in other points of the film. I’m thinking maybe a shot of the exterior (maybe even taken from ROTJ), the Throne Room (could crop a shot from the 4K source, to remove Rey), the Wayfinder itself in the storage closet, and then maybe a flash of Palpatine at the end, taken from later in the film, just to reiterate that he’s the looming threat here. I think the trickiest part will be matching the audio design of the other visions - maybe Dom could lend his expertise, based on his work on the Mask Vision?

Jar Jar Bricks…worried that the audience wouldn’t understand why Rey was given a vision the second time she picked it up on the Destroyer, but not the first time she did in the Pasaana caves. Because, visually, the movie doesn’t show Rey doing anything different between the two moments she is holding the dagger.

I was thinking perhaps Rey’s eyes could turn yellow at this point, to show her tapping into the Dark Side?

If we decide not to go through with these changes and leave it as V1 basically has it, perhaps we could rejig axlanian’s recent suggestion of adding more Sith voices to the climax, but instead add Sith voices to the whispers Rey follows, but they could actual whisper little things that the audience can understand. Instead of the whispers only being vague jibberish, we could hear some whispers say, “Closer” “This way”, etc… Not only that, but we could throw in some whispers that contribute to that temptation idea. It could all be subtle stuff, but enough to understand that they’re not only leading her to the Wayfinder, but they’re also trying to tell her how she needs power of the dark side.

I’d be down for this. It kind of sounds like the Sith Whispers already, but just a little more explicit. The added whispers could also be really cool when Rey is wandering around Exegol, as they guide her to Palpatine…

With all that being said, maybe it is not worth the amount of work that is required for this change. We might be able to iron out some dumb plot choices, but maybe that effort could be put toward more substantial changes. For example, I would like to see 3PO not get his memory back, so at least some sacrifices in this film have consequences. Then again, maybe it’s time to start closing the door on new ideas.

I’m pretty sure Hal said he’s fine with 3PO getting his memories back. But at this point, the only substantial things that would really be left to do for the Dagger are the new translation recording, and the vision sequence itself.

The Rise of Skywalker: Untold - A “Rey Nobody” edit of Ep. IX | Looking for voices and VFX - Please reach out if interested!


sherlockpotter said:

I’d be down for this. It kind of sounds like the Sith Whispers already, but just a little more explicit. The added whispers could also be really cool when Rey is wandering around Exegol, as they guide her to Palpatine…

Sherlock, did you hear my Sith voices test for the climax? I’d be totally down to make a sound pack of clips like this (not the Palpatine voice doubling, I’m still trying to make that work) so they could be added wherever you want.



axlanian said:


No idea where they’re intended to go, but honestly those ‘sith whispers’ are very out of place during that moment really pulls you out of the climatic moment with Rey and Palpatine.

Filmic Crossroads, Daniel L. Isidore


Cinefy said:

axlanian said:


No idea where they’re intended to go, but honestly those ‘sith whispers’ are very out of place during that moment really pulls you out of the climatic moment with Rey and Palpatine.

If it’s strictly Palpatine vs. Rey, then yeah I agree. I’m working on emphasizing the “I am all the Sith” idea throughout the movie, with Palpatine’s current body literally containing the spirits of the Sith that came before him. If this is included, it wouldn’t come out of nowhere, it would be built up throughout the movie whenever Palpatine speaks.


Personally speaking, I do like the idea of having the Sith Whispers being in this final confrontation as being a last temptation sort of thing (even though it doesn’t really make sense in a 1:1 interpretation since Palp’s is trying to kill her at this point but whatever).

However, I’m really not a fan of the echo voice for Palpatine. It just seems really hokey to me (although you have done excellent work with it, Axlanian!)

EDIT: Here’s a really rough mockup of what I was thinking for this scene using Axlanian’s whispers, Hal’s whispers and SWTOR whispers for the final scene that I posted in here. It kind of got glossed over though. lol

BrotherOfSasquatch said:

I have two versions of the scene. The one that I’ve preferred this entire time (having Palp’s final line being “You are nothing!”): https://streamable.com/am0y0m

And then there’s the version most of you guys seem to prefer and the one you’ve been all doing your edits with (having Palp’s last line be the “Scavanger girl” line): https://streamable.com/jl01wu


BrotherOfSasquatch said:

Personally speaking, I do like the idea of having the Sith Whispers being in this final confrontation as being a last temptation sort of thing (even though it doesn’t really make sense in a 1:1 interpretation since Palp’s is trying to kill her at this point but whatever).

However, I’m really not a fan of the echo voice for Palpatine. It just seems really hokey to me (although you have done excellent work with it, Axlanian!)

Yeah, I’m still playing with the Palpatine voice thing. Right now I’m trying to just pitch his actual voice down to get something closer to his voice in Episode III after the Mace Windu confrontation. I feel like there’s something to this idea, but I’ll post a different version this weekend. But in my head, it’s less of a “last temptation” (I’m doing that too though, with Sith whispers on Exegol while Palpatine’s still trying to get her to kill him) and more like the disembodied Sith are all piling on her to try to break her at the most crucial moment.


axlanian said:

Yeah, I’m still playing with the Palpatine voice thing. Right now I’m trying to just pitch his actual voice down to get something closer to his voice in Episode III after the Mace Windu confrontation. I feel like there’s something to this idea, but I’ll post a different version this weekend. But in my head, it’s less of a “last temptation” (I’m doing that too though, with Sith whispers on Exegol while Palpatine’s still trying to get her to kill him) and more like the disembodied Sith are all piling on her to try to break her at the most crucial moment.

i think the whispers could work really well, but to me, they shouldn’t appear just in the end, they could be there in Exegol since the first Kylo enters the temple, like the ghostly voices of the past sith lurking in that darkside madness, they could be really suttle in the beggining, appearing here and there, and getting stronger closer to the end, taking a bigger leap when Palps regenerates.
I like the idea of playing around with the theme of death of the sith, the temple being a haunted house, etc. Also, since the voices being recorded would come from the community, it could be used to stitch somethings if needed, like reenforce the idea of Rey being a nobody in the upcomming Rey Nobody Cut, who knows.
Also, i don’t think the echo in Palpatine voice works, it’s just too much.

the dark side of the force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural


oviniboy said:

i think the whispers could work really well, but to me, they shouldn’t appear just in the end, they could be there in Exegol since the first Kylo enters the temple, like the ghostly voices of the past sith lurking in that darkside madness, they could be really suttle in the beggining, appearing here and there, and getting stronger closer to the end, taking a bigger leap when Palps regenerates.

Yup, this is the plan.

oviniboy said:

Also, i don’t think the echo in Palpatine voice works, it’s just too much.

I agree, but I’m gonna keep trying different effects on it to hopefully get something that works. If it doesn’t, no big deal.


Personally not a fan of the “voices”. The film offers a simple explanation: the spirits of the Sith live inside Palpatine, that’s it. It’s fine that this concept is only introduced in this film because it just builds on Palpatine’s character of pure evil, I wouldn’t want to overcomplicate things, it would be retroactively odd to never see or hear anything like that from Palpatine anywhere else before. Maybe it could work to replicate the raspy voice from ep. III as a callback(though I don’t think it’s necessary), but not anything as excessive as a legion of voices.

I don’t like the parallel to the Jedi voices, it basically puts them on equal ground, where I feel it works better to imply the Sith are essentially trapped inside Palpatine as a hive mind whereas the Jedi are free individuals who each have their own free will and literally stand on their own.

And there’s also the issue of muddling things even more, firstly with the opening scene where Palpatine speaks in the voices of Vader and Snoke, despite neither of them being part of the Sith conglomerate, and secondly with the whispering dagger, which I think should stand as it’s own separate dark side thing, and not imply Palpatine is literally guiding Rey around, specially since Hal has removed the “I never wanted you dead” angle and the film is already stuffed with “Palpatine was behind it all” elements. Just my two cents on the matter…


Burbin said:

Personally not a fan of the “voices”. The film offers a simple explanation: the spirits of the Sith live inside Palpatine, that’s it. It’s fine that this concept is only introduced in this film because it just builds on Palpatine’s character of pure evil, I wouldn’t want to overcomplicate things, it would be retroactively odd to never see or hear anything like that from Palpatine anywhere else before. Maybe it could work to replicate the raspy voice from ep. III as a callback(though I don’t think it’s necessary), but not anything as excessive as a legion of voices.

I don’t like the parallel to the Jedi voices, it basically puts them on equal ground, where I feel it works better to imply the Sith are essentially trapped inside Palpatine as a hive mind whereas the Jedi are free individuals who each have their own free will and literally stand on their own.

And there’s also the issue of muddling things even more, firstly with the opening scene where Palpatine speaks in the voices of Vader and Snoke, despite neither of them being part of the Sith conglomerate, and secondly with the whispering dagger, which I think should stand as it’s own separate dark side thing, and not imply Palpatine is literally guiding Rey around, specially since Hal has removed the “I never wanted you dead” angle and the film is already stuffed with “Palpatine was behind it all” elements. Just my two cents on the matter…

I personally agree with this. Although I can appreciate the sound editing work that’s being done, I think it’s thematically stronger to leave it as it currently is.

“It’s like rhymetry. They poem.” - Leorge Gucas

TROS Novelisation: The Faraday Edit, TLJ: Stoic Edition, ROTS: The Faraday Nudge, ROTS Ultracut: Order 66, Kenobi: Faraday Cut, Godzilla Vs Megalon, Godzilla Vs Gigan, Godzilla: Final Wars, The Light Rises, Faraday Jr.'s Star Wars


How is the progress on the crackly saber? i lost the track on that.


I agree with those points. (Of course personally I want to remove the “all the sith” stuff to focus on Palps, but that’s an adjustment I’ll try to make myself)

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”


axlanian said:

If it’s strictly Palpatine vs. Rey, then yeah I agree. I’m working on emphasizing the “I am all the Sith” idea throughout the movie, with Palpatine’s current body literally containing the spirits of the Sith that came before him. If this is included, it wouldn’t come out of nowhere, it would be built up throughout the movie whenever Palpatine speaks.

I definitely would like to see Palpatine’s Sith scream - most will know from Revenge Of The Sith; implemented into his death some how.

Filmic Crossroads, Daniel L. Isidore