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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released) — Page 349


Oh dear…

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”


dgraham414 said:

The concept art may not show a broken crystal but the movie clearly shows it in two pieces

Oh, I thought it was just a part of the hilt, but you’re probably right.


jarbear said:

Oh dear…

Ha, I understand. I personally don’t like the stormtrooper scene, as I feel it’s “too video-gamey,” has weird camera movement we don’t see elsewhere, and doesn’t add anything of value that our establishing shots didn’t already.

But, perhaps hypocritically, I’m still hoping that Ajan Kloss can somehow be made passable enough, because I thinks the breathing room and sense of geography it provides may be worth it looking like a shot from Revenge of the Sith.


I took a shot at the Ajan Kloss clip Neerb sent yesterday:

pw: fanedit

I denoised it a little first, then re-interpreted the footage to playback at 24 instead of 60, giving you a much slower shot. Then, re-added some film grain and blur to try to soften it a little, and I tried a neutral color balance.

There’s a few issues with it.
(I’d recommend downloading it to look at it closely, link is downloadable and the “original” file is prores).
For one, the original game render has a few glitches, which you can see in the flickering elements towards the bottom of the frame at around 2-3 seconds in (near those barrels? things?).

The main thing that bugs me is all the moire and aliasing around the leaves. Denoiser and blur didn’t fix that unfortunately. I don’t know much about video game render engines, but if it could be rendered with a bit less sharp detail it might provide a more usable clip. I think?


Here’s a new recording to use as a base, this time with the previous washed-out problem corrected (there’s an issue with trying to record HDR on PS5). It’s got better color and more noticeable level of detail now. As an added bonus, the random falling leaves were much kinder this time around (the last clip had two giant leaves fall right in front of the camera).


Unfortunately I’m not sure I’m gonna get a better source than this without building a gaming PC (not happening soon lol), finding a better recording online (haven’t succeeded so far), or Battlefront 2 getting an official PS5 upgrade (not impossible, but I’m not betting on it). But poppasketti’s try on the last clip looked pretty good given the circumstances imo, so maybe this new recording can push it a little farther?

Edit: the game does have a few visual settings on consoles. Motion blur, filmic effects (chromatic aberration and vignette), film grain, and lens distortion. But I’m not sure any of those solve any issues in a way that wouldn’t be done better by hand in post (I had them all turned off here).


DZ-330 said:

Quick mockup of Mustafar:

The shot before Kylo needs to be cleaned and slightly extended.

I think this sequence of shots works better for me, but the castle shot still needs a lot of work. The TIES look like cardboard cutouts and not 3 dimensional objects.


Thanks for all the effort on that establishing shot but it does still look like pre-viz. 😕

And I think the current state of Mustafar is better than that mock-up and I’m happy with merely adding two shots of the TIEs to slow the pacing, with the existing musical track extended backward to cover.

My stance on revising fan edits.


Im sorry to be the voice of pessimism but I don’t understand the push for using video game footage. No matter what tweaking can be done, it can’t pass as being real. The textures, lighting, contract, camera movement, artifacts (the magically appear) that will always stick out.

And yes I get people can truly believe or from their view/perspective they can’t tell the difference … that really isn’t a good reason to use it. It’s a bit like me taking a color blind test (which I am color blind) and say “I don’t see a pattern/etc. so it doesn’t exist” when yes … it does exist.

I appreciate the passion people have since without it, fan edits wouldn’t happen. Also people have different goals for fan edits, from being conservative to ratical.

The saying comes to mind “If you put lipstick on a pig, it’s still a pig.” Video game graphics get better and better, but it’s still not realistic and the brain will tell you “something is wrong” because it cannot 100% simulate realism, with some of the points I mentioned earlier about textures, lighting, etc.

I know this is Hal’s edit and he can do whatever he wants, I get that … I just can’t understand the push for it. If he says “I’m doing it” then I’ll accept it and move on. (But will for sure take it out using iMovie. Lol)

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”


Honestly I agree with jarbear. None of the video game footage works for me at all. Also, I feel like any/all of the castle shots need more work put into them. At this point I feel like V2 should just be V1 untouched.


I agree with Octorox about the TIE Fighters’ motion not matching the camera’s, so I’ve been thinking… would it be more convincing to just create a still shot of the castle, put TIE fighters over it, and add some slight grain to hide the fact that it’s a still image?

You’ve got to ask yourself one question: “Am I making Carrie Fisher’s ghost proud?”
Well, are ya, punk?


I want to be clear that I’m not trying to disparage the work of anyone in this community. Creating new effects shots that don’t feel out of place in 275 million dollar movie is not easy. I just feel like we haven’t quite gotten there yet.


And here is one last attempt at this shot with a new set of filters using the newly provided recording by Neerb. Colors remain a bit more saturated this time and the black levels/shadows should be darker and more natural. I’m also keeping it at very high bitrate 1080p for now and using a very tiny amount of blur to reduce the AA effect. Not going to bother with the 4K version this time without a native 4K recording.


Without eliminating things like the tiny amounts of pop-in, I’m not sure how much more we can reasonably improve this.


I agree: the video game shot doesn’t work but only because it’s beyond our reach. I appreciate all the R&D to pursue possibilities, even if the result is to choose to forego it from an informed place.

My stance on revising fan edits.


My counterargument would be that it’s still worth including because of what it adds to the movie, like using DVD deleted scenes that don’t match the BR quality of the surrounding scenes. But that’s a subjective choice about what you think is more important in an edit, and if the goal is to create a version of TROS you could show to someone who never saw the original and not have them realise you’d edited it, then I agree that the game footage has got to go. I think it looks fine, but the majority of people don’t.

“It’s like rhymetry. They poem.” - Leorge Gucas

TROS Novelisation: The Faraday Edit, TLJ: Stoic Edition, ROTS: The Faraday Nudge, ROTS Ultracut: Order 66, Kenobi: Faraday Cut, Godzilla Vs Megalon, Godzilla Vs Gigan, Godzilla: Final Wars, The Light Rises, Faraday Jr.'s Star Wars


The issue with the Ties is because it’s a pre-rendered 720p greenscreen clip next to the castle and Poppa used Element 3d for the Forrest flyover but I don’t think anyone else other than Poppa knows how to use that program on here so that’s all we have right now.

I don’t think the shot of the Corvette works 1) You can’t get away from it looking like game footage, unlike the stormtrooper shot. 2) The pacing and way it’s shot just doesn’t fit the transition, IMO.

Jarbear good to see another colourblind brother on here but I edited the whole of SOlo just using iMovie so don’t knock it 😉 haha

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/


Movies Remastered said:

Jarbear good to see another colourblind brother on here but I edited the whole of SOlo just using iMovie so don’t knock it 😉 haha

Color blind and uses iMovie? My man!

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”


Does Vader’s TIE have the ability to go to lightspeed?

The name’s Lawson. Noah Lawson.


Just checked Wookiepedia, it has a hyperdrive system in both Legends and Canon. We’re good to go. I guess flying his grandfather’s TIE fighter is very appropriate for him. Now imagine if poppasketti did a version with Anakin’s Jedi Starfighter from Revenge of the Sith along with the DeLorean and the Titanic.


The name’s Lawson. Noah Lawson.


Hal 9000 said:

Vader’s TIE won out over the shuttle 70/30 with 110 votes.

Yes please!

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”


I’m sure this point has probably been discussed before, but what do you guys think of this edit?


I delayed the “my boy” line to slow the pace of Palpatine’s revelation, and give it more weight. Having the line “I made Snoke” during the reveal of the twisted technology of the Sith Cultists gives a more subtle context to Snoke’s origin. It takes on the subtle connection that maybe Snoke was created using similar devices (without showing a jar full of Snokes).

Personally I hate the line “I have been every voice…” because it’s not only a dumb excuse to hear Vader’s voice for nostalgia/fanservice, but it also takes away all agency from Snoke, and thus completely undermines the struggles of the previous two movies, where Snoke stood as the big evil. I think it’s fine to imply Snoke was a manufactured being, just for the sake of closure to Snoke’s mysterious ‘origins’ that were never dealt with in the previous movies (and that’s also something The Mandalorian seems to be expanding), but he should be kept as his own character.

If Palpatine only says “I made Snoke… the First Order was just the beggining” we get enough to connect things without raising even more questions, such as whether Snoke was even a real character or just a puppet. Now it could even be seen as Palpatine taking too much credit, where he might have had something to do with Snoke’s origins, but Snoke built his own Empire on his own, and found and turned Ben Solo on his own, and the events in TFA and TLJ are not painted in a lesser context. Unless you read expanded material which this change wouldn’t contradict.

Furthermore the idea of Palpatine “altering” his voice is really odd and it’s not something we ever see again, and the implication that he talked to Kylo using Vader’s voice all this time is a pretty dumb and unnecessary “explanation” for Kylo’s obsession with Vader in TFA, it takes away from Kylo’s character and it further takes away from Snoke being the one who turned him to the dark.


Movies Remastered said:

The issue with the Ties is because it’s a pre-rendered 720p greenscreen clip next to the castle and Poppa used Element 3d for the Forrest flyover but I don’t think anyone else other than Poppa knows how to use that program on here so that’s all we have right now.

Yeah I’d like to help with the Cinema4D effects work, but I’m afraid I just don’t have the time.

Agreed about the Ajan Kloss clip. It was worth a shot. Thanks Neerb for providing those recordings, and hedgesmfg for your efforts as well!